16 research outputs found

    Potential role of peripheral and central vascular failure in neuroleptic, amphetamine and domperidone pharmacodynamics and toxicolog

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    Vascular failure is a pathological entity that seems to be antecedent to various pathological processes. This investigation theorized that vascular failure-related phenomena would be apparent in early phases after the application of neuroleptics, amphetamine, and domperidone before their expected behavioral and neurological symptoms. BPC-157 pentadecapeptide (BPC157) showed vascular failure mitigating properties in previous investigations and was used to further elaborate findings


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    This study aimed to investigate tourniquet-induced compartment syndrome of the limb, consequential development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, and its counteraction with pentadecapeptide BPC 157 therapy

    Znanje i stavovi studenata medicine o medicini rada i sporta

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    Occupational and sports medicine (OSM) education is poorly represented in Croatian university undergraduate medical curricula. Zagreb University medical students are required to take OSM classes for a week on their final year of studies. The classes are organised around team-based learning (TBL). Given that students who attend TBL classes have significantly higher exam scores than students who take lectures ex cathedra, the aim of this study was to assess students’ knowledge and attitudes immediately after TBL OSM classes. This cross-sectional study included 162 final-year Zagreb University School of Medicine students taking TBL classes in OSM in the academic year of 2019/2020. They were recruited from 30 September 2019 to 4 March 2020. Participants filled in a 20-item questionnaire compiled by the authors and adapted to the Croatian legislation. Their answers demonstrated positive attitude toward OSM classes and negative attitude toward occupational medicine practice and OSM specialty. They showed moderate interest only for the job of sports physician. Even though they showed sufficient knowledge of OSM immediately after the course was completed, they were moderately satisfied with their knowledge. Our findings call for rethinking the practical aspects of teaching OSM classes in order to promote OSM practice among medical students or at least raise awareness about the importance of prevention of numerous work or sport-related disorders.Edukacija iz medicine rada i sporta (MRIS) slabo je zastupljena u kurikulima dodiplomskih studija medicine. Studenti medicine na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu obvezni su pohađati nastavu iz MRIS-a tjedan dana na posljednjoj godini studija. Nastava je organizirana prema načinu poučavanja u grupi (PUG). Kako studenti koji iskuse PUG imaju bolje rezultate ispita i ocjene u odnosu na studente koji samo pohađaju predavanja, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti znanje i stavove studenata odmah nakon nastave iz MRIS-a koja je zasnovana na PUG-u. U ovom presječnom istraživanju sudjelovala su 162 studenta završne godine studija medicine na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu koji su iskusili PUG tijekom nastave iz MRIS-a u akademskoj godini 2019./2020. Bili su uključeni u istraživanje od 30. rujna 2019. do 4. ožujka 2020. Sudionici su ispunili upitnik s 20 čestica koji se odnosi na znanje i stavove studenata o MRIS-u. Autori su ga sastavili i prilagodili hrvatskom zakonodavstvu. Rezultati našega istraživanja pokazali su pozitivne stavove studenata prema nastavi iz MRIS-a i negativne stavove prema poslu u medicini rada i specijalizaciji iz MRIS-a. Studenti su pokazali osrednje zanimanje za posao u sportskoj medicini. Iako su pokazali dostatno znanje odmah nakon završetka kolegija, bili su umjereno zadovoljni svojim znanjem iz MRIS-a. Praktični aspekti strategije poučavanja na nastavi iz MRIS-a trebali bi se razmotriti u budućnosti kako bi se promicao rad u MRIS-u među studentima medicine rada i sporta ili barem podigla svijest o važnosti prevencije brojnih poremećaja koji su vezani uz rad ili sport

