36 research outputs found

    The Alps Paleoelevation and Paleoclimate Experiment (APE): Neogene Paleoelevation and Paleoclimate of the Central Alps

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    Stable isotope paleoaltimetry takes advantage of the relationship between orogen elevation and the stable isotope ratios in meteoric water, which are ultimately recorded in geological archives like foreland basins or orogen-internal shear zones. The δ-δ approach relies on contrasting time-equivalent δ18O and δD records from high- and low-elevation sites to constrain the height of the orogen at the time these geologic archives were formed. However, at the same time, different boundary conditions such as changing paleogeography, atmospheric CO2 concentrations or sea surface temperatures result in complex paleoclimate model outputs, which predict significant changes in the isotopic composition of meteoric water. These changes may be recorded in geological archives and thus complicate the reconstruction of past elevations. The 4DMB Phase 1 project APE aimed at generating a first quantitative estimate for the paleoclimatic signal in Alpine stable isotope records, so that these records may be corrected for and ultimately yield more accurate paleoelevation estimates. We addressed this challenge by integrating isotope-tracking climate model (ECHAM5-wiso) simulations with stable isotope and clumped isotope data from the foreland basin and high-elevation regions of the central Alps. ECHAM5-wiso simulations have been conducted with 1) boundary conditions based on paleogeographic reconstructions of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the mid-Pliocene (PLIO), and 2) different topographic scenarios for the Alps. The simulations show that modifying environmental conditions can produce similar magnitudes of δ18O change as changes in alpine topography. For example, the climatically induced δ18O changes in the PLIO and LGM experiments correspond to the magnitude of changes created by setting the entire orogen to 50% and 150% of its modern height, respectively (Botsyun et al., 2020). Our modelling results stress the need for the paleoaltimetry community to correct isotopic signals in geologic archives for climate-induced changes in isotope ratios. Pedogenic carbonate proxy data from alluvial megafans of the Swiss Molasse Basin revealed that 1) low-elevation, distal δ18O values are higher than previously assumed and thus, more adequately reflect low-elevation δ18O values required for paleoelevation estimates; 2) Mid-Miocene megafans had considerable topography and an internal elevation gradient; 3) clumped isotope-derived carbonate formation temperatures yield low-elevation paleoclimate estimates and help to embed δ18O data into global climate models. Under consideration of previous work and our modelling results, we conclude that the Central Alps, more specifically the region surrounding the Simplon Fault Zone, attained surface elevations of >4000 m no later than the mid-Miocene (Krsnik et al., 2021). In summary, our approach represents an important methodological advance that allows the disentangling of climatic and surface uplift signals in the geologic stable isotope record. Furthermore, new insights into the Alps elevation history can help to constrain the timing of slab inversion and/or break-off in the Western/Central Alps

    Miocene (23–13 Ma) continental paleotemperature record from the northern Mediterranean region (Digne-Valensole Basin, SE France) within a global climatic framework

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    During the Middle Miocene, the Earth’s climate transitioned from a warm phase, the Miocene Climatic Optimum (MCO, 16.9–14.7 Ma), to a colder phase associated by formation of major ice sheets on Antarctica. This climatic shift, the Middle Miocene Climatic Transition (MMCT, 14.7–13.8 Ma), considerably impacted not only the structure and formation of major ecosystems (e.g. Jimenez-Moreno & Suc, 2005) it also affected global ocean circulation (Holbourn et al., 2014), terrestrial temperatures as well as precipitation patterns (e.g. Methner et al., 2020). While the MCO and the subsequent MMCT are well described in marine records, knowledge about the magnitude and rate of terrestrial paleoclimate changes is often limited by lack of temporal resolution and reliable quantitative proxy records (Steinthorsdottir et al., 2021). Here, we present a long-term (23–13 Ma) biostratigraphically-controlled terrestrial stable (δ18O, δ13C) and clumped (Δ47) isotope paleosol carbonate record from the northern Mediterranean region (Digne-Valensole basin, SE France). When comparing the northern Mediterranean δ18O, δ13C and Δ47 record with age-equivalent counterparts from central Europe (Northern Alpine Foreland Basin, Switzerland), our Δ47 results from the Digne-Valensole basin reveal two important features: 1) Relatively warm and constant carbonate formation temperatures (ca. 30°C) for the Early Miocene (23–18.6 Ma) followed by 2) intensified temperature fluctuations with high values (ca. 37°C) at the onset of the MCO, most probably amplified by changes in seasonality of pedogenic carbonate formation. The combined Northern Alpine foreland and northern Mediterranean records display a coherent climate pattern for the Middle Miocene circum-Alpine foreland. In both records, high-amplitude, rapid changes in Δ47 temperatures (ca. 18°C within 400 ka) characterize the onset of the MCO and MMCT. We furthermore identify warm peaks during the MCO and a distinct fall in apparent Δ47-based temperatures at ca. 14 Ma that is in very good temporal agreement with oceanic isotope records and coincides with the documented global cooling following the MCT. Collectively, these data contribute to understanding of the dynamics and variability in atmospheric circulation controlling Middle to Late Miocene temperature dynamics in the Northern Mediterranean region

