84 research outputs found

    Teoria emocji Anny Wierzbickiej

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    The paper presents the psychological model of emotions which emerges from Anna Wierzbicka’s works written since the mid-1980s. The analysis of her theses on emotions and of her research into the meaning of the emotional terms leads to the distinction of a three-level mechanism responsible for the development and recognition of emotions: the level of physiological reactions of the organism, the level of subjective feelings, and the level of language conceptualization. Wierzbicka’s concept of what basic emotions are is also put forward. Furthermore, the paper argues that, against Wierzbicka’s intentions, there is no place for basic emotions in the reconstructed model.The paper presents the psychological model of emotions which emerges from Anna Wierzbicka’s works written since the mid-1980s. The analysis of her theses on emotions and of her research into the meaning of the emotional terms leads to the distinction of a three-level mechanism responsible for the development and recognition of emotions: the level of physiological reactions of the organism, the level of subjective feelings, and the level of language conceptualization. Wierzbicka’s concept of what basic emotions are is also put forward. Furthermore, the paper argues that, against Wierzbicka’s intentions, there is no place for basic emotions in the reconstructed model

    Semantics of Non-Doxastic Attitude Ascriptions from Experimental Perspective

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    The paper presents novel experimental data regarding reports of non-doxastic attitudes (expressed by verbs such as “wants”, “fear”, “is glad”, and etc.) As observed by some theorists, non-doxastic attitude ascriptions differ from the ascriptions of doxastic attitudes (e.g., “believes”) in that they do not support simple entailments or presuppositions of their complement clause. In particular, an ascription may intuitively change its truth-value if we alter the informational structure of the embedded clause without modifying its truth conditions. We present two experiments whose results support this observation. Experiment 1 shows that the truth-value and acceptability judgements of non-doxastic attitude ascriptions in a context generally depend on the informational structure of the embedded clause. Experiment 2 reveals that the truth-value judgements vary if we manipulate not only the “presupposition-assertion” structure of embedded clause, but also the components related to non-presuppositional entailments of the clause. This conclusion suggests that the contents on which attitude verbs operate should be represented as structured entities

    Pulmonary hypertension in the course of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases — state of art and future considerations

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    Lung diseases are one of the most frequent causes of pulmonary hypertension (PH). The development of PH influences the course of lung disease, worsening the clinical symptoms and prognosis. According to the most recent publications, PH in the course of lung diseases develops as a result of both “parenchymal” and vascular pathology, in the patients with genetic predisposition. Prolonged infection (especially viral one) may be an additional promoting factor. Right heart catheterization (RHC), which is an invasive procedure, is the only objective method of diagnosing PH. According to the latest recommendations, the management algorithm of PH and coexisting interstitial lung disease is based on RHC and the results of pulmonary function tests. Majority of the patients develop mild PH in the course of advanced lung disease. Best treatment of underlying lung pathology combined with long term oxygen treatment is recommended in this group. In case of severe PH (mean resting pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) ≥ 35 mm Hg) the alternate cause of PH has to be sought. PAH-specific drugs use should be limited to patients with severe PH participating in clinical trials. In this review, the value of various non-invasive methods (echocardiography, radiological examination, exercise capacity and brain natriuretic peptides assessment) in the process of screening for PH is presented, and the results of recent randomized clinical trials with PAH-specific drugs in patients with diffuse parenchymal lung diseases are discussed.Lung diseases are one of the most frequent causes of pulmonary hypertension (PH). The development of PH influences the course of lung disease, worsening the clinical symptoms and prognosis. According to the most recent publications, PH in the course of lung diseases develops as a result of both “parenchymal” and vascular pathology, in the patients with genetic predisposition. Prolonged infection (especially viral one) may be an additional promoting factor. Right heart catheterization (RHC), which is an invasive procedure, is the only objective method of diagnosing PH. According to the latest recommendations, the management algorithm of PH and coexisting interstitial lung disease is based on RHC and the results of pulmonary function tests. Majority of the patients develop mild PH in the course of advanced lung disease. Best treatment of underlying lung pathology combined with long term oxygen treatment is recommended in this group. In case of severe PH (mean resting pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) ≥ 35 mm Hg) the alternate cause of PH has to be sought. PAH-specific drugs use should be limited to patients with severe PH participating in clinical trials. In this review, the value of various non-invasive methods (echocardiography, radiological examination, exercise capacity and brain natriuretic peptides assessment) in the process of screening for PH is presented, and the results of recent randomized clinical trials with PAH-specific drugs in patients with diffuse parenchymal lung diseases are discussed

    Bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis in a patient with lymphangioleiomyomatosis accompanying tuberous sclerosis syndrome

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    Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare disease of unknown origin, that may be sporadic or develop in the course of tuberous sclerosis (TS). Patients do not present immune deficiency, but structural changes in the lung parenchyma (cysts) may encourage various infections, for example tuberculosis. Radiologic findings are often difficult to interpret, because of changes related to LAM itself. We present a young women with a history of TS and LAM, in whom protracting respiratory tract infection was finally diagnosed as tuberculosis. Initial diagnosis was based primarily on clinical signs and symptoms and treatment was started despite the negative result of the sputum microscopy for acid fast bacilli. In the course of treatment the diagnosis was supported by positive tuberculin skin test, interferon-gamma release assay and genetic test for M. tuberculosis in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and finally, positive sputum culture in liquid medium. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 4: 309–314Limfangioleiomiomatoza (LAM) jest rzadką chorobą o nieznanej etiologii, która może współistnieć ze stwardnieniem guzowatym. U chorych nie stwierdza się zaburzeń odporności, jednak zmiany w strukturze miąższu płuc (torbiele) mogą stanowić czynnik ryzyka infekcji, między innymi gruźlicy. Obraz radiologiczny jest niekiedy trudny do interpretacji ze względu na zmiany związane z chorobą podstawową. W artykule przedstawiono przypadek młodej chorej na LAM w przebiegu stwardnienia guzowatego, u której długotrwała infekcja układu oddechowego okazała się gruźlicą płuc. Rozpoznanie wstępne postawiono przede wszystkim na podstawie obrazu klinicznego i rozpoczęto leczenie mimo ujemnego wyniku rozmazu plwociny. W trakcie dalszej diagnostyki otrzymano kolejno wyniki badań wspierające diagnozę (badanie genetyczne wydzieliny oskrzelowej, odczyn tuberkulinowy, test wydzielania interferonu gamma), a wreszcie dodatni wynik posiewu na pożywkach płynnych, który ostatecznie potwierdził rozpoznanie. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 4: 309–31

    A surprising diagnosis in a male with a tumour of the chest wall — not always lung cancer

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    Rak płuca jest najczęstszym nowotworem złośliwym u mężczyzn, który w stadium zaawansowanym może dawać przerzuty do tkanki podskórnej lub naciekać ścianę klatki piersiowej. Przedstawiono przypadek chorego, który został skierowany do kliniki z podejrzeniem raka płuca naciekającego boczną ścianę klatki piersiowej. Dodatkowo u pacjenta stwierdzono liczne przerzuty do kości płaskich (żeber, kręgów, czaszki). Szeroko zakrojona diagnostyka przyniosła zaskakujące rozpoznanie raka przewodowego piersi, nowotworu, który u mężczyzn występuje niezwykle rzadko i najczęściej prezentuje się jako dobrze odgraniczony guzek w okolicy brodawki sutkowej. Prezentowany przypadek pokazuje, jak istotną rolę odgrywa wnikliwa ocena mikroskopowa zmiany zlokalizowanej w ścianie klatki piersiowej.Lung cancer is the most frequent malignant tumour in men. Advanced disease may produce metastatic tumours in subcutaneous tissue and also infiltrate the chest wall. We present a history of a man referred to our department suspected of lung tumour infiltrating the chest wall. Additionally, bone metastatic disease was diagnosed (ribs, vertebral bodies and skull). Thanks to a wide diagnostic approach, ductal cancer of the breast was finally diagnosed, a neoplasm that is extremely rare in male patients, usually presenting as a definite nodule in the nipple area of the breast. This case shows the importance of careful histological evaluation of the chest wall tumour

