64 research outputs found

    Prinos i kvalitet biomase lucerke (Medicago sativa L.) u zavisnosti od sistema gajenja

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    The importance of alfalfa in Serbian agriculture, as well as its high market value, imposes a constant need for the improvement of this forage crop production that occupies large areas both in the world and in our country. The overall objective was to evaluate the effect of different growing systems (cutting regimes) on yield and nutritional value of alfalfa, contribute to solving practical issues in alfalfa production (redefine the optimal amount of seed for sowing) and specify the phenological stage in the moment of cutting when the balance of yield and dry matter quality of alfalfa is achieved.Ā  Three-year study (2009-2012) was carried out on experimental fields of Forage Crops Department of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, at two sites (Rimski Å ančevi and Čenej). Field trial was set up in a randomized block design with three replications at both sites. Four cultivars of alfalfa were studied in this dissertation (Banat VS, Nijagara, NS Medijana ZMS V and NS Alfa); two sowing rates from 8 and 16 kg/ha and three cutting systems depending on crop phenological stage of development: I ā€“ early (10% of flowering plants), II ā€“ medium early (50% of flowering plants), and late (beginning of pod setting). Treatments were arranged by split-plot method, and the basic plot (size 72 m2) was used as the sowing rate, while all the other combinations of cultivars and cutting regimes were treated as sub-plots (6 m2). Sub-plot dimensions were 5 m in length and 1.2 m in width, with interrow distance of 20 cm. Inter-block distance was 1 m. There were no significant differences in yield and yield components of alfalfa dry matter, or in their quality, among the tested cultivars.Ā  Different amounts of seed for alfalfa sowing, from 8 and 16 kg/ha, did not affect the dry matter yield, or the yield components (crop height, leaf ratio in yield, number of shoots, and number of plants). In moderate-continental climatic conditions, which are present in the majority of the Republic of Serbia, there is no justification for increasing sowing rate above 16 kg/ha, because higher sowing rates do not provide long-term benefit in alfalfa production.Ā  Growing systems or cutting alfalfa in different stages of crop maturity (beginning of flowering, full flowering and green pods stage) had significant effect on the yield, yield components and nutritional value of tested alfalfa cultivars. The highest yield of green forage was achieved in early cutting at the stage of 10% flowering plants, while the dry matter yield was identical in cutting at the stage of 10% and 50% flowering plants and amounted to 15.9 t ha-1. Cutting system significantly conditioned plant height, when the highest plants (81.5 cm) were measured in cutting at the stage of green pods. The highest leaf ratio from 500.7 g/kg of dry matter was obtained when alfalfa was cut at the beginning of flowering. Frequency of cutting significantly affected the number of shoots per area unit, which notably decreased during cutting in short time intervals, i.e. at the beginning of flowering stage. Phenological development stage at the moment of cutting did not affect the number of plants per area unit. Alfalfa field density was similar to cutting at the stage of 10% and 50% flowering plants (240.7 and 246.3 plants/m2). Results of alfalfa nutritional value analysis indicated the significant effect of environmental conditions and development stage at the moment of cutting on crude protein content, while fibre content was conditioned only by the stage at the moment of cutting (cutting system). Alfalfa dry matter had better quality in wet year (2010) than in dry year (2011). Content of crude proteins in alfalfa dry matter decreased due to the reduction of leaf ratio, while the contents of NDF, ADF and ADL increased from the beginning of flowering stage to the stage of green pods.