559 research outputs found

    Model fungsi transfer diskreit p0ada runtuk waktu

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    diptinyai dua runtun wktti stasioner X dan Y dari snafu sistem yang mana menunjukan sebuah input yang mempengaruhi output Y, maka hubungan antara X clan Y dapat cligainbarkan dengan model fungsi transfer. Model Iungsi transfer dapat dipandang sehagai versi dinamik dari persamaan regresi biasa. Dalam bubungannya dengan data diselesaikan dengan proses identifikasi, estirnasi dan pemeriksaan model. If X and Y be two series of a system which X is the input to a system that influences the output Y, than the relationship of X and Y can describe by transfer function models. Transfer function models can regarded as a dynamic version of regression.The relating of models to data is accomplished by processes of identification , estimation and diagnostic checking

    Environmental Justice and Environmental Law

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    Environmental Justice: Bridging the Gap Between Environmental Laws and Justice

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    The Domestic Response to Global Climate Change: What Role for Federal, State, and Litigation Initiatives?

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    This Article takes as given that climate change is a serious environmental problem that requires a legal response-a response that is likely to change the way we live. This Article evaluates the most significant existing federal and state measures. This Article not only highlights the key features of federal, state, and litigation initiatives; it also addresses their respective roles

    An Integrated Architecture for a Global Clean Energy Transition

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    Seven Principles for Equitable Adaptation

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    Seven Principles for Equitable Adaptation

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    A Broader Vision for Climate Policy: Lessons from California

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    As the federal role in addressing climate change shrinks, state and local action is once again taking center stage. States are facing innumerable challenging policy questions about the best mechanisms for addressing climate and energy, and many are looking to California for inspiration. This article focuses on a particular and unique feature of California’s approach: the integration of social and environmental justice concerns into the state’s climate and energy policies. As decisionmakers grapple with the fundamental and existential shifts associated with a clean energy transition, California’s efforts to incorporate environmental justice—and the state’s broader social, economic, and environmental vision–provide important insights about the potential for comprehensive climate initiatives in other state

    Decentralizing Cap-and-Trade? The Question of State Stringency

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    This Article addresses a critical question about a state\u27s role in the operation of a national cap-and-trade program: whether federal legislation should allow states to be more stringent than the federal government. ... This Article is the first in a series that will address the wisdom of allowing state control within a federal trading system. ...Part II of this Article articulates the primary justifications for allowing states to set more stringent caps. ...Part III turns to practical mechanisms to achieve state stringency. ...Part IV articulates the potential adverse impacts that could result from states using these mechanisms to achieve more stringent goals. ...Part V concludes that, on balance, state stringency is justified. ...Part VI briefly articulates some of the implications of the foregoing analysis for federal legislation....The Article addresses only a potential downstream cap-and-trade program focused on stationary sources-a program that would impose allowance requirements on the actual emitters of GHGs. It does not address an upstream program that would impose requirements on entities like oil producers, mining companies, the transportation sector, or other entities that are upstream from, and do not directly cause emissions. This Article also focuses on the wisdom of designing federal legislation to incorporate state control, not judicial standards for determining whether and to what degree federal legislation, once designed, preempts state action
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