39 research outputs found

    Behind the confession: Relating false confession, interrogative compliance, personality traits, and psychopathy

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    The present study further supports the established notion that personality traits contribute to the phenomenon of false confessions and compliance in an interrogative setting. Furthermore, the study provides an investigation into the more recent interest in the potential effect of psychopathic traits in this context. A sample of university students (N = 607) completed questionnaires measuring psychopathic traits, interrogative compliance, and the big five personality factors. Of these, only 4.9% (n=30) claimed to have falsely confessed to an academic or criminal offense, with no participant taking the blame for both types of offense. Across measures the big five personality traits were the strongest predictors of compliance. The five personality traits accounted for 17.9 % of the total variance in compliance, with neuroticism being the strongest predictor, followed by openness and agreeableness. Psychopathy accounted for 3.3% of variance, with the lifestyle facet being the only significant predictor. After controlling for the big five personality factors, psychopathy only accounted for a small percentage of interrogative compliance, indicating that interrogators should take into account a person’s personality traits during the interrogation.N/

    The Role of Column Density in the Formation of Stars and Black Holes

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    The stellar mass in disk galaxies scales approximately with the fourth power of the rotation velocity, and the masses of the central black holes in galactic nuclei scale approximately with the fourth power of the bulge velocity dispersion. It is shown here that these relations can be accounted for if, in a forming galaxy with an isothermal mass distribution, gas with a column density above about 8 Msun/pc^2 goes into stars while gas with a column density above about 2 g/cm^2 (10^4 Msun/pc^2) goes into a central black hole. The lower critical value is close to the column density of about 10 Msun/pc^2 at which atomic gas becomes molecular, and the upper value agrees approximately with the column density of about 1 g/cm^2 at which the gas becomes optically thick to its cooling radiation. These results are plausible because molecule formation is evidently necessary for star formation, and because the onset of a high optical depth in a galactic nucleus may suppress continuing star formation and favour the growth of a central black hole.Comment: Accepted by Nature Physic

    The Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the James Webb Space Telescope II. Multi-object spectroscopy (MOS)

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    We provide an overview of the capabilities and performance of the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) when used in its multi-object spectroscopy (MOS) mode employing a novel Micro Shutter Array (MSA) slit device. The MSA consists of four separate 98 arcsec ×\times 91 arcsec quadrants each containing 365×171365\times171 individually addressable shutters whose open areas on the sky measure 0.20 arcsec ×\times 0.46 arcsec on a 0.27 arcsec ×\times 0.53 arcsec pitch. This is the first time that a configurable multi-object spectrograph has been available on a space mission. The levels of multiplexing achievable with NIRSpec MOS mode are quantified and we show that NIRSpec will be able to observe typically fifty to two hundred objects simultaneously with the pattern of close to a quarter of a million shutters provided by the MSA. This pattern is fixed and regular, and we identify the specific constraints that it yields for NIRSpec observation planning. We also present the data processing and calibration steps planned for the NIRSpec MOS data. The significant variation in size of the mostly diffraction-limited instrument point spread function over the large wavelength range of 0.6-5.3 μ\mum covered by the instrument, combined with the fact that most targets observed with the MSA cannot be expected to be perfectly centred within their respective slits, makes the spectrophotometric and wavelength calibration of the obtained spectra particularly complex. These challenges notwithstanding, the sensitivity and multiplexing capabilities anticipated of NIRSpec in MOS mode are unprecedented, and should enable significant progress to be made in addressing a wide range of outstanding astrophysical problems

