55 research outputs found

    ADEA Claimant Can Retain Severance Payments and Sue Former Employer

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    Former employees can maintain claims under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) without first repaying the consideration received for an invalid release of claims. The Supreme Court\u27s pronouncement, Oubre v. Entergy Operations, Inc., 1988 U.S. Lexis 646 (Jan. 26, 1998), may change the way many employers negotiate and execute severance packages and settlements with terminated employees

    Contribution to the knowledge on the bathymetric distribution of anomurans (Decapoda, Anomura) in the Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean)

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    WOS: 000252745000008The bathymetric distributions and patterns of occurrence of anomurans (Decapoda, Anomura) on the continental shelf (0 to 200 m), upper slope (200 to 500 m), and middle slope (500 to 680 m) of the Turkish sector of the Aegean Sea (from Saros Bay in the north to Marmaris Bay in the south) were analysed based on benthic sampling surveys carried out between 1987 and 2006. A total of 1254 specimens belonging to 4 families and 29 species was identified from a total of 88 hauls taken at depths between 0 and 680 m

    An account of our knowledge of the Amphipod fauna of the Black Sea

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    WOS: 000244788400001In this study, a checklist is given of the Amphipoda known from the Black Sea up to the present (88 species). For compiling this list, we reviewed all available records of Amphipoda in the Black Sea. In addition, the benthos samples resulting from surveys carried out at the Black Sea coasts of Turkey from the 1980s until now were reviewed, and some additions to the list were made

    Distribution of littoral benthic amphipods off the Levantine coast of Turkey with new records

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    WOS: 000327322500003A total of 143 species belonging to Amphipoda were found at the depths between the supralittoral zone and 200 m along the Levantine coast of Turkey. Ten species (Ampelisca spinifer, Cheiriphotis mediterranea, Deutella shieckei, Ericthonius argenteus, Gammaropsis crenulata, Gammaropsis sophiae, Isaea montagui, Ischyrocerus inexpectatus, Liropus elongatus, and Melita bulla) were recorded for the first time in Turkey, while 69 species were new for the Levantine coast of Turkey. Platorchestia platensis was the only species observed out of water (supralittoral). The other encountered species showed distribution in various depths of between 0 and 200 m. The biogeographical categories of determined species were Mediterranean-Atlantic (69.2%), Mediterranean endemics (20.3%), cosmopolitans (8.4%), and Indo-Pacific immigrants (2.1%), including Elasmopus pectenicrus, Gammaropsis togoensis, and Stenothoe gallensis.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [104Y065]This study was financially supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, Project No. 104Y065)

    The amphipods (Arthropoda: Crustacea) in the Turkish straits with new records

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    WOS: 000388017000014This study, conducted in the Turkish Straits, has revealed 21 new records of amphipods for the Straits and two new records for the Turkish coasts, Iphimedia gibbula and Rhinolabia parthenopeia. Informations about distinctive taxonomic characters, geographical distribution of the species are given and hypotheses are discussed.TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [111Y268]This research (project No: 111Y268) has been supported in monetary terms by TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)

    Anomuran (Crustacea, Decapoda) fauna of Fethiye Bay (Turkey, eastern Mediterranean)

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    WOS: 000281496500007A study of the anomuran crustaceans found in Fethiye Bay, on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, revealed 22 species belonging to 4 families (Diogenidae, Paguridae, Galathaeidae, and Porcellanidae). Of these, 14 species (Pagurus prideaux Leach, 1815, P forbesii Bell, 1845, P cheuvreuxi (Bouvier, 1896), P. cuanensis Bell, 1845, P. excavatus (Herbst, 1791), Anapagurus petiti Dechance and Forest, 1962, A. chiroacathus (Lilljeborg, 1856), A. bicorniger A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1892, Dardanus calidus (Risso, 1827), Paguristes syrtensis De Saint Laurent, 1971, Diogenes pugilator (Roux, 1829), Galathea dispersa Bate, 1859, G. bolivari Zariquiey Alvarez, 1950, and Pisidia longimana (Risso, 1816)) were new records for Fethiye Bay, and 5 species (A. chiroacanthus, A. petiti, A. bicorniger, P cheuvreuxi, and P. prideaux) were new records for the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. In addition, A. chiroacanthus was recorded for the first time from the Levantine Sea. Distribution of the species in the Turkish waters is provided, together with photographs of some of the species.Environmental Protection Agency for Special Areas (Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry)Gida Tarim Ve Hayvancilik BakanligiThis work was financially supported by the Environmental Protection Agency for Special Areas (Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry). We are grateful to the scuba diving team members Prof. Dr. M. E. Cinar, Dr. M. Bilecenoglu, Dr. M. B. Yoke, Dr. E. Dagli, Dr. A. Dogan, Dr. E. S. Okudan, and the skin diving team members Prof. Dr. B. Ozturk, K. Bakir and F. Ondes. Also we would like to thank B. Ergev, O. Taktak, and K. Ozyurt from Derinsu Underwater Engineering Inc., the safety diving officer S. Sozen, and captain E. Dinc and the crew of "Dinc Bu" for their kind assistance in the fieldwork

    Pycnogonida (Arthropoda) from the eastern Mediterranean Sea with description of a new species of Anoplodactylus

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    WOS: 000252579200005Material of Pycnogonida was collected by scuba diving and snorkelling in the eastern Mediterranean Sea from the Aegean Sea to northern Cyprus in 1995-2002; some additional samples were taken in 2006 (mainly in Gencelli Cove, Turkey). This yielded the first record of Ammothella appendiculata for the region. A. longioculata and Callipallene spectrum are newly recorded for Turkey. A hitherto undescribed and tiny species of Anoplodactylus was found. The insufficiently known adult stage of Ammothella uniunguiculata is figured by SEM photograph