49 research outputs found

    Interatomic-Coulombic-decay-induced recapture of photoelectrons in helium dimers

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    We investigate the onset of photoionization shakeup induced interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) in He2 at the He+*(n = 2) threshold by detecting two He+ ions in coincidence. We find this threshold to be shifted towards higher energies compared to the same threshold in the monomer. The shifted onset of ion pairs created by ICD is attributed to a recapture of the threshold photoelectron after the emission of the faster ICD electron.Comment: 5 Pages, 2 Figure

    A measurement of the evolution of Interatomic Coulombic Decay in the time domain

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    During the last 15 years a novel decay mechanism of excited atoms has been discovered and investigated. This so called ''Interatomic Coulombic Decay'' (ICD) involves the chemical environment of the electronically excited atom: the excitation energy is transferred (in many cases over long distances) to a neighbor of the initially excited particle usually ionizing that neighbor. It turned out that ICD is a very common decay route in nature as it occurs across van-der-Waals and hydrogen bonds. The time evolution of ICD is predicted to be highly complex, as its efficiency strongly depends on the distance of the atoms involved and this distance typically changes during the decay. Here we present the first direct measurement of the temporal evolution of ICD using a novel experimental approach.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Vibrationally Resolved Decay Width of Interatomic Coulombic Decay in HeNe

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    We investigate the ionization of HeNe from below the He 1s3p excitation to the He ionization threshold. We observe HeNe+^+ ions with an enhancement by more than a factor of 60 when the He side couples resonantly to the radiation field. These ions are an experimental proof of a two-center resonant photoionization mechanism predicted by Najjari et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 153002 (2010)]. Furthermore, our data provide electronic and vibrational state resolved decay widths of interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) in HeNe dimers. We find that the ICD lifetime strongly increases with increasing vibrational state.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Ion and Electron Momentum Distributions from Single and Double Ionization of Helium Induced by Compton Scattering

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    We present the momentum distributions of the nucleus and of the electrons from double ionization of the helium atom by Compton scattering of photons with hν=40  keV. We find that the doubly charged ion momentum distribution is very close to the Compton profile of the nucleus in the ground state of the helium atom, and the momentum distribution of the singly charged ion to give a precise image of the electron Compton profile. To reproduce these results, nonrelativistic calculations require the use of highly correlated initial- and final-state wave functions

    Fourfold Differential Photoelectron Circular Dichroism

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    We report on a joint experimental and theoretical study of photoelectron circular dichroism (PECD) in methyloxirane. By detecting O 1s photoelectrons in coincidence with fragment ions, we deduce the molecule’s orientation and photoelectron emission direction in the laboratory frame. Thereby, we retrieve a fourfold differential PECD clearly beyond 50%. This strong chiral asymmetry is reproduced by ab initio electronic structure calculations. Providing such a pronounced contrast makes PECD of fixed-in-space chiral molecules an even more sensitive tool for chiral recognition in the gas phase

    Photoelectron circular dichroism of O 1ss-photoelectrons of uniaxially oriented trifluoromethyloxirane: Energy dependence and sensitivity to molecular configuration

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    The photoelectron circular dichroism (PECD) of the O 1s-photoelectrons of trifluoromethyloxirane(TFMOx) is studied experimentally and theoretically for different photoelectron kinetic energies. The experiments were performed employing circularly polarized synchrotron radiation and coincidentelectron and fragment ion detection using Cold Target Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy. The corresponding calculations were performed by means of the Single Center method within the relaxed-core Hartree-Fock approximation. We concentrate on the energy dependence of the differential PECD of uniaxially oriented TFMOx molecules, which is accessible through the employed coincident detection. We also compare results for differential PECD of TFMOx to those obtained for the equivalent fragmentation channel and similar photoelectron kinetic energy of methyloxirane (MOx), studied in our previous work. Thereby, we investigate the influence of the substitution of the methyl-group by the trifluoromethyl-group at the chiral center on the molecular chiral response. Finally, the presently obtained angular distribution parameters are compared to those available in literature.Comment: 6 fig

    Enantiosensitive Structure Determination by Photoelectron Scattering on Single Molecules

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    X-ray as well as electron diffraction are powerful tools for structure determination of molecules. Electron diffraction methods yield \r{A}ngstrom-resolution even when applied to large systems or systems involving weak scatterers such as hydrogen atoms. For cases in which molecular crystals cannot be obtained or the interaction-free molecular structure is to be addressed, corresponding electron scattering approaches on gas-phase molecules exist. Such studies on randomly oriented molecules, however, can only provide information on interatomic distances, which is challenging to analyse in case of overlapping distance parameters and they do not reveal the handedness of chiral systems8. Here, we present a novel scheme to obtain information on the structure, handedness and even detailed geometrical features of single molecules in the gas phase. Using a loop-like analysis scheme employing input from ab initio computations on the photoionization process, we are able to deduce the three dimensional molecular structure with sensitivity to the position individual atoms, as e.g. protons. To achieve this, we measure the molecular frame diffraction pattern of core-shell photoelectrons in combination with only two ionic fragments from a molecular Coulomb explosion. Our approach is expected to be suitable for larger molecules, as well, since typical size limitations regarding the structure determination by pure Coulomb explosion imaging are overcome by measuring in addition the photoelectron in coincidence with the ions. As the photoelectron interference pattern captures the molecular structure at the instant of ionization, we anticipate our approach to allow for tracking changes in the molecular structure on a femtosecond time scale by applying a pump-probe scheme in the future