36 research outputs found
Sistemske manifestacije Sjƶgrenovog sindroma
Sjƶgrenās syndrome (SS) is a heterogeneous disease which, in the majority of cases, includes a mild clinical course. However, in some patients it takes on a severe form with numerous systemic manifestations and results in an adverse outcome. Systemic manifestations occur in approximately 25% of patients with primary Sjƶgrenās syndrome (pSS). The clinical presentation of systemic manifestations of SS is very diverse and can involve any organ system. Systemic manifestations can occur due to lymphocytic infiltration of organs or proliferation of B lymphocytes and deposition of immune complexes. Fatigue is the most common systemic manifestation. The most significant cutaneous manifestations of the disease are palpable purpura, ulcerations, urticarial vasculitis and leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Musculoskeletal manifestations can range from arthralgias to erosive arthritis. Pulmonary involvement may include symptoms such as nonspecific interstitial pneumonia with fibrosis and tracheobronchial disease. Renal changes are observed in 10% to 30% of patients with SS. Tubulointerstitial nephritis, type 1 renal tubular acidosis and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus can develop as a consequence of lymphocytic infiltration. Less often, the inflammatory process affects the glomeruli which leads to glomerulonephritis. Liver diseases are found in approximately 20% of patients with SS and their symptoms
usually include inflammation of intrahepatic bile ducts resembling primary biliary cirrhosis. The manifestations of peripheral nervous system involvement include sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy, mononeuritis multiplex, neuropathies and radiculopathies. Optic neuropathy, hemiparesis, movement disorders, cerebellar syndromes, transient ischemic attacks, transverse myelitis (less commonly), and progressive myelopathy have been described as central nervous system changes. Symptoms of vasculitis can range from mononeuritis multiplex to intestinal ischemia and dysfunction of the affected organs. The development of non-Hodgkinās B-cell lymphoma is a major complication of the disease which occurs in 5%ā7% of patients with SS.Sjƶgrenov sindrom (SS) je heterogena bolest koja se najÄeÅ”Äe prezentira blagim kliniÄkim tijekom. MeÄutim, u manjeg dijela bolesnika poprima teÅ”ki oblik bolesti s brojnim sistemskim manifestacijama i moguÄim loÅ”im ishodom. Sistemske manifestacije se pojavljuju u približno 25% bolesnika s primarnim Sjƶgrenovim sindromom (pSS). KliniÄka prezentacija sistemskih oÄitovanja SS-a vrlo je raznolika i može zahvatiti bilo koji organski sustav. Mogu nastati uslijed limfocitne infiltracije organa ili proliferacije limfocita B i odlaganja imunih kompleksa. Umor je najÄeÅ”Äa sistemska manifestacija. NajznaÄajnije dermatoloÅ”ke manifestacije bolesti su palpabilna purpura, ulceracije, urtikarijalni i leukocitoklastiÄni vaskulitis. KoÅ”tano-miÅ”iÄne manifestacije u bolesnika s pSS-om pojavljuju se u Å”irokom rasponu od artralgija do erozivnog artritisa. ZahvaÄenost pluÄa može se oÄitovati kao fiÄna intersticijska pneumonija s fibrozom i traheobronhalna bolest s poveÄanom reaktivnoÅ”Äu bronha, bronhiektazijama, bronhiolitisom ili ponavljajuÄim respiratornim infekcijama. Bubrežne promjene se uoÄavaju u 10ā30% bolesnika sa SS-om. Kao posljedica limfocitne infiltracije razvija se tubularni intersticijski nefritis, renalna tubularna acidoza tipa I, nefrogeni dijabetes insipidus i ostali poremeÄaji tubularne funkcije. Znatno rjeÄe upalni proces zahvaÄa glomerule dovodeÄi do glomerulonefritisa. Jetreni poremeÄaji se nalaze u oko 20% bolesnika sa SS-om, a najÄeÅ”Äe se oÄituju upalnim promjenama intrahepatalnih žuÄnih vodova nalikujuÄi primarnoj bilijarnoj cirozi. ZahvaÄenost perifernoga živÄanog sustava manifestira se senzomotornom aksonalnom polineuropatijom, senzornom ataksiÄnom i autonomnom neuropatijom, mononeuritisom multipleks, kranijalnim neuropatijama i radikulopatijama. Od promjena srediÅ”njega živÄanog sustava opisuju se optiÄka neuropatija, hemipareza, poremeÄaji pokreta, cerebelarni sindromi, tranzitorne ishemijske atake, rjeÄe transverzalni mijelitis i progresivna mijelopatija. Simptomi vaskulitisa mogu varirati od mononeuritisa multipleksa do ishemije crijeva i disfunkcije zahvaÄenih organa. Razvoj non-Hodgkinovog limfoma B-stanica predstavlja glavnu komplikaciju bolesti i pojavljuje se u 5ā7% bolesnika sa Sjƶgrenovim sindromom
Reumatska polimialgija (PMR) i temporalni arteritis (TA)
Äeste su upalne reumatske bolesti u osoba starijih od pedeset
godina. Usko su povezane i Äesto se pojavljuju u istog
bolesnika. UobiÄajeni simptomi su bol i nelagoda te zakoÄenost
miÅ”iÄa ramenog obruÄa, vrata i kukova, a praÄeni su
poviŔenim vrijednostima upalnih reaktanata i anemijom
kroniÄne bolesti. Uz navedeno u TA se javlja temporalna
glavobolja, smetnje vida i sluha te bol Äeljusti. Dobar i brz
terapijski odgovor na primjenu glukokortikoida kljuÄno je
obilježje ovih dvaju poremeÄaja. Kod nekih upalnih autoimunih
reumatskih bolesti zabilježena je veÄa incidencija
malignoma. Premda razlozi te veÄe pojavnosti nisu jasni,
smatra se da je u podlozi poremeÄena regulacija imunosnog
sustava. ViÅ”e prikaza sluÄaja, serija sluÄaja i epidemioloÅ”kih
studija sugerira poveÄi rizik od malignih bolesti
u bolesnika s PMR i TA, ali su rezultati epidemioloŔkih
studija kontradiktorni. U svrhu istraživanja ove povezanosti
nedavno je provedena nekolicina prospektivnih istraživanja. PoviŔen rizik malignih oboljenja u bolesnika
s PMR/TA nedvojbeno je utvrÄen u prvih 6 ā 12 mjeseci
od dijagnoze, a poslije se taj rizik gubi i izjednaÄava s
rizikom opÄe populacije. UoÄena je veÄa pojavnost karcinoma
urogenitalnog, limfatiÄkog, hematopoetskog i živÄanog
sustava. Kako se do dijagnoze PMR i TA dolazi āper
exclusionemā, a kliniÄka slika Äesto nije specifiÄna i može
nalikovati paraneoplastiÄkom sindromu, potrebna je vrlo
pažljiva kliniÄka evaluacija i pridržavanje klasifikacijskih
kriterija. Nužno je razmotriti sve Å”to diferencijalno dijagnostiÄki
dolazi u obzir, ukljuÄujuÄi malignitet, posebno
tijekom prve godine kliniÄkog praÄenja. UnatoÄ tome u
oko 20 % bolesnika s PMR/TA dolazi do naknadne revizije
dijagnoze u neku od upalnih reumatskih ili malignih
bolesti.Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and giant cell arteritis
(GCA) are two common chronic inflammatory rheumatologic
disorders in adults aged over 50 years. These disorders
are closely related and commonly occur together. Classic
symptoms are bilateral pain, aching, and stiffness in the shoulders
and pelvic girdle, usually accompanied by elevated
inflammatory markers and anemia of chronic disease. The
hallmark of these two diseases is a good and quick response
to glucocorticoid therapy. An increased incidence of malignancy
has been observed in some autoimmune inflammatory
disorders. The mechanism of this association is poorly
understood, but is believed to be related to a dysregulation
of the immune system. Several case reports and case series
have suggested that an increased risk of malignancy also
exists in patients with GCA and PMR, but no clear association
has been proven due to conflicting data coming from
epidemiological studies. Recently, a few larger prospective
cohort studies were performed to explore this association.
