15 research outputs found

    Negative States of Affairs in Ingarden’s Ontology

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    The paper offers an ontological analysis of negative states of affairs in Ingarden’s ontology. The debate about negative states of affairs has revolved around establishing their existential status, in particular whether they are heteronomous or autonomous. On the one hand, Ingarden is often perceived as a reductionist who claims that negative states of affairs enjoy a very weak mode of being: they are purely intentional entities. On the other hand, according to Ingarden, they are ontologically dependent on positive states of affairs, which are autonomous. While Ingarden’s pos¬ition is vague, it is hard to accept the idea that negative states of affairs should have both heteronomous and autonomous aspects. Those problems arise when Ingarden moves from ontological to epistemological domain. I maintain that the understanding of negative states of affairs as purely intentional is simply a result of following the epistemological way of thinking and is in conflict with some of his ontological statements

    Koncepcja idei. Roman Ingarden contra Jean Hering

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    Koncepcja idei Romana Ingardena wiele zawdzięcza wypracowanej przez Jeana Heringa teorii idei, istoty i jakości idealnych. Celem artykułu nie jest jedynie prezentacja obszarów pokrewnych dla obu myślicieli i ukazanie twórczej kontynuacji myśli Heringa dokonanej przez Ingardena, ale przede wszystkim wskazanie na miejsca, w których rozchodzą się drogi obu koncepcji, i przedyskutowanie motywów, dla których tak się stało. Perspektywa ta pozwala zrozumieć powody zmiany stanowiska Ingardena w sprawie struktury idei, a także racje, które stały za przyjęciem takiej a nie innej ostatecznej ich postaci. Odmienność Ingardenowskiego projektu od wcześniejszych teorii idei najwyraźniej uwidacznia się dzięki uznaniu zmiennych w zawartości idei i ich doniosłej funkcji, co zresztą w opinii samego Ingardena stanowiło pewne novum. W artykule nie zostały pominięte również liczne problemy związane z typami i funkcją samych zmiennych

    Theory of the Whole and the Part – Ontological Perspective (E. Husserl, R. Ingarden)

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    The purpose of the paper is demonstrate the thesis that Ingarden's ontological system allows a better understanding of the “part-whole” problem then previous theories. Especially, if we take into account the existential ontology of Ingarden, which refers to Husserl “part-whole” theory, we can see that development of terms made by Ingarden sheds new light on old problems. In this context, particularly important is to distinguish between two existential moments: contingancy/inseparatness, because thanks to them we can talk about many different types of relationships and hence many types of objects

    From intention to object : a view on controversy over intentional object in Ingarden’s ontology

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    Termin "przedmiot intencjonalny" jest w powszechnym użyciu nie tylko w rozważaniach ontologicznych, ale (a może przede wszystkim) w szeroko rozumianych dyskusjach o charakterze filozoficznym lub tylko filozofującym. Okazuje się jednak, że rozumienie terminu "przedmiot intencjonalny" jest raczej intuicyjne. Bliższe uchwycenie treści stojących za tym terminem sprawia poważne trudności. Odnosząc się do ontologii Romana Ingardena, będę wykazywać, jak skomplikowana jest sieć możliwych sposobów rozumienia pojęcia "przedmiotu intencjonalnego". Zwracając szczególną uwagę na jego konstytucję i omawiając poszczególne typy transcendencji przedmiotu, akcentuję ważność relacji: akt intencyjny (intencjonalny) - przedmiot. Problematyka przedmiotu intencjonalnego wymaga także dokładnego omówienia takich rozróżnień, jak: przedmiot czysto intencjonalny, pierwotny, pochodnie intencjonalny, także intencjonalny oraz pewnych bardzo istotnych dla rozumienia przedmiotu intencjonalnego relacji, tj. "podstawa bytowa" i "bytowy fundament".Term "intentional object" is in commonly used not only in ontological inquiries but first of all in a wide range of philosophically inclined discussions. At it shows the understanding of the term intentional object is usually rather intuitive. Attempts to grasp the real meaning of this term have encountered serious difficulties. In the article I would like to present the complexity of many possible ways to understand the mean of Ingardens’ intentional object. The importance of the relation between an intentional act and an intentional object can be accented by focusing on the object’s constitution and the particular type of it’s transcedency. The mentioned problem requires a deep analysis of differencies between pure, derrivative, also-intentional object as well as some insight into important issues needed for proper understanding of intentional object like the entity basis and entity fundament

    Effects of Physical Rehabilitation on Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters and Ground Reaction Forces of Patients with Intermittent Claudication

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    Chronic ischemia of the lower extremities often presents as intermittent claudication characterized by lower limb pain which subsides after a short break. This study aimed to provide an assessment of the spatiotemporal parameters of gait and ground reaction forces in patients with PAD participating in three forms of supervised physical training. A total of 80 subjects completed a three-month supervised physical rehabilitation program with three sessions per week. The subjects were assigned to one of three programs: group 1—standard walking training on a treadmill (TT); group 2—Nordic walking (NW) training; group 3—strength and endurance training comprised of NW with isokinetic resistance training (NW + ISO). Gait biomechanics tests (kinematic and kinetic parameters of gait) and a six-minute walk test were carried out before and after three months of physical training. Nordic walking training led to the greatest improvements in the gait pattern of patients with PAD and a significant increase in the absolute claudication distance and total gait distance. Combined training (NW + ISO) by strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities increased the amplitude of the general center of gravity oscillation to the greatest extent. Treadmill training had little effect on the gait pattern. Nordic walking training should be included in the rehabilitation of patients with PAD as a form of gait training, which can be conducted under supervised or unsupervised conditions

    The role of the tissue factor and its inhibitor in the development of subclinical atherosclerosis in people living with HIV

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    <div><p>Introduction</p><p>HIV infection is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in connection with atherosclerosis and thromboembolic complications. The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is still unclear in this group of patients. Studies on pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in the general population emphasize the role of the extrinsic pathway of blood coagulation, particularly the tissue factor (TF) and tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI). The effect of persistent activation of the immune system on enhanced expression of TF on the surface of monocytes in subjects infected with HIV is known to be correlated with the level of HIV RNA in blood serum.</p><p>Study aim</p><p>The aim of this study was to evaluate the concentration of TF and its inhibitor TFPI in blood plasma, the impact of traditional and non-traditional cardiovascular risk factors on their concentration and the impact of both markers of haemostasis on the severity of subclinical atherosclerosis as assessed by the intima-media measurement of the carotid artery in HIV infected patients.</p><p>Materials</p><p>The study included 121 HIV-infected people with known clinical, immunological and virological status. The control group consisted of 42 healthy individuals, selected in terms of age and sex.</p><p>Results and conclusions</p><p>Higher concentrations of TF occurred in HIV-infected patients with a low current plasma HIV RNA level, nadir CD4+ T-cell count and longer duration of cumulative antiretroviral treatment. In multivariate analysis, it was the length of cumulative NRTI treatment that impacted on the concentration of TF. The determinants of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors and inflammatory markers did not show any effect on the concentrations of TF.</p><p>The TFPI level in HIV-infected patients was significantly higher than in the control group and was negatively correlated with the current level of HIV RNA and nadir CD4+ T-cell count, being higher in patients subjected to antiretroviral treatment. It was shown that the higher the cardiovascular risk and the higher the levels of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL), the higher the concentrations of TFPI observed. The levels of TF and TFPI were positively correlated with carotid intima media thickness (cIMT); in the multivariate analysis, TF, non-HDL cholesterol and lifetime smoking (pack-years) independently affected the growth of cIMT. A similar effect on cIMT was demonstrated by TFPI.</p></div