271 research outputs found

    Mycorrhizal inoculation of onion (Allium cepa l.) in the early developement stages

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    The onion (Allium cepa) is one of the most widely cultivated vegetables. As a food item, it is usually served cooked, as a vegetable or part of a prepared savoury dish, but can also be eaten raw or used to make pickles or chutneys. Mycorrhiza fungi are special fungi, which live in connection with plant roots. These are symbiotic fungi which have three main types: arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), ectomycorrhiza and ectendomycorrhiza. AM are probably the most widespread plant symbionts and are formed by 80–90% of land plant species. Crops inoculated with AM have higher yield and quality, and those plants react to stress factors better (e.g. drought, high temperature). Several Allium spp. responded with growth promotion on AM inoculation. According to studies AM fungi also has a positive effect on nutrient content. The aim of our experiment was to find an appropriate method for inoculation of onion seedlings, and define the minimum time for the appearance of symbiosis under greenhouse conditions. The experiment took place at Szent István University Faculty of Horticultural Science, at the experimental glasshouse of the Department of Vegetable and Mushroom growing, from 11th September 2017. We used Daytona F1 onion seeds, the media was Latagro KB2 type peat and two types of mycorrhizal products: MycoGrow and Aegis Irriga. The experiment was made with 12 treatments with 30-30 seeds per each treatment. During the experiment, chemically treated and non-treated seeds were used. The seedlings were sampled 5, 7 and 14 weeks after sowing, 5-5 seedlings from each treatment per time. Altogether 96 painted and prepared samples were checked, each with 3-3 roots with a Zeiss Axio Imager A2 microscope. The results showed the appearance of mycorrhizal fungi in a few treatments. In our examination not only typical AM fungi were found, but also in a treatment we found hyphaes with big amount of septas. The results show opportunity of artificially infecting transplants after a few weeks with mycorrhizal products. However, continuing the experiment is necessary with some modification of the factors, to make the procedure more effective

    The Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles on the Aquatic Ecosystem: A Comparative Ecotoxicity Study with Test Organisms of Different Trophic Levels

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    A comprehensive ecotoxicological assessment was carried out with Degussa VP nano TiO2 suspension applying a bioluminescent bacterium (Aliivibrio fischeri), algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Scenedesmus subspicatus and Chlorella vulgaris), a protozoon (Tetrahymena pyriformis), the water flea (Daphnia magna) and an aquatic macrophyte, Lemna minor. TiO2 nanoparticles were toxic in the set of the conducted tests, but the toxicity level varied with the organisms and endpoints. According to our results the concentrations, the duration and the mechanisms of exposure are contributing factors to the toxicity of nanoparticles. The Tetrahymena phagocytic activity, the Daphnia heartbeat rate and the Lemna total chlorophyll content as ecotoxicity endpoints showed outstanding sensitivity. These organisms showed significant behavioural and physiological changes when exposed to low TiO2 nanoparticle concentrations (0.1 and 0.05 µg/L) considered to be lower than the predicted environmental concentration in surface waters. These results reveal the importance of behavioural and physiological assays in assessing the impact of nanoparticles and indicate that nanosized TiO2 may pose risks to the aquatic ecosystem

    Közfoglalkoztatásból szociális szövetkezet?

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    A magyarországi foglalkoztatottsági mutatók stabilizálásában, kisebb mértékű javításában a közfoglalkoztatás mértékének növelése térségenként változó mértékben hangsúlyos szerepet játszik. Az eredendően átmeneti jellegű, a munkaerőpiacra vissza nem vezető, piacidegen forma tartósan nem fenntartható. A kormányzati szándékok szerint a kiutat a szociális szövetkezetek tömeges létrehozása jelentheti. Ezt indokolja a társadalmi vállalkozások ezen formájának európai uniós elfogadottsága, a foglalkoztatottak kormányzati szférából való kikerülése, a jó példák, valamint a jellegzetesen magyar megoldással a helyi és ezen keresztül a központi kormányzat befolyásának megőrzése. A magyarországi szociális szövetkezetek új hulláma azonban számos, a regionális és helyi gazdaságfejlesztést érintő kérdést vet fel. Így: mennyiben tekinthető ez az új forma a társadalmi gazdaság részét képező valódi szövetkezetnek, hogyan tudnak együtt élni a korábban megalakult társadalmi vállalkozásokkal, tudnak-e tartós foglalkoztatást piaci viszonyok között biztosítani, milyen hatással lesznek a helyi gazdaság többi szereplőjére. Tanulmányunkban ezen kérdésekre keressük a választ

    Hydrogen peroxide oxidation for in situ remediation of trichloroethylene – from the laboratory to the field

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    In this paper we present the remediation possibilities of a trichloroethylene contaminated site of a former metalworking plant in Hungary, where high TCE concentration (150 μg/L to 35.000 μg/L) was detected in the groundwater. Lab-scale experiments were performed to compare the potential bioremediation technology-alternatives eg.: enhanced biodegradation; pump & treat by UV irradiation (photodegradation); in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) applying different oxidants (KMnO4, Na2S2O8 and H2O2). The lab-scale experiments showed in all cases reduction of the TCE-concentration of the water. Comparing the removal efficacy and concerning the time requirement ISCO was the most effective in laboratory studies