1,582 research outputs found

    A fail safe laser activated switch used as an emergency control link at the Langley Vortex Research Facility

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    A fail safe light activated switch was used as an emergency control link at the Langley Vortex Research Facility. In this facility aircraft models were towed through a still air test chamber by a gasoline powered vehicle which was launched from one end of a 427-meter track and attained velocities to 31 m/sec in the test chamber. A 5 mW HeNe laser with a mechanical copper provided a connecting link with the moving tow vehicle on which a silicon photodiode receiver with a specially designed amplifier provided a fail safe switching action. This system provided an emergency means of stopping the vehicle by turning off the laser to interrupt the power to the vehicle ignition and brake release systems

    Characteristics of capacitor-type micrometeoroid flux detectors when impacted with simulated micrometeoroids

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    A series of impact tests are described and data presented which characterize the operation of the capacitor-type micrometeoroid flux detectors used on the Meteoroid Technology Satellite (MTS). Capacitor-type detectors with silicon dioxide dielectric thickness of 0.4 and 1.0 microns were tested in the micrometeoroid impact simulator at the Langley Research Center, a 4-MV Van de Graaff electrostatic accelerator. The carbonyl iron projectiles were from 0.5 to 5.0 microns in diameter with velocities from 4 to 10.0 km/sec. The detector bias voltage was varied from -20 to -60 V; some tests were at detector temperatures of 90 C to -100 C; and the angle of impact varied from 0 deg to 75 deg from the normal to the detector. These tests showed that: (1) the detector operation is reliable when the bias voltage is greater than 30 V; (2) after an impact the detector returns to its original condition with an insignificant loss of active area; and (3) the sensitivity of the detector is inversely proportional to the detector thickness. The test results suggest a theoretical model in which the signal is an arc triggered by the impacting projectile, and the detector bias voltage must be high enough to insure that an arc will form

    Twisting algebras using non-commutative torsors

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    Non-commutative torsors (equivalently, two-cocycles) for a Hopf algebra can be used to twist comodule algebras. After surveying and extending the literature on the subject, we prove a theorem that affords a presentation by generators and relations for the algebras obtained by such twisting. We give a number of examples, including new constructions of the quantum affine spaces and the quantum tori.Comment: 27 pages. Masuoka is a new coauthor. Introduction was revised. Sections 1 and 2 were thoroughly restructured. The presentation theorem in Section 3 is now put in a more general framework and has a more general formulation. Section 4 was shortened. All examples (quantum affine spaces and tori, twisting of SL(2), twisting of the enveloping algebra of sl(2)) are left unchange

    Noncommutative geometrical structures of entangled quantum states

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    We study the noncommutative geometrical structures of quantum entangled states. We show that the space of a pure entangled state is a noncommutative space. In particular we show that by rewritten the conifold or the Segre variety we can get a qq-deformed relation in noncommutative geometry. We generalized our construction into a multi-qubit state. We also in detail discuss the noncommutative geometrical structure of a three-qubit state.Comment: 7 page

    Topological quantum gate entangler for a multi-qubit state

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    We establish a relation between topological and quantum entanglement for a multi-qubit state by considering the unitary representations of the Artin braid group. We construct topological operators that can entangle multi-qubit state. In particular we construct operators that create quantum entanglement for multi-qubit states based on the Segre ideal of complex multi-projective space. We also in detail discuss and construct these operators for two-qubit and three-qubit states.Comment: 6 page

    Long-term microparticle flux variability indicated by comparison of Interplanetary Dust Experiment (IDE) timed impacts for LDEF's first year in orbit with impact data for the entire 5.77-year orbital lifetime

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    The electronic sensors of the Interplanetary Dust Experiment (IDE) recorded precise impact times and approximate directions for submicron to approximately 100 micron size particles on all six primary sides of the spacecraft for the first 346 days of the LDEF orbital mission. Previously-reported analyses of the timed impact data have established their spatio-temporal features, including the demonstration that a preponderance of the particles in this regime are orbital debris and that a large fraction of the debris particles are encountered in megameter-size clouds. Short-term fluxes within such clouds can rise several orders of magnitude above the long-term average. These unexpectedly large short-term variations in debris flux raise the question of how representative an indication of the multi-year average flux is given by the nearly one year of timed data. One of the goals of the IDE was to conduct an optical survey of impact sites on detectors that remained active during the entire LDEF mission, to obtain full-mission fluxes. We present here the comparisons and contrasts among the new IDE optical survey impact data, the IDE first-year timed impact data, and impact data from other LDEF micrometeoroid and debris experiments. The following observations are reported: (1) the 5.77 year long-term integrated microparticle impact fluxes recorded by IDE detectors matched the integrated impact fluxes measured by other LDEF investigators for the same period; (2) IDE integrated microparticle impact fluxes varied by factors from 0.5 to 8.3 for LDEF days 1-346, 347-2106 and 1-2106 (5.77 years) on rows 3 (trailing edge, or West), 6 (South side), 12 (North side), and the Earth and Space ends; and (3) IDE integrated microparticle impact fluxes varied less than 3 percent for LDEF days 1-346, 347-2106 and 1-2106 (5.77 years) on row 9 (leading edge, or East). These results give further evidence of the accuracy and internal consistency of the recorded IDE impact data. This leads to the further conclusion that the utility of long-term ratios for impacts on various sides of a stabilized satellite in low Earth orbit (LEO) is extremely limited. These observations and their consequences highlight the need for continuous, real time monitoring of the dynamic microparticle environment in LEO