    Modern approach to corneal transplantation

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    Transplantacija rožnice najuspješnija je i najizvođenija transplantacija na svijetu. Rožnična patologija kao uzrok gubitka vida u današnje se vrijeme nastoji otkloniti suvremenim metodama pripreme presadaka i uznapredovalim operacijskim tehnikama. Dugo najizvođenija penetrantna keratoplastika zamijenjena je različitim vrstama lamelarne (slojevite) keratoplastike ovisno o indikaciji. Metode daju bolje postoperativne ishode u vidu bržeg oporavka, kraće primjene kortikosteroida, manjeg postotka odbacivanja presatka te bolje vidne oštrine. Za patologiju prednjeg dijela rožnice uz očuvani endotel, metoda izbora danas je duboka prednja lamelarna keratoplastika (DALK). Za patologiju endotela i Descemetove membrane koriste se automatizirana endotelna keratoplastika s uklanjanjem Descemetove membrane (DSAEK), ultra tanki DSAEK (UT-DSAEK) i endotelna keratoplastika Descemetove membrane (DMEK). Svaka od metoda ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke pa je tako DSAEK uvelike zastupljena metoda endotelne keratoplastike zbog tehnički manje zahtjevne procedure dok DMEK dokazano daje bolje ishode po pitanju vidne oštrine. S obzirom na prednosti svih metoda lamelarne keratoplastike, krivulju učenja operacijskih metoda nastoji se smanjiti pripremom presadaka u očnoj banci i primjenom novih tehnologija poput femtosekundnog lasera i intraoperativne optičke koherentne tomografije (iOCT-a). Laserom pripremljeni visoko kompatibilni presaci te nadgledanje operacije iOCT-om olakšavaju proceduru transplantacije i uspješno smanjuju intraoperativne i postoperativne komplikacije. Pomanjkanju donorskog tkiva nastoji doskočiti bioinženjering rožnice koji se bavi izradom kvalitetnih i estetski prihvatljivih keratoproteza te razvojem zamjenskih tkiva koja bi imitirala biomehaničku funkciju rožnice. Brzi razvoj tehnologija i materijala obećava skori razvoj mogućeg terapijskog rješenja budućnosti: biointegrirane i funkcionalne umjetne rožnice.Corneal transplantation is the most successful and commonly performed transplant surgery in the world. Corneal pathologies, as a cause of vision loss, are now being addressed with modern methods of graft preparation and advanced surgical techniques. Traditional penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) has been replaced by various types of lamellar keratoplasty depending on the indication. These methods offer better postoperative outcomes, including faster recovery, shorter corticosteroid use, decreased percentage of graft rejection, and improved visual outcomes. Today’s method of choice for anterior corneal pathologies with preserved endothelium is Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DALK). For pathologies involving the endothelium and Descemet's membrane, procedures such as Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK), ultra-thin DSAEK (UT-DSAEK), and Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) are utilized. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, with DSAEK being widely adopted due to its less technically demanding procedure, while DMEK has demonstrated better outcomes in terms of visual outcomes. Considering the benefits of all lamellar keratoplasty methods, the learning curve of surgical techniques is reduced through graft preparation in eye banks and new technologies such as femtosecond laser and iOCT (intraoperative optical coherence tomography). Laser-prepared highly compatible grafts and intraoperative monitoring with iOCT facilitate the transplantation procedure and successfully reduce intraoperative and postoperative complications. To overcome the lack of donor tissue, corneal bioengineering focuses on developing high-quality and aesthetically acceptable keratoprostheses and substitute tissues that mimic the biomechanical function of the cornea. Rapid technological and material advancement leads to future therapeutic solutions: bio-integrated and functional artificial corneas

    Modern approach to corneal transplantation

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    Transplantacija rožnice najuspješnija je i najizvođenija transplantacija na svijetu. Rožnična patologija kao uzrok gubitka vida u današnje se vrijeme nastoji otkloniti suvremenim metodama pripreme presadaka i uznapredovalim operacijskim tehnikama. Dugo najizvođenija penetrantna keratoplastika zamijenjena je različitim vrstama lamelarne (slojevite) keratoplastike ovisno o indikaciji. Metode daju bolje postoperativne ishode u vidu bržeg oporavka, kraće primjene kortikosteroida, manjeg postotka odbacivanja presatka te bolje vidne oštrine. Za patologiju prednjeg dijela rožnice uz očuvani endotel, metoda izbora danas je duboka prednja lamelarna keratoplastika (DALK). Za patologiju endotela i Descemetove membrane koriste se automatizirana endotelna keratoplastika s uklanjanjem Descemetove membrane (DSAEK), ultra tanki DSAEK (UT-DSAEK) i endotelna keratoplastika Descemetove membrane (DMEK). Svaka od metoda ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke pa je tako DSAEK uvelike zastupljena metoda endotelne keratoplastike zbog tehnički manje zahtjevne procedure dok DMEK dokazano daje bolje ishode po pitanju vidne oštrine. S obzirom na prednosti svih metoda lamelarne keratoplastike, krivulju učenja operacijskih metoda nastoji se smanjiti pripremom presadaka u očnoj banci i primjenom novih tehnologija poput femtosekundnog lasera i intraoperativne optičke koherentne tomografije (iOCT-a). Laserom pripremljeni visoko kompatibilni presaci te nadgledanje operacije iOCT-om olakšavaju proceduru transplantacije i uspješno smanjuju intraoperativne i postoperativne komplikacije. Pomanjkanju donorskog tkiva nastoji doskočiti bioinženjering rožnice koji se bavi izradom kvalitetnih i estetski prihvatljivih keratoproteza te razvojem zamjenskih tkiva koja bi imitirala biomehaničku funkciju rožnice. Brzi razvoj tehnologija i materijala obećava skori razvoj mogućeg terapijskog rješenja budućnosti: biointegrirane i funkcionalne umjetne rožnice.Corneal transplantation is the most successful and commonly performed transplant surgery in the world. Corneal pathologies, as a cause of vision loss, are now being addressed with modern methods of graft preparation and advanced surgical techniques. Traditional penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) has been replaced by various types of lamellar keratoplasty depending on the indication. These methods offer better postoperative outcomes, including faster recovery, shorter corticosteroid use, decreased percentage of graft rejection, and improved visual outcomes. Today’s method of choice for anterior corneal pathologies with preserved endothelium is Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DALK). For pathologies involving the endothelium and Descemet's membrane, procedures such as Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK), ultra-thin DSAEK (UT-DSAEK), and Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) are utilized. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, with DSAEK being widely adopted due to its less technically demanding procedure, while DMEK has demonstrated better outcomes in terms of visual outcomes. Considering the benefits of all lamellar keratoplasty methods, the learning curve of surgical techniques is reduced through graft preparation in eye banks and new technologies such as femtosecond laser and iOCT (intraoperative optical coherence tomography). Laser-prepared highly compatible grafts and intraoperative monitoring with iOCT facilitate the transplantation procedure and successfully reduce intraoperative and postoperative complications. To overcome the lack of donor tissue, corneal bioengineering focuses on developing high-quality and aesthetically acceptable keratoprostheses and substitute tissues that mimic the biomechanical function of the cornea. Rapid technological and material advancement leads to future therapeutic solutions: bio-integrated and functional artificial corneas

