10 research outputs found
Analisis Kesuburan Perairan Sekitar Muara Sungai Tuntang, Morodemak Berdasarkan Hubungan Antara Nilai Produktivitas Primer Dengan No3 Dan Po4
Produktivitas primer merupakan deskripsi kuantitatif yang menyatakan kesuburan perairan, juga pemanfaatan konsentrasi unsur hara yang terdapat di dalam suatu badan air melalui laju pembentukan senyawa-senyawa organik. Nutrien sangat dibutuhkan oleh fitoplankton untuk perkembangannya dalam jumlah besar maupun dalam jumlah yang relatif kecil. Setiap unsur hara mempunyai fungsi khusus pada pertumbuhan dan kepadatan tanpa mengesampingkan pengaruh kondisi lingkungan. Unsur P dan N sangat penting untuk pembentukan protein. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan ortofosfat dan nitrat di sekitar muara sungai Tuntang; dan mengetahui hubungan antara ortofosfat, nitrat dan produktivitas perairan di muara sungai Tuntang, Morodemak.Penelitian ini dilakukan di 7 lokasi sampling perairan sekitar muara sungai Tuntang, Morodemak dan berlangsung antara 22 dan 29 Mei 2014. Pada penelitian ini diukur nilai kandungan nitrat dan ortofosfat serta nilai produktivitas primer. Analisis perbedaan kedalaman nitrat dan ortofosfat menggunakan uji chi-kuadrat.Nilai kandungan nitrat di lapisan permukaan berkisar antara 0.6– 1.6 mg/L dan lapisan dasar berkisar antara 0.6 – 2.5 mg/L. Nilai kandungan ortofosfat di lapisan permukaan berkisar antara 0.1 – 0.24 mg/L dan lapisan dasar berkisar antara 0.17 – 0.48 mg/L. Nilai produktivitas perairan berkisar antara 112.608 – 319.056 mg/C/m3/hari sehingga lingkungan muara dikategorikan mesotrofik.Terdapat hubungan kuadratik antara nitrat, fosfat dan produktivitas primer, diketahui NO3 optimum terjadi pada kadar 1.12 mg/l dan PO4 optimum terjadi pada kadar 0.168 mg/l. Primary produtivity is a quantitative description that stated tropic water status as well as the utilization of nutrients in waters through formation rate of organic matters from anorganic matters. Nutrients are needed by phytoplankton to grow in large as well as relatively small number. Every nutrients has a special function in phytoplankton growth and density without exclusionthe influence of environmental conditions. N and P are very important element to the formation of proteins. The purpose of this study wereto determine the orthoposphate and nitrate content in the Tuntang river estuary; and to determine the relationship of nitrate, orthoposphate and water productivity in Tuntang river estuary, Morodemak. The study was conducted at 7 locations in the Tuntang river estuary, Morodemak on 22 and 29 May 2014. In this study, nitrate and orthoposphate values were measured and the value of primary productivity. Analysis of differences in the depth of nitrateand phosphate using the chi-square test.The value of nitrate content in the surface layer ranged between 0.6 – 1.6 mg/L and the bottom layer ranged between 0.6 – 2.5 mg/L. The value of theorthophospate contentin the surface layer ranged between 0.1 – 0.24 mg/L and the bottom range between 0.17 – 0.48 mg/L. The value of waters productivity ranging between 112.608 – 319.056 mg/C/m3/day therefore it was as categorized as mesotrophik. There are quadratic relationship between nitrate, orthoposphate and productivity primer , and optimum nitrate value on 1.12 mg/l and orthoposphate value on 0.168 mg/l
MOESM1 of Scaling-up the use of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for the preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: results and lessons on scalability, costs and programme impact from three local government areas in Sokoto State, Nigeria
Additional file 1. Data collection form for Outcomes in the Intervention and Counterfactual LGA’s
Cause of Death as Determined by Verbal Autopsy, including age, parity timing of death and place of delivery.
<p>Cause of Death as Determined by Verbal Autopsy, including age, parity timing of death and place of delivery.</p
Box plots of the percentage of eligible women receiving Misoprostol by month of distribution and year.
<p>Box plots of the percentage of eligible women receiving Misoprostol by month of distribution and year.</p
Percentage of mothers reached with misoprostol, based on monthly expected number of births, in Sokoto State between April 2013 and December 2013 and in 2014 in Sokoto State, Nigeria, by month.
<p>Percentage of mothers reached with misoprostol, based on monthly expected number of births, in Sokoto State between April 2013 and December 2013 and in 2014 in Sokoto State, Nigeria, by month.</p
Percentage of Births that received Misoprostol in each Local Government Area (LGA) between April and December of 2013.
<p>Percentage of Births that received Misoprostol in each Local Government Area (LGA) between April and December of 2013.</p
Pathway to community based distribution of misoprostol in Sokoto State.
<p>Pathway to community based distribution of misoprostol in Sokoto State.</p
Number of mothers reached with misoprostol in Sokoto State between April 2013 and December 2013 and in 2014 in Sokoto State, Nigeria, by month.
<p>Number of mothers reached with misoprostol in Sokoto State between April 2013 and December 2013 and in 2014 in Sokoto State, Nigeria, by month.</p
CBHV messages to pregnant women transmitted through pictorial counselling cards.
<p>CBHV messages to pregnant women transmitted through pictorial counselling cards.</p
Percentage of Births that received misoprostol in each Local Government Area (LGA) in 2014.
<p>Percentage of Births that received misoprostol in each Local Government Area (LGA) in 2014.</p