640 research outputs found

    Alas, the dark matter structures were not that trivial

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    The radial density profile of dark matter structures has been observed to have an almost universal behaviour in numerical simulations, however, the physical reason for this behaviour remains unclear. It has previously been shown that if the pseudo phase-space density, rho/sigma_d^epsilon, is a beautifully simple power-law in radius, with the "golden values" epsilon=3 and d=r (i.e., the phase-space density is only dependent on the radial component of the velocity dispersion), then one can analytically derive the radial variation of the mass profile, dispersion profile etc. That would imply, if correct, that we just have to explain why rho/sigma^3_r ~r^{-alpha}, and then we would understand everything about equilibrated DM structures. Here we use a set of simulated galaxies and clusters of galaxies to demonstrate that there are no such golden values, but that each structure instead has its own set of values. Considering the same structure at different redshifts shows no evolution of the phase-space parameters towards fixed points. There is also no clear connection between the halo virialized mass and these parameters. This implies that we still do not understand the origin of the profiles of dark matter structures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    The Luminosity Function at z~8 from 97 Y-band dropouts: Inferences About Reionization

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    [Abbreviated] We present the largest search to date for z8z\sim8 Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) based on 350 arcmin2^2 of HST observations in the V-, Y-, J- and H-bands from the Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies (BoRG) survey. The BoRG dataset includes \sim50 arcmin2^2 of new data and deeper observations of two previous BoRG pointings, from which we present 9 new z8z\sim8 LBG candidates, bringing the total number of BoRG LBGs to 38 with 25.5mJ27.625.5\leqslant m_{J} \leqslant 27.6 (AB system). We introduce a new Bayesian formalism for estimating the galaxy luminosity function (LF), which does not require binning (and thus smearing) of the data and includes a likelihood based on the formally correct binomial distribution as opposed to the often used approximate Poisson distribution. We demonstrate the utility of the new method on a sample of 9797 LBGs that combines the bright BoRG galaxies with the fainter sources published in Bouwens et al. (2012) from the HUDF and ERS programs. We show that the z8z\sim8 LF is well described by a Schechter function with a characteristic magnitude M=20.150.38+0.29M^\star = -20.15^{+0.29}_{-0.38}, a faint-end slope of α=1.870.26+0.26\alpha = -1.87^{+0.26}_{-0.26}, and a number density of log10ϕ[Mpc3]=3.240.24+0.25\log_{10} \phi^\star [\textrm{Mpc}^{-3}] = -3.24^{+0.25}_{-0.24}. Integrated down to M=17.7M=-17.7 this LF yields a luminosity density, log10ϵ[erg/s/Hz/Mpc3]=25.520.05+0.05\log_{10} \epsilon [\textrm{erg}/\textrm{s/Hz/Mpc}^{3}] = 25.52^{+0.05}_{-0.05}. Our LF analysis is consistent with previously published determinations within 1σ\sigma. We discuss the implication of our study for the physics of reionization. By assuming theoretically motivated priors on the clumping factor and the photon escape fraction we show that the UV LF from galaxy samples down to M=17.7M=-17.7 can ionize only 10-50% of the neutral hydrogen at z8z\sim8. Full reionization would require extending the LF down to M=15M=-15.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 22 pages, 15 figure

    Correcting the z~8 Galaxy Luminosity Function for Gravitational Lensing Magnification Bias

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    We present a Bayesian framework to account for the magnification bias from both strong and weak gravitational lensing in estimates of high-redshift galaxy luminosity functions. We illustrate our method by estimating the z8z\sim8 UV luminosity function using a sample of 97 Y-band dropouts (Lyman break galaxies) found in the Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies (BoRG) survey and from the literature. We find the luminosity function is well described by a Schechter function with characteristic magnitude of M=19.850.35+0.30M^\star = -19.85^{+0.30}_{-0.35}, faint-end slope of α=1.720.29+0.30\alpha = -1.72^{+0.30}_{-0.29}, and number density of log10Ψ[Mpc3]=3.000.31+0.23\log_{10} \Psi^\star [\textrm{Mpc}^{-3}] = -3.00^{+0.23}_{-0.31}. These parameters are consistent within the uncertainties with those inferred from the same sample without accounting for the magnification bias, demonstrating that the effect is small for current surveys at z8z\sim8, and cannot account for the apparent overdensity of bright galaxies compared to a Schechter function found recently by Bowler et al. (2014a,b) and Finkelstein et al. (2014). We estimate that the probability of finding a strongly lensed z8z\sim8 source in our sample is in the range 315%\sim 3-15 \% depending on limiting magnitude. We identify one strongly-lensed candidate and three cases of intermediate lensing in BoRG (estimated magnification μ>1.4\mu>1.4) in addition to the previously known candidate group-scale strong lens. Using a range of theoretical luminosity functions we conclude that magnification bias will dominate wide field surveys -- such as those planned for the Euclid and WFIRST missions -- especially at z>10z>10. Magnification bias will need to be accounted for in order to derive accurate estimates of high-redshift luminosity functions in these surveys and to distinguish between galaxy formation models.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 20 pages, 13 figure

