274 research outputs found

    Fixing the Pole in the Pyramid

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    We revisit the problem of the hidden sector Landau pole in the Pyramid Scheme. There is a fixed line in the plane of hidden sector gauge coupling and a Yukawa coupling between the trianon fields. We postulate that the couplings flow to this line, at a point where the hidden sector gauge coupling is close to the strong coupling edge of its perturbative regime. Below the masses of the heavier trianons, the model quickly flows to a confining N_F=N_C=3 supersymmetric gauge theory, as required by phenomenological considerations. We study possible discrete R-symmetries, which guarantee, among other things, that the basin of attraction of the fixed line has full co-dimension in the space of R-allowed couplings. The Yukawa couplings required to get the fixed line violate the pyrma-baryon symmetries we invoked in previous work to find a dark matter candidate. Omitting one of them, we have a dark matter candidate, and an acceptable RG flow down from the unification scale, if the confinement scale of the hidden sector group is lowered from 5 to 2 TeV.Comment: 14 pages, 3 table

    Latin American Economic Integration

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    Automatic Arabic Text Summarization System (AATSS) Based on Semantic Feature Extraction

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    Recently, one of the problems arisen due to the amount of information and it’s availability on the web, is the increased need for effective and powerful tool to automatically summarize text. For English and European languages an intensive works have been done with high performance and nowadays they look forward to multi-document and multi-language summarization. However, Arabic language still suffers from the little attentions and research done in this filed. In our research we propose a model to automatically summarize Arabic text using text extraction. Various steps are involved in the approach: preprocessing text, extract set of feature from sentences, classify sentence based on scoring method, ranking sentences and finally generate an extract summary. The main difference between our proposed system and other Arabic summarization systems are the consideration of semantics, entity objects such as names and places, and similarity factors in our proposed system. The proposed system has been applied on news domain using a dataset obtained from Falesteen newspaper. Manual evaluation techniques are used to evaluate and test the system. The results obtained by the proposed method achieve 86.5% similarity between the system and human summarization. A comparative study between our proposed system and Sakhr Arabic online summarization system has been conducted. The results show that our proposed system outperforms the Shakr system

    ArbDialectID at MADAR Shared Task 1: Language Modelling and Ensemble Learning for Fine Grained Arabic Dialect Identification

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    In this paper, we present a Dialect Identification system (ArbDialectID) that competed at Task 1 of the MADAR shared task, MADARTravel Domain Dialect Identification. We build a course and a fine-grained identification model to predict the label (corresponding to a dialect of Arabic) of a given text. We build two language models by extracting features at two levels (words and characters). We firstly build a coarse identification model to classify each sentence into one out of six dialects, then use this label as a feature for the fine-grained model that classifies the sentence among 26 dialects from different Arab cities, after that we apply ensemble voting classifier on both sub-systems. Our system ranked 1st that achieving an f-score of 67.32%. Both the models and our feature engineering tools are made available to the research community.In this paper, we present a Dialect Identification system (ArbDialectID) that competed at Task 1 of the MADAR shared task, MADARTravel Domain Dialect Identification. We build a course and a fine-grained identification model to predict the label (corresponding to a dialect of Arabic) of a given text. We build two language models by extracting features at two levels (words and characters). We firstly build a coarse identification model to classify each sentence into one out of six dialects, then use this label as a feature for the fine-grained model that classifies the sentence among 26 dialects from different Arab cities, after that we apply ensemble voting classifier on both sub-systems. Our system ranked 1st that achieving an f-score of 67.32%. Both the models and our feature engineering tools are made available to the research community

    Oiahcr: online isolated arabic handwritten character recognition using neural network.