    Non-high risk PE in the patients with acute or exacerbated respiratory disease: the value of the algorithm based on D-dimer evaluation and Revised Geneva Score

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    Introduction: The diagnostic algorithm of non-high risk pulmonary embolism (PE) is based on probability scoring systems and plasma D-dimer (DD) assessment. The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of Revised Geneva Scoring (RGS) and DD testing for the excluding of non-high risk PE, in the patients admitted to the hospital due to acute respiratory diseases. Material and methods: The consecutive patients, above 18 years of age, referred to the department of lung diseases, entered the study. The exclusion criteria were: the pregnancy and the suspicion of high risk PE. Plasma DD was measured with quick ELISA test, VIDAS D-dimer New, bioMerieux, France. Multislice computed tomography angiography was performed in all of the patients. Results: 153 patients, median age 65 (19−88) years entered the study. The probability of PE was: low — in 58 patients (38%), intermediate — in 90 (59%), high — in 5 (3%). DD < 500 ng/ml was found in 12% of patients with low and intermediate probability of PE. PE was recognized in 10 out of 153 patients (7%). None of the patients with DD < 500 ng/ml was diagnosed with PE (NPV 100%). Median DD value was significantly higher in PE patients comparing to non-PE (4500 ng/ml and 1356 ng/ml respectively, p = 0.006). Conclusion: In the group of the patients with acute respiratory symptoms, low or intermediate clinical probability scoring combined with normal DD had a high NPV in excluding PE. Nevertheless, such approach was not very effective, as the increased DD was noted in 88% of the examined population.Introduction: The diagnostic algorithm of non-high risk pulmonary embolism (PE) is based on probability scoring systems and plasma D-dimer (DD) assessment. The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of Revised Geneva Scoring (RGS) and DD testing for the excluding of non-high risk PE, in the patients admitted to the hospital due to acute respiratory diseases. Material and methods: The consecutive patients, above 18 years of age, referred to the department of lung diseases, entered the study. The exclusion criteria were: the pregnancy and the suspicion of high risk PE. Plasma DD was measured with quick ELISA test, VIDAS D-dimer New, bioMerieux, France. Multislice computed tomography angiography was performed in all of the patients. Results: 153 patients, median age 65 (19−88) years entered the study. The probability of PE was: low — in 58 patients (38%), intermediate — in 90 (59%), high — in 5 (3%). DD < 500 ng/ml was found in 12% of patients with low and intermediate probability of PE. PE was recognized in 10 out of 153 patients (7%). None of the patients with DD < 500 ng/ml was diagnosed with PE (NPV 100%). Median DD value was significantly higher in PE patients comparing to non-PE (4500 ng/ml and 1356 ng/ml respectively, p = 0.006). Conclusion: In the group of the patients with acute respiratory symptoms, low or intermediate clinical probability scoring combined with normal DD had a high NPV in excluding PE. Nevertheless, such approach was not very effective, as the increased DD was noted in 88% of the examined population

    Prevalence of latent infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Mazowieckie province using interferon gamma release assay after stimulation with specific antigens ESAT-6 and CFP-10