    The Alps Paleoelevation and Paleoclimate Experiment: Reconstructing Eastward Propagation of Surface Uplift in the ALps (REAL)

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    Geological observations, geodynamic models, and seismic studies suggest Neogene eastward propagating surface uplift of the European Alps. Whereas 4DMB Phase I project APE focused on reconstructing surface uplift of the Central Alps, 4DMB Phase II project REAL aims at testing the predicted west-to-east surface uplift of the Alps by combining stable isotope paleoaltimetry and paleoclimate modeling. Stable isotope paleoaltimetry is based on the inverse relationship between elevation and the stable isotopic composition of meteoric water and provides a tool to reconstruct the elevation of mountain belts in the geological past. First, REAL explores applications of the δ-δ method (see Poster Phase I APE), which requires that various recorders of past rainfall are available in the rock record: soil carbonates from low-elevation (foreland) basins and hydrous minerals from high-elevation fault gouges/shear zones. Paleoelevation estimates are obtained by contrasting time-equivalent low- and high-elevation proxy data sets, provided that the isotopic composition of the fluids during mineral formation is estimated accurately. Whereas formation temperatures of fault gouge minerals (such as illite and syntectonic micas) can be readily estimated, we apply clumped isotope paleothermometry to provide robust estimates of meteoric water δ18O from the low-elevation foreland basin carbonate record. Second, meteoric water δ18O values are not only sensitive to local elevation, but also to the complex climatic changes resulting from different paleoenvironmental boundary conditions and regional topographic configuration. To isolate the contribution of each of these components δ-δ stable isotope paleoaltimetry is applied in combination with ECHAM5-wiso paleoclimate simulations for a number of topographic scenarios of diachronous surface uplift. This unique combination allows for the removal of climate change effects on the stable isotope data, and therefore improves the accuracy of paleoelevation reconstructions. Results from our ongoing Phase II project (spring 2021 - spring 2024): 1. Reveal that diachronous surface uplift would produce patterns of climate, δ18O in precipitation values, and isotopic lapse rates that are distinctly different from those of today and those produced by bulk surface uplift scenarios. Importantly, this signal would be detectable in stable isotope paleoaltimetry results (Boateng et al., in revision). 2. Present a Miocene (23–13 Ma) continental paleotemperature record from the northern Mediterranean region (Digne-Valensole basin, SE France), which indicates near-constant temperatures from 23.0-18.8 Ma, followed by a highly variable and warm climate during the Middle Miocene and rapid cooling after 14 Ma (Ballian et al., 2023). 3. Together with new and existing paleotemperature records, preliminary results of the δ-δ method show for the first time that (a) the Central Alps were already high during the Early Miocene and (b) the Eastern Alps were appreciably lower than the Central Alps during the Middle Miocene (Ballian et al., 2022)

    Synergistic effects of diachronous surface uplift and global climate change on the isotopic composition of meteoric waters: implications on paleoelevation estimates across the European Alps

