283 research outputs found

    The neuro-computational role of uncertainty in anxiety

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    Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders and comprise a large number of years lost to disability. The work in this thesis is oriented towards understanding anxiety using a computational approach, focusing on uncertainty estimation as a key process. Chapter 1 introduces the role of uncertainty within anxiety and motivates the subsequent experimental chapters. Chapter 2 is a review of the computational role of the amygdala in humans, a key area for uncertainty computation. Chapter 3 is an experimental chapter which aimed to address gaps in the literature highlighted in the preceding chapters, namely the link between sensory uncertainty processing and anxiety and the role of the amygdala in this process. This chapter focuses on the development of a novel computational hierarchical Bayesian model to quantify sensory uncertainty and its application to neuroimaging data, with intolerance of uncertainty relating to greater neural activation in the insula but not amygdala. Chapter 4 targets the computational mechanisms underlying the negative self-bias observed in subclinical social anxiety. Again, this chapter focuses on the development of novel computational belief-update models which explicitly model uncertainty. Here, we see that a reduced trait self-positivity underpins this negative social evaluation process. The final experimental chapter presented in Chapter 5 investigates the link between different computational mechanisms, such as uncertainty, and a range of mood and anxiety symptomatology. This study revealed cognitive, social and somatic computational profiles that share a threat bias mechanism but have distinct negative-self bias and aversive learning signatures. Contrary to expectations, none of the uncertainty measures showed any associations with anxiety symptom subtypes. Finally, chapter 6 brings together the work in this thesis and alongside limitations of the work, discusses how these experiments contribute to our understanding of anxiety and the role of uncertainty across the anxiety spectrum

    An evaluation of a brief, theatre-based intervention for the prevention of adolescent cyberbulllying and suicide.

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    Quality program evaluation investigates both the process and the outcomes of an intervention in order to accurately determine its effectiveness and impact. In the present study, the effectiveness of CHOICES, a brief, applied-theatre intervention that addresses cyberbullying and suicide was evaluated. The fidelity of implementation of the intervention was assessed to determine whether the delivery of CHOICES was consistent with the original goals of the program, as well as consistent across multiple deliveries. Investigation of the fidelity of implementation revealed that CHOICES was not implemented with high levels of fidelity. The study also determined whether exposure to CHOICES led to significant gains in students’ knowledge of effective strategies to address cyberbullying and the warning signs of suicide, as well significant increases in students’ ability to correctly identify the warning signs of suicide. This study also determined if exposure to the program led to significant increases in student willingness and confidence in their ability to apply newly acquired knowledge about cyberbullying and suicide. The analyses of the outcomes found no significant changes in student knowledge of effective strategies that address cyberbullying and suicide. No significant change was found in student confidence or willingness to intervene on behalf of a peer in a cyberbullying situation. No significant change was found in student confidence or willingness to intervene on behalf of a peer exhibiting the warning signs of suicide

    Will the current National Strategic Plan enable South Africa to end AIDS, Tuberculosis and Sexually Transmitted Infections by 2022?

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    Background: In May 2017, the South African National AIDS Council released the fourth National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections. This five-year plan (2017–2022), which aims to track the progress towards transitioning these epidemics to no longer being public health threats by the year 2030, is built on the successes and barriers of the previous NSP (2012–2016). However, the NSP does not address some critical components, which may contribute to a future failure in achieving its hefty goals.Objectives: This article outlines the gaps within the new NSP, as well as highlighting aspects requiring careful focus, which are critical to address in order for South Africa to make progress towards the set targets.Method: This commentary included an in depth review of the NSP, other South African National Strategic Plans and documents, and scientific literature.Results: The NSP does not address gaps in funding, oversights in prevention and treatment strategies, human resource shortages and lacking health system requirements.Conclusion: To realistically achieve the NSP targets and goals, a robust, client-centred strategy addressing the NSP gaps needs to be implemented. The strategy must be cost-effective; provide active linkage to care; and address health system weaknesses that inhibit its successful implementation, including human resources, service delivery and supply chain management, accountability and monitoring and evaluation (M&E)

    Frequent Family Dinners Protect Our Children

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    Frequent family dinners have multiple benefits to children and teens that aid in positive youth development

    Envisioning a Bright Future for New Braunfels Children: A Community-Based Approach to School Readiness

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    This report provides an overview of a qualitative, participatory study conducted by a capstone team from the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. The McKenna Foundation of New Braunfels, Texas enlisted the help of this capstone team in August 2014 to help ascertain how best to support the approximately 5,000 children under the age of 5 in New Braunfels, Texas (United States Census Bureau, 2010), many of whom are not adequately prepared to enter kindergarten. The Morrison Consulting Capstone Group (MCCG) mission was to provide the McKenna Foundation with informed recommendations regarding school readiness, so that they could effectively serve and advance the well-being of the New Braunfels community

    Does peer-navigated linkage to care work? A cross-sectional study of active linkage to care within an integrated non-communicable disease-HIV testing centre for adults in Soweto, South Africa

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    South Africa is the HIV epidemic epicentre; however, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) will be the most common cause of death by 2030. To improve identification and initiation of care for HIV and NCDs, we assessed proportion of clients referred and linked to care (LTC) for abnormal/positive screening results and time to LTC and treatment initiation from a HIV Testing Services (HTS) Centre before and after integrated testing for NCDs with optional peer-navigated linkage to care

    Science Advice in the UK

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    This report examines the science advisory system in the UK, how it has changed and how it may develop further in the future. It looks at structure and functions within the UK Government (including the Government Chief Scientific Advisor, the Government Office for Science, government departments, scientific advisory committees - including SAGE - and the Science and Engineering Profession). It also describes science advice in the UK Parliament. The report looks at the role of public research funders, particularly UK Research and Innovation and its research councils, and it discusses how universities are responding to incentives to improve the supply of evidence and expertise. There are brief sections discussing the role of other actors (such as national academies, charities and industry) and discussion of some cross-cutting themes

    Level of adult client satisfaction with clinic flow time and services of an integrated non-communicable disease-HIV testing services clinic in Soweto, South Africa: A cross-sectional study

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    While HIV Testing Services (HTS) have increased, many South Africans have not been tested. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the top cause of death worldwide. Integrated NCD-HTS could be a strategy to control both epidemics. Healthcare service strategies depends partially on positive user experience. We investigated client satisfaction of services and clinic flow time of an integrated NCD-HTS clinic. Methods: This prospective, cross-sectional study evaluated HTS client satisfaction with an HTS clinic at two phases. Phase 1 (February-June 2018) utilised standard HTS services: counsellor-led height/weight/blood pressure measurements, HIV rapid testing, and symptoms screening for sexually transmitted infections/Tuberculosis. Phase 2 (June 2018-March 2019) further integrated counsellor-led obesity screening (body mass index/abdominal circumference measurements), rapid cholesterol/glucose testing; and nurse-led Chlamydia and human papilloma virus (HPV)/cervical cancer screening. Socio-demographics, proportion of repeat clients, clinic flow time, and client survey data (open/closed-ended questions using five-point Likert scale) are reported. Fisher's exact test, chi-square analysis, and Kruskal Wallis test conducted comparisons
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