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    Wstęp: W Polsce na gruźlicę zapada rocznie około 8000 osób. Osoby zakażone prątkiem gruźlicy są obciążone ryzykiem zachorowania, które wynosi do 10% w ciągu całego życia i jest największe w ciągu pierwszych 2 lat po zakażeniu. Wykrywanie zakażenia u osób, u których nie doszło jeszcze do rozwoju choroby pozwala na podejmowanie działań profilaktycznych, których celem jest zapobieganie zachorowaniu i przerwanie transmisji zakażenia. Określenie odsetka populacji zakażonej gruźlicą ma podstawowe znaczenie w prognozowaniu liczby zachorowań. Materiał i metody: W grupie 700 zdrowych dorosłych mieszkańców województwa mazowieckiego w różnym wieku zbadano częstość występowania zakażenia gruźlicą za pomocą odczynu tuberkulinowego (OT) i testu wydzielania interferonu gamma (IFN&#947;) pod wpływem antygenów swoistych dla Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Używano testu QuantiFERON®- -TB-Gold In Tube (QFT). Wszyscy badani byli szczepieni przeciwko gruźlicy zgodnie z obowiązującym w Polsce kalendarzem szczepień. Wyniki: Wykazano, że dodatni wynik QFT występował znacznie rzadziej (23,3%) niż dodatni wynik OT (50,3%). Częstość występowania dodatniego wyniku QFT była zależna od wieku, zgodna z tendencją do zapadalności na gruźlicę, najwyższa w grupie osób powyżej 60. roku życia (48,8%), a najniższa w grupie osób młodych, do 24. roku życia (7,1%). Dodatni wynik OT stwierdzano najczęściej (> 50%) w najmłodszej grupie wiekowej, o najmniejszym wskaźniku zapadalności. W grupie osób powyżej 60. roku życia, w której zapadalność jest najwyższa, OT był dodatni u 33,8% osób. Zgodność wyników OT i testu QFT w całej badanej grupie była bardzo mała, wartość kappa wynosiła 0,198. Częstość występowania zakażenia gruźlicą wśród pracowników służby zdrowia mierzona za pomocą testu QFT była istotnie wyższa niż u osób spoza tej grupy (32,2% v. 20,4%, p < 0,01). Wnioski: Zakażenie prątkiem gruźlicy stwierdzono u około 1/4 badanej populacji województwa mazowieckiego. Test QFT jest lepszym narzędziem do wykrywania zakażenia niż OT, gdyż częstość wyników dodatnich zwiększa się wraz z wiekiem badanych, zgodnie z narastaniem wskaźnika zapadalności na gruźlicę. Zgodność obu testów jest niska. Pracownicy służby zdrowia są częściej zakażeni prątkiem gruźlicy niż inne osoby. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 6: 407&#8211;418Introduction: Over 8000 cases of tuberculosis (TB) are diagnosed annually in Poland. People infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) have a risk of active disease around 10% during whole life, the risk is biggest in the first two years after infection. Recognizing infection before TB disease occurred enables prophylaxis against its activation and ceases transmission of infection. Knowledge about proportion of infected people in the population is crucial to predict the number of new cases of active disease. Material and methods: Prevalence of latent TB infection (LTBI) was tested in 700 healthy adult inhabitants of Mazovia Region in different age groups, using both tuberculin skin test (TST) and interferon gamma release assay (IGRA). Commercial test QuantiFERON®-TB-Gold In Tube (QFT) was used. All participants were mandatory BCG vaccinated according to Polish vaccination schedule. Results: Twenty three per cent of participants tested positively for QFT, which was significantly less than positive results of TST (50.3%). Prevalence of positive QFT result increased with age, as does the incidence of TB in Poland. Positive QFT was most frequent in the oldest age group (48.8%) and rare in the youngest (7.1%). On the contrary, positive TST occurred more often in younger participants (45%), who rarely suffer from TB. Among people over 60, who have the highest TB incidence rate, only 33.8% tested positively with TST. Concordance between both tests was low, with kappa value 0.198. Prevalence of LTBI defined as positive QFT among health care workers (HCW) was significantly higher than in other participants (32.2% v. 20.4%, p < 0.01). Conclusions: LTBI was diagnosed in 23.3% of tested population of Mazovia Region. QFT is a better tool for diagnosing LTBI as it shows positive correlation with age, the same as incidence of TB disease does. Concordance between both tests is low. Prevalence of LTBI in HCW is higher than in other participants. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 6: 407&#8211;41