8 research outputs found

    Sensitivity Analysis for Condominium Lightning Protection Risk Analysis

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    Today we live in an accelerated world. In our environment there are more facilities to serve our needs than ever before, and today’s devices have multiple functions, and probably they will gain new functions as well. They are called smart devices. Smartphones, tablets, smart TV-s and potential smart vehicles will create a new environment. As a result of the continuous development of human living communities (villages, towns and settlements), the dominant usage of smart tools and technologies already represents a new quality level (Smart City). These new devices require a new level of lightning protection. Natural forces endanger buildings as well as human lives. The protection of artificially created objects and of the built environment has always played a prominent role, and nowadays, one of its main areas is the lightning protection of structures. The calculation of the lightning protection is based on the MSZ EN 62305 [1] standard. In the past, several changes were made in the standards and decrees [2], and now the current standard is the MSZ EN 62305. It contains the exact mathematical methods of risk assessment using the parameters of buildings and their installations (e.g. lightning protection installations, cables, flooring etc.). The present research aims to identify the relationships between output parameters determined by the input parameters based on the current standards, and the identification of risks by their analysis in different types of buildings

    Thoughts about the Lightning Protection of some Electric Vehicles

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    Today, smart devices and technologies, in addition to serving people\u27s individual needs (e.g. smartphones, tablets etc.), are gaining ground in supporting community traffic, healthcare, disaster management as a social public task. As a result of the continuous development of human living communities (villages, towns, settlements), the dominant usage of smart tools and technologies already represents a new quality level (Smart City). Modern logistics support for the public tasks of other settlements or other committed community events takes place through the use of different types of vehicles, in which the use of electric vehicles is also becoming increasingly important. Manufacturers are designing body parts for these vehicles to achieve a smaller weight from various plastic or composite materials in the future, which does not protect the passengers from lightning strikes. From the point of view of life and property protection, the lightning protection of electric vehicles with this technology can be the current area of current research and development

    The application of multivariate statistical methods for understanding food consumer behaviour

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    Understanding consumer behaviour is a necessary precondition for a targeted communication strategy. The behaviour is a complex phenomenon and research needs to undertake a rigorously apply sophisticated methods. This article entails the combined utilisation of categorical principal component analysis and cluster analysis to determine the major, relatively homogenous consumer groups and this is coupled with confirmatory factor analysis and structural model building to understand consumer behaviour, based on Fishbein and Ajzent’s theoretic model.Categorical principal component analysis, cluster analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, consumers’ segmentation, structural model building, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    The application of multivariate statistical methods for understanding food consumer behaviour

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    Understanding consumer behaviour is a necessary precondition for a targeted communication strategy. The behaviour is a complex phenomenon and research needs to undertake a rigorously apply sophisticated methods. This article entails the combined utilisation of categorical principal component analysis and cluster analysis to determine the major, relatively homogenous consumer groups and this is coupled with confirmatory factor analysis and structural model building to understand consumer behaviour, based on Fishbein and Ajzent’s theoretic model

    Projekt Track_Fast - Potrebe delodajalev in razvoj kariernih poti na podrocju zivilstva (madzarske in slovenske izkusnje v centralno-evropskem prostoru)

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    The food and drink industry is the largest, yet very fragmented, and in these conditions of economic crisis, also a quickly changing manufacturing sector in Europe. The FW7 Track_Fast project is therefore dedicated to: a) Identification and definition of personal skills requirements in the food job market; b) Developments for the regulation of food science and technology professions in Europe; c) Establishment of a framework for continual professional training and career development for the FST professional; and d) Motivation of young people to enter and pursue of a career in food science and technology in Europe. This article describes some results collected during brainstorming workshops for identification of job market needs in food science and technology from Hungarian and Slovenian partners.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    VERSENYKÉPES ÉLELMISZERGAZDASÁG – ÉLHETŐ VIDÉK (Négy tézis egy lehetséges fejlesztési politika körvonalainak meghatározásához)

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    A 20. század végére globális termelési és kereskedelmi rendszerek alakultak ki az élelmiszergazdaságban. Ezek alapvető jellemzője, hogy a korábban általá-nosan alkalmazott piacvédelmi rendszerek lebomlásával párhuzamosan egyre inkább a termékek ára és minősége válik meghatározóvá. Az Európai Unió napjainkban még képes ugyan ideig-óráig fenntartani a „belső” piacok védelmét, ez azonban valószínűleg nem sokáig marad így. A 2007-13 időszakban olyan agrárgazdaság kialakítására indokolt törekedni, mely magában hordozza a hosszú távú, a mindinkább liberalizálódó és globalizálódó világgazdaság feltételrendszerei között is fenntartható fejlődés lehetőségét. (1) Ennek érdekében a magyar agro-ökológiai adottságokat messzemenően figyelembe vevő, a precíziós mezőgazdaság eszközeit sokoldalúan alkalmazó térszerkezet és térbeli munkamegosztás kialakítására van szükség. Ezeket figyelembe véve kell felhasználni a logisztikai rendszerek fejlesztésére rendelkezésre álló erőforrásokat is. (2) A vidéki népesség megtartásában, a tájban levő lehetőségek kiaknázásában kiemelkedő jelentősége lehet a kis és közepes méretű élelmiszeripari üzemeknek. Ezek kialakításában a rendszerszemlélet következetes alkalmazására épülő, a termékpálya minél nagyobb részét magában foglaló szövetkezeteknek a jelenleginél nagyobb szerepet célszerű kapniuk. Csökkenteni kell azon esetek számát, amikor a támogatások pusztán a nyersanyag elő-állításának lehetőségét teremtik meg. (3) A nagyméretű kiskereskedelmi rendsze-rek térhódításával párhuzamosan fokozódik ezek nyomása a beszállítók felé. A késedelmes fizetések, a minden alapot nélkülöző egyéb fizetési kötelezettségek kikötése közgazdasági lényegét tekintve eszközátadást jelent, mely azonban a jelenlegi információs rendszerekben és adójogszabályokban nem tükröződik. Az ilyen esetek rendszeres nyilvántartása és az erre alapozott adóztatás komplex rendszerének kidolgozása alapvető fontosságú feladat a vertikum egészére jellemző egyensúlytalanságok csökkentése érdekében. (4) A magyar agrárium versenyképessége alapvetően belföldön dől el. Ennek érdekében vissza kell adni a magyar fogyasztó hazai termékekbe vetett bizalmát. Ez a jelenlegi élelmiszer-biztonsági rendszer radikális átalakítását követeli meg. - By the end of the 20th century, global systems of production and commerce had developed in the agrobusiness. The fundamental characteristic of these is that parallel to the disintegration of earlier market protection systems generally in use, the price and quality of products increasingly becomes determinant. While the EU is presently still capable of maintaining “internal” market protection for a short time, this is unlikely to be the case for long. In the period 2007-13, the type of agrobusiness whose development is indicated, is one which contains within itself the potential for long-term sustainable development, even within the increasingly liberalised and globalised world economy’s system of conditions. (1) To further this requires the development of a configuration and spatial division of labour that comprehensively utilises the precise tools of agriculture and takes into account Hungarian agro-ecological assets. The resources available for the development of logistical systems should also be utilised taking these into account. (2) Small and medium-sized food industry businesses could have an outstanding significance in making the most of an area’s inherent possibilities and in retaining countryside population. It is advisable in their development, to give the associations that build on the consistent utilisation of system elements and which comprise an increasingly large part of the production field, a much greater role than they currently have. The number of cases where subsidies simply create the opportunity for raw material production must be reduced. (3) The expansion of large-scale small business systems is concurrently putting increased pressure on suppliers. In economic terms, late payments and the stipulation of other, quite baseless, payment obligations constitute a transfer of resources, which is not, however, reflected in the current information systems or in tax legislation. In the interests of reducing the imbalance, characteristic of the whole verticum, the regular recording of such cases and the development of a complex taxation system based on this is a task of fundamental importance. (4) The competitiveness of the Hungarian agricultural sector is basically domestically determined. In the interests of this, the Hungarian consumer’s trust in domestic produce needs to be restored. This requires a radical transformation of the current food security system