864 research outputs found

    Fish Eating Birds Can Spread Bacterial Diseases Between Catfish Ponds

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    Severe outbreaks of Motile Aeromonad Septicemia disease in commercial catfish aquaculture ponds have been associated with a virulent Aeromonas hydrophila strain (VAh) that is genetically distinct from less virulent strains. We demonstrated that Great Egrets (Arde alba), Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus), American White Pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos), and Wood Storks (Mycteria americana) can carry and shed viable VAh after consuming fish infected with Vah. Edwardsiella ictaluri and E. tarda are considered the primary species of Edwardsiella to cause disease outbreaks in North American catfish aquaculture. Genetic analysis has determined that most isolates designated as E. tarda were actually a new species, E. piscicida. There has been an increase in E. piscicida diagnostic cases in recent years possibly due to an increase in hybrid (Channel x blue) catfish production. We conducted a study to determine if Great Egrets (Ardea alba) shed viable E. piscicida when fed catfish infected with the bacteria. Great Egrets fed infected fish shed viable E. piscicida bacteria for multiple days, (Table 1), after last consuming infected fish on day 2 of the study. Great Egrets in the control group did not shed the bacteria. Given that Great Egrets can shed viable E. piscicida after consuming diseased fish, we hypothesize that they could also serve as a reservoir for E. piscicida and could spread the pathogen while predating fish in catfish ponds. Additional research is needed to determine if this shedding could cause disease in these ponds

    Potential of Double-crested Cormorants (\u3ci\u3ePhalacrocorax auritus\u3c/i\u3e), American White Pelicans (\u3ci\u3ePelecanus erythrorhynchos\u3c/i\u3e), and Wood Storks (\u3ci\u3eMycteria americana\u3c/i\u3e) to Transmit a Hypervirulent Strain of \u3ci\u3eAeromonas hydrophila\u3c/i\u3e between Channel Catfish Culture Ponds

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    Aeromonas hydrophila is a Gramnegative bacterium ubiquitous to freshwater and brackish aquatic environments that can cause disease in fish, humans, reptiles, and birds. Recent severe outbreaks of disease in commercial channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) aquaculture ponds have been associated with a hypervirulent Aeromonas hydrophila strain (VAH) that is genetically distinct from less virulent strains. The epidemiology of this disease has not been determined. Given that research has shown that Great Egrets (Ardea alba) can shed viable hypervirulent A. hydrophila after consuming diseased fish, we hypothesized that Doublecrested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus), American White Pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos), and Wood Storks (Mycteria americana) could also serve as a reservoir for VAH and spread the pathogen during predation of fish in uninfected catfish ponds. All three species, when fed VAH-infected catfish, shed viable VAH in their feces, demonstrating their potential to spread VAH

    Using pentosidine and hydroxyproline to predict age and sex in an avian species

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    All living organisms are subject to senescence accompanied by progressive and irreversible physiological changes. The error damage and cross-linking theories suggest that cells and tissues are damaged by an accumulation of cross-linked proteins, slowing down bodily processes and resulting in aging. A major category of these cross-linked proteins are compounds called advanced glycation end products (AGEs). We investigated the relationship between accumulation of the AGE, pentosidine (Ps), and hydroxyproline (HYP) a post-translationally modified amino acid, with age, sex, and breeding status (breeder/ nonbreeder) from skin samples of known age (i.e., banded as fledglings), free-ranging Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus, Lesson 1831). We developed multivariate models and evaluated the predictive capability of our models for determining age and breeding versus nonbreeding birds. We found significant relationships with Ps and HYP concentration and age, and Ps concentration and sex. Based on our two-class model using Ps and HYP as explanatory variables, we were able to accurately determine whether a cormorant was a breeder or nonbreeder in 83.5% of modeled classifications. Our data indicate that Ps and HYP concentrations can be used to determine breeding status of cormorants and potentially age of cormorants although sex-specific models may be necessary. Although the accumulation of Ps explained the greatest amount of variance in breeding status and age, importantly, Ps covaried with HYP and combined improved prediction of these demographics in cormorants. Our data support the error damage and cross-linking theories of aging. Both Ps and HYP increase predictably in cormorants and are predictive of age and breeding status. Given the ubiquity of these biomarkers across taxa, their use in estimating demographic characteristics of animals could provide a powerful tool in animal ecology, conservation, and management

    Double-crested cormorant colony effects on soil chemistry, vegetation structure and avian diversity

