6 research outputs found

    Weight vs. fecundity

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    Cocoon mass (mg) and egg number from 15 females that were used to test the hypothesis that cocoon weight is a reliable predictor of female fecundity

    Cocoon weights for inbred and outbred families

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    Cocoon weights (in g) measured for 13 outbred and 9 inbred families that produced cocoons. Based on the distribution of cocoon weights within each family, we inferred the sex of each cocoon (cocoon weight is sexually dimorphic, with males weighing less than females). These data were used to test the prediction that inbred families would produce smaller female cocoons than outbred families (due to inbreeding depression)

    Sex ratio data for inbred and outbred families

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    Cocoon and adult ratio data for 13 outbred families and 8 inbred families that were used to test the prediction that inbreeding will result in an increase in the proportion males. Data were transformed prior to analysis by taking the arcsine of the square root of the proportion males

    Mating latency data

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    Latency to mating (sec) for individual pairs from two populations (KY and MI) and two cross types (inbred or outbred) that mated. These data were used to test the prediction that inbred pairs would have a greater latency to mating than outbred pairs (due to inbreeding avoidance)

    Surivval data for inbred and outbred families

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    Survival data (# of eggs, larvae, cocoons, and adults; percent survival from egg to hatch, hatch to cocoon, cocoon to adult, egg to cocoon) from 14 outbred and 11 inbred families that were used to test the hypothesis that this species experiences inbreeding depression. Data were transformed prior to analysis (square root for progeny numbers and arcsine of the square root for survival rates)

    Raw flow cytometry data

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    Run information and fluorescence values of 1C and 2C peaks for external standards and unknown Neodiprion samples that were used to infer ploidy of unknown samples