A Computer Analysis of Energy Use and Energy Conservation Options for a Twelve Story Office Building in Austin, Texas


The energy use of the Travis Building at Austin, Texas was analyzed using the DOE 2.1B building energy simulation program. An analysis was made for the building as specified in the building plans and as operated by the personnel currently occupying the building. The energy consumption of the building was compared with the energy consumption of the building modified to comply with the proposed ASHRAE 90.1p standards. The base design and the ASHRAE design of the Travis building were evaluated in Brownsville, Houston, Lubbock, and El Paso to study the influence of the weather on its energy consumption. In addition, a glass with high reflectivity and low overall heat transfer coefficient was used to study the reduction of glass conduction and glass solar loads. Finally, the energy consumption of the modified building was compared with the energy consumption of the modified building which conformed to the California energy standards

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