24 research outputs found

    E-learning : technology in teaching logistics

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    The impact of data, information, and knowledge on teaching and learning is more important than ever. The dynamic development of technology based on digitization, robotization, and networking is transforming the world of business and science, and universities play an extremely important role in this process. The digitization of the socioeconomic environment forces changes towards technologization. The educational process should be substantive and organized in such a way that students not only learn about technological solutions but also have the skills and competences to apply knowledge in practice. An example of such activity is the teaching and learning of logistics with the use of distance learning methods and techniques. The aim of this article is to identify the possibilities of using e-learning in teaching logistics to face the challenges of the future. The information is based on secondary and primary sources. This article uses qualitative and quantitative mixed research methods. On the one hand, books and reports, scientific articles, and Internet sources were examined during the desk research phase. On the other hand, the use of e-learning in teaching logistics at selected universities in Poland was tested using the diagnostic survey method, which involved computer-assisted web interviewing (CAWI). The collected material showed the need for using e-learning in teaching logistics. Logistics companies need employees with digital competences and skills. Therefore, using new technologies already in the education process is justified. Learning with the use of remote methods and techniques represents the essential components of the requirements of the university's technological ecosystem. The analysis of the material leads to the conclusion that the implementation of technology into the didactic process as such is not sufficient. Adoption of modern methods and technologies requires a comprehensive approach to managing educational units. It is important that the propagation of modern forms of teaching has the understanding and support of users who are an inherent component of the educational ecosystem structure

    SDH-deficient gastrointestinal stromal tumours

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) comprise a heterogeneous group of the most common mesenchymal neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract. The majority of GIST are induced by activating, mutually exclusive mutations of two genes – KIT and PDGFRA (platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha). However, approximately 10–15% of GISTs lack oncogenic KIT or PDGFRA mutations and these tumours are often called “wild type” (WT) GISTs. The SDH-deficient GISTs form a distinctive subset of tumours accounting for 20–40% of KIT/PDGFRA WT GIST, which results from the loss of function mutations in the genes encoding the SDH enzyme complex. The true frequency of SDH-deficient GISTs was reported to be approximately 7.4 to 7.7%. These tumours usually occur in the stomach (most commonly in the antrum) and have a spectrum of beha­viour from indolent to progressive. In most cases the molecular mechanism behind the SDH-deficient GISTs is connected to germline mutations. SDHA germline mutations occur in approximately 30% of the SDH-deficient GIST, those in SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD appear in 20–30% of patients. The SDH-mutated GISTs do not respond well to the commonly used targeted therapy, with no objective tumour response to imatinib. Taking into account the biological features of SDH-deficient GIST, new therapies of potential in­terest comprise PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitors, heat-shock protein inhibitors, HIF1-α targeting agents, epigenetic modifiers and demethylating agents. However, further research is necessary in these fields

    Długotrwała skuteczność afatynibu u chorego z obecnością dwóch rzadkich mutacji aktywujących w genie EGFR

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    Mutacje aktywujące w genie EGFR stanowią uznany czynnik predykcyjny dla terapii inhibitorami kinazy tyrozynowej (TKI). Zastosowanie leków z tej grupy pozwala na uzyskanie obiektywnej odpowiedzi na leczenie u ponad 60% chorych i wydłużenie czasu wolnego od progresji choroby do około 12 miesięcy. Większość danych dotyczących skuteczności TKI opiera się na badaniach prowadzonych u chorych z częstymi typami mutacji (delecja w eksonie 19. i substytucja L858R w eksonie 21.). U około 10–12% chorych stwierdza się jednak obecność innych mutacji aktywujących. Przedstawiono przypadek chorego z rozpoznaniem zaawansowanego raka gruczołowego płuca, u którego stwierdzono obecność dwóch rzadkich wariantów mutacji aktywujących (p.Gly719Ser oraz p.Leu861Gln). Zastosowanie afatynibu pozwoliło na uzyskanie u chorego częściowej odpowiedzi na leczenie przy jednoczesnej dobrej tolerancji prowadzonego leczenia, a korzyść kliniczną obserwowano przez ponad 20 miesięcy. Wartość afatynibu u chorych z obecnością rzadkich mutacji w genie EGFR oceniono w badaniach prospektywnych (LUX-Lung 2, LUX-Lung 3 i LUX-Lung 6). Wykazano, że chorzy z rzadkimi mutacjami w genie EGFR stanowią grupę heterogenną, a typ mutacji determinuje skuteczność prowadzonego leczenia. Grupą o najbardziej korzystnym rokowaniu są chorzy z obecnością mutacji punktowych w eksonie 18., w tym również chorzy u których współistnieją one z inną mutacją punktową