Ā Ā  Similar yields of dry matter were achieved by cutting alfalfa with four and five cuts (15.9 t ha-1), while three cuts system did not use the genetic potential of NS cultivars, lead to bad quality and digestibility (higher fibre ratio) and to significant yield decrease of alfalfa dry matter (13.1 t ha-1). Cutting alfalfa at the beginning of flowering (five cuts a year) gives better quality of dry matter, i.e. higher protein content and lower fibre content (NDF, ADF i ADL).Značaj lucerke u srpskoj poljoprivredi, kao i njena velika tržiÅ”na vrednost nameće stalnu potrebu za unapređenjem proizvodnje ove krmne biljke koja zauzima velike povrÅ”ine, kako u svetu tako i u naÅ”oj zemlji. Sveobuhvatni cilj doktorske disertacije je da se oceni uticaj različitih sistema gajenja (režima kosidbe) na prinos i hranljivu vrednost lucerke, doprinese reÅ”avanju praktičnih pitanja u proizvodnji lucerke (redefiniÅ”e optimalna količina semena za setvu)Ā  i odredi fenoloÅ”kaĀ  faza u momentu kosidbe u kojoj se postiže balans prinosa i kvaliteta suve materije lucerke. TrogodiÅ”nje istraživanje (2010-2012) je izvedeno na oglednim poljima Odeljenja za krmno bilje Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, na dva lokaliteta (Rimski Å ančevi i Čenej). Poljski ogled je postavljen po slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja na oba lokaliteta. U radu su analizirane četiri sorte lucerke (Banat VS, Nijagara, NS Medijana ZMS V i NS Alfa); dve setvene norme od 8 i 16 kg/ha i tri sistema kosidbe u zavisnosti od fenoloÅ”ke faze razvoja biljaka: I ā€“ rani (10% cvetalih biljaka), II ā€“ srednje rani (50% cvetalih biljaka), i kasni (početak zametanja mahuna). Tretmani su aranžirani po sistemu podeljenih parcela (split-plot metod), a kao osnovna parcela (veličina 72 m2) koriŔćena je setvena norma, dok su sve ostale kombinacije sorti i režima kosidbe tretirane kao podparcele (veličina 6 m2). Dimenzije podparcele su 5 m dužina i 1,2 m Å”irina, sa međurednim razmakom od 20 cm. Razmak između blokova je 1 m. Među ispitivanim sortama nije bilo značajne razlike u visini prinosa i komponentama prinosa suve materije lucerke, kao ni u pogledu njihovog kvaliteta. Različite količine semena za setvu lucerke, od 8 i 16 kg/ha, nisu uticale na prinos suve materije kao ni na komponente prinosa (visina biljaka, udeo lista u prinosu, broj izdanaka i broj biljaka). U umereno-kontinentalnim klimatskim uslovima, kakvi vladaju u većem delu u Republike Srbije, nema opravdanja povećanja setvene norme iznad 16 kg/ha jer se setvom većih količina semena ne obezbeđuje dugoročna korist u proizvodnji lucerke. Sistemi gajenja, odnosno kosidba lucerke u različitim fazama starosti useva (početak cvetanja, puno cvetanje i faza zelenih mahuna) imala je značajan efekat na prinos, komponente prinosa i hranljivu vrednost ispitivanih sorti lucerke. Najveći prinos zelene krme ostvaren je pri ranoj kosidbi u fazi 10% cvetalih biljaka, dok je prinos suve materije bio identičan pri koÅ”enju u fazi 10% i 50% cvetalih biljaka i iznosio je 15,9 t ha-1. Sistem kosidbe značajno je uslovljavao visinu biljaka, pri čemu su najviÅ”e biljke (81,5 cm) izmerene pri koÅ”enju u fazi zelenih mahuna. Najveći udeo lista od 500,7 g/kg suve materije dobijen je kada se lucerka kosila na početku cvetanja. Učestalost kosidbe je značajno uticala na broj izdanaka po jedinici povrÅ”ine, koji se značajno smanjio pri kosidbi u kratkim vremenskim intervalima, odnosno u fazi početka cvetanja biljaka. FenoloÅ”ka faza razvoja u momentu kosidbe nije uticala na broj biljaka po jedinici povrÅ”ine. Gustina luceriÅ”ta bila je slična pri koÅ”enju u fazi 10% i 50% cvetalih biljaka (240,7 i 246,3 bilj./m2). Rezultati analize o hranljivoj vrednosti lucerke ukazuju na značajan uticaj uslova sredine i faze razvoja u momentu kosidbe za sadržaj sirovih proteina, dok je sadržaj vlakana bio uslovljen samo fazom u momentu koÅ”enja (sistemom kosidbe). Bolji kvalitet suve materije lucerke ostvaren je u vlažnoj godini (2010) u poređenju sa suÅ”nom godinom (2011). Sadržaj sirovih proteina u suvoj materiji lucerke se smanjivao zbog smanjenja udela lista, dok se sadržaj NDF-a, ADF-a i ADL-a povećavao od faze početka cvetanja do faze zelenih mahuna. Kosidbom lucerke u četvorootkosnom i petootkosnom sistemu dobijeni su slični prinosi suve materije (15,9 t ha-1), dok se primenom trootkosnog sistema kosidbe ne iskoriŔćava genetički potencijal NS sorti, dobija se loÅ” kvalitet i svarljivost (veći udeo vlakana), i dolazi do značajnog smanjenja prinosa suve materije lucerke (13,1 t ha-1). Kosidba lucerke u početku cvetanja biljaka (pet otkosa u godini) daje bolji kvalitet suve materije, odnosno veći sadržaj proteina i manji sadržaj vlakana (NDF, ADF i ADL)

    Yield and quality of alfalfa biomass (Medicago sativa L.) as affected by production management