An increased risk of a cancer diagnosis was found within the first 6-12 months after a PMR/GCA diagnosis. The data suggested
an excess of cancers of the genitourinary, lymphatic,
hematologic, and nervous systems. Beyond that period, the
risk of malignancy in PMR/GCA was only slightly elevated,
or even equal to the control population. As a diagnosis of
PMR and GCA is usually achieved āper exclusionemā, and
the clinical presentation is non-specific and may resemble
paraneoplastic syndrome, making an accurate diagnosis of
these disorders in the elderly population is essential. Clinicians
need to be aware of the possibility of alternative diagnoses,
including cancer. Thus, patients diagnosed with PMR
and GCA should be carefully monitored, especially in the
first year after the initial diagnosis, to exclude underlying
cancer. In up to 20% of cases of PMR/GCA the diagnosis is
subsequently revised to other inflammatory rheumatic disease
or malignant disease
The prevalence of smoking among Croatian hospitalized coronary heart disease patients [Prevalencija puŔenja u hospitaliziranih bolesnika u Hrvatskoj]
The aim of this paper was to investigate the prevalence of smoking using selected anthropometric variables in a sample of hospitalized coronary heart disease (CHD) patients in Croatia (N = 1,298). A total of 444 subjects (34.6%) were non-smokers, 548 (42.6%) were smokers and 293 (22.8%) were ex-smokers. Men, on average, smoked more cigarettes per day than women (22.62 vs. 19.84 cigarettes, p < 0.001) and they also had bigger index "pack-years" than women (36.96 vs. 33.91, p = 0.024). Men were more often smokers and ex-smokers than women (47.4% vs. 30.8% for smokers and 25.0% vs. 22.8% for ex-smokers, p < 0.001). In this study a high prevalence of smoking was found among CHD patients in Croatia. Unless it is decreased, it can be expected that CHD patients in Croatia will continue to experience adverse effects more often than other CHD patients in the rest of Europe
Spolne razlike u Sjƶgrenovu sindromu ā desetogodiÅ”nje iskustvo jednog centra
Objectives: The objective of this study was to examine the differences in clinical manifestations and comorbidities in men and women with SjoĢgrenās syndrome (SS) treated at the University Hospital Centre Split. Methods: The data were collected from outpatient clinics, inpatient facilities and the day hospital of the Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology of the Department for Internal Medicine of the University Hospital Centre Split. By inspecting the protocol and archive of the medical history of the disease, we have collected various data such as the demographic characteristics and the accompanying clinical manifestations and comorbidities. The SPSS 20 software for Windows (IBM, New York, USA), Ļ2 test, Fisherās test, Fisher-Freeman-Halton test, univariate logistic regression, Firth univariate logistic regression and multivariate logistic regression were used in the statistical analysis. Results: Out of a total of 317
patients with SS, there were 17 (5.4%) men and 300 (94.6%) women. The median age of the patients was 64 (min-max: 19ā89 years of age, Q1- Q3: 54ā2 years of age). We have obtained a statistically significantly higher chance of developing lung diseases, vasculitis and lymphoma in men, and a statistically significantly higher chance of developing hypothyroidism in women. By using the Fisher-Freeman-Halton test we have proved a statistically significant association of the younger age group with thrombocytopenia and APS. In multivariate logistic regression in which age and gender were taken as independent variables, we have confirmed the association of the primary SS (pSS) with the male gender and the younger age group. Conclusion: Our study showed that men with SjoĢgrenās disease had a higher incidence of lymphoma, vasculitis and lung involvement, while women had a higher incidence of hypothyroidism. Furthermore,
thrombocytopenia and APS were more common in younger patients. In contrast, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA ), systemic sclerosis (SSc) and secondary SS (sSS) were characteristically more common in elderly patients. Despite the fact that men are less likely to develop pSS, our research shows that at the time of diagnosis, male patients have a more serious form of the disease than women. Nevertheless, in order to draw precise conclusions on this issue, it is necessary to include the wider population in this research and perform its follow-up over a longer time period.Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike u kliniÄkim manifestacijama i komorbiditetima izmeÄu muÅ”karaca i žena oboljelih od Sjƶgrenova sindroma (SS) lijeÄenih u KBC-u Split. Materijali i metode: Podatci su prikupljeni iz ambulanta, stacionara i dnevne bolnice Zavoda za reumatologiju i kliniÄku imunologiju Klinike za unutarnje bolesti KBC-a Split. Iz arhive medicinske dokumentacije prikupljena su demografska obilježja te popratne kliniÄke manifestacije i komorbiditeti. U statistiÄkoj analizi koriÅ”ten je paket SPSS 20 for Windows (IBM, New York, SAD), Ļ2 test, Fisherov test, Fisher-Freeman-Haltonov test, univarijantna logistiÄka regresija, Firth univarijantna logistiÄka
