8 research outputs found

    Summary of brain lobes functional alterations: (a) inter-group and (b) intra-group.

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    <p>For this analysis, the brain is considered to be made up of six lobes as suggested by Salvador <i>et al</i>. [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0134944#pone.0134944.ref031" target="_blank">31</a>].</p

    Classification accuracy with consistent neuroimaging marker identification method.

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    <p>For this experiment, 50% dataset is used for training and rest 50% for testing over 100 trials. It can be seen that the best accuracy is achieved with 450 connections.</p><p>Classification accuracy with consistent neuroimaging marker identification method.</p

    Comparison of Zhang <i>et al</i>. [8] neuroimaging marker identification and clustering with our proposed methods.

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    <p>Abbreviations: DS–difference statistic neuroimaging marker identification method; AP–affinity propagation clustering method. The incremental comparison shows the promise of DS and AP clustering.</p

    The 30 most discriminant connections identified–the connections are sorted with respect to the corresponding absolute value in the connectivity difference matrix <i>D</i>.

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    <p>The positive sign of the <i>D</i> value represents increased connectivity in epilepsy patients while the negative sign represents decreased connectivity in epilepsy patients. Among these 30 connections, 17 are inter-hemispheric (i.e. between left and right hemi-spheres) which are highlighted in italic font. Out of these 17 connections, total 7 connections are between bilaterally homologous brain regions which are highlighted by * in the serial column. Abbreviations: L–left hemi-sphere, R–right hemi-sphere.</p><p>The 30 most discriminant connections identified–the connections are sorted with respect to the corresponding absolute value in the connectivity difference matrix <i>D</i>.</p

    Brain region functional network: visualization of the correlation matrix [8] and community matrix obtained using (5).

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    <p>The difference between healthy and epileptic subjects is not prominent in the correlation matrix while it is prominent in community matrix (highlighted by boxes). This figure is suitable for visualization in color display.</p

    Additional file 1: of Glycation marker glucosepane increases with the progression of osteoarthritis and correlates with morphological and functional changes of cartilage in vivo

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    Supplementary text: description of measurement and outcome of guinea pig food consumption. Figure S1. (a) MACH-1 mechanical testing system. (b) View of a guinea pig femoral condyle with a position grid superimposed; Figure S2. Body weight of guinea pigs during the study. Figure S3. Partial least squares (PLS) regression model of serum glycated, oxidized, and nitrated amino acids Hyp and CP on total OA histological score. Table S1. Serum glycated, oxidized, nitrated, and citrullinated protein in the guinea pig model of osteoarthritis; Table S2. Correlation between glycation, oxidation, and nitration free adducts and hydroxyproline. Table S3. Correlations between glycated, oxidized, nitrated, and citrullinated serum protein. Table S4. Confusion matrix and nCorrect. (DOCX 735 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Advanced glycation endproducts, dityrosine and arginine transporter dysfunction in autism - a source of biomarkers for clinical diagnosis

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    Mass spectrometric multiple reaction monitoring detection of protein glycation, oxidation and nitration adducts and amino acids. Table S2. Correlation analysis – plasma protein glycation, oxidation and nitration adduct residues. Table S3. Correlation analysis – plasma protein glycation, oxidation and nitration free adducts. Table S4. Correlation analysis – plasma amino acids. Table S5. Correlation analysis – urinary protein glycation, oxidation and nitration free adducts. Table S6. Correlation analysis – Urinary amino acids. Table S7. Confusion matrix of algorithm to identify autistic spectrum disorder. (DOCX 80 kb