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    Stable isotope paleoaltimetry is widely used to infer past elevations of orogens due to the robust systematic inverse relationships between elevation and oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δD) isotopic composition of meteoric waters recorded in geologic archives, such as paleosol carbonates or hydrous silicates. This δ18O-elevation relationship (or isotopic lapse rate) is commonly attributed to the preferential rainout of heavy water isotopologues from air masses ascending over topography. However, numerous non-linear climatic processes, such as surface recycling, vapor mixing, variability in moisture source, and precipitation dynamics, can also influence the isotopic lapse rate and thus complicate stable isotope paleoaltimetry estimates. This highlights the need for a better quantitative understanding of topographic and regional climatic effects on the isotopic composition of ancient waters. Through topographic sensitivity experiments, Boateng et al. (2023) suggested plausible changes in isotopic lapse rates across the Alps in response to different diachronous surface uplift scenarios and validated that the expected isotopic signal difference due to elevation changes is significant enough to be reflected in geologic archives. Recent paleoelevation reconstructions across the Alps estimate the mean elevation of >4000 m in the Central Alps during the Middle Miocene (Krsnik et al., 2021). These high elevation estimates have been attributed to the complicated transition from pre- to mid-Miocene Central Alps with a diverse landscape and a complex topography, mainly driven by the rapid exhumation of deep-seated core complexes, followed by a rearrangement of the drainage system. However, the paleoelevation estimate is based on the assumptions that the isotopic lapse rate (1) is similar to the modern lapse rate (~2.0 ‰/km), which is lower than the global average, (2) did not change during the deposition of the paleoaltimetry proxies compared to the present day, and (3) remained constant across the entire Alps. Here, we use a high-resolution isotope-tracking ECHAM5-wiso General Circulation Model to simulate the Middle Miocene climate and δ18Op responses to different surface uplift scenarios of the Alps. More specifically, we performed topographic sensitivity experiments by varying the height of the Western/Central Alps and Eastern Alps under two atmospheric CO2 concentration scenarios for Middle Miocene paleoenvironmental conditions. The simulated δ18Op values are consistent with the proxy reconstructions across the low- and high-elevation sites in the Alps. The topographic scenarios indicated δ18Op values differences of up to -10 ‰ between the low- and high-elevation sites, primarily due to changes in orographic precipitation and local near-surface temperature. Even though the differences across the low-elevation sites showed minor changes compared to the present-day climate, the high-elevation sites indicated significant changes mainly due to differences in moisture transport and moisture redistribution. These changes resulted in different isotopic lapse rates across the different transects around the Alps, contradicting the assumption of a regionally similar isotopic lapse rate. Using the simulated Middle Miocene isotopic lapse rates with the reconstructed Δδ18Op signal between the low-elevation Northern Alpine Foreland Basin and high-elevation Simplon fault gouge reveals an overestimation of paleoelevation estimates by 2 km when compared to the constant isotopic lapse rate of -2.0 ‰/km across the Alps. These uncertainty estimates are an improvement of the previous paleoelevation reconstruction across the Alps and support the integration of paleoaltimetry and paleoclimate modelling to reconstruct past surface elevations accurately

    The effects of diachronous surface uplift of the European Alps on regional climate and the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation

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    The European Alps are hypothesized to have experienced diachronous surface uplift in response to post-collisional processes such as, e.g., slab break-off. Therefore, understanding the geodynamic and geomorphic evolution of the Alps requires knowledge of its surface uplift history. This study presents the simulated response of regional climate and oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation (&delta;18Op) to different along-strike topographic evolution scenarios. These responses are modeled to determine if diachronous surface uplift in the Western and Eastern Alps would produce &delta;18Op signals in the geologic record that are sufficiently large and distinct for stable isotope paleoaltimetry. This is tested with a series of sensitivity experiments conducted with the water isotope tracking atmospheric General Circulation Model (GCM) ECHAM5-wiso. The topographic scenarios are created from the variation of two free parameters, (1) the elevation of the West-Central Alps and (2) the elevation of the Eastern Alps. Results suggest significant changes in the spatial patterns of &delta;18Op, the elevation-dependent rate of change in &delta;18Op (&ldquo;isotopic lapse rate&rdquo;), near-surface temperatures, precipitation amounts, and atmospheric circulation patterns in response to the different scenarios. The predictions for the diachronous surface uplift experiments are distinctly different from simulations forced with present-day topography and for simulations where the entire Alps experience synchronous surface uplift. Topographic scenarios with higher elevations in the West-Central Alps produce higher magnitude changes and an expansion of the affected geographical domain surrounding the Alps when compared to present-day topography. Furthermore, differences in &delta;18Op values of up to &minus;2 to &minus;8 &permil; are predicted along the strike of the Alps for the diachronous uplift scenarios, suggesting that the signal can be preserved and measured in geologic archives. Lastly, the results highlight the importance of sampling far-field and low-elevation sites using the &delta;-&delta; paleoaltimetry approach to discern between different surface uplift histories.</p

