82 research outputs found

    The Medical Treatment of Autism Disorders

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    Self-Assembling Monolayers of Stearic Acid in Protection of Steel

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    Carbon steel corrodes severely in presence of sodium chloride and it needs additional protection to be used in marine environments. This work investigates the possibility of using a layer of stearic acid as protection for carbon steel. Stearic acid was applied on the steel by two types of treatments: chemical preparation - by immersion of a steel sample in the SA solution and electrochemical preparation – by imposing a corresponding potential to the system. The results have shown that although both treatments result in obtaining an ordered aliphatic monolayer and both treatments increase the hydrophobicity of the surface, protection that the electrochemical preparation offers is stable in time, while the protection the chemical preparation offers is not. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    The use of digital books in the academic environment in Zadar

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    Razvoj digitalne knjige posljednjih je godina pokrenuo brojne rasprave i promišljanja, s naglaskom na čitalačke navike kao i utjecaj masovne digitalizacije, posebno u području knjižničarske zajednice. Digitalne knjige dostupne su u različitim formatima, uključuju različite medije, a isporučuju se na različitim nosačima. Dominacija digitalne knjige najsnažnije je izražena u SAD­u, dok je u Hrvatskoj korištenje digitalne knjige još uvijek nedovoljnog opsega. Akademsko okruženje i fakultetske knjižnice u Hrvatskoj prate promjene u digitalnom nakladništvu i knjižarstvu. Fokus ovoga rada jest istraživanje o korištenju digitalnih knjiga u akademskom okruženju. Istraživanje uključuje nastavnike i studente Sveučilišta u Zadru, s ciljem bilježenja njihovog prepoznavanja važnosti i prednosti, kao i načina korištenja digitalnih knjiga. Za potrebe istraživanja korišten je anketni upitnik koji sadrži pitanja otvorenog i zatvorenog tipa. Ispitanika je ukupno bilo 177. Ustanovljeno je kako ispitanici koriste digitalne knjige i prepoznaju njihove prednosti, no preferiraju tiskane verzije knjiga. Ispitanici najviše koriste digitalne knjige u javnoj domeni ili s nelegalnih web sjedišta, a slabo poznaju copyright i autorska prava. Veliki problem u korištenju digitalnih knjiga predstavlja cijena elektroničkih uređaja i njihova nedostupnost na hrvatskom tržištu. Ispitanici su istaknuli i problem previše formata, bez usvojenih standarda. Digitalne sadržaje koje im se nude na sustavima za e­učenje većina ispitanika smatra jako korisnim. Digitalne bi knjige više koristili kada bi ih nudila knjižnica, uz raznovrsnije sadržaje i ponuđene e­čitače u knjižnicama.The development of digital books launched a number of discussions and deliberations in recent years, with an emphasis on reading habits and the impact of mass digitization, especially in the domain of library community. Digital books are available in various formats, including a variety of media, and are delivered on different devices. The dominance of the digital book is most strongly expressed in the United States, while in Croatia the usage of digital books is still not as widespread. Academic environment and college libraries in Croatia follow up on the changes in the digital publishing and bookselling. The focus of this paper is to explore the use of digital books in an academic environment.$ The research includes teachers and students of the University of Zadar, with the aim of documenting their recognition of the importance and benefits, as well as different ways of using digital books. A questionnaire containing open and closed questions was used for the study. The participants were a total of 177. It was found that participants use digital books and recognize their strengths, but prefer the print version of the book. Participants most commonly use digital books in the public domain or off the illegal web sites, and have poor knowledge of copyright laws. A big problem in the use of the digital book is the price of electronic devices and their inaccessibility on the Croatian market. Participants highlighted the problem of too many formats, without the adopted standards. Digital content which is offered to them through e­learning systems is considered very useful by the majority of participants. Digital books would be used more if they were offered by libraries, with more diverse content and topics, and available e­readers at hand

    Suicidal Behavior and Suicide among Children and Adolescents-Risk Factors and Epidemiological Characteristics

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    In last decade suicide attempts and suicides among youngsters are increasing greatly and are one of the leading causes of mortality in this age group. Epidemiological data are pointing on more frequent trend of self-destructive behavior among youngsters in the world as well as in our country. Risk factors which influence on increasing number of suicide attempts and suicides in this age are different in etiology: interference of genetic influences, family dynamics and external environment (school, friends, social environment, peers, television, video, and internet). Croatia as a country in transition is also following trends in the world according to epidemiological data, what is for sure great challenge for all who participate in dealing with youngsters, especially psychiatric services. In the planning of treatment is very important to include family with intention to accomplish optimal therapeutic effect. Also, it is very important to warn parents on their part of responsibility in upbringing and developing of their adolescent

    Određivanje razina talija i urana u bunarskoj vodi i biološkim uzorcima stanovništva triju istočnohrvatskih sela

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    Using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), we measured the concentrations of thallium and uranium in local water resources from three villages (Ćelije, Draž, and Potnjani) in eastern Croatia, with the aim to determine if they were associated with the levels of these same elements in the serum, urine, and hair collected from the residents of this area. The exposure of the local population to thallium and uranium through drinking water was generally low. ICP-MS was capable of measuring the levels of both of the elements in almost all of the analysed samples. Although there were differences in the concentrations of both elements in water samples and biological specimens taken from the residents, they did not reach the maximum contaminant level in any of the four sample types studied. Although hair was previously reported as an excellent indicator of occupational and environmental exposure to various elements, our study did not confirm it as a reliable biological material for tracing thallium and uranium levels, mainly due to the very low concentrations of these elements, often well below the detection limit. However, our results have shown that the concentration of thallium and uranium in drinking water can be effectively traced in urine samples.Koristeći masenu spektrometriju induktivno spregnute plazme (ICP-MS), izmjerili smo koncentracije talija i urana u lokalnim izvorima vode triju istočnohrvatskih sela (Ćelije, Draž i Potnjani) radi određivanja jesu i povezane s razinama obaju elemenata u serumu, urinu i kosi stanovnika tih triju sela. Izloženost lokalnog stanovništva taliju i uranu preko pitke vode općenito je bila niska. ICP-MS uspješno je izmjerio razine obaju elemenata u gotovo svim analiziranim uzorcima. Iako je bilo razlika u razinama obaju elemenata u uzorcima vode i biološkim uzorcima stanovnika, nijedan nije prešao maksimalnu dopuštenu granicu. Kosa je prethodno opisana kao izvrstan pokazatelj profesionalne ili okolišne izloženosti različitim elementima, no rezultati našeg ispitivanja nisu potvrdili njenu pouzdanost pri mjerenju talija i urana uslijed vrlo niskih koncentracija obaju elemenata, koje su često bile i ispod razine detekcije. Međutim, pokazali su kako uzorci urina mogu poslužiti kao vrlo dobri indikatori prisutnosti talija i urana u pitkoj vodi

    Adolescent Crisis – how is it Diagnosed and Treated?

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    Adolescencija je posebno važno životno razdoblje, a obilježeno je brojnim promjenama čije posljedice mogu uvelike obilježiti kasniji životni tijek i razvoj svake osobe. Adolescentna kriza obično je prolazno razdoblje u sazrijevanju i formiranju mlade ličnosti i najčešće prolazi bez znatnijih promjena za psihofizički razvoj mlade osobe. Određeni broj adolescenata ipak pokazuje znatnije izražene smetnje u adolescenciji koje težinom kliničke slike nalažu intervenciju stručnjaka (psiholog, pedijatar, specijalist školske medicine, specijalist dječje i adolescentne psihijatrije).Adolescence is a particularly important period in every person’s life. It is characterized by numerous changes and challanges whose consequences can largely influence later life and development of each person. Adolescent crisis is usually a transient period in development and formation of young person and in most cases passes without significant consequences related to the psychophysical development. However, a number of adolescents show significant expressed disorders that require an intervention of numerous specialists (psychologist, pediatrician, school medicine specialist, pediatric and adolescent psychiatrist)

    The Case Report of Treatment Strategy for Anorexia nervosa with Psychotic Elements in Adolescent

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    Eating disorders in early childhood are the same frequency in boys and girls. During adolescence eating disorders are ten (10) times more frequent in girls than in boys. Worrying is the fact that eating disorders are the third chronic illness among adolescents after obesity and asthma. Depicting this adolescent we tried to show difficulty of treatment of this disorder, where in the beginning is important to stabilize body weight and prevent somatic damages such as: heart damage, amenorrhoea, changes in EKG (electrocardiogram) and electrolyte dysbalance that could endanger the life of patient. Simultaneously it is important to recognize and treat comorbid psychological disturbances such as in this case: depression, delusions with occasional psychotic reactions combined with unrealistic thinking about the layout of her own body. There is still no cure for the treatment of eating disorders which are in growing number of reports among male adolescents


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    Background: Adolescent non-suicidal self-injurious behavior (NSSI) is a major public health concern. Although widespread, it is yet often a hidden problem. The purpose of this study was to explore the characteristics of self-injurious behavior in youth treated in an in-patient psychiatric unit. Subjects and methods: The study included 105 adolescents with a history of NSSI (mean age 15 years, 80% females) that underwent inpatient psychiatric treatment at a specialized facility. The factors assessed were sociodemographic data, frequency and type of NSSI, history of psychiatric disorder in family, existence of past traumatic event, alcohol, cigarettes and drug dependance and clinical psychiatric diagnosis. Retrospective-chart review study. Results: Of all assessed, patients with NSSI were predominantly female adolescents. Mean age onset of NSSI in the sample was 15 years. Equal number of patients showed occasional and repetitive NSSI, using self cutting as a most common mean of self-injury. Approximately ¼ of adolescents met criteria for an adjustment disorder and ¼ for a mixed disorder of conduct and emotions. A low 7.8% met the criterion for borderline personality disorder. We found a statistically significant correlation between alcohol consumption and frequency of self-injurious behavior. Conclusions: Our study points to the fact that there has been an increase in prevalence of NSSI. Also, NSSI showed to be associated with female gender, alcohol consumption and a broad spectrum of comorbidities. Future research should focus not only on adolescents being hospitalized and treated, but should be representative of the whole young population because there are no national statistics on NSSI among young people in Croatia. Furthermore, future studies should focus on the origin of NSSI as opposed to its characteristics, in order for professionals to be able to prevent the issue

    Physical Attractiveness Stereotype \u27Beautiful is Good\u27 in the Context of The Big Five Personality Theory

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    Cilj je rada bio provjeriti postojanje stereotipa fizičke privlačnosti te ispitati sadržaj tog stereotipa u okviru petofaktorske teorije ličnosti. Točnije, u radu se provjerava postoje li razlike u procjeni podražajnih osoba (osoba koje se procjenjuju) različitog spola i različitog stupnja privlačnosti (jako privlačna lica, prosječno privlačna lica i neprivlačna lica) na pet osnovnih dimenzija ličnosti: ekstraverziji, ugodnosti, emocionalnoj stabilnosti, savjesnosti i otvorenosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 106 studentica čiji je zadatak bio procijeniti osobine ličnosti nepoznatih osoba s fotografija. U istraživanju je utvrđen značajan efekt stupnja privlačnosti i spola podražajnih osoba na procjenu većine obuhvaćenih dimenzija ličnosti, kao i interakcijski efekt spola i privlačnosti. Za razliku od dosadašnjih nalaza prema kojima se privlačnim osobama pridaju relativno pozitivnije osobine, u ovom je istraživanju utvrđeno da se osobe prosječne privlačnosti procjenjuju relativno najugodnijima, emocionalno najstabilnijima i najekstravertiranijima, neovisno o njihovu spolu. Neprivlačne se podražajne osobe procjenjuju najintrovertiranijima i najmanje emocionalno stabilnima te najmanje otvorenima. Interakcijski su efekti privlačnosti i spola podražajne osobe utvrđeni kod procjena ekstraverzije, emocionalne stabilnosti, savjesnosti i otvorenosti. U radu se raspravlja o složenom međuodnosu ispitanih varijabli, evolucijskim čimbenicima, kao i o drugim mogućim uzrocima ovog stereotipa.The aim of this research was to check the existence of the physical attractiveness stereotype and to examine the content of this stereotype in the context of the Big Five personality theory. Specifically, the study examined whether different levels of the physical attractiveness (very attractive faces, attractive faces and unattractive faces) and sex of target affect people’s judgment of five personality traits: extroversion, emotional stability, conscientiousness, openness and agreeableness. Participants (106 female students) judged personality traits of target faces from the photos. Results revealed that judgments of almost all investigated personality dimensions are affected by the attractiveness and sex of the target person, as well as their interaction. Contrary to previous finding on this stereotype which showed that the most positive traits were ascribed to the attractive targets, this study showed that targets of average physical attractiveness were judged as the most agreeable, emotionally stable and extraverted, regardless of their sex. Unattractive targets were assessed as the most introverted, emotionally unstable and low on openness dimension. Interactive effects of targets\u27 physical attractiveness and gender were confirmed on the judgments of extraversion, emotional stability, conscientiousness and openness. Results are discussed in the context of complex relationships between investigated variables, evolutionary factors and other possible causes of this stereotype