    SDH-deficient gastrointestinal stromal tumours

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) comprise a heterogeneous group of the most common mesenchymal neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract. The majority of GIST are induced by activating, mutually exclusive mutations of two genes – KIT and PDGFRA (platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha). However, approximately 10–15% of GISTs lack oncogenic KIT or PDGFRA mutations and these tumours are often called “wild type” (WT) GISTs. The SDH-deficient GISTs form a distinctive subset of tumours accounting for 20–40% of KIT/PDGFRA WT GIST, which results from the loss of function mutations in the genes encoding the SDH enzyme complex. The true frequency of SDH-deficient GISTs was reported to be approximately 7.4 to 7.7%. These tumours usually occur in the stomach (most commonly in the antrum) and have a spectrum of beha­viour from indolent to progressive. In most cases the molecular mechanism behind the SDH-deficient GISTs is connected to germline mutations. SDHA germline mutations occur in approximately 30% of the SDH-deficient GIST, those in SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD appear in 20–30% of patients. The SDH-mutated GISTs do not respond well to the commonly used targeted therapy, with no objective tumour response to imatinib. Taking into account the biological features of SDH-deficient GIST, new therapies of potential in­terest comprise PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitors, heat-shock protein inhibitors, HIF1-α targeting agents, epigenetic modifiers and demethylating agents. However, further research is necessary in these fields

    PPAR Gamma Expression Levels during Development of Heart Failure in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease after Coronary Artery Bypass-Grafting

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    Genetic research has elucidated molecular mechanisms of heart failure (HF). Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) seem to be important in etiology of HF. The aim of study was to find the correlation between PPARγ expression during development of HF in patients and coronary artery disease (CAD) after coronary artery bypass-grafting (CABG). Methods and Results. We followed up 157 patients (mean age 63) with CAD without clinical, laboratory, or echo parameters of HF who underwent CABG. Clinical and laboratory status were assessed before CABG and at 1, 12, and 24 months. During CABG slices of aorta (Ao) and LV were collected for genetic research. HF was defined as LVEF <40% or NT-proBNP >400 pg/mL or 6MWT <400 m. Patients were divided into 2 groups: with and without HF. PPARγ expression in Ao and LV was not increased in both groups at 2-year follow-up. Sensitivity of PPARγ expression in Ao above 1.1075 in detection of HF was 20.5% (AUC 0.531, 95% CI 0.442–0.619). Positive predictive value (Ppv) was 85.7%. Sensitivity and specificity of PPARγ expression in the LV in detection of HF were 58% and 92.9%, respectively (AUC 0.540, 95% CI 0.452–0.626). Ppv was 73.2%. Conclusion. PPARγ expression in Ao and LV was comparable and should not be used as predictive factor for development of HF in patients with CAD after CABG

    Myocardial Expression of PPAR γ

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    Activation of PPARs may be involved in the development of heart failure (HF). We evaluated the relationship between expression of PPARγ in the myocardium during coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and exercise tolerance initially and during follow-up. 6-minute walking test was performed before CABG, after 1, 12, 24 months. Patients were divided into two groups (HF and non-HF) based on left ventricular ejection fraction and plasma proBNP level. After CABG, 67% of patients developed HF. The mean distance 1 month after CABG in HF was 397±85 m versus 420±93 m in non-HF. PPARγ mRNA expression was similar in both HF and non-HF groups. 6MWT distance 1 month after CABG was inversely correlated with PPARγ level only in HF group. Higher PPARγ expression was related to smaller LVEF change between 1 month and 1 year (R=0.18, p<0.05), especially in patients with HF. Higher initial levels of IL-6 in HF patients were correlated with longer distance in 6MWT one month after surgery and lower PPARγ expression. PPARγ expression is not related to LVEF before CABG and higher PPARγ expression in the myocardium of patients who are developing HF following CABG may have some protecting effect