    The effects of diachronous surface uplift of the European Alps on regional climate and the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation

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    This study presents the simulated response of regional climate and the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation (δ18Op) to different along-strike topographic evolution scenarios. These simulations are conducted to determine if the previously hypothesized diachronous surface uplift in the Western and Eastern Alps would produce δ18Op signals in the geologic record that are sufficiently large and distinct to be detected using stable isotope paleoaltimetry. We present a series of topographic sensitivity experiments conducted with the water-isotope-tracking atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) ECHAM5-wiso. The topographic scenarios are created from the variation of two free parameters, (1) the elevation of the Western–Central Alps and (2) the elevation of the Eastern Alps. The results indicate Δδ18Op values (i.e., the difference between δ18Op values at the low- and high-elevation sites) of up to −8 ‰ along the strike of the Alps for the diachronous uplift scenarios, primarily due to changes in orographic precipitation and adiabatic lapse rate driven localized changes in near-surface variables. These simulated magnitudes of Δδ18Op values suggest that the expected isotopic signal would be significant enough to be preserved and measured in geologic archives. Moreover, the simulated slight δ18Op differences of 1 ‰–2 ‰ across the low-elevation sites support the use of the δ–δ paleoaltimetry approach and highlight the importance of sampling far-field low-elevation sites to differentiate between the different surface uplift scenarios. The elevation-dependent rate of change in δ18Op (“isotopic lapse rate”) varies depending on the topographic configuration and the extent of the surface uplift. Most of the changes are significant (e.g., −1.04 ‰ km−1 change with slope error of ±0.09 ‰ km−1), while others were within the range of the statistical uncertainties (e.g., −0.15 ‰ km−1 change with slope error of ±0.13 ‰ km−1). The results also highlight the plausible changes in atmospheric circulation patterns and associated changes in moisture transport pathways in response to changes in the topography of the Alps. These large-scale atmospheric dynamics changes can complicate the underlying assumption of stable isotope paleoaltimetry and therefore require integration with paleoclimate modeling to ensure accurate reconstruction of the paleoelevation of the Alps

    Middle Miocene Climate and Stable Oxygen Isotopes in Europe Based on Numerical Modeling

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    The Middle Miocene (15.99–11.65 Ma) of Europe witnessed major climatic, environmental, and vegetational change, yet we are lacking detailed reconstructions of Middle Miocene temperature and precipitation patterns over Europe. Here, we use a high-resolution (∼0.75°) isotope-enabled general circulation model (ECHAM5-wiso) with time-specific boundary conditions to investigate changes in temperature, precipitation, and δ18O in precipitation (δ18Op). Experiments were designed with variable elevation configurations of the European Alps and different atmospheric CO2 levels to examine the influence of Alpine elevation and global climate forcing on regional climate and δ18Op patterns. Modeling results are in agreement with available paleobotanical temperature data and with low-resolution Middle Miocene experiments of the Miocene Model Intercomparison Project (MioMIP1). However, simulated precipitation rates are 300–500 mm/yr lower in the Middle Miocene than for pre-industrial times for central Europe. This result is consistent with precipitation estimates from herpetological fossil assemblages, but contradicts precipitation estimates from paleobotanical data. We attribute the Middle Miocene precipitation change in Europe to shifts in large-scale pressure patterns in the North Atlantic and over Europe and associated changes in wind direction and humidity. We suggest that global climate forcing contributed to a maximum δ18Op change of ∼2‰ over high elevation (Alps) and ∼1‰ over low elevation regions. In contrast, we observe a maximum modeled δ18Op decrease of 8‰ across the Alpine orogen due to Alpine topography. However, the elevation-δ18Op lapse rate shallows in the Middle Miocene, leading to a possible underestimation of paleotopography when using present-day δ18Op—elevation relationships data for stable isotope paleoaltimetry studies

