10 research outputs found

    Analysis of Facial Skin Temperature Changes in Acquaintance Comparison Question Test

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    From introduction: "Polygraph instruments have been used in criminal investigations for a long time now, and several types of tests using the polygraph have been developed. One such test is called the Acquaintance Comparison Question Test (ACQT) [1], which is extremely effective when traditional polygraph measures are used. However, the devices used to record these measures still resemble the fi rst models from 20 years ago [2, 3] and most often include metal electrodes attached to the fingers, pneumatic tubes surrounding the thoracic and abdominal areas, and a pneumatic blood pressure cuff attached to the upper arm overlying the brachial artery. Th ese sensors require time to attach, and the examinee can feel certain discomfort when the blood pressure cuff is infl ated for more than approximately fi ve minutes. Additionally, the autonomic nervous system (ANS) measures of the orienting response rely on such cognitive phenomena as memory updating rather than emotional responses to the test questions [4–7]. Many believe that increases in polygraph accuracy might be possible if questions could be determined. Th is would be useful not only in the ACQT format, but in other polygraph test formats as well. Research has documented a link between behavioral reactions and the expression of specific emotions [8–11]. Th e cited studies typically involve detailed measures of facial muscles as specifi c emotions are invoked. One technology that shows promise in overcoming some of the limitations of traditional polygraph measurements is thermography."(...

    Detection of the Chemical Agents Based on Hyperspectral Data Analysis

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    Implementing new methods of detection and identification of gases using an infrared imaging Fourier-transform spectrometer is discussed in the paper. It’s focused on using a multi-function toolbox to get the best results possible. It shows how combining different methods can improve gas detection and identification on a real life example during manhole observation

    Measurement of basic observation parameters of optoelectronic devices in an accredited laboratory. Measurement methodology, uncertainty analysis

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    The article describes the methodologies for measuring the basic parameters of optoelectronic observation devices in accordance with applicable standards and international procedures. Noise equivalent temperature difference NETD, minimum resolvable temperature difference MRTD, detection, recognition and identification ranges according to STANAG 4347, angular field of view FOV and modulation transfer function MTF are described. The description and requirements for laboratory measuring stations are presented. The article contains an analysis of measurement uncertainty of measured quantities in accordance with ISO 17025: 2018 and JCGM 100: 2008 guide based on the TOP 6-3-040 procedure

    Measurement and Analysis of the Parameters of Modern Long-Range Thermal Imaging Cameras

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    Today’s long-range infrared cameras (LRIRC) are used in many systems for the protection of critical infrastructure or national borders. The basic technical parameters of such systems are noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD); minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRTD); and the range of detection, recognition and identification of selected objects (DRI). This paper presents a methodology of the theoretical determination of these parameters on the basis of technical data of LRIRCs. The first part of the paper presents the methods used for the determination of the detection, recognition and identification ranges based on the well-known Johnson criteria. The theoretical backgrounds for both approaches are given, and the laboratory test stand is described together with a brief description of the methodology adopted for the measurements of the selected necessary characteristics of a tested observation system. The measurements were performed in the Accredited Testing Laboratory of the Institute of Optoelectronics of the Military University of Technology (AL IOE MUT), whose activity is based on the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. The measurement results are presented, and the calculated ranges for a selected set of IR cameras are given, obtained on the basis of the Johnson criteria. In the final part of the article, the obtained measurement results are presented together with an analysis of the measurement uncertainty for 10 LRIRCs. The obtained measurement results were compared to the technical parameters presented by the manufacturers

    Thermovision and spectroradiometry in stand-off detection of chemical contamination

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    The range of applications in which remote detection of chemical compounds is used extends from monitoring of technological processes through diagnostics of industrial installation and environmental control up to military applications. The methods and the devices used for the passive detection of selected gases are presented. The change in the signal reaching the camera caused by the presence of gas was calculated. The successful detection can be achieved if the absorption (or emission) of a gas cloud, located between object (background) and the camera, causes signal change greater or equal to noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) of the camera

    Wykrywanie, identyfikacja i kwantyfikacja punktowych źródeł emisji SF6 z użyciem Hyper-Cam LW zainstalowanego na platformie powietrznej

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    Detection, identification, and quantification of greenhouse gases is essential to ensure compliance with regulatory guidelines and mitigate damage associated with anthropogenic climate change. Passive infrared hyperspectral imaging technology is among the solutions that can detect, identify and quantify multiple greenhouse gases simultaneously. The Telops Hyper-Cam Airborne Platform is an established system for aerial thermal infrared hyperspectral measurements for gas survey applications. In support of the Hypercam, is developing a suite of hyperspectral imaging data processing algorithms that allow for gas detection, identification, and quantification in real-time. In the Fall of 2020, the Hyper-Cam-LW Airborne platform was flown above a validated SF6 gas release system to collect hyperspectral data for gas quantification analysis. This measurement campaign was performed to document performance of the Hyper-Cam gas quantification capabilities against known quantities of released gas.Wykrywanie, identyfikacja i kwantyfikacja gazów cieplarnianych jest niezbędna do zapewnienia zgodności z wytycznymi regulacyjnymi i złagodzenia szkód związanych z antropogenicznymi zmianami klimatu. Technologia pasywnego obrazowania hiperspektralnego w podczerwieni należy do rozwiązań, które mogą wykrywać, identyfikować i kwantyfikować wiele gazów cieplarnianych jednocześnie. Platforma lotnicza Telops Hyper-Cam jest uznanym systemem do lotniczych pomiarów hiperspektralnych w termicznej podczerwieni do zastosowań związanych z badaniem gazów. W ramach wsparcia dla Hypercam, opracowywany jest zestaw algorytmów przetwarzania danych obrazowania hiperspektralnego, które pozwalają na wykrywanie, identyfikację i kwantyfikację gazów w czasie rzeczywistym. Jesienią 2020 r. platforma Hyper-Cam-LW Airborne została umieszczona nad zatwierdzonym systemem uwalniania gazu SF6 w celu zebrania danych hiperspektralnych do analizy kwantyfikacji gazu. Ta kampania pomiarowa została przeprowadzona w celu udokumentowania wydajności możliwości kwantyfikacji gazu Hyper-Cam w odniesieniu do znanych ilości uwolnionego gazu

