17 research outputs found

    Analisis Kontribusi Pendapatan USAha Kopra terhadap Kebutuhan Hidup Layak (Khl) di Desa Polewali Kecamatan Bambalamotu Kabupaten Mamuju Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Barat

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    This research aims to know the magnitude of the average income of the copra entrepreneur\u27s and the magnitude of the income contribution of the copra entrepreneur to the KHL. This research was carried out in the village of Polewali, Bambalamotu subdistrict, Regency of North Mamuju, West Sulawesi province in December 2015. The respondent\u27s determination is done by a simple random sampling method, determining in the number of samples is done using the formula of slovin, respondents were taken in this research as much as 31 KK of 74 KK population numbers. This research is carried out by surveys, data collected in the form of primary and secondary data. The results of the analysis showed that the income earned of copra entrepreneur in the village of Polewali is Rp. 10.561.780/four months and it is when averaged is Rp. 2.640.445/month. The results of the analysis of contribution rate of necessities of worthy life (MOE) showed that the necessities of worthy life which have met the criteria based on Sinukaban is of 1.04 percent, the WORLD BANK\u27S US 1is1,58 1 is 1,58%, and BPS is 1.05% whereas based on the criteria of the WORLD BANK\u27S US 2 is 0.79%, and on the basis of 0.33% KHl and UMP West Sulawesi province is 0.37% so the revenue contribution by employers in the village of Polewali copra is not fully met the criteria of the necessities of worthy life of 1%

    Manajemen Persediaan Bahan Baku pada Industri Kopi “Bumi Mutiara” di Kota Palu

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    The aim of this study was to know the amount of economical purchase of raw coffee materialsand to know the exact time to reorder the coffee in “Bumi Mutiara” palu industry. The location was chosen intentionally in the coffee industry“Bumi Mutiara” that produces coffee with the main raw material is coffee beansand the industry has not had good management of materials supplies. Respondent was determined purposively. Respondent was chosen by 4 persons consisting of 1 leader and 3 employees. Supply analysis used was the analysis of (EOQ, ROP, Safety Stock). The result showed that the number of economical purchase of raw coffee materials should be done by industry of “Bumi Mutiara” in January-Desember 2014 is about 1.499,02kilograms. Reorder which should always be available in the warehous is amount83,00kilograms.Thesafety supplies as many as 33.3 kilograms. The total cost of economic supplies that produced out in January-Desember 2014 an average Rp.145.462,56

    Analisis Produksi USAhatani Kakao di Desa Masari Kecamatan Parigi Selatan Kabupaten Parigi Moutong

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of plant number, fertilizers, pesticides, and labor on the production of cacao farming in Masari Village, South Parigi Sub District, Parigi Moutong District. Determination of respondents used a simple random technique. The analysis tool used was the Cobb-Douglas production function. The analysis shows that the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.856 indicating that the dependent variable of the cocoa farm production was 85.6% affected by the independent variables tested by the reasearchers, while the remaining 14.4% was affected by other variables outside the model. The result of F-test showed that number of producing plants (X1), fertilizers (X2), pesticides (X3) and labor (X4) simultaneously had significant effect on the cacao production.. The results of t-test also suggested that individually all independent variables significantly affected the production of the cacao farming in Masari Village, South Parigi Sub District, Parigi Moutong District

    Rentabilitas Usaha pada Industri Bawang Goreng Sal-Han di Kota Palu Sulawesi Tengah

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    Kebijakan pembangunan pertanian di Indonesia saat ini diarahkan pada modernisasi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil dan mutu produksi dalam rangka peningkatan pendapatan sekaligus peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat. Salah satu komoditi andalan khususnya di Kota Palu yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani adalah komoditi bawang merah lokal Palu. Hasil olahan bawang merah lokal Palu dikenal dengan produk bawang goreng Palu yang memiliki kekhasan cita rasa tersendiri sehingga produk ini berbeda dengan bawang goreng hasil daerah lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui besarnya pendapatan bawang goreng Sal-Han di Kota Palu dari kesuluruhan modal yang digunakan dan untuk mengetahui besar kecilnya angka rentabilitas ekonomi dan rentabilitas modal sendiri pada industri bawang goreng Sal-Han, berdasarkan penambahan modal pinjaman. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada industri bawang goreng Sal-Han di Kota Palu. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan sengaja (Purpossive) dalam hal ini industri bawang goreng Sal-Han. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis penyusutan, analisis pendapatan dan analisis rentabilitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan modal pinjaman sebesar Rp 100.000.000 dengan tingkat bunga 19,6% pertahun, industri bawang goreng Sal-Han memperoleh nilai rata-rata rentabilitas ekonomi sebesar 40,65%, artinya bahwa setiap penambahan modal sebanyak Rp 100 akan menghasilkan keuntungan sebesar Rp 40,65,-, sementara nilai rentabilitas modal sendiri menghasilkan nilai rata-rata sebesar 41,31%, hal ini berarti setiap penambahan Rp 100 akan mengahasilkan keuntungan sebesar Rp 41,31,-

