21 research outputs found

    Molecular foundations of chilling-tolerance of modern maize

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    Gene Ontology categories of GO class “Molecular Function” significantly over-represented among transcripts down-regulated by cold treatment in S50676 inbred line. (PDF 233 kb

    Industry 4.0 - a new development path for (post)mining cities losing their functions?

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    Zmiany transformacyjne po 1989 r. doprowadziły do utraty przez wiele miast przemysłowych swojej dotychczasowej funkcji. Te, w których górnictwo było tylko jedną z wielu funkcji gospodarczych, znalazły nowe sposoby na ukształtowanie swojej ścieżki rozwoju. Jednakże, znakomita większość miast górniczych popadła w kryzys, którego skutki mieszkańcy odczuwali jeszcze przez kilka następnych lat. Ponad trzydzieści lat po dokonaniu się głębokiego regresu gospodarczego, na terenie monofunkcyjnych (po)górniczych miast tracących funkcje (Bytomia, Wałbrzycha i Zabrza) oraz ciągle monofunkcyjnego Jastrzębia-Zdroju, autorka przeprowadza badania kondycji społeczno-ekonomicznej tych ośrodków celem poznania i oceny potencjału oraz ich zdolności do wykreowania nowej ścieżki rozwojowej w oparciu o przemysł 4.0. Celem możliwie jak najpełniejszego opracowania tematu zastosowano komplementarne metody badawcze: wywiad pogłębiony, ankieta, analiza materiałów zastanych i wywiady z ekspertami. Niniejsza praca dowodzi, że każde z czterech analizowanych miast posiada cechy, które już zapoczątkowały lub pozwolą zapoczątkować proces rozwoju lokalnych systemów innowacji opartych o przemysł 4.0, a największe szanse na rozwój ścieżki w oparciu o przemysł 4.0 mają ośrodki, które charakteryzują się współwystępowaniem kilku pokrewnych branż, bliskością hubów technologicznych oraz konsekwentnym wdrażaniem strategii budowy ekosystemu przemysłu 4.0.Transformational changes after 1989 led many industrial cities to lose their former function. Those in which mining was only one of many economic functions found new ways to shape their development path. However, the vast majority of mining towns fell into crisis, the effects of which were felt by residents for several years. More than thirty years after the deep economic regression, on the territory of mono-functional (post)mining towns losing their functions (Bytom, Walbrzych and Zabrze) and the still mono-functional Jastrzębie-Zdrój, the author conducts a study of the socio-economic condition of these towns in order to learn about and assess the potential and their ability to create a new development path based on Industry 4.0. In order to study the topic as fully as possible, complementary research methods were used: in-depth interview, questionnaire, analysis of found materials and interviews with experts. This work proves that each of the four analyzed towns has characteristics that have already initiated or will allow to initiate the process of developing local innovation systems based on Industry 4.0, and that the towns with the greatest chances of developing a path based on Industry 4.0 are those characterized by the co-occurrence of several related industries, proximity to technology hubs and consistent implementation of strategies for building an Industry 4.0 ecosystem

    The geography of digital entrepreneurs in Industry 4.0 in Poland

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    Celem pracy jest poznanie przestrzennego zróżnicowania lokalizacji firm oferujących usługi i produkty zaliczane do heterogenicznej grupy technologii przemysłu 4.0 oraz określenie potencjału poszczególnych obszarów w zakresie możliwości wytworzenia przyszłych skupień tej działalności w Polsce. Identyfikacji skupień dokonano na podstawie wieloetapowej procedury, wykorzystując rozproszone zbiory danych, w oparciu o przeważające kody klasyfikacji działalności gospodarczych i iloraz lokalizacji. Stwierdzono, że cyfrowi przedsiębiorcy wykazują się silną koncentracją w niewielkiej liczbie miast i powiatów, a przede wszystkim w miastach rdzeniowych największych polskich metropolii. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza usług związanych z oprogramowaniem oraz inżynieryjnych a ponadto firm dystrybuujących specjalistyczne maszyny i urządzenia. Największe perspektywy na rozwój w obszarach pozametropolitalnych wykazują podmioty powiązane z produkcją maszyn oraz zajmujące się ich instalowaniem i integracją. Heterogeniczność technologii przemysłu 4.0 sprawia, że miasta i regiony, w oparciu o dobrze rozpoznany własny potencjał mogą eksplorować różne ścieżki rozwoju lokalnego powiązane z tymi technologiami

    Wpływ sposobu parzenia różnych rodzajów kaw na zawartość w nich szczawianów®

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    The aim of this study presented in the article, the influence of various brewing methods on the oxalate content in different types of coffee was examined. The level of these compounds was determined by permanganometric titration in two coffee species: Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta, using three brewing methods as well as different brewing times. In the experimental part, the content of oxalates in the prepared coffee infusions was determined and the results were analyzed and discussed by comparing the obtained values with the available literature data, and then conclusions were drawn based on them.Celem pracy zaprezentowanej w artykule było zbadanie wpływu sposobu parzenia różnych rodzajów kaw na zawartość w nich szczawianów. Poziom tych związków oznaczono metodą manganometryczną w dwóch gatunkach kawy: Coffea arabica oraz Coffea robusta, wykorzystując trzy metody parzenia, a także różny czas zaparzania. W części doświadczalnej oznaczono zawartość szczawianów w przygotowanych naparach kawowych oraz dokonano analizy i dyskusji wyników, porównując uzyskane wartości z dostępnymi danymi literatury, a następnie na ich podstawie wyciągnięto wniosk

    Neutrophils as a Source of Chitinases and Chitinase-Like Proteins in Type 2 Diabetes.