    Zdalne wykrywanie i kwantyfikacja emisji metanu na podstawie analizy danych hiperspektralnych

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    Measurement of methane emissions from leaks occurring on the territorially extensive network of transmission gas grid is a topical issue and highly desirable from the point of view of safety and reducing methane emissions into the atmosphere. Remote detection of methane is a problem whose technical solution is based on several types of optoelectronic devices, e.g. thermal imaging cameras with sets of optical filters, spectroradiometers, laser systems of the DIAL (DIfferential Absorption Lidar) type. On the other hand, the quantification of emission magnitudes is in most cases realized by spectoradiometric systems. This paper will present a method for analyzing hyperspectral data from an imaging Fourier infrared spectroradiometer. Measurements will be made on a purpose-built bench simulating methane emissions from a transmission network. Data obtained from ground level under different atmospheric conditions will be presented, together with the results of their analysis for different methane emissions.Pomiar emisji metanu z wycieków występujących na rozległej terytorialnie sieci gazociągów przesyłowych jest zagadnieniem aktualnym i wysoce pożądanym z punktu widzenia bezpieczeństwa i ograniczenia emisji metanu do atmosfery. Zdalna detekcja metanu jest problem, którego rozwiązanie techniczne opiera się na kilku typach urządzeń optoelektronicznych, np. kamerach termowizyjnych z zestawami filtrów optycznych kamery termowizyjne z zestawami filtrów optycznych, spektroradiometry, systemy laserowe DIAL (DIfferential Absorption Lidar). Z drugiej strony, kwantyfikacja wielkości emisji jest w większości przypadków realizowana przez systemy spektroradiometryczne. W niniejszym artykule zostanie przedstawiona metoda analizy danych hiperspektralnych z obrazującego fourierowskiego spektroradiometru podczerwieni. Pomiary zostały wykonane na specjalnie zbudowanym stanowisku symulującym emisję metanu z sieci przesyłowej. Dane uzyskane z poziomu gruntu w różnych warunkach atmosferycznych, wraz z wynikami ich analizy dla różnych emisji metanu

    100 W-level peak power laser system tunable in the LWIR applied to detection of persistent chemical agents

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    Through the European Defence Agency, the Joint Investment Programme on CBRN protection funded the project AMURFOCAL to address detection at stand-off distances with amplified quantum cascade laser technology in the longwave infrared spectral range, where chemical agents have specific absorptions features. An instrument was developed based on infrared backscattering spectroscopy. We realized a pulsed laser system with a fast tunability from 8 to 10 μm using an external-cavity quantum cascade laser (EC-QCL) and optical parametric amplification (OPA). The EC-QCL is tunable from 8 to 10 μm and delivers output peak powers up to 500 mW. The peak power is amplified with high gain in an orientation-patterned gallium arsenide (OP-GaAs) nonlinear crystal. We developed a pulsed fiber laser acousto-optically tunable from 1880 to 1980 nm with output peak powers up to 7 kW as pump source to realize an efficient quasi-phase matched OPA without any mechanical or thermal action onto the nonlinear crystal. Mixing the EC-QCL and the pump beams within the OP-GaAs crystal and tuning the pump wavelength enables parametric amplification of the EC-QCL from 8 to 10 μm leading to up to 120 W peak power. The output is transmitted to a target at a distance of 10 – 20 m. A receiver based on a broadband infrared detector comprises a few detector elements. A 3D data cube is registered by wavelength tuning the laser emission while recording a synchronized signal received from the target. The presentation will describe the AMURFOCAL instrument, its functional units and its principles of operation

    First results of a QCL-OPA based standoff system, for detecting hazardous substances in the IR-fingerprint domain

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    Within the framework of the first European Defence Agency (EDA) call for protection against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats (CBRN Protection) we established a project on active multispectral reflection fingerprinting of persistent chemical agents (AMURFOCAL). A first paper on the project AMURFOCAL has been issued last year on the SPIE conference in Warsaw, Poland. This follow up paper will be accompanied by an additional paper that deals specifically with the aspect of the 100 W-level peak power laser system tunable in the LWIR. In order to close a capability gap and to achieve detection at stand-off distances our consortium built a high peak power pulsed laser system with fast tunability from 8 to 10 μm using an external-cavity quantum cascade laser and optical parametric amplification. This system had to be tested against different substances on various surfaces with different angles of inclination to evaluate the ability for an active stand-off technology with an eye-safe laser system to detect small amounts of hazardous substances and residues. The scattered light from the background surface interferes with the signal originating from the persistent chemicals. To account for this additional difficulty new software based on neutral networks was developed for evaluation. The paper describes the basic setup of the instrument and the experiments as well as some first results for this technology