    HST Grism Observations of a Gravitationally Lensed Redshift 10 Galaxy

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    We present deep spectroscopic observations of a Lyman-break galaxy candidate (hereafter MACS1149-JD) at z9.5z\sim9.5 with the Hubble\textit{Hubble} Space Telescope (HST\textit{HST}) WFC3/IR grisms. The grism observations were taken at 4 distinct position angles, totaling 34 orbits with the G141 grism, although only 19 of the orbits are relatively uncontaminated along the trace of MACS1149-JD. We fit a 3-parameter (zz, F160W mag, and Lyα\alpha equivalent width) Lyman-break galaxy template to the three least contaminated grism position angles using an MCMC approach. The grism data alone are best fit with a redshift of zgrism=9.530.60+0.39z_{\mathrm{grism}}=9.53^{+0.39}_{-0.60} (68%68\% confidence), in good agreement with our photometric estimate of zphot=9.510.12+0.06z_{\mathrm{phot}}=9.51^{+0.06}_{-0.12} (68%68\% confidence). Our analysis rules out Lyman-alpha emission from MACS1149-JD above a 3σ3\sigma equivalent width of 21 \AA{}, consistent with a highly neutral IGM. We explore a scenario where the red Spitzer\textit{Spitzer}/IRAC [3.6][4.5][3.6] - [4.5] color of the galaxy previously pointed out in the literature is due to strong rest-frame optical emission lines from a very young stellar population rather than a 4000 \AA{} break. We find that while this can provide an explanation for the observed IRAC color, it requires a lower redshift (z9.1z\lesssim9.1), which is less preferred by the HST\textit{HST} imaging data. The grism data are consistent with both scenarios, indicating that the red IRAC color can still be explained by a 4000 \AA{} break, characteristic of a relatively evolved stellar population. In this interpretation, the photometry indicate that a 34035+29340^{+29}_{-35} Myr stellar population is already present in this galaxy only 500 Myr\sim500~\mathrm{Myr} after the Big Bang.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. This is the accepted versio

    The Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space (GLASS). IX. The dual origin of low-mass cluster galaxies as revealed by new structural analyses

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    Using deep Hubble Frontier Fields imaging and slitless spectroscopy from the Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space, we analyze 2200 cluster and 1748 field galaxies at 0.2z0.70.2\leq z\leq0.7 to determine the impact of environment on galaxy size and structure at logM/M>7.8\log M_*/M_\odot>7.8, an unprecedented limit at these redshifts. Based on simple assumptions-re=f(M)r_e=f(M_*)-we find no significant differences in half-light radii (rer_e) between equal-mass cluster or field systems. More complex analyses-re=f(M,UV,n,z,Σr_e=f(M_*,U-V,n,z,\Sigma)-reveal local density (Σ(\Sigma) to induce only a 7%±3%7\% \pm 3\% (95%95\% confidence) reduction in rer_e beyond what can be accounted for by UVU-V color, Sersic index (nn), and redshift (zz) effects.Almost any size difference between galaxies in high- and low-density regions is thus attributable to their different distributions in properties other than environment. Indeed, we find a clear color-rer_e correlation in low-mass passive cluster galaxies (logM/M<9.8\log M_*/M_\odot<9.8) such that bluer systems have larger radii, with the bluest having sizes consistent with equal-mass star-forming galaxies. We take this as evidence that large-rer_e low-mass passive cluster galaxies are recently acquired systems that have been environmentally quenched without significant structural transformation (e.g., by ram pressure stripping or starvation).Conversely, 20%\sim20\% of small-rer_e low-mass passive cluster galaxies appear to have been in place since z3z\sim3. Given the consistency of the small-rer_e galaxies' stellar surface densities (and even colors) with those of systems more than ten times as massive, our findings suggest that clusters mark places where galaxy evolution is accelerated for an ancient base population spanning most masses, with late-time additions quenched by environment-specific mechanisms are mainly restricted to the lowest masses.Comment: The accepted version. The catalog is available through the GLASS web page (http://glass.astro.ucla.edu), or https://www.astr.tohoku.ac.jp/~mtakahiro/Publication/Morishita17

    Extended Gravity Theories and the Einstein-Hilbert Action

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    I discuss the relation between arbitrarily high-order theories of gravity and scalar-tensor gravity at the level of the field equations and the action. I show that (2n+4)(2n+4)-order gravity is dynamically equivalent to Brans-Dicke gravity with an interaction potential for the Brans-Dicke field and nn further scalar fields. This scalar-tensor action is then conformally equivalent to the Einstein-Hilbert action with n+1n+1 scalar fields. This clarifies the nature and extent of the conformal equivalence between extended gravity theories and general relativity with many scalar fields.Comment: 12 pages, Plain Latex, SUSSEX-AST-93/7-

    Inferences on the Timeline of Reionization at z~8 From the KMOS Lens-Amplified Spectroscopic Survey

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    Detections and non-detections of Lyman alpha (Lyα\alpha) emission from z>6z>6 galaxies (<1<1 Gyr after the Big Bang) can be used to measure the timeline of cosmic reionization. Of key interest to measuring reionization's mid-stages, but also increasing observational challenge, are observations at z > 7, where Lyα\alpha redshifts to near infra-red wavelengths. Here we present a search for z > 7.2 Lyα\alpha emission in 53 intrinsically faint Lyman Break Galaxy candidates, gravitationally lensed by massive galaxy clusters, in the KMOS Lens-Amplified Spectroscopic Survey (KLASS). With integration times of ~7-10 hours, we detect no Lyα\alpha emission with S/N>5 in our sample. We determine our observations to be 80% complete for 5σ\sigma spatially and spectrally unresolved emission lines with integrated line flux >5.7×1018>5.7\times10^{-18} erg s1^{-1} cm2^{-2}. We define a photometrically selected sub-sample of 29 targets at z=7.9±0.6z=7.9\pm0.6, with a median 5σ\sigma Lyα\alpha EW limit of 58A. We perform a Bayesian inference of the average intergalactic medium (IGM) neutral hydrogen fraction using their spectra. Our inference accounts for the wavelength sensitivity and incomplete redshift coverage of our observations, and the photometric redshift probability distribution of each target. These observations, combined with samples from the literature, enable us to place a lower limit on the average IGM neutral hydrogen fraction of >0.76  (68%),  >0.46  (95%)> 0.76 \; (68\%), \; > 0.46 \; (95\%) at z ~ 8, providing further evidence of rapid reionization at z~6-8. We show that this is consistent with reionization history models extending the galaxy luminosity function to MUV12M_\textrm{UV} \lesssim -12, with low ionizing photon escape fractions, fesc15%f_\textrm{esc} \lesssim 15\%.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Spectroscopic confirmation of an ultra-faint galaxy at the epoch of reionization

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    Within one billion years of the Big Bang, intergalactic hydrogen was ionized by sources emitting ultraviolet and higher energy photons. This was the final phenomenon to globally affect all the baryons (visible matter) in the Universe. It is referred to as cosmic reionization and is an integral component of cosmology. It is broadly expected that intrinsically faint galaxies were the primary ionizing sources due to their abundance in this epoch. However, at the highest redshifts (z>7.5z>7.5; lookback time 13.1 Gyr), all galaxies with spectroscopic confirmations to date are intrinsically bright and, therefore, not necessarily representative of the general population. Here, we report the unequivocal spectroscopic detection of a low luminosity galaxy at z>7.5z>7.5. We detected the Lyman-α\alpha emission line at 10504\sim 10504 {\AA} in two separate observations with MOSFIRE on the Keck I Telescope and independently with the Hubble Space Telescope's slit-less grism spectrograph, implying a source redshift of z=7.640±0.001z = 7.640 \pm 0.001. The galaxy is gravitationally magnified by the massive galaxy cluster MACS J1423.8+2404 (z=0.545z = 0.545), with an estimated intrinsic luminosity of MAB=19.6±0.2M_{AB} = -19.6 \pm 0.2 mag and a stellar mass of M=3.00.8+1.5×108M_{\star} = 3.0^{+1.5}_{-0.8} \times 10^8 solar masses. Both are an order of magnitude lower than the four other Lyman-α\alpha emitters currently known at z>7.5z > 7.5, making it probably the most distant representative source of reionization found to date