    Miocene high elevation and high relief in the Central Alps

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    Reconstructing Oligocene–Miocene paleoelevation contributes to our understanding of the evolutionary history of the European Alps and sheds light on geodynamic and Earth surface processes involved in the development of Alpine topography. Despite being one of the most intensively explored mountain ranges worldwide, constraints on the elevation history of the European Alps remain scarce. Here we present stable and clumped isotope measurements to provide a new paleoelevation estimate for the mid-Miocene (∼14.5 Ma) European Central Alps. We apply stable isotope δ–δ paleoaltimetry to near-sea-level pedogenic carbonate oxygen isotope (δ18O) records from the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin (Swiss Molasse Basin) and high-Alpine phyllosilicate hydrogen isotope (δD) records from the Simplon Fault Zone (Swiss Alps). We further explore Miocene paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental conditions in the Swiss Molasse Basin through carbonate stable (δ18O, δ13C) and clumped (Δ47) isotope data from three foreland basin sections in different alluvial megafan settings (proximal, mid-fan, and distal). Combined pedogenic carbonate δ18O values and Δ47 temperatures (30±5 ∘C) yield a near-sea-level precipitation δ18Ow value of -5.8±1.2‰ and, in conjunction with the high-Alpine phyllosilicate δD value of  -14.6±0.3‰, suggest that the region surrounding the Simplon Fault Zone attained surface elevations of &gt;4000 m no later than the mid-Miocene. Our near-sea-level δ18Ow estimate is supported by paleoclimate (iGCM ECHAM5-wiso) modeled δ18O values, which vary between −4.2 ‰ and −7.6 ‰ for the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin

    Eocene and Miocene extension, meteoric fluid infiltration, and core complex formation in the Great Basin (Raft River Mountains, Utah)

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    Metamorphic core complexes (MCCs) in the North American Cordillera reflect the effects of lithospheric extension and contribute to crustal adjustments both during and after a protracted subduction history along the Pacific plate margin. While the Miocene-to-recent history of most MCCs in the Great Basin, including the Raft River-Albion-Grouse Creek MCC, is well documented, early Cenozoic tectonic fabrics are commonly severely overprinted. We present stable isotope, geochronological (40Ar/39Ar), and microstructural data from the Raft River detachment shear zone. Hydrogen isotope ratios of syntectonic white mica (δ2Hms) from mylonitic quartzite within the shear zone are very low (-90‰ to -154‰, Vienna SMOW) and result from multiphase synkinematic interaction with surface-derived fluids. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology reveals Eocene (re)crystallization of white mica with δ2Hms ≥ -154‰ in quartzite mylonite of the western segment of the detachment system. These δ2Hms values are distinctively lower than in localities farther east (δ2Hms ≥ -125‰), where 40Ar/39Ar geochronological data indicate Miocene (18-15 Ma) extensional shearing and mylonitic fabric formation. These data indicate that very low δ2H surface-derived fluids penetrated the brittle-ductile transition as early as the mid-Eocene during a first phase of exhumation along a detachment rooted to the east. In the eastern part of the core complex, prominent top-to-the-east ductile shearing, mid-Miocene 40Ar/39Ar ages, and higher δ2H values of recrystallized white mica, indicate Miocene structural and isotopic overprinting of Eocene fabrics

    Recovering Eocene paleotopography and paleoclimate of the North American Cordillera through integrated stable isotope and clumped isotope analyses

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    This thesis addresses the reconstruction of the topographic evolution and the climate dynamics of the Early Cenozoic North American Cordillera through integrated geochronology, sedimentology, stable isotope, and clumped isotope thermometry studies. It encompasses the scientific disciplines of geochemistry, tectonics, and Earth surface processes