    Diagnostyka molekularna nowotworów – podejście praktyczne

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    Wprowadzenie do leczenia chorób nowotworowych terapii celowanych opartych na przeciwciałach monoklonalnych lub drobnocząsteczkowych inhibitorach kinaz doprowadziło, u wybranych chorych, do istotnej poprawy efektów leczenia. Uzyskanie wydłużenia czasu przeżycia bez progresji choroby czy przeżycia całkowitego wiąże się jednak z koniecznością wykonania na etapie diagnostyki szeregu oznaczeń molekularnych. Ich mnogość narzucana zapisami programów lekowych stwarza ogromne problemy we właściwym doborze poszczególnych oznaczeń oraz stanowi istotne wyzwanie w procesie rozliczenia wykonanych badań. W niniejszym opracowaniu podsumowano najważniejsze aspekty diagnostyki molekularnej nowotworów zalecanej i dostępnej w praktyce klinicznej w Polsce.Wprowadzenie terapii celowanych opartych na przeciwciałach monoklonalnych lub drobnocząsteczkowych inhibitorach kinaz do leczenia chorob nowotworowych doprowadziło do istotnej poprawy wynikow leczenia wybranych chorych. Wydłużenie czasu przeżycia bez progresji choroby czy przeżycia całkowitego wiąże się jednak z koniecznością wykonania na etapie diagnostyki szeregu oznaczeń molekularnych. Ich mnogość – narzucana zapisami programow lekowych – stwarza ogromne problemy we właściwym doborze poszczegolnych oznaczeń oraz stanowi istotne wyzwanie w procesie rozliczania wykonanych badań. W tym opracowaniu podsumowano najważniejsze aspekty diagnostyki molekularnej nowotworow zalecanej i dostępnej w praktyce klinicznej w Polsce

    Molecular diagnostics of cancers – practical approach

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    Wprowadzenie do leczenia chorób nowotworowych terapii celowanych opartych na przeciwciałach monoklonalnych lub drobnocząsteczkowych inhibitorach kinaz doprowadziło, u wybranych chorych, do istotnej poprawy efektów leczenia. Uzyskanie wydłużenia czasu przeżycia bez progresji choroby czy przeżycia całkowitego wiąże się jednak z koniecznością wykonania na etapie diagnostyki szeregu oznaczeń molekularnych. Ich mnogość narzucana zapisami programów lekowych stwarza ogromne problemy we właściwym doborze poszczególnych oznaczeń oraz stanowi istotne wyzwanie w procesie rozliczenia wykonanych badań. W niniejszym opracowaniu podsumowano najważniejsze aspekty diagnostyki molekularnej nowotworów zalecanej i dostępnej w praktyce klinicznej w Polsce.Wprowadzenie do leczenia chorób nowotworowych terapii celowanych opartych na przeciwciałach monoklonalnych lub drobnocząsteczkowych inhibitorach kinaz doprowadziło, u wybranych chorych, do istotnej poprawy efektów leczenia. Uzyskanie wydłużenia czasu przeżycia bez progresji choroby czy przeżycia całkowitego wiąże się jednak z koniecznością wykonania na etapie diagnostyki szeregu oznaczeń molekularnych. Ich mnogość narzucana zapisami programów lekowych stwarza ogromne problemy we właściwym doborze poszczególnych oznaczeń oraz stanowi istotne wyzwanie w procesie rozliczenia wykonanych badań. W niniejszym opracowaniu podsumowano najważniejsze aspekty diagnostyki molekularnej nowotworów zalecanej i dostępnej w praktyce klinicznej w Polsce

    Effect of targeted vs standard fortification of breast milk on growth and development of preterm infants (&lt;= 32weeks) : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Human milk is recommended for all very low birth weight infants. Breastmilk is highly variable in nutrient content, failing to meet the nutritional demands of this group. Fortification of human milk is recommended to prevent extrauterine growth retardation and associated poor neurodevelopmental outcome. However, standard fortification with fixed dose multicomponent fortifier does not account for the variability in milk composition. Targeted fortification is a promising alternative and needs further investigation. Methods: This randomized controlled trial will recruit preterm infants (≤ 32 weeks of gestation) within the first 7 days of life. After reaching 80 ml/kg/day of enteral feeding, patients will be randomized to receive standard fortification (HMF, Nutricia) or targeted fortification (modular components: Bebilon Bialka, Nutricia—protein; Polycal, Nutricia—carbohydrates; Calogen, Nutricia—lipids). The intervention will continue until 37 weeks of post-conception age or hospital discharge. Parents and outcome assessors will be blinded to the intervention. The primary outcome measure is velocity of weight, length, and head growth until 36 weeks post-conceptional age or discharge. Secondary outcomes include neurodevelopment at 12 months assessed with Bayley Scale of Development III, repeated at 36 months; body composition at discharge and at 4 months; and incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis, sepsis, retinopathy of prematurity, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Discussion: Targeted fortification has previously been shown as doable in the neonatal intensive care unit context. If it shows to improve growth and neonatal outcome, choosing the targeted fortification as a first line nutritional approach in very low birth weight infants may become a recommendation. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.govNCT03775785, Registered on July 2019