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    Značaj lucerke u srpskoj poljoprivredi, kao i njena velika tržiÅ”na vrednost nameće stalnu potrebu za unapređenjem proizvodnje ove krmne biljke koja zauzima velike povrÅ”ine, kako u svetu tako i u naÅ”oj zemlji. Sveobuhvatni cilj doktorske disertacije je da se oceni uticaj različitih sistema gajenja (režima kosidbe) na prinos i hranljivu vrednost lucerke, doprinese reÅ”avanju praktičnih pitanja u proizvodnji lucerke (redefiniÅ”e optimalna količina semena za setvu)Ā  i odredi fenoloÅ”kaĀ  faza u momentu kosidbe u kojoj se postiže balans prinosa i kvaliteta suve materije lucerke. TrogodiÅ”nje istraživanje (2010-2012) je izvedeno na oglednim poljima Odeljenja za krmno bilje Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, na dva lokaliteta (Rimski Å ančevi i Čenej). Poljski ogled je postavljen po slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja na oba lokaliteta. U radu su analizirane četiri sorte lucerke (Banat VS, Nijagara, NS Medijana ZMS V i NS Alfa); dve setvene norme od 8 i 16 kg/ha i tri sistema kosidbe u zavisnosti od fenoloÅ”ke faze razvoja biljaka: I ā€“ rani (10% cvetalih biljaka), II ā€“ srednje rani (50% cvetalih biljaka), i kasni (početak zametanja mahuna). Tretmani su aranžirani po sistemu podeljenih parcela (split-plot metod), a kao osnovna parcela (veličina 72 m2) koriŔćena je setvena norma, dok su sve ostale kombinacije sorti i režima kosidbe tretirane kao podparcele (veličina 6 m2). Dimenzije podparcele su 5 m dužina i 1,2 m Å”irina, sa međurednim razmakom od 20 cm. Razmak između blokova je 1 m. Među ispitivanim sortama nije bilo značajne razlike u visini prinosa i komponentama prinosa suve materije lucerke, kao ni u pogledu njihovog kvaliteta. Različite količine semena za setvu lucerke, od 8 i 16 kg/ha, nisu uticale na prinos suve materije kao ni na komponente prinosa (visina biljaka, udeo lista u prinosu, broj izdanaka i broj biljaka). U umereno-kontinentalnim klimatskim uslovima, kakvi vladaju u većem delu u Republike Srbije, nema opravdanja povećanja setvene norme iznad 16 kg/ha jer se setvom većih količina semena ne obezbeđuje dugoročna korist u proizvodnji lucerke. Sistemi gajenja, odnosno kosidba lucerke u različitim fazama starosti useva (početak cvetanja, puno cvetanje i faza zelenih mahuna) imala je značajan efekat na prinos, komponente prinosa i hranljivu vrednost ispitivanih sorti lucerke. Najveći prinos zelene krme ostvaren je pri ranoj kosidbi u fazi 10% cvetalih biljaka, dok je prinos suve materije bio identičan pri koÅ”enju u fazi 10% i 50% cvetalih biljaka i iznosio je 15,9 t ha-1. Sistem kosidbe značajno je uslovljavao visinu biljaka, pri čemu su najviÅ”e biljke (81,5 cm) izmerene pri koÅ”enju u fazi zelenih mahuna. Najveći udeo lista od 500,7 g/kg suve materije dobijen je kada se lucerka kosila na početku cvetanja. Učestalost kosidbe je značajno uticala na broj izdanaka po jedinici povrÅ”ine, koji se značajno smanjio pri kosidbi u kratkim vremenskim intervalima, odnosno u fazi početka cvetanja biljaka. FenoloÅ”ka faza razvoja u momentu kosidbe nije uticala na broj biljaka po jedinici povrÅ”ine. Gustina luceriÅ”ta bila je slična pri koÅ”enju u fazi 10% i 50% cvetalih biljaka (240,7 i 246,3 bilj./m2). Rezultati analize o hranljivoj vrednosti lucerke ukazuju na značajan uticaj uslova sredine i faze razvoja u momentu kosidbe za sadržaj sirovih proteina, dok je sadržaj vlakana bio uslovljen samo fazom u momentu koÅ”enja (sistemom kosidbe). Bolji kvalitet suve materije lucerke ostvaren je u vlažnoj godini (2010) u poređenju sa suÅ”nom godinom (2011). Sadržaj sirovih proteina u suvoj materiji lucerke se smanjivao zbog smanjenja udela lista, dok se sadržaj NDF-a, ADF-a i ADL-a povećavao od faze početka cvetanja do faze zelenih mahuna. Kosidbom lucerke u četvorootkosnom i petootkosnom sistemu dobijeni su slični prinosi suve materije (15,9 t ha-1), dok se primenom trootkosnog sistema kosidbe ne iskoriŔćava genetički potencijal NS sorti, dobija se loÅ” kvalitet i svarljivost (veći udeo vlakana), i dolazi do značajnog smanjenja prinosa suve materije lucerke (13,1 t ha-1). Kosidba lucerke u početku cvetanja biljaka (pet otkosa u godini) daje bolji kvalitet suve materije, odnosno veći sadržaj proteina i manji sadržaj vlakana (NDF, ADF i ADL).The importance of alfalfa in Serbian agriculture, as well as its high market value, imposes a constant need for the improvement of this forage crop production that occupies large areas both in the world and in our country. The overall objective was to evaluate the effect of different growing systems (cutting regimes) on yield and nutritional value of alfalfa, contribute to solving practical issues in alfalfa production (redefine the optimal amount of seed for sowing) and specify the phenological stage in the moment of cutting when the balance of yield and dry matter quality of alfalfa is achieved.Ā  Three-year study (2009-2012) was carried out on experimental fields of Forage Crops Department of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, at two sites (Rimski Å ančevi and Čenej). Field trial was set up in a randomized block design with three replications at both sites. Four cultivars of alfalfa were studied in this dissertation (Banat VS, Nijagara, NS Medijana ZMS V and NS Alfa); two sowing rates from 8 and 16 kg/ha and three cutting systems depending on crop phenological stage of development: I ā€“ early (10% of flowering plants), II ā€“ medium early (50% of flowering plants), and late (beginning of pod setting). Treatments were arranged by split-plot method, and the basic plot (size 72 m2) was used as the sowing rate, while all the other combinations of cultivars and cutting regimes were treated as sub-plots (6 m2). Sub-plot dimensions were 5 m in length and 1.2 m in width, with interrow distance of 20 cm. Inter-block distance was 1 m. There were no significant differences in yield and yield components of alfalfa dry matter, or in their quality, among the tested cultivars.Ā  Different amounts of seed for alfalfa sowing, from 8 and 16 kg/ha, did not affect the dry matter yield, or the yield components (crop height, leaf ratio in yield, number of shoots, and number of plants). In moderate-continental climatic conditions, which are present in the majority of the Republic of Serbia, there is no justification for increasing sowing rate above 16 kg/ha, because higher sowing rates do not provide long-term benefit in alfalfa production.Ā  Growing systems or cutting alfalfa in different stages of crop maturity (beginning of flowering, full flowering and green pods stage) had significant effect on the yield, yield components and nutritional value of tested alfalfa cultivars. The highest yield of green forage was achieved in early cutting at the stage of 10% flowering plants, while the dry matter yield was identical in cutting at the stage of 10% and 50% flowering plants and amounted to 15.9 t ha-1. Cutting system significantly conditioned plant height, when the highest plants (81.5 cm) were measured in cutting at the stage of green pods. The highest leaf ratio from 500.7 g/kg of dry matter was obtained when alfalfa was cut at the beginning of flowering. Frequency of cutting significantly affected the number of shoots per area unit, which notably decreased during cutting in short time intervals, i.e. at the beginning of flowering stage. Phenological development stage at the moment of cutting did not affect the number of plants per area unit. Alfalfa field density was similar to cutting at the stage of 10% and 50% flowering plants (240.7 and 246.3 plants/m2). Results of alfalfa nutritional value analysis indicated the significant effect of environmental conditions and development stage at the moment of cutting on crude protein content, while fibre content was conditioned only by the stage at the moment of cutting (cutting system). Alfalfa dry matter had better quality in wet year (2010) than in dry year (2011). Content of crude proteins in alfalfa dry matter decreased due to the reduction of leaf ratio, while the contents of NDF, ADF and ADL increased from the beginning of flowering stage to the stage of green pods.Ā Ā  Similar yields of dry matter were achieved by cutting alfalfa with four and five cuts (15.9 t ha-1), while three cuts system did not use the genetic potential of NS cultivars, lead to bad quality and digestibility (higher fibre ratio) and to significant yield decrease of alfalfa dry matter (13.1 t ha-1). Cutting alfalfa at the beginning of flowering (five cuts a year) gives better quality of dry matter, i.e. higher protein content and lower fibre content (NDF, ADF i ADL)