    Analisis Titik Pulang Pokok USAha Furniture Rotan Pada Industri Irma Jaya Di Kota Palu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa besarbiaya produksi yang digunkan oleh Industri Irma Jaya, mengetahui penerimaan yang diperoleh dalam kurun waktu satu bulan, mengetahui besarnya produksi yang dihasilkan dan biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk mencapai titik pulang pokok dan untuk mengetahui Margin of Safety pada Industri Irma Jaya agar tetap memperoleh laba.Responden dalam penelitian yakni pimpinan dan tenaga kerja Industri Irma Jaya.Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas data primer dan data skunder.Analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis titik pulang pokok. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa analisis titik pulang pokok untuk produk kursi mersi adalah 1 set dengan harga Rp 596.131,52/set, penerimaannya sebesar 5.691.315,15 total biayanya sebesar Rp 5.691.315,15 Margin of Safety (MoS) untuk produk kursi mersi adalah 90%, sedangkan hasil analisis titik pulang pokok untuk produk kursi keong adalah 2 set dengan harga Rp 531.760,695/set, penerimaannya sebesar Rp 10.635.213,80 dan total biayanya sebesar Rp 10.635.213,80 dan Margin of Safety (MoS)untuk produk kursi keong adalah 90%

    Analisis Titik Pulang Pokok USAha Budidaya Lebah Madu “Jaya Makmur” di Desa Jono Oge Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru Kabupaten Sigi

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    This research was supposed to know amount of acquired profit and expended cost, to know a number of manufactured products and acquired income at breaking event point, and to know margin of safety therefore honey bee farming “Jaya Makmur” still got some profits. This research was coducted at honey bee farming “Jaya Makmur” in Jono Oge village, District of Sigi Biromaru, and Regency of Sigi on June to July 2015. Respondens are consisted of two person; they are the owner and the employee of honey bee farming “Jaya Makmur” were: (1) the acquired incomes of honey bee farming “Jaya Makmur” were: (a) for product of honey 850mg in amount of IDR 2.860.000/mount with production cost IDR 1.684.267/mount which generated profit in amount of IDR 1.175.733/mount. (b) for product of honey 400mg in amount of IDR 3.055.000/mount with production cost IDR 1.699.130/mount which generated profit in amount of IDR 1.355.870/mount. (2) the break event point for product of honey 850mg were achieve at production volume in total number 111 bottles with the price in amount of IDR 130.000/bottle, thus, the value of acquired income was IDR 1.430.000/mount. The break event point for product of honey 4050mg were achieve at production volume in total number 23 bottles with the price in amount of IDR 65.000/bottle the value of acquired income was IDR 1.495.000/mount. (3) margin of safety for product of honey 850mg was amount of 50.00% and for product of honey 450mg was in amount of 51.06%, which meant the maximum limited distance of decreasing sell of the second selling product was in ratio of MoS, therefore during the selling product was not decreased more than ratio MoS that meant this cultivation receive some profit

    Analisis Nilai Tambah Bawang Merah Lokal Palu Menjadi Bawang Goreng di Kota Palu

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    The role of agroindustry to maintain the primary product into processing products to increase the added value is required. One of the solutions made is to increase the added value of local Palu onion become fried onions. This study aims to determine the added value of being processing the local Palu onion into fried onion which was conducted on Triple C Fried Onion Industry, Raja Bawang Fried Onion Industry and SAL-HAN Fried Onion Industry. The samples determined by intentionally (purposive), considering that these 3 industries categorized as home industry, small industry and middle industry. Respondents in this study was the leadership and employees of the company with a number of respondents as many as 11 people. The results showed that the added value obtained from fried Onion Industry at home level (Triple C fried onions Industry) of Rp.33.846.09 kg , small scale (Raja Bawang Fried Onion Industry) of Rp .39.117,40/kg and middle scale (SAL-HA Fried Onion Industry) of Rp.39.760/k


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    This research was aimed to analyze the financial feasibility at Jagad Sutera Industry. It was conducted in Kamonji, West Palu in April to June 2014. The respondents were purposively determined.  The respondents chosen from within the industry were 1 leader and 3 workers. Data was analyzed using financial worthiness analysis employing 4 indicators: Net present value (NPV), net benefit cost ratio (Net B/C), internal rate of return (IRR), and payback Period (PP).  The results of this research indicated that the NPV during the period of 2011 to 2014 was IDR 19,382,741; the net B/C was 1.65; the IRR was 16 %, and the PP had a payback period of 2 years 9months. It indicates that Jagad Sutera Industry is financiallyfeasible to operate.Key words: Financial Feasibility, Jagad Sutera, Silk Warm


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    Ornamental plants is one of horticultural plants that has agribusiness prospect in Indonesia.  The plants can be used for decorative purposes in room with its surrounding area and as symbols for feeling expression such as happiness and sadness. Along with increasing development              in ornamental plant business, the aim of the research was to analyze the preference of consumers  on deciding what ornamental plans they select at the nursery flower shop of Krismalin.                The research was located in Watu Moranggga street, Poboya, Palu. Thirty respondents selected incidentally were consumers of the Krismalin Nursery Flower Shop. The chi-square analysis indicated that the consumers’ were affected by attributes including flower life duration, flower size, price, container used, color and flower bud. The values of the attributes calculated using > were 35.87>7.81, 24.67>7.81, 23.06>7.81, 14.26>7.81, and 11.33> 7.81,and 9.73 > 7.81, respectively.  Types of plants did not affect the consumers’ preference as indicated by  (7.60<7.81). It is suggested to the shop owner that more attention should be paid to flower life duration, flower size, price, container used, color and flower bud. Key Words : Consumer preference and ornamental plants