    String-net condensation: A physical mechanism for topological phases

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    We show that quantum systems of extended objects naturally give rise to a large class of exotic phases - namely topological phases. These phases occur when the extended objects, called ``string-nets'', become highly fluctuating and condense. We derive exactly soluble Hamiltonians for 2D local bosonic models whose ground states are string-net condensed states. Those ground states correspond to 2D parity invariant topological phases. These models reveal the mathematical framework underlying topological phases: tensor category theory. One of the Hamiltonians - a spin-1/2 system on the honeycomb lattice - is a simple theoretical realization of a fault tolerant quantum computer. The higher dimensional case also yields an interesting result: we find that 3D string-net condensation naturally gives rise to both emergent gauge bosons and emergent fermions. Thus, string-net condensation provides a mechanism for unifying gauge bosons and fermions in 3 and higher dimensions.Comment: 21 pages, RevTeX4, 19 figures. Homepage http://dao.mit.edu/~we

    Zeta function regularization in Casimir effect calculations and J.S. Dowker's contribution

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    A summary of relevant contributions, ordered in time, to the subject of operator zeta functions and their application to physical issues is provided. The description ends with the seminal contributions of Stephen Hawking and Stuart Dowker and collaborators, considered by many authors as the actual starting point of the introduction of zeta function regularization methods in theoretical physics, in particular, for quantum vacuum fluctuation and Casimir effect calculations. After recalling a number of the strengths of this powerful and elegant method, some of its limitations are discussed. Finally, recent results of the so called operator regularization procedure are presented.Comment: 16 pages, dedicated to J.S. Dowker, version to appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Long term microparticle impact fluxes on LDEF determined from optical survey of Interplanetary Dust Experiment (IDE) sensors

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    Many of the IDE metal-oxide-silicon (MOS) capacitor-discharge impact sensors remained active during the entire Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) mission. An optical survey of impact sites on the active surfaces of these sensors has been extended to include all sensors from the low-flux sides of LDEF (i.e. the west or trailing side, the earth end, and the space end) and 5-7 active sensors from each LDEF's high-flux sides (i.e. the east or leading side, the south side, and the north side). This survey was facilitated by the presence of a relatively large (greater than 50 micron diameter) optical signature associated with each impact site on the active sensor surfaces. Of the approximately 4700 impacts in the optical survey data set, 84% were from particles in the 0.5 to 3 micron size range. An estimate of the total number of hypervelocity impacts on LDEF from particles greater than 0.5 micron diameter yields a value of approximately 7 x 10(exp 6). Impact feature dimensions for several dozen large craters on MOS sensors and germanium witness plates are also presented. Impact fluxes calculated from the IDE survey data closely matched surveys of similar size impacts (greater than or equal to 3 micron diameter craters in Al, or marginal penetrations of a 2.4 micron thick Al foil) by other LDEF investigators. Since the first year IDE data were electronically recorded, the flux data could be divided into three long term time periods: the first year, the entire 5.8 year mission, and the intervening 4.8 years (by difference). The IDE data show that there was an order of magnitude decrease in the long term microparticle impact flux on the trailing side of LDEF, from 1.01 to 0.098 x 10(exp -4) m(exp 2)/s, from the first year in orbit compared to years 2-6. The long term flux on the leading edge showed an increase from 8.6 to 11.2 x 10(exp -4) m(exp -2)/s over this same time period. (Short term flux increases up to 10,000 times the background rate were recorded on the leading side during LDEF's first year in orbit.) The overall east/west ratio was 44, but during LDEF's first year in orbit the ratio was 8.5, and during years 2-6 the ratio was 114. Long term microparticle impact fluxes on the space end decreased from 1.12 to 0.55 x 10(exp -4) m(exp -2)/s from the first year in orbit compared to years 2-6. The earth end showed the opposite trend with an increase from 0.16 to 0.38 x 10(exp -4) m(exp -2)/s. Fluxes on rows 6 and 12 decreased from 6.1 to 3.4 and 6.7 to 3.7 x 10(exp -4) m(exp -2)/s, respectively, over the same time periods. This resulted in space/earth microparticle impact flux ratios of 7.1 during the first year and 1.5 during years 2-6, while the south/north, space/north and space/south ratios remained constant at 1.1, 0.16 and 0.17, respectively, during the entire mission. This information indicates the possible identification of long term changes in discrete microparticle orbital debris component contributions to the total impact flux experienced by LDEF. A dramatic decrease in the debris population capable of striking the trailing side was detected that could possibly be attributed to the hiatus of western launch activity experienced from 1986-1989. A significant increase in the debris population that preferentially struck the leading side was also observed and could possibly be attributed to a single breakup event that occurred in September of 1986. A substantial increase in the microparticle debris population that struck the earth end of LDEF, but not the space end, was also detected and could possibly be the result of a single breakup event at low altitude. These results point to the importance of including discrete orbital debris component contribution changes in flux models in order to achieve accurate predictions of the microparticle environment that a particular spacecraft will experience in earth orbit. The only reliable, verified empirical measurements of these changes are reported in this paper. Further time-resolved in-situ measurements of these debris populations are needed to accurately assess model predictions and mitigation practices

    Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) attitude measurements of the Interplanetary Dust Experiment

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    Analysis of the data from the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) Interplanetary Dust Experiment (IDE) sun sensors has allowed a confirmation of the attitude of LDEF during its first year in orbit. Eight observations of the yaw angle at specific times were made and are tabulated in this paper. These values range from 4.3 to 12.4 deg with maximum uncertainty of plus or minus 2.0 deg and an average of 7.9 deg. No specific measurements of pitch or roll were made but the data indicates that LDEF had an average pitch down attitude of less than 0.7 deg