4 research outputs found

    The organisation of using videolaparoscopy in military field hospital in conditions of anti-terroristic operations in Easter Ukraine

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    Ministry of Defense, Kiyv, Military-Medical Clinical Centre of south region, Odessa, Military-Medical Clinical Centre of south region of Ukraine, Odessa, Odessa national medical university, Odessa, Military-Medical Clinical Center of South region, Odessa, Ukraine, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaBackground: Improvement of the medical support for injured in the region of anti-terroristic operation by using endovideo surgical techniques in the hospitals of the 2-3nd Echelon. Methods and materials: In June 2014 mobile military hospital was set up for providing qualified surgical help to warriors in the region of eastern Ukraine. 1460operations (62 laparoscopic) were carried out during first 9 months. Results: We use data of 23 patients suffered under abdomen and pelvis injuries: 18 had missile and gunshot wounds, 5 had closed traumas. Acute diseases of the abdomen cavity were diagnosed 39 patients. The penetrative character of shoot wound was excluded by 6 patients using the diagnostic laparoscopy. Out of 5 patients with closed traumas of abdomen, injuries of internal organs were identified in 2 cases, operations were finished laparoscopically. Suffering from urgent diseases of the abdomen cavity organs, 10 patients underwent the laparoscopic appendectomy for acute appendicitis; 2 persons - the laparoscopic diverticulectomy for Meckel’s diverticulitis; in 3 cases the ovarian apoplexy and haemoperitoneum were detected during the laparoscopy, the laparoscopic resection of ovarium was performed; 1 patient underwent laparoscopy for pancreonecrosis, 20 laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute calculous cholecystitis; one laparoscopic cholecystectomy for cancer of the pancreas, obstructive jaundice; 2 patients had laparoscopic suturing of perforative ulcers in duodenum. Conclusion: Well-founded approaches of treatment and diagnosis of shoot wounds of abdomen and pelvis by using the video laparoscopic equipment in the field conditions (first time in the Ukrainian history) were performed. Application of the endovideo surgical technics allowed avoiding 20 useless laparotomies

    Rare case of intestinal obstruction, caused by the migration of esophagus stent (clinical case)

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    Острая кишечная непроходимость (ОКН) принадлежит к тяжелым заболеваниям органов брюшной полости. Наличие целого ряда причин, которые приводят к возникновению ОКН, разные формы кишечной непроходимости и, как следствие, особенности диагностики и хирургической тактики при каждом виде ОКН диктуют индивидуальный подход к каждому больному с ОКН

    Оптимізація обробки елементів шийки жовчного міхура у хворих на гострий калькульозний холецистит із супутнім ХВГ

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    Нами проведений ретроспективний аналіз результатів хірургічного лікування 1832 пацієнтів з ГКХ, прооперированих за період з 2012 по 2017 рік, з яких у 1349 для кліпування міхурової протоки використовували металеві кліпси

    Treatment of the algesic form of adhesive disease of abdominal cavity with the use of endoscopy

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    Лапароскопический адгезиолизис выполнен 37 больным с болевой формой спаечной болезни. У 35 пациентов болезнь возникла после перенесенных лапаротомий, у 1 — после диагностической лапароскопии и у 1 пациентки — после тупой травмы живота. Всем больным первый лапаропорт и пневмоперитонеум выполняли открытым путем. Четырем пациентам провели конверсионную минилапаротомию: 2 — из-за выраженного спаечного процесса и наличия плотного конгломерата петель тонкой кишки; 1 — выполнена резекция участка тонкой кишки в связи с ее рубцовой деформацией; 1 — в связи с ятрогенным повреждением тонкой кишки монополярной коагуляцией.The 37 patients, who have had an algesic form of adhesive disease, were performed with laparoscopic adhesiolysis. Adhesive disease was after laparotomy in 35 patients, after laparoscopy in 1 patient and after abdominal trauma in 1 patient. The first laparoport and pneumoperitoneum were provided by the open way no complications in any patient. Conversion minilaparotomy was made in 4 patients because of: promoted adhesions and dense conglomerate of the intestinal loop — in 2 patients, resection of the intestine — in 1 patient and damage to the small intestine by the monopolar coagulation — in 1 patient