    Značaj izbora sorte u intenzivnoj proizvodnji lucerke

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    Alfalfa is an autotetraploid, perennial forage crop adapted to different environments and management systems. Trial with 12 alfalfa populations was established in spring of 2014. The research involved 9 commercial alfalfa varieties from IFVCNS, Serbia, and included 3 experimental populations in the final phase of breeding program. The main objectives of this paper were to examine the impact of variety selection on alfalfa yield and plant height in intensive cutting management in order to define harvesting strategies (using 6 and 5 cuts per season), with main goal to maximize profit on alfalfa farms in Serbia and Southeast Europe. Our study clearly demonstrates that there is genetic potential in some Serbian varieties (NS Sila, Nera, NS Jelena, and Banat VS) for use in intensive cutting systems with 6 cuts per year that can meet farmers' needs in conventional or organic type of alfalfa hay production.This research represents an initial guideline for the alfalfa variety selection in intensive cutting management systems in Serbia and Southeast Europe.Lucerka (Medicago sativa L.) je najznačajnija viÅ”egodiÅ”nja krmna biljka visokih prinosa krme, sena, senaže, odlične hranljive vrednosti. Sistem kosidbe predstavlja odlučujući faktor u determinaciji prinosa i kvaliteta lucerke. U cilju provere reakcije populacija lucerke stvorenih u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na intenzivan sistem kosidbe (sa primenjenih 6 otkosa u II i III godini života i 5 otkosa u IV godini trajanja useva) postavljen je ogled u Novom Sadu u 2014. godini, a rezultati su praćeni tokom 2015-2017. godine. U ispitivanje je uključeno 9 priznatih sorti i 3 eksperimentalne populacije lucerke stvorene u različitom vremenskom periodu, primenom različitih metoda oplemenjivanja i germplazme različitog porekla. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da režim kosidbe lucerke treba prilagoditi tipu/grupi sorti, načinu proizvodnje i rejonu gajenja. Najveći prinosi suve materije tokom perioda ispitivanja registrovani su kod sorti NS Sila (18,4 t/ha), Nera (18,2 t/ha), Banat VS (17,9 t/ha) i NS Jelena (17,7 t/ha) u intenzivnom sistemu kosidbe. Režim kosidbe sa 6 otkosa u Srbiji predstavlja realan način proizvodnje, ali prilagođavanje ovom sistemu kosidbe zavisi od cilja proizvodnje, sorte, rejona gajenja, starosti useva. Genetički potencijal NS sorti lucerke koji odgovara maksimalnom intenzitetu kosidbe sa 6 otkosa u godini ostvaren je sa sortama NS Sila, Nera, Banat VS i NS Jelena, a za sistem kosidbe sa 5 otkosa u godinama pune eksploatacije, a koji najviÅ”e odgovara farmerima u umereno-kontinentalnom klimatu Srbije, mogu se preporučiti i sorte NS Banat ZMS II, NS Mediana ZSM V. Ostvareni rezultati predstavljaju značajan doprinos razumevanju značaja primene intezivnog sistema kosidbe tokom godina iskoriŔćavanja a posebno kritičnoj fazi vezanoj za izbor sorte i različite rejone gajenja, načine iskoriŔćavanja, kao i potrebe različitih tržiÅ”ta za senom lucerke

    Heterosis u oplemenjivanju lucerke

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    The progress of alfalfa breeding has been slow, most notably due to its complex genetic structure (autotetraploidy) and tetrasomic inheritance. Alfalfa breeding programs are based on recurrent phenotypic selection with or without progeny testing. The genetic control of major agronomic traits is determined by both additive gene action (accumulation of frequency of desirable alleles represented by significant general combining ability (GCA) effects, and nonadditive gene action, complementary gene interactions represented by significant specific combining ability (SCA) effects. This type of gene action expression in alfalfa also determines the way in which breeding is carried out and brings about changes in the methods used. It has also given rise to the idea of the semi-hybrid breeding of this crop which involves breeding alfalfas within the population, identification of heterotic germplasm, and the seed production of semi or free hybrid seed. The studies of the relationship between the molecular variability of alfalfa populations and heterosis in their hybrids could contribute to a more precise selection of parental populations to be used for crossing in semi-hybrid alfalfa breeding procedure, aiming to reduce number of necessary crossings and therefore make future alfalfa breeding programs more efficient. Future tasks of alfalfa breeders should be to discover how to translate heterosis from single plants in hybrids planted in dense stand to generate 'yield for free' (capture heterosis) in alfalfa semi hybrids.Napredak u oplemenjivanju lucerke je spor najviÅ”e zbog njene složene genetičke strukture (autotetraploidna vrsta), kao i tetrasomičnog načina nasleđivanja. Aktuelni programi oplemenjivanja lucerke se oslanjaju na rekurentnu fenotipsku selekciju sa ili bez primene testova potomstava. Genetička kontrola važnih agronomskih osobina uslovljena je kako aditivnim delovanjem gena akumulacijom frekvencije poželjnih alela predstavljenim u značajnim efektima opÅ”tih kombinacionih sposobnosti (OKS) tako i neaditivnim delovanjem gena komplementarnim genskim interakcijama predstavljenim kroz značajne efekte posebnih kombinacionih sposobnosti (PKS). Ovakav način ispoljavanja genskih akcija kod lucerke uslovljava i način oplemenjivanja i promenu u metodama, pa se javlja ideja o semihibridnom oplemenjivanju lucerke. Ovaj koncept podrazumeva oplemenjivanje lucerke u okviru populacije, identifikaciju heterotične germplazme i proizvodnju semena. Istraživanja odnosa između molekularne varijabilnosti kod populacija lucerke i heterozisa kod hibrida nastalih ukrÅ”tanjem ovih populacija može doprineti preciznijoj i efikasnijoj selekciji roditeljskih populacija koje će biti koriŔćene u semihibridnom oplemenjivanju lucerke u cilju smanjivanja broja potrebnih ukrÅ”tanja čime se program oplemenjivanja čini značajno efikasnijim. Budući zadatak oplemenjivača lucerke je da se otkrije način iskoriŔćavanja heterozisa dobijenog na pojedinačnim biljkama i prenese na uslove useva u gustom sklopu i time omogući iskoriŔćavanje efekata heterozisa u vidu većih prinosa biomase u semihibridima lucerke

    Alfalfa ā€“ the queen of forage crops: a guide for successful production

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    Perennial alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) occurs in nature as cultivated or wild species. Alfalfa belongs to the order Fabales, family Fabaceae, tribe Trifolieae, and genus Medicago. It belongs to Medicago sativa complex with two dominant subspecies (M. sativa ssp. sativa and M. sativa ssp. falcata) and a less grown subspecies M. sativa ssp. glutinosa. Genus Medicago includes more than 60 species, and two-thirds of those are annual species. The most important and widespread cultivated alfalfa is common alfalfa (M. sativa ssp. sativa), while subspecies M. sativa ssp. falcata is also grown on limited areas (steppes, desert areas and cold regions).In cooperation with Biological Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary. Available also in Serbian: [http://fiver.ifvcns.rs/handle/123456789/2146

    Sezonske promene sadržaja proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, masti, mineralnih materija u suvoj materiji crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.)

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    Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is the second most important perennial forage legume, after alfalfa. It is a significant source of proteins, which are essential in the diet of domestic animals, especially ruminants. The objective of this study was to determine the most important characteristics of dry matter quality (crude proteins, structural carbohydrates, fats and minerals) in three varieties of red clover (K-17, Kolubara and Una). The characteristics were monitored, per individual cuts, during one production cycle of red clover, i.e., in the period 2004- 2006. Highest contents of crude protein in all three test years were obtained in the second cut. Significantly increased contents of crude proteins (18.32%) and potassium (K-2.53%) were found in the red clover cultivar Una developed in Novi Sad. Significantly increased values of both cellulose fiber fractions (NDF, ADF) were registered in the second year of growing. The highest content of minerals was determined at the beginning of the growing season in the first and second year (8.68% and 8.52%, respectively). Here it should be mentioned that the contents of basic biogenous elements, phosphorus and potassium, were within the expected optimum range.Crvena detelina (Trifolium pratense L.) je druga po značaju viÅ”egodiÅ”nja krmna leguminoza. Slično lucerki značajan je izvor proteina, neophodnih u ishrani domaćih životinja, a naročito preživara. Cilj rada je bio da se tokom jednog proizvodnog ciklusa crvene deteline, u periodu 2004-2006. godine po otkosima utvrde najvažniji parametri kvaliteta suve materije: sadržaj sirovih proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, masti i mineralnih materija kod tri domaće sorte crvene deteline: K-17, Kolubara i Una. Najveći sadržaj sirovih proteina u sve tri godine ispitivanja je utvrđen u drugom otkosu. Značajno veći sadržaj sirovih proteina (18,32 %) i kalijuma (K-2,53 %) je utvrđen kod NS-sorte crvene deteline Une. Statistički značajno veće vrednosti obe frakcije celuloznih vlakana (NDF, ADF) su utvrđene u drugoj godini života crvene deteline. Najveći sadržaj mineralnih materija je utvrđen početkom vegetacije prve (8,68 %) i druge godine proizvodnog ciklusa (8,52 %) crvene deteline, pri čemu treba istaći da se sadržaj osnovnih biogenih elementa: fosfora i kalijuma nalazio u očekivanim optimalnim granicama

