8 research outputs found

    Decision-Making Supporting Models Concerning the Internal Security of the State

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    In the digital society, states’ information security has become one of the key elements of ensuring the competitiveness and sustainable development of the state, guaranteeing its integrity and security in general. An important component of state security is the internal security of the state, which must ensure the personal and public safety of its citizens. Modern Ukraine is building a new system of criminal justice, which requires a new information system for risk assessment and support for optimal decision-making. Today, applied research and the development of information and analytical software for the internal security of the state have acquired a special meaning.In the paper, there is built a set of models for providing operational information for decision-making in criminal justice. This is a cluster model for creating criminal profiles of convicts, and a scoring model for identifying individual characteristics of criminals that have the greatest impact on their propensity to re-offend. The obtained models can provide reliable support for decision-making in the field of criminal justice and become part of the information support system for the internal security of Ukraine in general

    Decision-Making Supporting Models Concerning the Internal Security of the State

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    In the digital society, states’ information security has become one of the key elements of ensuring the competitiveness and sustainable development of the state, guaranteeing its integrity and security in general. An important component of state security is the internal security of the state, which must ensure the personal and public safety of its citizens. Modern Ukraine is building a new system of criminal justice, which requires a new information system for risk assessment and support for optimal decision-making. Today, applied research and the development of information and analytical software for the internal security of the state have acquired a special meaning. In the paper, there is built a set of models for providing operational information for decision-making in criminal justice. This is a cluster model for creating criminal profiles of convicts, and a scoring model for identifying individual characteristics of criminals that have the greatest impact on their propensity to reoffend. The obtained models can provide reliable support for decision-making in the field of criminal justice and become part of the information support system for the internal security of Ukraine in general

    Developing Symmetric Encryption Methods Based On Residue Number System And Investigating Their Cryptosecurity

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    This paper proposes new symmetric cryptoalgorithms of Residue Number System and its Modified Perfect Form. According to the first method, ciphertext is regarded as a set of residues to the corresponding sets of modules (keys) and decryption or decimal number recovery from its residues takes place according to the Chinese remainder theorem. To simplify the calculations, it is proposed to use a Modified Perfect Form of Residue Number System, which leads to a decrease in the number of arithmetic operations (in particular, finding the inverse and multiplying by it) during the decryption process. Another method of symmetric encryption based on the Chinese remainder theorem can be applied when fast decryption is required. In this algorithm, the plaintext block is divided into sub-blocks that are smaller than the corresponding module and serve as remainders on dividing some number, which is a ciphertext, by these modules. Plaintext recovery is based on finding the ciphertext remainders to the corresponding modules. Examples of cryptoalgorithms implementation and their encryption schemes are given. Cryptosecurity of the proposed methods is estimated on the basis of the Prime number theorem and the Euler function. It is investigated which bitness and a number of modules are required for the developed symmetric security systems to ensure the same security level as the largest length key of the AES algorithm does. It is found that as the number of modules increases, their bitness decreases. Graphical dependencies of cryptoanalysis complexity on bitness and a number of modules are built. It is shown that with the increase of specified parameters, the cryptosecurity of the developed methods also increases

    Methods of multi-digit numbers processing in asymmetric cryptosystems based on modular arithmetic

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    Дисертаційна робота присвячена вирішенню актуальної науковопрактичної проблеми підвищення ефективності опрацювання багаторозрядних чисел на основі використання векторно-модульних методів модулярного множення та експоненціювання, ДФ та МДФ СЗК. Розроблено методи пошуку оберненого елемента за модулем та виконання КТЗ на основі додавання модуля та додавання залишку. Розроблено метод пошуку мультистепеневої функції за модулем. Розроблено методи пошуку набору модулів СЗК, який забезпечує уникнення громіздкої операції знаходження мультиплікативного оберненого елемента за модулем. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання МДФ СЗК в асиметричних криптосистемах. Удосконалено метод Ферма для факторизації багаторозрядних чисел. Розроблено трьохмодульну криптосистему Рабіна, яка дозволила розширити блок шифрування. Розроблено методологію опрацювання багаторозрядних чисел, застосування якої дає можливість використовувати розроблені методи в єдиній стратегії опрацювання багаторозрядних чисел в асиметричних криптосистем

    Methods of multi-digit numbers processing in asymmetric cryptosystems based on modular arithmetic

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    Дисертаційна робота присвячена вирішенню актуальної науковопрактичної проблеми підвищення ефективності опрацювання багаторозрядних чисел на основі використання векторно-модульних методів модулярного множення та експоненціювання, ДФ та МДФ СЗК. Розроблено методи пошуку оберненого елемента за модулем та виконання КТЗ на основі додавання модуля та додавання залишку. Розроблено метод пошуку мультистепеневої функції за модулем. Розроблено методи пошуку набору модулів СЗК, який забезпечує уникнення громіздкої операції знаходження мультиплікативного оберненого елемента за модулем. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання МДФ СЗК в асиметричних криптосистемах. Удосконалено метод Ферма для факторизації багаторозрядних чисел. Розроблено трьохмодульну криптосистему Рабіна, яка дозволила розширити блок шифрування. Розроблено методологію опрацювання багаторозрядних чисел, застосування якої дає можливість використовувати розроблені методи в єдиній стратегії опрацювання багаторозрядних чисел в асиметричних криптосистем

    The Canonical Discriminant Model of the Environmental Security Threats

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    The existence of modern humanity directly depends on environmental security. Human society, biodiversity, ecosystems, and climate safety are interdependent. The anthropogenic influence that causes irreversible climate change threatens both the ecosystem’s existence and humans’ survival. To maintain a balance between human well-being and a safe environment, it is important to have a diverse knowledge of the interrelations between the technological impact on the natural environment and climate change and an understanding of action strategies to mitigate climate change and ensure sustainable development. Applying a scientific approach, data analytics, and data science tools can effectively support climate change mitigation and prevent a climate disaster. Based on the components of the climate change performance index (CCPI) 2023 for 59 countries and the EU, a canonical discriminant model was built to identify the significant factors that influence the assessment of the effectiveness of climate protection in a particular country or region and the assessment of climate risks. It can be used to assess the level of climate protection effectiveness of countries that have not defined the CCPI 2023. Based on empirical data, we have determined the real weights of the relevant CCPI components in relation to the effectiveness of actions aimed at reducing global warming. We have established that there are additional factors important for assessing climate protection, but the CCPI rating does not consider them. We conducted a comparative analysis of the CCPI index and the sustainable development goals (SDG) index. The study establishes that the differences in environmental protection among the world’s countries do not determine the assessment of the level of sustainable development of the world’s countries. The obtained results can provide information to support decision-making in developing effective strategies and urgent actions to ensure climate protection

    Strengthening of e-learning at the leading Ukrainian pedagogical universities in the time of COVID-19 pandemic

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    Distance education has become the mandatory component of higher education establishments all over the world including Ukraine regarding COVID-19 lockdown and intentions of Universities to render valuable knowledge and provide safe educational experience for students. The present study aimed to explore the student’s and academic staff’s attitude towards e-learning and the most complicated challenges regarding online learning and distance education. Our findings disclosed that the online learning using Zoom, Moodle, Google Meet, BigBlueButton and Cisco has become quite popular among the students and academic staff in Ukraine in time of the lockdown period and beyond. Based on the Principal Component Analysis data processing we can conclude that students’ satisfaction and positive e-learning perception are in a good correlation with quality of e-learning resources and set of apps which are used while e-learning and distance education. Also, education style, methods, and manner predict willingness of students to self-study. The self-motivation, time-management, lack of practice, digital alienation, positive attitude towards ICT, and instruction strategy belong to the most important challenges of COVID-19 lockdown based on the students and academic staff interviews. Online learning on daily purpose should be used in the favor of strengthening of classical higher education rather than replacing the former. Blended education is the best alternative to face-to-face education, because the communication with mentor in a live environmental even virtual should have ushered the learners to complete online learning and improve its results

    Enhancing digital and professional competences via implementation of virtual laboratories for future physical therapists and rehabilitologist

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    Being popular world-wide, virtual laboratories enter into different fields of education and research and practitioners have to be responsible for choosing the most suitable and then adapt them to particular field. The aim of the present work was to assess the effectivity of the implementation of Praxilab, Labster, and LabXchange virtual laboratories as the powerful digital tool into teaching protocols of “Clinical and laboratory diagnostics” discipline for physical therapists and rehabilitologist. We have carried out the online survey for 45 students enrolled in physical rehabilitation degree program. About 70% surveyed students reported that implementation of virtual laboratories in “Clinical and laboratory diagnostics” discipline met individual learning needs of students, helped acquired digital skills (25%), and supported them to stay ahead of the curve. The virtual lab applications, not only assisted harness students fair against lack of practical skills, but also brought about a new dimension to the classes and helped overcome digital alienation and gain their digital skills and abilities. Indeed, a virtual lab can’t completely replace the experimental work and teacher’s explanation, but it might support teaching activities of a modern mentor and learning activities of a modern student. Almost all of surveyed students (82%) expected that in near future the virtual laboratories would take the dominant place in the education market due to possibility of students’ pre-train the key points of practical activities before real experiments in lab and better understand their theoretical backgrounds. Thus, this study is intended to contribute to utilization of virtual labs by students enrolled in study physical therapy/physical rehabilitation with expected efficiency