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    In this paper, an online isolated Arabic handwritten character recognition system is introduced. The system can be adapted to achieve the demands of hand-held and digital tablet applications. To achieve this goal, despite of single neural networks, four neural networks are used, one for each cluster of characters. Feed forward back propagation neural networks are used in classification process. This approach is employed as classifiers due to the low computation overhead during training and recall process. The system recognizes on-line isolated Arabic character and achieves an accuracy rate 9Ù¥. 7% from untrained writers and 99.1% for trained writers

    „Walliser off Gultüre“. Die Wanderungsbewegung der Walser und Galtür

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    This bachelor thesis focusses on the history of the Walser migration in general and the settlement of Galtür in particular, looking at the reasons why the Walser people left their homeland and at the conditions under which they established new settlements. In addition this paper tries to find out whether traces of the Walser people and their culture still exist, particularly on the example of Galtür. Does a commemorative culture in the centres of the Walser migration and settlement exist in today’s Galtür? Do people there identify themselves as Walsers? The research to answer these questions is based on literature, online newspaper databases and empirical data gathered from an interview with an elderly resident of Galtür

    Solucions teòriques a la dispersió de contaminants en medis porosos, amb o sense reacció química

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    L'estudi de la dispersió de contaminants permet saber quina és la concentració d'una substància en una regió en un temps i espai determinat. No obstant, la representació d'un model real (3-D) presenta una elevada complexitat matemàtica. Per resoldre l’equació diferencial és necessari utilitzar diversos mètodes de resolució matemàtics, com per exemple el Mètode de Funcions de Green, arribant a expressions que no es poden resoldre analíticament. D'aquesta forma les solucions són complexes d'obtenir i són només aproximacions que perden en precisió i permeten només obtenir un valor aproximat. Per aquesta raó, habitualment s'estudia situacions més simplificades, considerant només una dimensió. Aquest és el cas que es presenta en l'assignatura de Tecnologia del Medi Ambient i Sostenibilitat. Per tant, l'objectiu d'aquest treball és estudiar de forma molt més detallada aquest procés i trobar vàries solucions davant l'equació diferencial que en l'assignatura de Tecnologia del Medi Ambient i Sostenibilitat s'estudia de forma simplificada. També s’ha optat per representar gràficament aquestes solucions per visualitzar-ne el seu comportament. El treball consta d'un estudi teòric de les solucions a la dispersió de contaminants en medis porosos, amb o sense reacció química. Tenint en compte diferents condicions de treball, es parteix del cas més simple, equivalent a una font generadora puntual instantània, fins a solucions matemàticament més complexes, equivalent a fonts volumètriques contínues, tenint en compte un seguit de condicions de contorn, com podria ser el domini d'estudi que en tot moment es considera infinit en els eixos i i finit en l’eix x y z. S'ha pogut trobar un total de quatre expressions que permeten representar la concentració del contaminant en un medi de 3-D en diferents condicions de treball. Per altra banda s'amplien les solucions ja existents, considerant casos sense reacció química i considerant un factor de retard. Obtenint un total d'onze expressions que permeten aproximar gairebé qualsevol model de transport de contaminant real a una de les solucions trobades. Cal destacar que aquestes són suficientment simplificades per tal de poder aplicar-les al contingut de l'assignatura de Tecnologies del Medi Ambient i Sostenibilitat. Per cada una de les quatre solucions principals, s’ha graficat en 2-D el cas més generalitzat i els diferents casos particulars variant les condicions d’estudi. També es fa una comparativa gràfica de com varia el comportament considerant un tipus de font o altre, tal com representar com canvia el comportament de cada model en funció del tempsThe study of pollutant dispersion makes it possible to know the concentration of a substance in a given region, time and space. However, the representation of a real model (3-D) presents a high mathematical complexity. To solve the differential equation it is necessary to use different mathematical resolution methods, such as the Green's Function Method, arriving at expressions that cannot be solved analytically. In this way, the solutions are complex to obtain and are only approximations that lose in precision and allow only an approximate value to be obtained. For this reason, more simplified situations are usually studied. Considering only one dimension. This is the case presented in the Environmental Technology and Sustainability course. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study in more detail this process and find several solutions to the differential equation that in the subject of Environmental Technology and Sustainability is studied in a simplified form. A graphical representation of these solutions will also be made to visualize their behavior. The work consists of a theoretical study of the solutions to the dispersion of pollutants in porous media, with or without chemical reaction. Taking into account different working conditions, we start from the simplest case, equivalent to an instantaneous point source, to mathematically more complex solutions, equivalent to continuous volumetric sources, taking into account different boundary conditions, such as the study domain, which at all times is considered infinite in the x and y axes and finite in the z axis. A total of four expressions have been found to represent the concentration of the pollutant in a 3-D region under different working conditions. On the other hand, existing solutions are extended, considering cases without chemical reaction and considering a delay factor. A total of eleven expressions have been obtained that allow to approximate almost any real pollutant transport model to one of the solutions found. Taking into account that these are sufficiently simplified to be applied to the content of the Environmental Technologies and Sustainability course. For each of the four main solutions, the most generalized case is plotted in 2-D, as well as the different particular cases varying the study conditions. A graphical comparison of how the behavior varies considering one type of source or another is also made, as well as a representation of how the behavior of each model changes as a function of timeEl estudio de la dispersión de contaminantes permite saber cuál es la concentración de una sustancia en una región, en un tiempo y espacio determinado. Sin embargo, la representación de un modelo real (3-D) presenta una elevada complejidad matemática. Para resolver la ecuación diferencial es necesario utilizar distintos métodos de resolución matemáticos, como por ejemplo el Método de Funciones de Green, llegando a expresiones que no se pueden resolver analíticamente. De esta forma, las soluciones son complejas de obtener y son solo aproximaciones que pierden en precisión y permiten solo obtener un valor aproximado. Por esta razón, habitualmente se estudia situaciones más simplificadas. Considerando solo una dimensión. Este es el caso que se presenta en la asignatura de Tecnología del Medio Ambiente y Sostenibilidad. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar de forma más detallada este proceso y encontrar varias soluciones a la ecuación diferencial que en la asignatura de Tecnología del Medio Ambiente y Sostenibilidad se estudia de forma simplificada. También se hará una representación gráfica de estas soluciones para visualizar su comportamiento El trabajo consta de un estudio teórico de las soluciones a la dispersión de contaminantes en medios porosos, con o sin reacción química. Teniendo en cuenta diferentes condiciones de trabajo, se parte del caso más simple, equivalente a una fuente generadora puntual instantánea, hasta soluciones matemáticamente más complejas, equivalente a fuentes volumicas continuas, teniendo en cuenta diferentes condiciones contorno, como podría ser el dominio de estudio que en todo momento se considera infinito en los ejes y y finito en x �� el eje z. Se ha encontrado un total de cuatro expresiones que permiten representar la concentración del contaminante en una región de 3-D en diferentes condiciones de trabajo. Por otro lado, se amplían las soluciones ya existentes, considerando casos sin reacción química y considerando un factor de retardo. Se han obtenido un total de once expresiones que permiten aproximar casi cualquier modelo de transporte de contaminante real a una de las soluciones encontradas. Teniendo en cuenta que estas son suficientemente simplificadas para poder ser aplicadas en el contenido de la asignatura de Tecnologías del Medio Ambiente y Sostenibilidad. Por cada una de las cuatro soluciones principales, se grafica en 2-D el caso más generalizado, tal como los diferentes casos particulares variando las condiciones de estudio. También se realiza una comparativa gráfica de como varía el comportamiento considerando un tipo de fuente u otro, como también representar como cambia el comportamiento de cada modelo en función del tiemp

    Servicio de distribución electrónica de sumarios

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    Sección: NoticiasA partir del mes de febrero, la biblioteca del Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM) pone en marcha el Servicio de distribución electrónica de sumarios a través de la base de datos SwetsNet.N

    Die Handlungsmacht des Displays: Von Lichtern, Wänden und Relationen in der Ausstellung

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