13 research outputs found

    Evaluation of satisfaction with over-the-counter weight loss supplements

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    Majority of studies on satisfaction with medication examine satisfaction with a prescribed pharmaceutical agent, while exploration of satisfaction with over-The-counter drugs is limited. This study aims to examine satisfaction with non-prescribed weight loss supplements and the factors that may affect satisfaction levels, such as overall body satisfaction. The participants in this study consisted of a convenience sample of 119 subjects who have either used weight loss supplement or are still using it at the time of enrollment. Results indicate that perceived effectiveness of weight loss supplement is the ultimate predictor of global satisfaction. Overall assessment of weight loss supplement revealed low satisfaction levels with regard to effectiveness and global satisfaction, while satisfaction with side-effects and convenience were relatively high. Body dissatisfaction was found to be significantly negatively correlated to satisfaction with effectiveness, side-effects and global satisfaction with weight loss supplement. Moreover, subjects with higher body dissatisfaction have a higher expectancy from weight loss supplement

    Institutional complexity and consumer wellbeing: Navigating the conflicting logics of religion, state and market during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Institutional complexity arises when multiple institutional logics prescribe divergent and incompatible behaviors. Studies show that exposure to contradictory prescriptions of multiple logics may trigger identity tensions, strategic challenges, and legitimacy problems. We add to this research stream by exploring the implications of the incompatibility between religion and other logics on consumer wellbeing. Extant research reports a generally positive effect of religion on wellbeing but limits the analytical attention to the individual effects of religiosity. Viewing religion as part of an inter-institutional system, we seek to understand why religion and other institutional logics might come into a conflictual relationship with each other and destabilize wellbeing. We find that critical events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, change the relative centrality of logics and prompt individuals to engage in incompatible behaviors. We also discuss how consumers manage the sudden and unexpected institutional complexity they face and seek to restore their wellbeing

    Müşteri şikayet süreci yönetiminin firma pazarlama ve finansal performansına etkileri. gerçek şikayet verileri ve şikayetçi-algılarının farklı sektörlerde incelenmesi

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    TÜBİTAK SOBAG15.08.2014Bu projede, işletmelerin müşteri şikâyetlerini yönetirken uygulayabilecekleri mekanik ve organik yaklaşımların kalitesinin işletme performansı için etkileri incelenmiştir. Şikâyet yönetimi uygulamalarının işletme performansını memnuniyet gibi olumlu müşteri tepkileri ve örgütsel öğrenme olmak üzere iki farklı fakat ilintili süreçle etkileyebileceği savlanmıştır. Proje verileri şirket yöneticilerine uygulanan anket ölçümleri ve Şikayetvar.com platformundan alınan şikâyetçi değerlendirmelerinden oluşmaktadır. Gerek firma gerekse birey şikâyetçi analiz biriminde çeşitli analizler gerçekleştirilerek projenin araştırma soruları incelenmiştir. Bulgulara göre, (1) şikâyet yönetimi uygulamaları firmaların rekabetçi performansı açısından önemlidir, (2) organik şikâyet yönetimi uygulamaları işletme performansını mekanik yaklaşımlara göre daha olumlu etkilemektedir, (3) örgütsel öğrenme süreci şikâyet yönetiminin etkisi açısından hem uzun hem de kısa vadeli performans için önemliyken (4) müşteri tepkisi süreci yalnızca kısa dönemli işletme performansı için ciddi bir önem arz etmektedir. Bulgular ayrıca şikâyet sürecinde yaşanan tecrübelerin şikâyetçilerin nihai sadakatlerinde önemli belirleyici etkileri olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Üretim işletmelerinde bu etki daha belirginken, hizmet işletmelerinde şikâyet süreci tecrübelerine ek olarak şikâyet anında yaşanan duygusal devinimlerinin ve bilişsel kaygı türünün de sadakat üzerinde belirleyici olabileceği tespit edilmiştir. Proje bulgularının işletmelerin performansları ve ulusal ekonomiler için önemi projenin sonuçlar bölümünde etraflıca tartışılmıştır.This project investigates the effects of quality levels of mechanistic and organic customer complaint management approaches in business firms on firm performance. It is proposed that effective complaint management influences firm performance through at least two paths; namely, the customer response path and the organizational learning path. As such, the predominantly justice theory framework in the complaint handling research has been extended to include the organizational learning theory. Data are obtained from multiple sources including surveys obtained from managers in business firms and complainer evaluations provided by the Şikayetvar.com platform. Analyses are conducted both at the firm level and at the individual complainer level. The result suggest that (1) effective complaint management is critical for superior competitive performance, (2) organic approach to complaint management is a stronger driver of firm performance than the mechanistic approach, and (3) the organizational learning path positively drives both long- and short-term firm performances while (4) the customer response path seems to have a significant positive effect on short-term performance only. In addition, customer evaluations of personal experiences during the complaint process are shown to influence post complaint process complainer loyalty significantly. This last effect is found to be more prevalent in manufacturing firms in comparison to service firms, since in service firms pre- dispositional attitudes (emotions and specific cognitive concerns) of complainers 6 during the voicing of the complaint are also shown to influence post process loyalty. Implications for theory and research are discussed

    Why Do We Make Sport: The Importance of Psycho-Social Motivations in Adult Sports Participation

