314 research outputs found

    Lexical Squad@Multimodal Hate Speech Event Detection 2023: Multimodal Hate Speech Detection using Fused Ensemble Approach

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    With a surge in the usage of social media postings to express opinions, emotions, and ideologies, there has been a significant shift towards the calibration of social media as a rapid medium of conveying viewpoints and outlooks over the globe. Concurrently, the emergence of a multitude of conflicts between two entities has given rise to a stream of social media content containing propaganda, hate speech, and inconsiderate views. Thus, the issue of monitoring social media postings is rising swiftly, attracting major attention from those willing to solve such problems. One such problem is Hate Speech detection. To mitigate this problem, we present our novel ensemble learning approach for detecting hate speech, by classifying text-embedded images into two labels, namely "Hate Speech" and "No Hate Speech". We have incorporated state-of-art models including InceptionV3, BERT, and XLNet. Our proposed ensemble model yielded promising results with 75.21 and 74.96 as accuracy and F-1 score (respectively). We also present an empirical evaluation of the text-embedded images to elaborate on how well the model was able to predict and classify. We release our codebase here (https://github.com/M0hammad-Kashif/MultiModalHateSpeech).Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Innovative acoustic jacketing for oil and gas pipelines

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    Oil and Gas Pipelines need thermal insulation and cladding to protect them from harsh environmental conditions, prevent heat losses, minimise health and safety risks and comply with legislation. In certain areas, these cladding jackets require additional layers of noise and vibration insulation and often the installation process is expensive and labour intensive. Conventional systems use products like Lead and Bitumen for noise reduction, but their use causes health, safety and environmental problems. This research aimed to mitigate these health and environmental problems and produce an economic solution for noise insulation and jacketing. Using a series of experimental tests and Finite Element Analysis (FEA), an integrated cladding system has been developed, combining acoustic insulation and metal sheets in a single product. These tests showed that the new system improved acoustic performance and corrosion prevention while simultaneously allowing easier installation which significantly reduces installation time and related costs. A special purpose machine has also been developed which will produce the product in an efficient and cost effective manner

    Algorithms offering kinetic analysis of drug induced proteasome inhibition and cell clump formation from time lapsed microscopy

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    High content screening (HCS) has potential to transform many biological fields, ranging from drug discovery to gene function discovery. HCS with time lapsed microscopy provide valuable insight information about live cells experiments that are usually lost during manual end point experiments. By means of novel bioinformatics algorithms, huge amount of phenotypic data might become available by these techniques which can be used to understand effects of chemical compounds on the cells and profile phenotypically both cell line and chemical compounds. The resultant data can also be compared with other experiments to find out the efficiency and affectivity of the different compounds under same conditions. Recent results also demonstrate that phenotypic profiles can be used to infer specific gene perturbations. In this thesis, novel algorithms for such phenotypic profiling were implemented and demonstrated to be very useful revealing unknown kinetic information regarding two proteasome inhibitors (Bortezomib and CB3) as well as about cell clump formation during cell line growth on honeycomb nanoculture plates. The novel algorithms include specialized solutions both for phase contrast microscopy and fluorescent microscopy and are based on the publicly available cell image processing package Cell Profiler from Broad Institute

    Scarf Pin Inhalation in Young Girls: Atypical Type of Foreign Body Inhalation

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    Background: To study the causes and pattern of scarf pin inhalation in young girls Methods: In this descriptive study patients, with a history of scarf pin inhalation, were included. A detailed history of onset, duration and time between inhalation and presentation to hospital was taken. Comprehensive physical examination was carried out in all patients to recognize any cardio respiratory complications. The precise anatomical location and position of the pin was determined by chest x-ray. All the procedures were performed under general anaesthesia after proper preoperative assessment. Bronchoscope was introduced by classic technique under standard anaesthetic monitoring assisted ventilation. The scarf pin was visualized and retrieved by grasping forceps of appropriate length and design. Repeat rigid bronchoscopy was done, where required. Chest x-ray was repeated in all patients to see any complications. Patients were discharged in stable condition after 24 of surgery. Results: Total 33 female patients were included in study with history of pin inhalation. Mean age (years) in the study was 16.74+2 ranging in age from 12 to 30 years. The most frequent presenting complaints were cough and foreign body sensation in throat. Out of 33 cases, 12(36.36%) were in left main bronchus, 8 (24.24%) were in right main bronchus and 6 (18.18%) scarf pin were impacted in trachea. Conclusion: Scarf pin inhalation is a life threatening condition which is more common in muslim females due to hijab. Scarf pin inhalation in females can be prevented by increasing public awareness, prohibiting them from placing pin in their mout


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    Today’s medical devices are the lifesaving tool and these tools are very frequently used globally since long ago. With the increase in the number of medical devices and their uses, there is an increase in the number of adverse events related to such devices. That is why Materiovigilance is an important tool for the identification, collection, reporting, and analysis of any aversive catastrophe related to the use of medical devices and protection of a patient’s life by fending its reiteration. Post marketing surveillance of medical devices has been initiated in many countries, like the United States of America has started a program under the name Medical Device Reporting (MDR), France, Australia and the United Kingdom have also come up with their own programs. Apart from this India has also initiated the Materiovigilance program by Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) at the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) in Ghaziabad in 2015. In this article we have discussed about the risks associated with the use of different classes of medical devices and the need of Materiovigilance program. This article also discusses the adverse events associated with the medical devices, the reporting criteria of those adverse events and the different clinical events of the medical devices

    Osjetljiva kinetička spektrofotometrijska metoda za određivanje kaptoprila

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    A simple and sensitive kinetic spectrophotometric method has been developed. The method is based on the reduction of Fe(III) with captopril. Fe(II) then reacts with potassium ferricyanide, resulting in the formation of a blue product. The reaction is followed spectrophotometrically by measuring the rate of change of absorbance at 730 nm. Thus, 1.23 × 10-3 mol L-1 FeCl3 and 3.04 × 10-4 mol L-1 potassium ferricyanide were used as optimum values for maximum concentration of captopril in the calibration graph. The initial rate is utilized for constructing the calibration graph, which was found to be linear in the range 4.60 × 10–6–5.06 × 10–5 mol L-1; detection limit is 1.99 × 10–7 mol L-1. The proposed method has been validated; the mean recovery ranges from 99.8–101.4% with RSD < 2%. Common excipients do not interfere with the determination. The point and interval hypotheses tests have been performed and confirmed that there is no significant difference between the proposed method and conventional spectrophotometric method. The experimental true bias of all samples is lower than ± 2.0%. The proposed method has been applied to the determination of captopril in bulk and dosage forms.Razvijena je jednostavna osjetljiva kinetička spektrofotometrijska metoda za određivanje kaptoprila. Metoda se temelji na redukciji Fe(III) u Fe(II) koji zatim s kalijevim fericijanidom daje plavo obojeni produkt. Nastajanje produkta praćeno je spektrofotometrijski na valnoj duljini 730 nm. Optimalne koncentracije FeCl3 i potassium ferricyanida bile su 1,23 × 10-3 mol L-1, odnosno 3,04 × 10-4 mol L-1. Početna brzina upotrebljena je za izradu baždarnog pravca. Linearnost je postignuta u koncentracijskom području od 4,60 × 10–6 do 5,06 × 10–5 mol L-1; granica detekcije bila je 1,99 × 10–7 mol L-1. Predložena metoda je validirana. Srednja vrijednost analitičkog povrata iznosila je 99,8–101,4% uz RSD < 2%. Uobičajeni ekscipiensi nisu smetali određivanju. Ispitivanja hipoteze točke i intervala potvrdila su da nema značajne razlike između predložene metode i opisane spektrofotometrijske metode. Stvarna eksperimentalna pogreška za sve uzorke bila je manja od ± 2%. Opisana metoda primijenjena je za određivanje kaptoprila kao čiste supstancije i u ljekovitom pripravku

    Political Connection, Public Good Activism and Network in India: An Analysis of RSBY Health Scheme

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    Researchers have the view that functional and representative democratic political institutions have long characterized the role of the Institution in the development of the country and India. This paper brings the political economy issue, and the role of the institution played in obtaining Rashtriya Swasth Bima Yojana (RSBY) health insurance scheme card in India. The objective is to analyse the role of village and household characteristics in obtaining RSBY scheme card holding in rural India. Also, to examine the role of political connection, public good activism and network of the household in enrolment in RSBY scheme. This study uses the Indian Human Development Survey (IHDS), 2011-12 data. The method of analysis is the bi-variate and logistic regression. This study found that the network and variable related to information availability, i.e. household with a membership of caste association and attending of a public meeting are more likely to enroll in RSBY scheme. There is not much difference of RSBY card holding between the household that has a political connection, and household that does not have a political connection. Social group result does have an unexpected result of the ST population have less than national level card holder. The village level characteristics like Pradhan caste and reservation of the seat is positively linked to RSBY card holding. A Village that has implemented Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) scheme their household have less percentage of RSBY card holder that village

    Successful use of rituximab in Evans syndrome and refractory immune thrombocytopenic purpura

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    Immune cytopenias are mediated by auto-antibodies produced by B-lymphocytes. Conventional treatment of immune-mediated haematological disorders includes immunosuppression with steroids and other immune modulating therapies and in some refractory cases, splenectomy. Response rates to conventional and second-line agents are variable and a proportion of patients require lifelong immunosuppression to maintain the disease in remission. Rituximab, an anti- CD 20 monoclonal antibody has gained widespread acceptance in the management of B-cell malignancies. Additionally, it has been used to treat the disorders associated with autoantibody production. We report herein the successful use of Rituximab in the treatment of two patients with autoimmune cytopenias one had Evan\u27s syndrome and other had refractory immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Both of these patients are still in remission at 16 and 25 months following treatment