17 research outputs found


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    Forms of vocatives in a speech define a communicative intention of an utterance, indicating a definite addressee. In the process of communication a vocative is a means of creation a special communicative environment consisting of participants of a conversation. By that it defines a line which connects a sender and a recipient of information as well as being a means of the beginning of the communicative process, keeping it up, changing its course either positively or negatively. Vocatives are actively used in a dialogue to attract attention of an interlocutor as well as for further focus of an utterance. It may be used in different manipulative ways (for example, while communicating with a large number of pupils vocatives may serve as a means to draw attention of a recipient or to single out the personality of a pupil). Vocatives in pedagogical discourse may be expressed by proper names and surnames. A vocative with emotional and evaluative suffixes, evaluative adjectives or nouns, possessive pronouns becomes more expressive. They create a more subjective character while qualifying an addressee and by this they become a source of anthropocentricity, representation of a “humane factor” in the language


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    Nowadays a language presents a great interest not only as an independent phenomenon but also as a means of communication. In the course of a verbal communication between interlocutors there is an exchange of information as well as a manipulative influence. The latter is one of the main elements of an effective educational process.Euphemism is a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant. It is the act or an example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive. Euphemisms with communicative function of evasiveness, politeness, and concealing, play dual parts in everyday social lives.Euphemism, a kind of polite language, can combine the teachers’ role and the students’ personalityfactors together. A verbal manipulation made by a teacher-manipulator with the help of euphemisms promotes improvement and an effective transformation of all the components moving an educational process forward. It regulates a positive interpersonal communication between a teacher and a student as well as within the class; it influences the work with the educational material and its further presentation; it creates a favourable working atmosphere during the lesson.


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    The obvious trend is the increased use of electronic communication in our daily lives supported through increased access to the Internet via a combination of mobile devices and communication infrastructures, and providing access to a growing library of information in electronic formats. E-learning can be perceived as perpetual, sustained over a lifetime and enacted in multiple, daily occurrences as we search for information to satisfy our learning needs and contribute content that promotes understanding. E-learning can be also regarded as an engaged act created through both technical and social decisions. As it is known within the framework of modern educational programs designed for the training of bachelor students studying foreign language, most of the hours are devoted to self-controlled work. The effectiveness of the work itself, as well as its control, largely depends on the diligence and conscientiousness of the student and the time spent by the teacher to check the tasks. Obviously, spending audit hours on checking is irrational and inefficient. Therefore, the question arises about the creation and usage of interactive courses using iSpring software products that improve the effectiveness of independent work of students and optimize the work of the teacher.


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    Psycholinguistic studies show that the formation and development of a metaphor in a child's speech occurs during active interaction with an adult and in various activities. It is in pedagogical discourse that, when a child and an adult interact, the latter teaches to detect similarities between different objects, demonstrating transference patterns. In all types of activity, the child's experience of replacing one object with another expands. One of the means of developing figurative thinking in pedagogical discourse is a riddle, which is, in essence, a logical task. Pedagogical discourse actively uses the riddle to achieve a discursive goal: the socialization of a new member of society. In pedagogical preschool discourse, the riddle performs various functions, the main of which are pedagogical, informative, cognitive, playful, axiological. The material for the article was the results of studies devoted to the study of the influence of riddles on the development of figurative thinking in preschool children in pedagogical discourse. As the experimental data have shown, children, composing their riddles, build metaphorical models characteristic of their age: coloristic metaphors, parametric metaphors, anthropomorphic metaphors. The pedagogical value of riddles lies in the fact that they acquaint the child with objects and phenomena, their main features, encourage a deeper delve into the meaning of verbal designation, increase thinking ability, etc. At the same time, the developing potential of riddles is determined by the possibilities inherent in them, and the forms of working with them. Each riddle solved strengthens the child's self-esteem, the desire to repeat success


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    The article is devoted to the linguistic and extralinguistic factors while teaching anthroponyms in academic discourse. Being an important element of language and culture they play a crucial role in the process of mastering a foreign language, i.e. contain information about the national and cultural features of a particular ethnic group. Academic discourse refers to the ways of thinking and use of the language in special communicative situations. Its significance lies in the fact that complex social activities like educating students, demonstrating learning, disseminating ideas and constructing knowledge, rely on language to accomplish.Teaching a foreign language is considered in the educational process not only as an instrument of communication and cognition, but also as a way by which a student penetrates the cultural field and mentality of a particular nation. Knowing someone else’s culture and mentality is valuable in two ways. On the one hand, it is associated with the enrichment of the picture of the world, the formation of a dialogical attitude to the phenomena of a different way of life, a different way of consciousness, a different hierarchy of values. On the other hand, one who knows a foreign culture comprehends his own better and deeper, more aware of himself as its bearer.