regresija i multivarijantna logistiÄka regresija. Rezultati: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 317 ispitanika s dijagnozom SS-a: 17 (5,4%) muÅ”karaca i 300 (94,6%) žena. Medijan životne dobi ispitanika iznosio je 64 godine (min-maks: 19 ā 89 god., Q1-Q3: 54 ā 72 god.). Dobili smo statistiÄki znaÄajno veÄe izglede za nastanak pluÄnih bolesti, vaskulitisa i limfoma u muÅ”karaca te statistiÄki znaÄajno veÄe izglede za pojavnost hipotireoze u žena. Fisher-Freeman-Haltonovim testom dokazali smo statistiÄki znaÄajnu povezanost mlaÄe dobne skupine s trombocitopenijom i antifosfolipidnim sindromom (APS). Multivarijantnom logistiÄkom regresijom u kojoj smo kao nezavisne varijable uzeli dob i spol, potvrdili smo povezanost primarnog SS-a (pSS) s muÅ”kim spolom i mlaÄom dobnom skupinom. ZakljuÄci: Istraživanje je pokazalo da je u muÅ”karaca sa SS-om bila veÄa pojavnost limfoma, vaskulitisa i zahvaÄenosti pluÄa, dok je u žena bila veÄa uÄestalost hipotireoze. Trombocitopenija i APS ÄeÅ”Äe su se javljali u bolesnika mlaÄe životne dobi. Nasuprot tomu, kardiovaskularne bolesti, hipertenzija, Å”eÄerna bolest, dislipidemija, osteoporoza, reumatoidni artritis (RA ), sistemska skleroza (SSc) i sekundarni SS (sSS) karakteristiÄno su bili ÄeÅ”Äi u bolesnika starije životne dobi. UnatoÄ Äinjenici da su muÅ”karci manje skloni razvoju pSS-a, naÅ”e istraživanje pokazuje da muÅ”karci imaju veÄi izgled za ozbiljniji oblik bolesti naspram žena. Ipak, za preciznije zakljuÄke potrebno bi bilo obuhvatiti Å”iru populaciju i pratiti je tijekom duljeg razdoblja
Sistemska skleroza (SSc) autoimunosna je bolest, koju prati rizik od razvoja malignoma, posebice karcinoma
pluÄa, meÄu kojima se prema uÄestalosti istiÄu adenokarcinom i planocelularni karcinom.
Å ezdesettrogodiÅ”nja bolesnica sa SSc-om hospitalizirana je zbog nesvjestice, loÅ”eg opÄeg stanja i gangrenoznih
promjena okrajina. Zbog epileptiÄkih napadaja koji su uslijedili te popratne ljevostrane slabosti uÄinjena je kompjutorizirana
tomografi ja (CT) neurokranija koja je otkrila lezije tipa rasadnica (metastaza). Na CT-u pluÄa bila je vidljiva
novotvorina u desnom hilusu koja je patohistoloŔki evaluirala kao planocelularni karcinom 2. stupnja. Bolesnica je
nakon jednomjeseÄne hospitalizacije uz potpornu terapiju, u kliniÄki poboljÅ”anom stanju, otpuÅ”tena na kuÄnu njegu s
preporukom daljnjeg onkoloÅ”kog lijeÄenja, no nekoliko dana potom je preminula.
S obzirom na adenokarcinome, planocelularni karcinomi pluÄa uobiÄajeno se razvijaju u znatno dužem razdoblju
te držimo da je atipiÄno ubrzan njegov razvoj u ove bolesnice potaknut imunosupresivnim djelovanjem srednje visokih
doza glukokortikoida koje je bolesnica samoinicijativno uzimala viŔe godina.Systemic sclerosis (SSC) is an autoimmune disease associated with the risk of malignancies, especially
lung cancer, among which adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are the most frequent.
A 63-year-old female patient with SSC was hospitalized due to blackouts, poor general condition, and changes in
her fi ngers. Because of subsequent epileptic seizures resulting in weakness of the left side of her body, computerized
tomography (CT) of the neurocranium was performed which showed metastatic lesions. A CT scan of the thoracic
organs displayed pulmonary neoplasia in the right hilum, which were histologically evaluated as grade 2 squamous cell
carcinoma. Aft er one month of hospitalization with supportive therapy, the patientās clinical condition improved, and she was discharged into home care with recommendations for further oncological treatment. However, the patient died
several days later.
In comparison to adenocarcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas of the lungs usually develop through a signifi cantly
longer period. We consider that the unusually rapid development of the carcinoma in this patient was stimulated by the
immunosuppressive eff ect of high doses of glucocorticoids that she had been taking for several years on her own initiative
Spearheading into the Neolithic: last foragers and first farmers in the Dinaric Alps of Montenegro
This article presents a summary of new evidence for the Mesolithic in the Dinaric Alps of Montenegro.
The region is one of the best areas in south-eastern Europe to study Early Holocene foragers and the
nature of the transition to Neolithic lifeways at the end of the seventh and the beginning of the sixth
millennium cal BC thanks to the existence of biodiverse landscapes and numerous karstic features. We
argue that harpoons found at two different sites in this regional context represent a curated technology
that has its roots in a local Mesolithic cultural tradition. The continued use of this standardized
hunting tool kit in the Neolithic provides an important indication about the character of the
MesolithicāNeolithic transition. We also use this regional case study to address wider questions concerning
the visibility and modes of Mesolithic occupation in south-eastern Europe as a whole