6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan Terhadap Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Pemanfaatan Jeruk Nipis Sebagai Tanaman Obat Di Desa Huwongo Kabupaten Boalemo

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    Tanaman jeruk nipis merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman obat. Namun pemanfaatan jeruk nipis di kalangan masyarakat di desa huwongo masih kurang. maka sangat penting untuk memberikan pengaruh penyuluhan kesehatan terhadap pengetahun masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan jeruk nipis sebagai tanaman obat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan rancangan penelitian quasi eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pra-post test design. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 373 kepala keluarga. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 80 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel Simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa sebelum diberikan penyuluhan kesehatan terdapat 67,8% yang berpengetahuan cukup hal ini dikarenakan banyak masyarakat belum memahami manfaat jeruk nipis. Setelah diberikan penyuluhan kesehatan terdapat berpengetahuan baik 97,5% hal ini dapat dikatakan bahwa penyuluhan kesehatan memberikan konstribusi yang baik dalam peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan jeruk nipis. Hasil dari uji wilcoxon menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pengetahuan sebelum dan setelah diberikan penyuluhan kesehatan dengan nilai p = 0,00


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    Objectives: The prevalence of typhoid fever was reportedly high, especially in the Asian continent, as many as 80% of cases came from slums inBangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, and Vietnam. Due to many cases of antibiotic resistance in typhoid fever, various effortshave been made by combining antibiotic therapy or active compounds with adjuvants and herbs. Curcumin is an active compound found in manyherbal plants, especially in the Asian Continent. Curcumin has an antimicrobial effect, presumably due to its ability to bind Vitamin D receptors (VDR)as a potential ligand. This condition increases the expression of cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides and eradicates bacteria. Vitamin D will definitelybind to VDR as well; on this basis, this study wants to prove the effect of the combination of curcumin and Vitamin D therapy in inhibiting the growthof Salmonella typhi.Methods: This study is a true experimental pre- and post-test design using colony calculation method to investigate the effectiveness of curcumin andVitamin D in suppressing the growth of S. typhi bacteria in peritoneal fluid male mice strain balb/c. Mice were divided into five groups randomly, namely,the negative control groups, Group I (curcumin 200 mg/BB/day), Group II (curcumin 400 mg/BB/day), and Group III (curcumin 200 mg/BB/day andVitamin D 200 IU/day), and the positive control groups (antibiotic levofloxacin). The intervention was carried out for 5 days. After the 5th day, micewere then maintained for 3 weeks to determine the amount of colony growth in the post-intervention period.Results: The comparison of the results between each group gave significance in the average number of bacterial colonies of intraperitoneal fluid.Each group gave a significant difference of <0.05. Curcumin has an activity as an antimicrobial, the higher the dose, the greater the number of bacteriainhibited growth. After curcumin therapy, 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg for 5 days, a decrease in the number of bacterial colonies in the intraperitonealfluid was found. This study concluded that curcumin has an antimicrobial effect on S. typhi. The groups with combination therapy of Vitamin D andcurcumin intervention also gave the same results. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the combination of curcumin and Vitamin D is able to inhibit the growth of S. typhi bacteria, even upto 30 days after infection


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to see the effectiveness of brown manila extract in inhibiting the growth of Salmonella typhi Thy1 bacteria inperitoneal fluid male mice strain BALB/c.Methods: We use manila extract which has been obtained from the extraction of the maceration method and uses the plate count agar (PCA) methodto calculate the number of colonies after conducting bacterial culture before and after the intervention.Results: The results obtained were a significant decrease of bacterial colonies after administration of manila extract 510 mg/kgBW value p=0.009 andextract of brown manila 750 mg/kgBB value p=0.007.Conclusion: Giving extract of mano manila 510 mg/kgBB and 750 mg/kgBB has effectiveness in suppressing the growth of S. typhi Thy1

    Profile of Cholelithiasis Underwent Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Patients at The Aloei Saboe Hospital

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    Introduction: Cholelithiasis is one of the critical health problems. Modern lifestyles can allow gallstone disease in Indonesia to become a health problem that needs attention. The research objective is to know the profile of patients with cholelithiasis who performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy in Aloei Saboe Hospital.Method: The research design is a retrospective descriptive study. The population of this study was cholelithiasis patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy and were treated from January 2020 - December 2021, totaling 234 people. The number of samples is 86 people. We were using a purposive sampling data analysis technique, namely univariate analysis.Results: Regarding the distribution of patients based on sex, the most results were obtained from females (70 people, 81.4%), the largest age group is 46-55 years old (23 people, 26.7%), and the majority of patients did not have a history of diabetes mellitus (76 people, 88.4%).Conclusion: The distribution of cholelithiasis patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the Aloei Saboe Hospital is most common in women aged 46-55, and most patients have no history of diabetes mellitus. This finding may offer a primary data reference for further research adding the number of variables to determine the risk factors for cholelithiasis

    Implementasi Kebijakan Intervensi Gizi Sensitif dalam Penanganan Stunting di Kabupaten Gorontalo