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    Effects of Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) on vegetation, soil chemistry and tree health have been documented from their breeding colonies in the northern breeding grounds of Canada and the United States (U.S.) but not for areas within the southeastern United States where breeding activity is relatively novel. We compared vegetation and tree metrics such as structure diversity, and soil chemistry among colony islands, uninhabited islands, and abandoned colony islands within Guntersville Reservoir, a temperate forest ecosystem. Avian diversity and community structure were also quantified on these islands. Concentrations of potassium (K), phosphorus (P) and nitrate (NO3 −) in soil were negatively related to cormorant use, while tree diversity was lower on historic (tree mean=4.35 ± 2.46 species) and colony (tree mean=3.91 ± 3.12 species) islands relative to reference islands (tree mean=9.11 ± 3.88 species). Canopy cover was less (min:\u3c20%), and midstories denser on colony and historic islands relative to reference islands. Avian diversity was significantly lower for colony islands (mean=6 ± 3 species) than both reference (11 ± 7 species) and historic (10 ± 7 species) islands. These effects of cormorant nesting can be seen even after 10 years of colony abandonment supporting that cormorants can have long-term effects on insular habitats in temperate forest ecosystems

    Space Use and Movements of Southeastern Breeding Double-Crested Cormorants (\u3ci\u3eNannopterum auritum\u3c/i\u3e) in the United States

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    Abstract: Seasonal movements of Double-crested Cormorants (Nannopterum auritum) have been studied at breeding and wintering sites in the southeastern United States, but little information exists on the movements of these birds within and from their southern breeding sites in lacustrine systems. Since 2001, cormorants have established nesting colonies on islands in Guntersville Reservoir in Alabama, USA. Following the movements of tagged cormorants using satellite telemetry, we found that the mean home range during the 2017 breeding season (May–August) was 41.76 km2, with a core use area of 6.36 km2. The mean home range used by these birds was largest during the period coinciding with incubation: 9–30 May: (98.86 ± 80.64 km2) compared with the chick-rearing 31 May–4 July: 18.30 ± 22.56 km2), and the post-fledge periods (5 July–15 August: 42.04 ± 30.95 km2). There was no significant difference in the metrics of movement and space use between male and female cormorants assessed in this study. Differences in space used by cormorants breeding in Alabama relative to their northern breeding grounds may be explained by landscape characteristics and availability of prey

    Migratory Flyways May Affect Population Structure in Double‐Crested Cormorants

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    Double‐crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) recovered from a demographic bottleneck so well that they are now considered a nuisance species at breeding and wintering grounds across the United States and Canada. Management of this species could be improved by refining genetic population boundaries and assigning individuals to their natal population. Further, recent radio‐telemetry data suggest the existence of Interior and Atlantic migratory flyways, which could reduce gene flow and result in substantial genetic isolation. In this study, we used 1,784 individuals collected across the eastern United States, a large panel of microsatellite markers developed for this species, and individuals banded as chicks and recaptured as adults to explore the effects of migratory flyways on population structure, quantify the genetic effects of demographic bottlenecks, and determine whether individuals could be assigned to their natal population based on genotype. We found evidence for genetic population division only along migratory flyways, no evidence of genetic bottlenecks, and mixed effectiveness of assignment tests. Our population structure findings suggest that gene flow is high across large scales; for example, individuals from New York, Minnesota, and Alabama are all in panmixia. We also found that traditional subspecies ranges may not be valid because \u3e1 subspecies was present in single genetic populations. The lack of evidence for genetic bottlenecks also likely underscores the vagility of this species, suggesting that even during demographic bottlenecks, populations were not isolated from allelic exchange. Finally, the failure of assignment tests to consistently perform is likely due in part to imperfect a priori sampling of Atlantic and Interior chicks and the high vagility of adults. We conclude that the demographic bottleneck is not likely to have reduced genetic diversity, and that assignment tests remain unreliable for this species. We recommend double-crested cormorants be managed by flyway. Further development of genomic resources in this species could improve population subdivision resolution, improve assignment tests, and reveal further information on demographic histories

    Movement of \u3ci\u3eHypophthalmichthys\u3c/i\u3e DNA in the Illinois River Watershed by the Double-Crested Cormorant (\u3ci\u3ePhalacrocorax auritus\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Paired throat and cloacal swabs, along with feather samples, from nesting Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) at two sites in Illinois, USA, were tested for presence of invasive bigheaded carp (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) DNA. We also used DNA from the feather calamus to determine cormorant sex. Throat and cloacal swabs from cormorants at both locations tested positive for DNA from silver carp (H. molitrix), but none tested positive for bighead carp (H. nobilis). Hypophthalmichthys DNA was not detected on feathers. There were no significant differences among positive Hypophthalmichthys DNA detection frequencies between cormorant sexes. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of silver carp as part of the Double-crested Cormorant diet in North America. Hypophthalmichthys are major invasive species of concern in this region, the detection of water-borne environmental DNA of Hypophthalmichthys is an important monitoring tool, and the potential movement of DNA via piscivorous birds may have significant implications for interpreting environmental DNA monitoring data

    Effects of Repeated Sublethal External Exposure to Deep Water Horizon Oil on the Avian Metabolome

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    We assessed adverse effects of external sublethal exposure of Deepwater Horizon, Mississippi Canyon 252 oil on plasma and liver metabolome profiles of the double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus), a large (1.5 to 3.0 kg) diving waterbird common in the Gulf of Mexico. Metabolomics analysis of avian plasma showed significant negative effects on avian metabolic profiles, in some cases after only two external exposures (26 g cumulative) to oil. We observed significant (p \u3c 0.05) changes in intermediate metabolites of energy metabolism and fatty acid and amino acid metabolic pathways in cormorants after repeated exposure to oil. Exposure to oil increased several metabolites (glycine, betaine, serine and methionine) that are essential to the one-carbon metabolism pathway. Lipid metabolism was affected, causing an increase in production of ketone bodies, suggesting lipids were used as an alternative energy source for energy production in oil exposed birds. In addition, metabolites associated with hepatic bile acid metabolism were affected by oil exposure which was correlated with changes observed in bile acids in exposed birds. These changes at the most basic level of phenotypic expression caused by sublethal exposure to oil can have effects that would be detrimental to reproduction, migration, and survival in avian species

    Foraging Ecology and Distribution of Scaup (Aythya spp.) on Arkansas Commercial Baitfish and Sportfish Farms

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    Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis)and Greater Scaup (Aythya marila) have been reported to consume substantial quantities of golden shiners (Notemigonus crysoleucas), fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas), goldfish (Carassius auratus), and sunfish (Lepomis spp.) produced on Arkansas commercial baitfish and sportfish farms. The goals of this study were to investigate foraging ecology and distribution of Scaup at these facilities, and use this information to assist producers in administering bird harassment efforts more efficiently. During typical wintering period for Scaup in Arkansas (November-March), we conducted approximately 1,400 pond surveys to estimate abundance and distribution of scaup on farms in 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. Information related to pond size, fish species, fish size, and stocking density, were also obtained to enable a more detailed analysis of Scaup use. We also collected 561 Scaup from these facilities to quantify the proportion of diet obtained from fish. There was an increase in Scaup abundance and fish consumption between the first to the second winter, likely attributed to cooler temperatures during the second winter. Our distribution model predicted an increased probability of Scaup use on larger ponds containing high densities of fish, while diet analysis indicated increased fish consumption during colder winter periods. Our results can be used by farm managers to designate resources for bird harassment to particular locations and times of the winter when scaup are more likely to negatively impact the fish crop

    Depredation Impact of Double-Crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) on Commercial Catfish Production in the Mississippi Delta

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    Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) impact United States commercial aquaculture and are considered the greatest avian predators on catfish (Ictalurus spp.) aquaculture facilities. Cormorants are especially problematic in the Delta region in western Mississippi, where catfish production is concentrated providing ideal wintering and foraging areas. Although cormorant/aquaculture dynamics have been studied, recent changes in aquaculture practices, regulatory policies, and decreased overall hectares in production merit contemporary research. Therefore, we estimated abundance and distribution of cormorants at their night roosts and assessed diet related to catfish consumption. Aerial surveys of cormorant night roosts were flown from October through April, 2016-2018. Following each survey, three active night roosts were randomly selected for harvesting cormorants for later necropsy and stomach contents assessment. We completed 25 total surveys and counted an average of 23,379 cormorants (range 5,026 to 40,535) pooled over years (corrected for observer and method bias). A total of 728 cormorants from 27 different night roosts were collected across years. Survey count models estimated 4.2 and 5 million cormorant forage days in the Delta during winters 2016-2017 and 2017-2018, respectively. Throughout the study, catfish comprised 33% of the prey biomass detected; shad (Dorosoma spp.) also were dominant (58%) prey. Evidence suggests that the area of catfish aquaculture surrounding a night roost within a 30.6-km forage buffer is an important predictor for a bird’s relative amount of catfish consumption. These results will inform wildlife managers regarding relationships between cormorant night roost locations in the Delta and disproportionate consumption of catfish, enhancing techniques to reduce fish losses on aquaculture facilities