    The angular momentum of baryons and dark matter halos revisited

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    Recent theoretical studies have shown that galaxies at high redshift are fed by cold, dense gas filaments, suggesting angular momentum transport by gas differs from that by dark matter. Revisiting this issue using high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamics simulations with adaptive mesh refinement, we find that at the time of accretion, gas and dark matter do carry a similar amount of specific angular momentum, but that it is systematically higher than that of the dark matter halo as a whole. At high redshift, freshly accreted gas rapidly streams into the central region of the halo, directly depositing this large amount of angular momentum within a sphere of radius r=0.1rvir. In contrast, dark matter particles pass through the central region unscathed, and a fraction of them ends up populating the outer regions of the halo (r/rvir>0.1), redistributing angular momentum in the process. As a result, large-scale motions of the cosmic web have to be considered as the origin of gas angular momentum rather than its virialised dark matter halo host. This generic result holds for halos of all masses at all redshifts, as radiative cooling ensures that a significant fraction of baryons remain trapped at the centre of the halos. Despite this injection of angular momentum enriched gas, we predict an amount for stellar discs which is in fair agreement with observations at z=0. This arises because the total specific angular momentum of the baryons remains close to that of dark matter halos. We propose a new scenario where gas efficiently carries the angular momentum generated by large-scale structure motions deep inside dark matter halos, redistributing it only in the vicinity of the disc

    SWIFT observations of the Arp 147 ring galaxy system

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    We present observations of Arp 147, a galaxy system comprising a collisionally-created ring galaxy and an early-type galaxy, using the Oxford SWIFT integral field spectrograph (IFS) at the 200-inch Hale telescope. We derive spatially resolved kinematics from the IFS data and use these to study the interaction between the two galaxies. We find the edge-to-edge expansion velocity of the ring is 225 +/- 8 km/s, implying an upper limit on the timescale for the collision of 50 Myrs. We also calculate that the angle of impact for the collision is between 33 degrees-54 degrees, where 0 degrees would imply a perpendicular collision. The ring galaxy is strongly star-forming with the star formation likely to have been triggered by the collision between the two galaxies. We measure some key physical parameters in an integrated and spatially resolved manner for the ring galaxy. Using observed B-I colours and the H-alpha equivalent widths, we conclude that two stellar components (a young and an old population) are required to simultaneously match both observed quantities. We constrain the age range, light and mass fractions of the young star formation in the ring, finding a modest age range, a light fraction of less than a third, and a negligible (<1%) mass fraction. We postulate that the redder colours observed in the SE corner of the ring galaxy could correspond to the nuclear bulge of the original disk galaxy from which the ring was created, consistent with the stellar mass in the SE quadrant being 30-50% of the total. The ring appears to have been a typical disk galaxy prior to the encounter. The ring shows electron densities consistent with typical values for star-forming HII regions. The eastern half of the ring exhibits a metallicity a factor of ~2 higher than the western half. The ionisation parameter, measured across the ring, roughly follows the previously observed trend with metallicity

    Traumatic shaking : The role of the triad in medical investigations of suspected traumatic shaking

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    The Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assesment of Social Services (SBU) is an independent national authority, tasked by the government with assessing methods used in health, medical and dental services and social service interventions from a broad perspective, covering medical, economic, ethical and social aspects. The language in SBU's reports are adjusted to a wide audience. SBU's Board of Directors has approved the conclusions in this report. The systematic review showed the following graded results: There is limited scientific evidence that the triad (Three components of a whole. The triad associated with SBS usually comprises subdural haematoma, retinal haemorrhages and encephalopathy.) and therefore, its components can be associated with traumatic shaking (low-quality evidence). There is insufficient scientific evidence on which to assess the diagnostic accuracy of the triad in identifying traumatic shaking (very low-quality evidence). Limited scientific evidence (low-quality evidence) represents a combined assessment of studies of high or moderate quality which disclose factors that markedly weaken the evidence. It is important to note that limited scientific evidence for the reliability of a method or an effect does not imply complete lack of scientific support. Insufficient scientific evidence (very low-quality evidence) represents either a lack of studies or situations when available studies are of low quality or show contradictory results. Evaluation of the evidence was not based on formal grading of the evidence according to GRADE but on an evaluation of the total scientific basis