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    The results of the 2021 Gorontalo Regency situation analysis of 30 focus villages in 2022, Pelehu Village, Bilato District has the highest prevalence, namely 30.38%, while Hutadaa Village, Telaga Jaya District occupies the lowest position, namely 0% and if you look The approach taken by the researcher is qualitative, namely based on post-positivism philosophy to research situations and conditions of natural objects (the researcher is the key instrument). The results of the research carried out obtained 4 main themes/topics, namely: 1) Communication in the Implementation of Sensitive Nutrition Intervention Policies in Handling Stunting in Gorontalo Regency; 2) Resources in implementing sensitive nutrition intervention policies in handling stunting in Gorontalo district; 3) Disposition in implementing sensitive nutrition intervention policies in handling stunting in Gorontalo district; and 4) Organizational structure in implementing sensitive nutrition intervention policies in handling stunting in Gorontalo district. The conclusion of the research results shows that there are still problems found so that the implementation of sensitive nutrition intervention policies in handling stunting in Gorontalo Regency is still not optimal enough. This can be seen from the low coverage of sensitive nutrition intervention services, interventions that are not yet fully targeted and intervention activities that are not yet fully integrated.Hasil analisis situasi prevalensi stunting Kabupaten Gorontalo terhadap 30 desa lokus tahun 2022, Desa Pelehu Kecamatan Bilato menempati prevalensi tertinggi yaitu 30,38 %, sedangkan Desa Hutadaa Kecamatan Telaga Jaya menempati posisi terendah yaitu 0 %. Penelitian ini bertujuan Pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh peneliti adalah kualitatif yaitu mendasarkan kepada filsafat post positivisme untuk meneliti pada situasi dan kondisi objek yang alamiah (peneliti adalah instrumen kunci). Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan 4 tema/topik utama, yaitu : 1) Komunikasi Dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Intervensi Gizi Sensitif Dalam Penanganan Stunting di Kabupaten Gorontalo; 2) Sumber daya dalam implementasi kebijakan intervensi gizi sensitif dalam penanganan stunting di kabupaten Gorontalo; 3) Disposisi dalam implementasi kebijakan intervensi gizi sensitif dalam penanganan stunting di kabupaten Gorontalo; dan 4) Struktur organisasi dalam implementasi kebijakan intervensi gizi sensitif dalam penanganan stunting di kabupaten Gorontalo. Kesimpulan : keseluruhan variabel belum sepenuhnya berjalan secara optimal, sehingganya masih diperlukan peningkatan pada faktor internal yaitu konsistensi koordinasi dengan OPD dan stakeholder terkait, peningkatan kompetensi pelaksana untuk mendukung pemanfaatan sumber daya, selain itu diperlukan komitmen yang kuat dalam hal distribusi/pembagian tugas yang jelas antar fungsi agar program dapat berjalan dengan baik dan tepat sasaran. Diharapkan pada variabel-variabel tersebut dapat segera dilakukan penyempurnaan serta perbaikan agar implementasi kebijakan dapat benar-benar memberikan dampak terhadap penurunan jumlah stunting serta meningkatan cakupan layanan intervensi gizi sensitif khususnya di Kabupaten Gorontalo

    Implementasi Kebijakan Intervensi Gizi Sensitif dalam Penanganan Stunting di Kabupaten Gorontalo

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    The results of the 2021 Gorontalo Regency situation analysis of 30 focus villages in 2022, Pelehu Village, Bilato District has the highest prevalence, namely 30.38%, while Hutadaa Village, Telaga Jaya District occupies the lowest position, namely 0% and if you look The approach taken by the researcher is qualitative, namely based on post-positivism philosophy to research situations and conditions of natural objects (the researcher is the key instrument). The results of the research carried out obtained 4 main themes/topics, namely: 1) Communication in the Implementation of Sensitive Nutrition Intervention Policies in Handling Stunting in Gorontalo Regency; 2) Resources in implementing sensitive nutrition intervention policies in handling stunting in Gorontalo district; 3) Disposition in implementing sensitive nutrition intervention policies in handling stunting in Gorontalo district; and 4) Organizational structure in implementing sensitive nutrition intervention policies in handling stunting in Gorontalo district. The conclusion of the research results shows that there are still problems found so that the implementation of sensitive nutrition intervention policies in handling stunting in Gorontalo Regency is still not optimal enough. This can be seen from the low coverage of sensitive nutrition intervention services, interventions that are not yet fully targeted and intervention activities that are not yet fully integrated.Hasil analisis situasi prevalensi stunting Kabupaten Gorontalo terhadap 30 desa lokus tahun 2022, Desa Pelehu Kecamatan Bilato menempati prevalensi tertinggi yaitu 30,38 %, sedangkan Desa Hutadaa Kecamatan Telaga Jaya menempati posisi terendah yaitu 0 %. Penelitian ini bertujuan Pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh peneliti adalah kualitatif yaitu mendasarkan kepada filsafat post positivisme untuk meneliti pada situasi dan kondisi objek yang alamiah (peneliti adalah instrumen kunci). Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan 4 tema/topik utama, yaitu : 1) Komunikasi Dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Intervensi Gizi Sensitif Dalam Penanganan Stunting di Kabupaten Gorontalo; 2) Sumber daya dalam implementasi kebijakan intervensi gizi sensitif dalam penanganan stunting di kabupaten Gorontalo; 3) Disposisi dalam implementasi kebijakan intervensi gizi sensitif dalam penanganan stunting di kabupaten Gorontalo; dan 4) Struktur organisasi dalam implementasi kebijakan intervensi gizi sensitif dalam penanganan stunting di kabupaten Gorontalo. Kesimpulan : keseluruhan variabel belum sepenuhnya berjalan secara optimal, sehingganya masih diperlukan peningkatan pada faktor internal yaitu konsistensi koordinasi dengan OPD dan stakeholder terkait, peningkatan kompetensi pelaksana untuk mendukung pemanfaatan sumber daya, selain itu diperlukan komitmen yang kuat dalam hal distribusi/pembagian tugas yang jelas antar fungsi agar program dapat berjalan dengan baik dan tepat sasaran. Diharapkan pada variabel-variabel tersebut dapat segera dilakukan penyempurnaan serta perbaikan agar implementasi kebijakan dapat benar-benar memberikan dampak terhadap penurunan jumlah stunting serta meningkatan cakupan layanan intervensi gizi sensitif khususnya di Kabupaten Gorontalo