115 research outputs found
First record of the maple gallwasp, Pediaspis aceris (Gmelin, 1790) (Cynipidae: Pediaspidini) from Turkey, with a new host record
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Invertebrate infestation in green turtle (Chelonia mydas (linnaeus, 1758)) and loggerhead turtle (caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758)) nests on Alata beach, Mersin, Turkey
Invertebrate infestation in sea turtle nests (Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydas) was recorded for the first time for Alata beach, Mersin, Turkey. A total of 121 green and 32 loggerhead nests were recorded and 34 (22.22%) of these were examined in terms of the invertebrate faunal composition. The specimens found in the nests were identified to order, family, or genus levels and they were represented as 5 orders. These invertebrate groups are Pimelia sp. larvae (Tenebrionidae; Coleoptera), Elater sp. larvae (Elateridae; Coleoptera), Scarabaeidae larvae (Coleoptera), Muscidae (Diptera), Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta), Myrmeleontidae (Neuroptera), and Cyrptostigmata (Acari). © TÜBİTAK
Monitoring and conservation of Loggerhead Turtle's nests on Fethiye Beaches, Turkey
Fethiye beaches are the one of the most important sea turtle nesting beaches from Turkey. The reproductive biology of nesting loggerhead turtles was investigated there during three consecutive nesting seasons (2011-2013). A total of 253 nests were recorded in three seasons, and these nests included an average 80.4 eggs per nests. The incubation periods have decreased considerably over the last decade, potentially pointing to a climate change effect. The nest density was 7.2 nests/km in 2011, 10.7 nests/km in 2012 and 12.6 nests/km in 2013. Despite this 3-year increase, the overall number of nests over the last two decades shows a gradual decline, although the pattern differs from beach to beach. It was determined that the habitat loss and tourism activities are the main problems and are effect breeding activities of the species. In this respect, site-specific conservation actions were started at the Fethiye beaches. ©Biharean Biologist, 2016
Dalaman sahili'nde iribaş kaplumbağa (Caretta caretta) yuvalarında görülen omurgasız istilası üzerine araştırmalar
2002-2003 üreme sezonunda Dalaman Kumsalı'nda yapılan bu çalışmada, iribaş kaplumbağa (Caretta caretta) yuvalarında (yavrular ve yumurtalar) bazı omurgasızların verdiği zararlar kaydedildi. Yuva içerisinde bulunan omurgasızlar eldeki kaynaklara göre familya ve cins düzeyinde tayin edildi. Bu zararlı omurgasızların Pimelia sp. (Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera), Elater sp. (Elateridae, Coleoptera), Scarabeidae (Coleoptera), Myrmeleonidae (Neuroptera), Muscidae (Diptera), Sphecidae (Hymenoptera), Araneidae (Aranea), Enchytridae (Oligochaeta) ve Cryptostigmata (Acari) gruplarmdan olduğu bulunmuştur. Yuvalarda tespit edilen bu omurgasızlardan yumurtalara ve yavrulara en fazla Pimelia sp. 'nin zarar verdiği belirlenmiştir. 2002 üreme sezonunda kontrol açılışı gerçekleştirilen 66 yuvadan 24'ünde (%36,3) ve 2003 üreme sezonunda ise 59 yuvadan 20'sinde (%33,89) bu larva tespit edilmiştir. Bu larvanın bulunduğu yuvalarda 2002 yılında 1773 yumurtadan 188 (%10,6) yumurtada ve 2 (%0,28) yavruda, 2003 yılında 1622 yumurtadan 159 (%9,8) yumurtada delik açmak suretiyle zarar verdiği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca yuvalarda en çok karşılaşılan grubun Muscidae familyası üyeleri olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Omurgasız istilasına zemin hazırlayan fiziksel faktörler test edilmiş ve Pimelia sp. için en önemli faktör olarak yuvaların vejetasyona olan uzaklığı, Muscidae familyası için ise en önemli faktörün yuva derinliği olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Her iki grubun istilasına etki eden ortak faktör olarak yuvaların vejetasyona olan uzaklığı bulunmuştur. Bu grupların predator mü parazit mi yoksa çürükçül mü oldukları tartışılmıştır.The damage caused by some invertebrates to the eggs and hatchlings of loggerhead turtles, Caretta caretta, were investigated during the summer of 2002 and 2003 on Dalaman beach, Turkey. The specimens, identified only dawn to family or genus levels. These were Elateridae, Scarabeidae and Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera), Muscidae (Diptera), Sphecidae (Hymenoptera), Enchytridae (Oligochaeta), Araneidae (Aranea), Myrmeleonidae (Neuroptera), Oniscidae (Isopoda) and Cryptostigmata (Acari). The heaviest impacts of these invertebrates on loggerhead turtle nests were Pimelia sp. (Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera). 24 (36.3 %) out of randomly selected 66 in 2002 and 20 (33.89%) out of randomly selected 59 in 2003 loggerhead hatched nests were effected by these larvae. The larval damage of Pimelia sp. was recorded in 188 (10.6 %) out of 1773 eggs and only in 2 (0.28 %) hatchlings in 2002 and in 159 (9.8%) out of 1622 eggs in 2003. However it was determined that, Muscidae individuals was encounterd in loggerhead turtle nests. The Physical factors were analyzed causing invertebrate infestation and found that most significant factor for Pimelia sp. was the distance of nest to the vegetation and most significant factor for Muscidae was the depth of eggs. The distances of nests to the vegetation were found to be the most significant factor for both of Pimelia sp and Muscidae. The questions of whether these invertebrates are predators, parasites or detritivores were discussed
Investigation on the inquilines (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae, Synergini) of oak galls from inner western Anatolia, Turkey
In this study carried out on specimens collected in inner western Anatolia, 13 species belonging to Synergus were recorded. Eight species were recorded for the first time from Turkey. Due to the associated oak galls, the highest number (6 species) were observed inside the galls of Aphelonyx persica. Data about host oaks, emergence time of adults, and associated oak galls are given. © TÜBITAK
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