    Effect of seeding rate on plant density and dry matter yield of alfalfa

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    Alfalfa, as the most important perennial forage legume, is cultivated in Serbia on about 200.000 ha. In the world and in Serbia sowing rates are very variable (15-30 kg ha-1 ). The aim of this research was to investigate effect of seeding rate on dry matter yield of alfalfa and number of plants. The trial with three replications was located at experimental field of Institute of Field and Vegateble Crops at Rimski Å ančevi. In the second and third year of growth (2010-2011) influence of two different seeding rates (8 kg ha-1 and 16 kg ha-1) on dry matter yield was tested. A two-year average of the total dry matter yield was determined from the four cuts of four cultivars. The number of plants per square metre after emergence, then in the fall of the seeding year, and again the next spring and autumn was determined. A sowing rate had no influence on the yield of dry matter of alfalfa. The same dry matter yield (22.2 t ha-1) was achieved under both low and high seeding rate. The sowing rates did not affect plant density. At the end of the year of establishment number of plants per square metre was approximately the same in both seeding rates (8 kg ha-1 - 270 plants per m2 and 16 kg ha-1 ā€“ 273 plants per m2 ). In the third year of growth a plant density of 88 plants per square metre was the same in both low and high seeding rates. Results obtained in our study clearly show that higher seeding rates do not produce higher yields and higher density of alfalfa plants

    Prinos i kvalitet lucerke u zavisnosti od genotipa i tehnologije gajenja

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    It is essential to apply advanced management for successful production of alfalfa hay with premium quality (high content of protein and minerals). The maximum yield and the best quality of alfalfa in Serbia can be obtained by cutting four or five times per year. In alfalfa stands, use of cutting system with three cuts per year is inefficient and does not allow full exploitation of cultivar genetic potential and environmental conditions. It is possible, and economically beneficial to grow alfalfa on pseudoglay soils after application of lime and organic manure, with recommended rates 2.5 t ha-1 lime and 30 t ha-1 manure. Cutting alfalfa at the beginning of flowering stage (5 cuts per year) provides hay with better quality - higher content of crude protein and lower portion of fibre fractions (neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre, acid detergent lignin), and there is no reduction in dry matter yield. There is no differences in alfalfa quality after application of lower (2.5 t ha-1) and higher dose (5.0 t ha-1) of lime + 30 t ha-1 of organic manure, but there is significant increase of dry matter yield and protein yield per hectare followed by higher level of metabolic energy per unit area. Upon the results of this study, base of successful alfalfa production would be to develop management system and cultivars for different environments that would maximize hay yields without significant loses of quality.Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi uticaj genotipa i tehnologije gajenja na prinos i kvalitet lucerke. Postavljena su dva ogleda sa istim setom sorti (Banat VS, Nijagara, NS Alfa i NS Mediana ZMS V) na lokalitetima Rimski Å”ančevi i Drakčići - rejon Kraljeva. Na lokalitetu Čenej ispitivan je uticaj sorte i sistema kosidbe na prinos i kvalitet lucerke, dok je u regionu Kraljeva ispitivan uticaj genotipa i različitih tretmana đubrenja krečom i stajnjakom. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da za uspeÅ”nu proizvodnju treba sejati sortno seme lucerke, a da izbor sorte zavisi od ekoloÅ”kih uslova (zemljiÅ”ta) i primenjene agrotehnike (režima kosidbe, đubrenja, navodnjavanja). KoÅ”enjem lucerke 3 puta godiÅ”nje ne iskoriŔćavaju se genetički potencijal sorte i agroekoloÅ”ki uslovi naÅ”e zemlje. Na pseudoglejnim zemljiÅ”tima se može gajiti lucerka, posle primene krečnog materijala i stajnjaka. Rezultati ukazuju na značaj primene 2,5 t/ha kreča i 30 t/ha stajnjaka. KoÅ”enjem u fazi početka cvetanja (5 otkosa) dobija se bolji kvalitet - veći sadržaj sirovih proteina i manji udeo frakcija celuloze (NDF, ADF, ADL), a ne dolazi do smanjenja prinosa suve materije lucerke. Kvalitet lucerke se ne razlikuje posle primene niže (2,5 t/ha) i viÅ”e (5,0 t/ha) doze krečnog materijala i 30 t/ha stajnjaka, ali dobija se povećanje prinosa suve materije, a time i veći prinos proteina i veća metabolička energija (NEM, NEL) po jedinici povrÅ”ine. Prinos i kvalitet suve materije lucerke najviÅ”e zavise od tehnologije gajenja (nivoa agrotehnike) i izbora sorte

    Uticaj faze koŔenja i setvene norme na prinos i kvalitet lucerke

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    Cultivated alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is a highly productive forage crop with great economic potential. Our objectives were to investigate the effects and interactions of environment, harvest maturity stage, seeding rate and cultivars on alfalfa dry matter yield and quality. The field experiment was carried out over 2010-2012 at the Experimental Field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, at two locations: (I) Cenej, and (II) Rimski Å ančevi, which were characterized by a contrasting soil condition. The experimental treatments included two seeding rates of 8 and 16 kg ha-1, three different harvest maturity stages of alfalfa, and four alfalfa cultivars included as a subplot in every treatment. Harvesting alfalfa five times within a year (cutting in the beginning of flowering) in the second and third year of stand life is the most efficient harvest regime that allows full exploitation of cultivar genetic potential and environmental conditions. There was no difference in yields between harvests at early and full flowering stage (15.9 t ha-1). Data related to forage quality components show increase of nutritive value when harvesting alfalfa in earlier maturity stage. Maturity stage in the moment of harvesting significantly affected all quality parameters. The results obtained suggest that in a temperate climate of Southeast Europe there is little justification for planting higher seeding rates of alfalfa varieties under good establishment practices. Increasing seeding rates above 16 kg ha-1 does not provide a long-term boon in alfalfa production.Lucerka (Medicago sativa L.) je visokoproduktivna krmna biljka velikog ekonomskog potencijala. Cilj rada je bio da se ispita uticaj uslova spoljne sredine, faze koÅ”enja, setvene norme i sorte, kao i njihove interakcije, na prinos i kvalitet suve materije lucerke. Poljski ogled je zasnovan na oglednim poljima Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, na dva lokaliteta: (I) Čenej, i (II) Rimski Å ančevi, različitih zemljiÅ”nih karakteristika. Tretmani su uključivali dve setvene norme, od 8 i 16 kg ha-1, tri sistema kosidbe i četiri sorte lucerke, tretirane kao podparcele u svakom tretmanu. Kao najbolji sistem kosidbe, u kojem je ostvarena puna eksploatacija i potencijal sorte, bilo je koÅ”enje lucerke pet puta godiÅ”nje (kosidba u početku cvetanja) u drugoj i trećoj godini života luceriÅ”ta. Prinosi ostvareni koÅ”enjem na početku i u punom cvetanju se nisu razlikovali (15,9 t ha-1). Podaci o komponentama kvaliteta krme ukazuju na značajno povećanje nutritivne vrednosti pri kosidbi u ranim razvojnim fazama biljaka lucerke. FenoloÅ”ka faza biljaka u momentu koÅ”enja značajno je uticala na sve parametre kvaliteta. Dobijeni rezultati govore da u umerenom klimatu jugoistočne Evrope postoji opravdanje za setvu manje količine semena. Povećanje setvene norme preko 16 kg ha-1 ne obezbeđuje dugoročnu dobit u proizvodnji lucerke

    Alfalfa dormancy ā€“ impact and consequences of variety selection

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    Å iroki areal gajenja, adaptabilnost, visoki prinosi suve materije odličnog kvaliteta uslovaljavaju ne samo veliki agronomski nego i ekonomski značaj lucerke (M. sativa L.). Glavna osobina koja se koristi za klasifikaciju sorti i populacija lucerke je dormantnost - jesenji porast. Izbor sorte lucerke određene grupe dormantnosti je izuzetno važan, kako zbog otpornosti na niske i visoke temperature, tako i zbog trajnosti, kvaliteta i prinosa. Dobijeni rezultati jasno ukazuju na značaj indeksa dormantnosti na prinos i visinu biljaka ispitivanih sorti i populacija lucerke. Najveći prinosi suve materije i najviÅ”e biljke lucerke ostvareni su sa srpskim sortama klasa dormantnosti 4-5, Nijagara, Nera i NS Mediana ZMS V i američkom sortom OK 49. U Srbiji i regionu najveći prinos i balans prinosa i kvaliteta se ostvaruje gajenjem sorti lucerke indeksa dormantnosti 4-6.Alfalfa (M. sativa L.), is the most important forage crop in Serbia and worlwide. The aim of this paper was to examine impact of alfalfa varieties different in dormancy classes and geographic on dry matter yield and plant height. Fall dormancy in alfalfa is defined as the plantā€™s response to shortening photoperiod and temperature in autumn and plays a main role in worldwide adaptation of alfalfa germplasm. Various agronomical traits such as plant vigor, recovery rate after cutting, dry matter yield, stand persistence, reaction to some diseases were related to fall dormancy. Obtained results clearly demonstrate importance and impact of different dormancy rates on alfalfa yield and plant height among followed alfalfa variteis and populations
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