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    This study is swayed by the idea of how people might be motivated to engage in different types of sports, and how enduring these motivations might be. The importance of the research question stems from an observable trend among people who are willing to experience different sports for the sake of fun and pleasure, as well as an academic need to develop a better understanding of the physical, psychological, and social factors that shape people’ sports choices. With this purpose, this study summarizes the results of a questionnaire asking 242 respondents the extent to which they are motivated by each single motive listed. General descriptive results do not explain much of sport behavior; however multinomial regression, exploring a causal link between motivation types and sports types reveals more informative conclusions. Results emphasize the importance of a psycho-social account of sports participation since health is found to be an insignificant motivator

    Markaya düşkünlük kavramı ve ürün kategorisine göre farklılıklar

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı Bristow ve diğerlerinin (2002) geliştirmiş olduğu marka düşkünlüğü (brand dependence) ölçeğini üç farklı ürün kategorisinde uygulamak ve cinsiyetler arasında marka bağımlılığı açısından farklar olup olmadığını anlamaktır. Marka sadakatinden farklı olarak, marka bağımlılığı, bir tüketicinin satın aldığı tüm mal ve hizmetlerde genel olarak hep marka isimlerini gözetmesi ve markalaşmamış bir ürünü satın almaması olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu çalışma kapsamında üç ürün kategorisi (elektronik ürün, güzellik salonu ve restoran) alanında ilgili ölçek, anket yoluyla toplam 136 kişi üzerinde sorgulanmıştır. Ortalama farkı analizleri, markaya bağımlılığın elektronik ürünlerin seçiminde, güzellik salonu ve restoran hizmet gruplarına kıyasla, daha etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Bağımsız örneklem t-testi sonuçlarına göre elektronik ürün ve güzellik salonu kategorilerinde marka bağımlılığı değişkeni üzerinde cinsiyetler arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olduğu görülmektedir. Sonuçlar Türk tüketim kültürü kapsamında tartışılmıştır.The aim in this study is to apply the brand dependence scale developed by Bristow et al. (2002) on three different product categories, and understand whether there are differences based on gender. Brand dependence, as different from brand loyalty, can be defined as a consumer’s propensity to search for known brand names and refuse to buy an un-branded product

    Effects of Multipart Media Framing on Consumer Attitudes Toward Biotechnology

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    This study explores whether and how people with a negative biotechnology-related perception can change their attitudes when they are exposed to a positive message in two different frames. The two frames differ in terms of the medium, the language used, and the general tone. A frame is thus conceptualized as unified symbolic entities, rather than just words or positioning in terms of valence (positive/negative). An exploratory stage was conducted through in-depth interviews, which resulted in three audience categories. Results of the experimental study indicated that it is, in fact, possible to turn negative attitudes into positive attitudes for people with intuitive perceptions. People with analytical and ideological perceptions change their attitudes only when the frame is scientific

    Consumer Responses to Toyota s Crisis Communication Tactics

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    The timing of particular crisis communication tactics and reactions to them in real life cases are relatively understudied. Using Toyota’s unintended acceleration problem during 2009- 2010, we investigate the effects on sales throughout the crisis period (24 months) of the categories of communication tactics used by Toyota. Toyota’s crisis communication tactics were determined through a content analysis of the related news articles in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, and the sales data was obtained from Toyota’s official records. Regression analyses with a progressive time variable incorporated as the interaction between the response strategy and sales show significant negative effects of passive positive communication tactics; however, these effects mitigate as time passes. Analyses also show significant positive effects of active negative communication tactics but this effect diminishes throughout the crisis period, clearly indicating a timing effect

    How do firms benefit from customer complaints?

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    The study explores the effects of two sets of factors relating to complaint management on firm performance, namely, (1)customer response factors and (2) organizational learning factors, thereby integrating organizational learning into the conceptualization of complaint management Symmetric testing using hierarchical regression analysis of data obtained from complainants and firm managers revealed the joint effects of the two main paths on firm performance, independently from one another. Learning from complaints is shown to influence both short- and long-term firm-level performance measures positively. However, contrary to expectations, complainants' and managers' perceptions of fairness in the complaint handling processes of firms are found to (1) be nonrelated to short-term firm performances and (2) influence long-term performance expectancies negatively. Asymmetric analyses involving contrarian cases and further utilizing the fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) disclosed distinct sets of antecedents that are sufficient for explaining short- and long-term firm performance. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    An asymmetric configural model approach for understanding complainer emotions and loyalty

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    Few works emphasize the emotional nature of customer complaint behavior, and those that do so fodis largely on negativity. The idea that specific emotions might lead to idiosyncratic reactions and that in some cases positive emotions may also-be aroused during the complaint experience has been largely neglected. The study explores this issue by identifying specific emotions experienced by complainers and then relating them to resulting complainer loyalty levels, separately under conditions where the outcomes of the complaint process is evaluated favorably versus unfavorably. Complaint texts posted on a well-known website are content analyzed and six types of emotions (hopeful, puzzled, recessive, befooled, offended, and hypersensitive), three types of texting styles (general, specific, and threatening), and five types of complainer concerns (financial, technical, psychological, social, and physical) are identified via content analyses. Configural analyses reveal 33 combination paths of these antecedent conditions for complainer loyalty and 65 different combinations for disloyalty. Results suggest that the specific emotions approach potentially explains more about complaining customer behavior compared to the more general valence-based approach, and that post-complaint loyalty depends considerably on complainer emotions, concerns, and texting styles experienced and expressed during the complaint process. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved