6 research outputs found

    Diagnosing COVID-19 Infection in Chest X-Ray Images Using Neural Network

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    مع انتشاره السريع ، صدمت عدوى فيروس كورونا العالم وكان لها تأثير كبير على حياة المليارات من الناس. لقد ثبت أن صور الأشعة السينية هي طريقة مهمة لتحديد وتقدير ومراقبة الأمراض. يمكن استخدام خوارزميات التعلم العميق للمساعدة في تحليل أعداد ضخمة محتملة من فحوصات الأشعة السينية. لقد أجرينا نظام تحليل متعدد الاختبارات بأثر رجعي للكشف عن COVID-19 المشبوهة ، والأداء واستخدام ميزات الصور بالأشعة السينية لتقييم تقدم حالة المرض في كل مريض ، مما أدى إلى "اكتشاف وجود كورونا فايروس في الصور التي تم تحليلها وكانت النتائج مقبولة بالمقارنة مع التقنيات الاخرى.  أظهرت نتائج هذا البحث أن التطور السريع لتحليل الصور المستند إلى الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) يمكن أن يحقق دقة عالية في الكشف عن عدوى فيروس كورونا بالإضافة إلى القياس الكمي ومراقبة تطور حالة المرض.With its rapid spread, the coronavirus infection shocked the world and had a huge effect on billions of peoples' lives. The problem is to find a safe method to diagnose the infections with fewer casualties. It has been shown that X-Ray images are an important method for the identification, quantification, and monitoring of diseases. Deep learning algorithms can be utilized to help analyze potentially huge numbers of X-Ray examinations. This research conducted a retrospective multi-test analysis system to detect suspicious COVID-19 performance, and use of chest X-Ray features to assess the progress of the illness in each patient, resulting in a "corona score." where the results were satisfactory compared to the benchmarked techniques.  This research results showed that rapidly evolved Artificial Intelligence (AI) -based image analysis can accomplish high accuracy in detecting coronavirus infection as well as quantification and illness burden monitoring

    Forkhead box P3 gene expression and chromosomal analysis in a sample of Iraqi patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Multiple Sclerosis disease is a demyelination process which interferes with the neuronal signal transmission, thus leading to different cognitive and physical dysfunctions like optic neuritis, motor, sensory and coordination problems. Recently many researches have been directed toward studying the relation between some genes and multiple sclerosis. Among the important genes to be studied in multiple sclerosis is the forkhead box P3 gene expression. Objectives: The aims of the present work were to study the expression of forkhead box P3 gene by real time polymerase chain reaction, and to perform chromosomal analysis on the multiple sclerosis patients peripheral blood lymphocytes. Patients and methods: A case-control study was performed using real time polymerase chain reaction technique to measure the relative expression of forkhead box P3 gene in peripheral blood leukocytes of 25 newly diagnosed untreated multiple sclerosis patients and comparing them with that of 25 apparently healthy controls, in addition to performing chromosomal analysis on multiple sclerosis patients peripheral blood lymphocytes. Results: Significant down-regulation in forkhead box P3 gene was detected in multiple sclerosis patients in comparison to controls. Chromosomal analysis that was performed for multiple sclerosis patients revealed normal results. Conclusion: Multiple sclerosis is associated with significant change in forkhead box P3 gene expression that can be measured by real time polymerase chain reaction technique. Furthermore, multiple sclerosis is not associated with gross chromosomal abnormalities

    Histopathological Changes of the Flaxseed Extract on Skin Wound Healing in Diabetic Rabbits

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    BACKGROUND: Wound healing includes phases such as cell migration, extracellular matrix deposition, remodeling, and angiogenesis. There are growing medicines that accelerate wound healing, significantly herbal medications that mainly safe and reliable. AIM: The aim of the study is to examine the histological changes induced by flaxseed oil during wound healing in diabetic animal model. METHODS: Forty-five male white New Zealand rabbits divided into two main groups diabetic and non-diabetic each group is divided into three groups (n = 9).Diabetic animal group include: (1) Study group (adding Flaxseed), (2) positive control group (adding fucidin 2% cream), and (3) negative control group (no treatment) same distribution of non-diabetic animals groups. Four linearshape,full-thickness wounds were made in both sides of the backbone skin in each animal. Tissue samples were obtained at days 4th, 7th, and 14th post wounding for microscopical analysis, histopathological parameters included inflammation, re-epithelialization, neovascularization, and surface closure rates. RESULTS: The study groups (using flax seed) in both diabetic and non-diabetic groups show significant reduction in inflammatory cells infiltration at day 14 (0.67 ± 0.753) (1.67 ± 0.516), and noticeable increase in wound closure rate (4.00+-0.000). Both diabetic and non-diabetic animal groups show high re-epithelialization potential at day 4 and day 7, respectively (2.00 ± 1.549; 4.00 ± 0.00). Diabetic animal study group using flaxseed shows high neovascularization rate at the day 14 (2.17 ± 0.753) compared with positive control diabetic animal group (2.00 ± 0.000). CONCLUSION: Topical application of flaxseed promoted healing process particularly in diabetic animal model by shortening inflammation phase, elevating surface closure rate, promoting re-epithelialization process, and enhancing neovascularization, flaxseed is suggested as a potential effective herbal base medication for facilitating wound healing

    Analysis of the Efficiency of Space­time Access in the Mobile Communication Systems Based on an Antenna Array

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    We performed analysis of effectiveness of various methods and criteria of space-time processing of the signals by an adaptive antenna array with a view to identifying the algorithm suitable for using in arrangement of space-time access to mobile communication systems. It was shown that all methods are based on the assessment of an integrated vector of weight coefficients, included in the reception tract of every antenna element and controlled by certain algorithms.It was shown that recursive procedures that make it possible to correct the vector of weight coefficients in the dynamic situation, including non-stationary signal-interference situation, are more constructive for using in problems of space-time access. This is especially important for communications with mobile subscriber stations and allows reducing the time for processing calling signals due to the rapid convergence of recursive procedures.A comparative analysis of Widrow-Hoff and Kalman-Bucy algorithms was conducted. It was shown that the Kalman-Bucy procedure, in addition to optimality, in complicated signal-interference situation is characterized by maximally short time of convergence to the sustainable state. The convergence of the procedure is ensured on the time interval, allocated for the action of calling signals of subscriber stations in a mobile network.We proposed the model for studying the influence of initial conditions on the effectiveness of space-time access by the parameter of the convergence rate of the algorithm for adaptive space-time signal processing in an antenna array. It is possible to approximate the vector value to the optimal due to configuration of the integrated vector of weight coefficient based on the use of the information about directions of arrival of calling signals of subscriber stations in a mobile network.The results of the calculations of the indicator of the signal/(interference + noise) ratio on the convergence pitch for different algorithms of an adaptive antenna array were obtained. It was shown that it was possible to improve essentially the transitive characteristics of the algorithms for a linear four-element adaptive antenna array due to the successful initial choice of the value of the integrated vector of weight coefficients. This made it possible to increase the value of the signal/ (interference + noise) ratio at the outlet of an antenna up to 4 d

    Doppler-defined pulmonary hypertension in β-thalassemia major in Kurdistan, Iraq.

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    Cardiopulmonary complications are among the most important complications of thalassemia major. Pulmonary hypertension is among these complications and studies addressing its frequency and associations in the latter disorder are sparse from Iraq. For this purpose a total 100 thalassemia major patients (≥ 8 years old) were enrolled from a main thalassemia center in Kurdistan, Northern Iraq. All patients had a full history and clinical examination. Full blood count, biochemical tests and viral screen including hepatitis B surface antigen and hepatitis C virus antibody, in addition to transthoracic Doppler echocardiography for tricuspid regurgitation jet velocity (TRV). The enrolled patients had a mean (SD) age of 17.6 (5.5) years, and included 52 males and 48 females. Pulmonary hypertension as defined by TRV> 2.8 m/s coupled with both exertional dyspnea and an absence of left sided heart failure, was identified in nine patients (9%). The latter subgroup of patients had significantly higher reticulocyte counts, S. LDH, S. ferritin, and hepatitis C sero-positivity compared to those without this complication by univariate analysis. While by multivariate logistic regression only reticulocytes and hepatitis C sero-positivity remained significant. Furthermore, TRV as a continuous variable was positively correlated with reticulocytes, S. bilirubin and LDH (p<0.001, p = 0.002 and p<0.001 respectively), but not with age or S. ferritin (p = 0.77, and p = 0.93 respectively). In conclusion, pulmonary hypertension is not uncommon in Iraqi patients with thalassemia major, and it appears to be linked to chronic hemolysis rather than iron overload

    Model of Dynamics of the Grouping States of Radio Electronic Means in the Problems of Ensuring Electromagnetic Compatibility

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    A dynamic model of multiple interactions of n-elements of a complex mobile communication system is developed, which takes into account the nature of inter-element communications and phase states of the grouping of electronic devices. The model describes the electromagnetic environment of the grouping of electronic equipment in the state space during group use of a frequency resource.The simulation of the dynamics of interaction and phase states of the grouping of electronic equipment is done with the group use of the frequency resource.It is shown that at sufficiently large values of the growth coefficient of the number of electronic devices, both a sharp increase in the level of interaction intensity and a sharp decrease characteristic of those situations that occur in mobile communication systems during the busy hours in places of high density of mobile users can occur.The analysis of the dynamics of the grouping of radio-electronic means of a mobile communication system at different intensities of linear and non-linear multiple interactions, the combined nature of which is displayed by the normalized value of the signal/(jam+noise) ratio, is carried out. The dynamics of non-equilibrium states of the groups of 2 mobile networks at various values of the intensity of interactions is considered.It is established that the non-equilibrium state of the mobile communication system occurs when the total level of the group influence of the emitting devices on the receiving devices increases with a normalized value of the interaction intensity of more than 1.4.The conditions are identified under which the grouping of radio-electronic means of a mobile communication system can function without deterioration of quality indicators, characterized by the total level of group influence of radiating devices on receiving devices, under conditions of optimal frequency resource distribution.It is shown how, using the non-linear Volterra system, which simulates the dynamics of the interactions of a grouping of electronic equipment, it is possible to analyze its state in the future. This model allows to analyze the grouping of electronic equipment with various specific parameters of individual types of electronic equipment, the nature and intensity of their interaction in the group with the current distribution of resource