    Modern approach to corneal transplantation

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    Transplantacija rožnice najuspješnija je i najizvođenija transplantacija na svijetu. Rožnična patologija kao uzrok gubitka vida u današnje se vrijeme nastoji otkloniti suvremenim metodama pripreme presadaka i uznapredovalim operacijskim tehnikama. Dugo najizvođenija penetrantna keratoplastika zamijenjena je različitim vrstama lamelarne (slojevite) keratoplastike ovisno o indikaciji. Metode daju bolje postoperativne ishode u vidu bržeg oporavka, kraće primjene kortikosteroida, manjeg postotka odbacivanja presatka te bolje vidne oštrine. Za patologiju prednjeg dijela rožnice uz očuvani endotel, metoda izbora danas je duboka prednja lamelarna keratoplastika (DALK). Za patologiju endotela i Descemetove membrane koriste se automatizirana endotelna keratoplastika s uklanjanjem Descemetove membrane (DSAEK), ultra tanki DSAEK (UT-DSAEK) i endotelna keratoplastika Descemetove membrane (DMEK). Svaka od metoda ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke pa je tako DSAEK uvelike zastupljena metoda endotelne keratoplastike zbog tehnički manje zahtjevne procedure dok DMEK dokazano daje bolje ishode po pitanju vidne oštrine. S obzirom na prednosti svih metoda lamelarne keratoplastike, krivulju učenja operacijskih metoda nastoji se smanjiti pripremom presadaka u očnoj banci i primjenom novih tehnologija poput femtosekundnog lasera i intraoperativne optičke koherentne tomografije (iOCT-a). Laserom pripremljeni visoko kompatibilni presaci te nadgledanje operacije iOCT-om olakšavaju proceduru transplantacije i uspješno smanjuju intraoperativne i postoperativne komplikacije. Pomanjkanju donorskog tkiva nastoji doskočiti bioinženjering rožnice koji se bavi izradom kvalitetnih i estetski prihvatljivih keratoproteza te razvojem zamjenskih tkiva koja bi imitirala biomehaničku funkciju rožnice. Brzi razvoj tehnologija i materijala obećava skori razvoj mogućeg terapijskog rješenja budućnosti: biointegrirane i funkcionalne umjetne rožnice.Corneal transplantation is the most successful and commonly performed transplant surgery in the world. Corneal pathologies, as a cause of vision loss, are now being addressed with modern methods of graft preparation and advanced surgical techniques. Traditional penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) has been replaced by various types of lamellar keratoplasty depending on the indication. These methods offer better postoperative outcomes, including faster recovery, shorter corticosteroid use, decreased percentage of graft rejection, and improved visual outcomes. Today’s method of choice for anterior corneal pathologies with preserved endothelium is Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DALK). For pathologies involving the endothelium and Descemet's membrane, procedures such as Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK), ultra-thin DSAEK (UT-DSAEK), and Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) are utilized. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, with DSAEK being widely adopted due to its less technically demanding procedure, while DMEK has demonstrated better outcomes in terms of visual outcomes. Considering the benefits of all lamellar keratoplasty methods, the learning curve of surgical techniques is reduced through graft preparation in eye banks and new technologies such as femtosecond laser and iOCT (intraoperative optical coherence tomography). Laser-prepared highly compatible grafts and intraoperative monitoring with iOCT facilitate the transplantation procedure and successfully reduce intraoperative and postoperative complications. To overcome the lack of donor tissue, corneal bioengineering focuses on developing high-quality and aesthetically acceptable keratoprostheses and substitute tissues that mimic the biomechanical function of the cornea. Rapid technological and material advancement leads to future therapeutic solutions: bio-integrated and functional artificial corneas

    Potential role of peripheral and central vascular failure in neuroleptic, amphetamine and domperidone pharmacodynamics and toxicolog

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    Vascular failure is a pathological entity that seems to be antecedent to various pathological processes. This investigation theorized that vascular failure-related phenomena would be apparent in early phases after the application of neuroleptics, amphetamine, and domperidone before their expected behavioral and neurological symptoms. BPC-157 pentadecapeptide (BPC157) showed vascular failure mitigating properties in previous investigations and was used to further elaborate findings


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    This study aimed to investigate tourniquet-induced compartment syndrome of the limb, consequential development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, and its counteraction with pentadecapeptide BPC 157 therapy