    Postroad as a Linguocultural Space of a Literary Text

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    Статья посвящена рассмотрению понятия «почтовый тракт» в художественном тексте и лингвокультурным особенностям его восприятия языковой личностью русских и зарубежных писателей. Пространство, будучи одной из самых значимых категорий человеческого миропонимания и бытия, является основой формирования сюжетной и идейной структур художественного текста, который в свою очередь трактуется как наиболее совершенная словесно-речевая форма систематизирования сведений об окружающем мире. Пространство обладает способностью проявлять индивидуальный и эстетический характер художественной интерпретации реальности. В статье подчеркивается, что способы передачи национально-культурной информации универсальны для текстов, созданных разными языковыми личностями, поскольку каждый носитель языка, используя возможности, предоставляемые языковой и концептуальной системами, вольно (а скорее невольно) вносит в текст национальные ментальные стереотипы.The article is devoted to the description of the concept of the “post road” in the literary text and linguocultural features of its perception by the linguistic personality of Russian and foreign writers. Being one of the most significant categories of human understanding of the world the space is the basis for the formation of the plot and ideological structure of the literary text which in turn is interpreted as the most perfect verbal-speech form of systematizing information about the surrounding world. The space has an ability to show the individual and aesthetic nature of the artistic interpretation of reality. The article emphasizes that the ways of transmitting national and cultural information are universal for texts created by different language personalities since each native speaker, using the opportunities provided by the language and conceptual systems, voluntarily (or rather unwittingly) introduces national mental stereotypes into the text

    Юридические номинации в художественном дискурсе: особенности их восприятия языковой личностью автора

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    The article is devoted to the description of law nominations in a literary discourse and the peculiarities of their perception by a language personality of an author on the literary works by Ch. Dickens and N.V. Gogol. The idea of the language personality as a full representation of a personality of a creator including psychic, social and ethical components interpreted through the language and discourse of the texts is considered to be the basic idea.Статья посвящена рассмотрению юридических номинаций в художественном дискурсе и особенностям их восприятия языковой личностью автора в произведениях Ч. Диккенса и Н.В. Гоголя. В статье подчеркивается, что авторская языковая личность - вид полноценного представления личности творца, вмещающий в себя и психический, и социальный, и этический компоенты, но преломленные через его языкэ. дискурс его текстов

    Bilingualism and Culture: Psycholinguistic Aspect

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    The development of bilingualism of a bilingual child is inextricably linked with the formation of an individual folklore-linguistic picture of the world. In this regard, proverbs, sayings, riddles and folk phraseology as universal phenomena of folklore of the Russian and Greek languages, which have important linguistic and cultural potential, are of particular interest from the point of view of their presence in the bilingual speech and thought activity.The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the functioning of paremiological and phraseological units in a bilingual speech determine the content of folklore language worldview and directly depend on the type of formation of the child’s early bilingualism. Phraseological and paremiological composition of the folklore picture of the world of natural Russian-Greek bilinguals is asymmetric and directly depends on the type of early bilingualism –  in bilinguals who learn two languages on the principle of “one-person-one-language ”, asymmetry prevails in favor of the Greek language, children from Russian-speaking families whose bilingualism develops according to the principle “family language is the language of society ” exhibit better knowledge of Russian folklore elements compared to Gree

    Ways of Representation of Main Suggestive Strategies and Tactics in Law Discourse

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    This article is devoted to the research of the mechanisms of suggestive influence represented in professional layers – prosecutors and attorneys – speech within the English law discourse on the material of a particular witness examination part of the court procedure. Some basic suggestive strategies and tactics used in this step and brief characteristics of their intentiality and ways of representation are presented. It is stated that suggestion as a means of persuasion and manipulation on a psyche is possible only due to the existence of a certain mechanism which gives a person an opportunity to perceive the suggested influences and reflect them.  The authors suppose that the analysis of an effective manipulation of professional opponents – a plaintiff and a defendant (some basic suggestive-psychological algorithms used at the opening statement as well as suggestive strategies, tactics and methods applied) might considerably enhance the perspectives of studying characteristic features of law discourse thus allowing to get closer to the understanding of how a person’s brain works as well as the nature of consciousness and subconsciousness together with the anthropocentric approach aimed at realization of manipulation/suggestion within the situation of an institutional communication

    AXIOLOGY OF NEOLOGISMS WITH A COLORATIVE COMPONENT (Based on the Material of Online-Dictionaries)

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    The purpose of the article is to identify lexical and semantic features of color designation in determining the national cultural specificity of language and speech means. This article illustrates the key characteristics that clearly reflect semantic shifts in vocabulary caused by rethinking axiological components: the frequent use of the green lexeme as part of neologisms; the creation of a new system of values with the help of neologisms with a positive connotation; the emergence of terms naming a person by the professional activity; a significant increase in the group of neologisms associated with economic and environmental discourses; the use of words related to gastronomic culture; interest in the problems of the impact of modern technologies on human life. The study of neologisms as a means of representing values and forming an assessment expands the range of research in the field of axiology and neology