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    The pathophysiological role of human chitinases and chitinase-like proteins (CLPs) is not fully understood. We aimed to determine the levels of neutrophil-derived chitotriosidase (CHIT1), acidic mammalian chitinase (AMCase) and chitinase 3-like protein 1 (YKL-40) in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and verify their association with metabolic and clinical conditions of these patients.Neutrophils were obtained from the whole blood by gradient density centrifugation from 94 T2D patients and 40 control subjects. The activities of CHIT1 and AMCase as well as leukocyte elastase (LE) were measured fluorometrically and concentration of YKL-40 immunoenzymatically. Also, routine laboratory parameters in serum/plasma were determined by standard methods.The levels of all three examined proteins were about 2-times higher in diabetic patients in comparison to control subjects. They were significantly correlated with the activity of LE and increased progressively across tertiles of LE activity. Moreover, the activities of CHIT1 and AMCase were significantly correlated with each other. Metabolic compensation of diabetes did not influence the levels of these proteins. In the subgroup of patients with inflammatory evidence only YKL-40 concentration was significantly higher compared to those without inflammation. The highest levels of all three proteins were observed in patients with macroangiopathies. Insulin therapy was associated with lower levels of examined proteins.We revealed that neutrophils may be an important source of the increased levels of chitinases and CLPs in T2D, and these proteins may participate in inflammatory mechanisms in the course of the disease and consequent development of diabetic angiopathies

    The second generation electromobility in Polish urban public transport : the factors and mechanisms of spatial development

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    One of the key challenges on the road to sustainable mobility is the development of low/zero emission urban public transport (UPT). This is crucial in order to meet environmental requirements aiming at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. In some countries (e.g., Poland) reduction of air pollution is also an important reason behind the implementation of low/zero emission UPT. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors and mechanisms influencing the development of modern electromobility in Polish UPT. We have examined all 242 UPT systems in the country in terms of the characteristics of the relevant urban municipalities, such as size, economic prosperity, level of human and social capital, development paths of urban public transport in the long term as well as the institutional context and proximity and connections to other cities with experience in electromobility. Classification and statistical methods are used based on a variety of approaches, as assigning a score to various preliminarily identified indicators or applying correlation between quantities to verify the formulated hypotheses. Our analysis demonstrates that electromobility adoption is the result of a combination of favourable economic, urban, social and technological characteristic features of a given city. Zero or low emission buses are more common in large cities which are highly positioned in urban hierarchy, economically sound and which are characterized by a well-developed tertiary economy as well as by high human capital. An additional factor that positively influences the implementation of electromobility—in particular at the very first stage—is proximity to the location of low emission bus producers. The leadership in modern electromobility can be understood as part of a broader, proactive development policy of the cities aimed at improving the quality of life of their residents. This is especially important in medium-sized towns where utilizing electric vehicles can be an instrument to maintain or even develop their role and status. The results of the article may provide a basis for creating sustainable urban policies, especially sustainable mobility and improving environmental quality

    Levels of proteins from family 18 of glycosyl hydrolase in neutrophils of patients with type 2 diabetes and control subjects.

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    <p>CHIT1—chitotriosidase activity expressed in nmol/h/10<sup>6</sup> cells, AMCase—acidic mammalianchitinase activity expressed in nmol/h/10<sup>6</sup> cells, YKL-40—chitinase 3-like protein 1 concentration expressed in ng/10<sup>6</sup> cells, T2D—type 2 diabetes; Data are presented as mean values ± standard error. On the y-axis appropriate units reflecting levels of examined proteins are indicated. The level of statistical significance of differences (<i>p</i> value) observed between T2D patients and the control group was evaluated by Mann-Whitney <i>U</i> test.</p

    Levels of proteins from family 18 of glycosyl hydrolase in neutrophils of patients with type 2 diabetes divided into different subgroups according to clinical recommendations of Polish Diabetes Association.

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    <p>CHIT1—chitotriosidase activity, AMCase—acidic mammalian chitinase activity, YKL-40—chitinase 3-like protein 1 concentration,</p><p>OAD—oral antidiabetic agents. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. Criteria of patients' division are detailed in the Material and methods section. Statistically significant differences (<i>p</i> value) between subgroups of patients:</p><p><sup>a</sup> without inflammation vs. with inflammation <i>p</i> = 0.011.</p><p><sup>b1</sup> micro- vs. macroangiopathies <i>p</i><0.001.</p><p><sup>b2</sup> micro- vs. micro- and macroangiopathies <i>p</i> = 0.003.</p><p><sup>c1</sup> micro- vs. macroangiopathies <i>p</i> = 0.038.</p><p><sup>c2</sup> micro- vs. micro- and macroangiopathies <i>p</i> = 0.048.</p><p><sup>d1</sup> insulin vs. OAD <i>p</i><0.001.</p><p><sup>d2</sup> insulin vs. insulin with OAD <i>p</i><0.001.</p><p><sup>d3</sup> OAD vs. insulin with OAD <i>p</i> = 0.004.</p><p><sup>e</sup> insulin vs. OAD <i>p</i> = 0.005.</p><p>Levels of proteins from family 18 of glycosyl hydrolase in neutrophils of patients with type 2 diabetes divided into different subgroups according to clinical recommendations of Polish Diabetes Association.</p