56 research outputs found

    The effect of common currencies on trade

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    The theory of optimum currency areas states that the more two countries trade with each other, the better candidates they are for a currency union. In terms of the endogeneity argument, convergence follows from joining a currency union and the integration process itself turns the countries into optimal currency areas. The potential increase in trade is regarded as one of the most important benefits of a currency union. Indirect evidence from studies on the effect of exchange rate volatility on trade does not support this claim. Rose argues that the common currency effect on trade is separate from the effect of the elimination of exchange rate variability and finds a large positive effect of a currency union on trade. Although his methodology has met with criticism, most studies find a positive estimate. A meta-analysis of the studies confirms that a common currency has a statistically and economically significant trade-creating effect.EconomicsM.Com. (Economics

    Gene Expression Analyses of Neurons, Astrocytes, and Oligodendrocytes Isolated by Laser Capture Microdissection From Human Brain: Detrimental Effects of Laboratory Humidity

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    Laser capture microdissection (LCM) is a versatile computer-assisted dissection method that permits collection of tissue samples with a remarkable level of anatomical resolution. LCM\u27s application to the study of human brain pathology is growing, although it is still relatively underutilized, compared with other areas of research. The present study examined factors that affect the utility of LCM, as performed with an Arcturus Veritas, in the study of gene expression in the human brain using frozen tissue sections. LCM performance was ascertained by determining cell capture efficiency and the quality of RNA extracted from human brain tissue under varying conditions. Among these, the relative humidity of the laboratory where tissue sections are stained, handled, and submitted to LCM had a profound effect on the performance of the instrument and on the quality of RNA extracted from tissue sections. Low relative humidity in the laboratory, i.e., 6-23%, was conducive to little or no degradation of RNA extracted from tissue following staining and fixation and to high capture efficiency by the LCM instrument. LCM settings were optimized as described herein to permit the selective capture of astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and noradrenergic neurons from tissue sections containing the human locus coeruleus, as determined by the gene expression of cell-specific markers. With due regard for specific limitations, LCM can be used to evaluate the molecular pathology of individual cell types in post-mortem human brain

    Shortened Telomere Length in White Matter Oligodendrocytes in Major Depression: Potential Role of Oxidative Stress

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    Telomere shortening is observed in peripheral mononuclear cells from patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). Whether this finding and its biological causes impact the health of the brain in MDD is unknown. Brain cells have differing vulnerabilities to biological mechanisms known to play a role in accelerating telomere shortening. Here, two glia cell populations (oligodendrocytes and astrocytes) known to have different vulnerabilities to a key mediator of telomere shortening, oxidative stress, were studied. The two cell populations were separately collected by laser capture micro-dissection of two white matter regions shown previously to demonstrate pathology in MDD patients. Cells were collected from brain donors with MDD at the time of death and age-matched psychiatrically normal control donors (N=12 donor pairs). Relative telomere lengths in white matter oligodendrocytes, but not astrocytes, from both brain regions were significantly shorter for MDD donors as compared to matched control donors. Gene expression levels of telomerase reverse transcriptase were significantly lower in white matter oligodendrocytes from MDD as compared to control donors. Likewise, the gene expression of oxidative defence enzymes superoxide dismutases (SOD1 and SOD2), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX1) were significantly lower in oligodendrocytes from MDD as compared to control donors. No such gene expression changes were observed in astrocytes from MDD donors. These findings suggest that attenuated oxidative stress defence and deficient telomerase contribute to telomere shortening in oligodendrocytes in MDD, and suggest an aetiological link between telomere shortening and white matter abnormalities previously described in MDD

    Dopamine Receptor Gene Expression in Human Amygdaloid Nuclei: Elevated D4 Receptor mRNA in Major Depression

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    Previous findings from this laboratory demonstrating changes in dopamine (DA) transporter and D2 receptors in the amygdaloid complex of subjects with major depression indicate that disruption of dopamine neurotransmission to the amygdala may contribute to behavioral symptoms associated with depression. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR was used to investigate the regional distribution of gene expression of DA receptors in the human amygdala. In addition, relative levels of mRNA of DA receptors in the basal amygdaloid nucleus were measured postmortem in subjects with major depression and normal control subjects. All five subtypes of DA receptor mRNA were detected in all amygdaloid subnuclei, although D1, D2, and D4 receptor mRNAs were more abundant than D3 and D5 mRNAs by an order of magnitude. The highest level of D1 mRNA was found in the central nucleus, whereas D2 mRNA was the most abundant in the basal nucleus. Levels of D4 mRNA were highest in the basal and central nuclei. In the basal nucleus, amounts of D4, but not D1 or D2, mRNAs were significantly higher in subjects with major depression as compared to control subjects. These findings demonstrate that the D1, D2 and D4 receptors are the major subtypes of DA receptors in the human amygdala. Elevated DA receptor gene expression in depressive subjects further implicates altered dopaminergic transmission in the amygdala in depression

    Glutamate Signaling Proteins and Tyrosine Hydroxylase in the Locus Coeruleus of Alcoholics

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    It has been postulated that alcoholism is associated with abnormalities in glutamatergic neurotransmission. This study examined the density of glutamate NMDA receptor subunits and its associated proteins in the noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC) in deceased alcoholic subjects. Our previous research indicated that the NMDA receptor in the human LC is composed of obligatory NR1 and regulatory NR2C subunits. At synapses, NMDA receptors are stabilized through interactions with postsynaptic density protein (PSD-95). PSD-95 provides structural and functional coupling of the NMDA receptor with neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), an intracellular mediator of NMDA receptor activation. LC tissue was obtained from 10 alcohol-dependent subjects and eight psychiatrically healthy controls. Concentrations of NR1 and NR2C subunits, as well as PSD-95 and nNOS, were measured using Western blotting. In addition, we have examined tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of norepinephrine. The amount of NR1 was lower in the rostral (-30%) and middle (-41%) portions of the LC of alcoholics as compared to control subjects. No differences in the amounts of NR2C, PSD-95, nNOS and TH were detected comparing alcoholic to control subjects. Lower levels of NR1 subunit of the NMDA receptor in the LC implicates altered glutamate-norepinephrine interactions in alcoholism

    Altered Expression of Phox2 Transcription Factors in the Locus Coeruleus in Major Depressive Disorder Mimicked by Chronic Stress and Corticosterone Treatment in Vivo and in Vitro

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    Phox2a and Phox2b are two homeodomain transcription factors playing a pivotal role in the development of noradrenergic neurons during the embryonic period. However, their expression and function in adulthood remain to be elucidated. Using human postmortem brain tissues, rat stress models and cultured cells, this study aimed to examine the alteration of Phox2a and Phox2b expression. The results show that Phox2a and Phox2b are normally expressed in the human locus coeruleus (LC) in adulthood. Furthermore, the levels of Phox2a protein and mRNA and protein levels of Phox2b were significantly elevated in the LC of brain donors that suffered from the major depressive disorder, as compared to age-matched and psychiatrically normal control donors. Fischer 344 rats subjected to chronic social defeat showed higher mRNA and protein levels of Phox2a and Phox2b in the LC, as compared to non-stressed control rats. In rats chronically administered oral corticosterone, mRNA and protein levels of Phox2b, but not Phox2a, in the LC were significantly increased. In addition, the corticosterone-induced increase in Phox2b protein was reversed by simultaneous treatment with either mifepristone or spironolactone. Exposing SH-SY5Y cells to corticosterone significantly increased expression of Phox2a and Phox2b, which was blocked by corticosteroid receptor antagonists. Taken together, these experiments reveal that Phox2 genes are expressed throughout the lifetime in the LC of humans and Fischer 344 rats. Alterations in their expression may play a role in major depressive disorder and possibly other stress-related disorders through their modulatory effects on the noradrenergic phenotype

    Elevated Gene Expression of Glutamate Receptors in Noradrenergic Neurons From the Locus Coeruleus in Major Depression

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    Glutamate receptors are promising drug targets for the treatment of urgent suicide ideation and chronic major depressive disorder (MDD) that may lead to suicide completion. Antagonists of glutamatergic NMDA receptors reduce depressive symptoms faster than traditional antidepressants, with beneficial effects occurring within hours. Glutamate is the prominent excitatory input to the noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC). The LC is activated by stress in part through this glutamatergic input. Evidence has accrued demonstrating that the LC may be overactive in MDD, while treatment with traditional antidepressants reduces LC activity. Pathological alterations of both glutamatergic and noradrenergic systems have been observed in depressive disorders, raising the prospect that disrupted glutamate-norepinephrine interactions may be a central component to depression and suicide pathobiology. This study examined the gene expression levels of glutamate receptors in post-mortem noradrenergic LC neurons from subjects with MDD (most died by suicide) and matched psychiatrically normal controls. Gene expression levels of glutamate receptors or receptor subunits were measured in LC neurons collected by laser capture microdissection. MDD subjects exhibited significantly higher expression levels of the NMDA receptor subunit genes, GRIN2B and GRIN2C, and the metabotropic receptor genes, GRM4 and GRM5, in LC neurons. Gene expression levels of these receptors in pyramidal neurons from prefrontal cortex (BA10) did not reveal abnormalities in MDD. These findings implicate disrupted glutamatergic-noradrenergic interactions at the level of the stress-sensitive LC in MDD and suicide, and provide a theoretical mechanism by which glutamate antagonists may exert rapid antidepressant effects

    Elevated Levels of NR2A and PSD-95 in the Lateral Amygdala in Depression

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    Compelling evidence suggests that major depression is associated with dysfunction of the brain glutamatergic transmission, and that the glutamatergic N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor plays a role in antidepressant activity. Recent post-mortem studies demonstrate that depression is associated with altered concentrations of proteins associated with NMDA receptor signalling in the brain. The present study investigated glutamate signalling proteins in the amygdala from depressed subjects, given strong evidence for amygdala pathology in depression. Lateral amygdala samples were obtained from 1314 pairs of age- sex-, and post-mortem-interval-matched depressed and psychiatrically healthy control subjects. Concentrations of NR1 and NR2A subunits of the NMDA receptor, as well as NMDA receptor-associated proteins such as post-synaptic density protein-95 (PSD-95) and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) were measured by Western immunoblotting. Additionally, levels of enzymes involved in glutamate metabolism, including glutamine synthetase and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD-67), were measured in the same amygdala samples. NR2A protein levels were markedly and significantly elevated (+115%, p=0.03) in depressed subjects compared to controls. Interestingly, PSD-95 levels were also highly elevated (+128%, p=0.01) in the same depressed subjects relative to controls. Amounts of NR1, nNOS, glutamine synthetase, and GAD-67 were unchanged. Increased levels of NR2A and PSD-95 suggest that glutamate signalling at the NMDA receptor in the amygdala is disrupted in depression

    A HuTongue spontán beszélt nyelvi korpusz leiratozásának és annotálásának minőségbiztosítási munkálatai

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    Jelen dolgozatban egy magyar nyelvű, spontán beszélt nyelvi korpusz, a HuTongue leiratozásának és annotálásának minőségbiztosítási munkálatairól számolunk be. A korpuszban feldolgozott szövegeket hétköznapi szituációkban, külső ingerektől teljesen elzárt környezetben keletkezett spontán nyelvi produktumok alkotják. A korpusz létrehozásának legfőbb célja, hogy megfelelő vizsgálati anyagot teremtsünk a pletyka természetének elsősorban társadalomtudományi szempontú kutatásához. A HuTongue egy egyedülálló adatbázis: tudomásunk szerint ez az egyetlen magyar nyelvű, nagy méretű, spontán szituációkban keletkezett, beszélt nyelvi korpusz, amely teljes egészében manuálisan gépelt és annotált formájú. A korpusz létrehozása – amely jelenleg is folyamatban van − több munkafázisban történik. Az előkészítés után a fájlokat egy feldolgozócsapat legépeli és annotáltatja. A munka három alapvető feladatból tevődik össze: a hanganyagon hallható verbális közlések rögzítéséből, a nem verbális hanghatások kódolásából, valamint egy, a kutatás szempontjából kardinális, szemantikai-−pragmatikai jellegű sajátság jelöléséből. Azt reméljük, hogy a korpusz a kutatási kérdés sokrétű és automatikus megoldásokkal hatékonyan támogatott vizsgálatát fogja lehetővé tenni a számunkra a jövőben. A jelen dolgozat célja, hogy bemutassuk e komplex feldolgozási munkának a minőségbiztosítási folyamatát. Szólunk a minőségbiztosítás szempontjairól, megtervezésének dilemmáiról és lépéseiről, valamint bemutatjuk az általunk alkalmazott megoldást

    Antidepressant-Like Actions of Inhibitors of Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase in Rodent Models

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    Many patients suffering from depressive disorders are refractory to treatment with currently available antidepressant medications, while many more exhibit only a partial response. These factors drive research to discover new pharmacological approaches to treat depression. Numerous studies demonstrate evidence of inflammation and elevated oxidative stress in major depression. Recently, major depression has been shown to be associated with elevated levels of DNA oxidation in brain cells, accompanied by increased gene expression of the nuclear base excision repair enzyme, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1. Given these findings and evidence that drugs that inhibit poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 activity have antiinflammatory and neuroprotective properties, the present study was undertaken to examine the potential antidepressant properties of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors