25 research outputs found

    Consonant lenition inside and outside the “minimal foot” : A Strict CV Phonology analysis

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    English represents stress-sensitive consonant lenition systems, in which the onsets of stressed syllables (as well as word-initial consonants) tend to resist diachronic lenition, resulting in synchronic alternations between foot-initial and foot-internal variants. However, there is empirical evidence that a further distinction needs to be drawn between two subtypes of foot-internal positions: one which is weak proper, included within a bimoraic domain (corresponding to the “minimal foot” in prosodic approaches); and a less weak (“semi-weak”) position outside that minimal domain. Crucially, lenition outside the domain implies lenition within, and no cases of lenition in semi-weak only are on record. The paper uses the representations of Strict CV Phonology to capture the equivalence of two forms of the “minimal foot” (the CVCV sequence and the long-vowelled heavy syllable) and to connect this “bimoraicity” of the domain to the implications in consonant lenition, a benefit moraic theory does not offer. At the same time, it properly predicts the non-existence of the unattested lenition pattern

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    [voice] And/versus [spread glottis] in the modified Leiden model

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    The paper stresses the need to distinguish between two subtypes of binary laryngeal systems, viz. [voice] languages versus [spread glottis] languages (“laryngeal realism”—Honeybone 2005). It criticizes the use of the primes H and L for this distinction in Government Phonology, and proposes an alternative representation, based on Backley-Takahashi (1998) and Nasukawa-Backley (2005). This feature geometric model assumes the same set of melodic components for obstruents and sonorants within a system but with a difference in the status of source elements across the language types. Therefore, accompanied by the mechanism of element activation, it is claimed to capture the cross-linguistic observations more adequately

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    Analysis of the possibility of switching to agroforestry in Zselic

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    Agroforestry solutions offer better use of disadvantaged agricultural land. Steep slopes and the constant risk of game damage are not conducive to agriculture. On slopes, the cost of machine operating hours is higher than on plane areas, and machines also wear out faster due to higher loads. Varied topography, steep slopes and deep valleys characterize the examined Zselic hills. There is typical forest management on the steep slopes that results in higher opportunity for game damage in the agricultural areas surrounded by forests. There are steep slopes under agriculture cultivation too that involve high operating costs. In our article, we examined whether the actual steep areas under current agricultural cultivation (slope> 12%) are large enough to consider switching to agroforestry. We have found that a quarter of all agricultural areas included in the examination is located on steep slopes, where it is worth considering switching to game damage-resistant agroforestry

    Attachment of Primary Mouse Astroglial Cells on Neural Implant Surfaces

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    In vitro micro- and nanofabricated test chips were used to investigate mouse primary cortical astroglial cell reactions to different surfaces of a multichannel neural microelectrode implant. The following surface types were fabricated by MEMS technology and characterized by scanning electron microscopy: poly-Si, Pt, nanostructured Si and nanostructured Pt. Survival of primary cortical mouse astroglial cells was analysed by fluorescent microscopy 24 hours after seeding. Our results show that the nanostructured surfaces are not toxic to the primary mouse astroglial cells