154 research outputs found

    Health professional students’ perceptions regarding their role in tobacco control: findings from the Global Health Professional Students Survey, Pakistan, 2011

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    Background: An important way of reducing tobacco use is to train the health professional (HP) students to assist in tobacco cessation by educating patients and public. In order to shape their thoughts for the desired role, it is vital to understand their existing perceptions regarding HP’s role in tobacco control. Thus, the aim of our study was to find out the perceptions of Pakistani HP students regarding their future role in tobacco control, and examine factors associated with negative perceptions.<p></p> Methods: Secondary data analysis of the Global Health Professional Students Survey, Pakistan, 2011 was performed. Study population included 3445 health professional students in third year of graduate level programs. The dependent variable (perceptions of HP students), was developed using four questions from the survey. Students who did not regard HP’s role in tobacco control were labeled as having negative perceptions. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to analyze association between HP students’ perceptions and various socio-demographic, attitudinal and knowledge related factors; and were reported as adjusted odds ratios with 95% confidence interval.<p></p> Results: We found that 44.8% (n = 1542) of students do not regard HPs as role model for their patients and public, and perceive that HPs do not play an important part in patient’s quitting tobacco use. These negative perceptions were associated with male sex (OR = 1.25, 95% CI 1.02 – 1.53, p value 0.028), and poor knowledge about tobacco cessation techniques (OR = 1.32, 95% CI 1.12 – 1.55, p value < 0.001). Negative perceptions were also associated with their attitudes towards ban on: tobacco advertisements (OR = 1.67, 95% CI 1.13 – 2.48, p value 0.010); and tobacco use at public places (OR = 1.60, 95% CI 1.26 – 2.03, p value < 0.001).<p></p> Conclusion: The role of HPs for tobacco control is fairly under-perceived by HP students, and the undesired negative perceptions are associated with male sex, poor knowledge about tobacco use cessation techniques and negative attitudes towards legislative control. A comprehensive approach, focusing on these aspects should be adopted to train HPs, in order to utilize them as an effective manpower for tobacco control

    Prevalence and determinants of susceptibility to cigarette smoking among school students in Pakistan: secondary analysis of Global Youth Tobacco Survey

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    Background: Susceptibility to smoke has been recognized as a strong predictor of smoking experimentation and taking up regular smoking habit. The identification of smoking susceptible individuals and its determinants is important in the efforts to reduce future smoking prevalence. The aims of this study are to estimate prevalence of susceptibility to smoke among adolescents, and identify factors associated with it.<p></p> Methods: Cross sectional data was obtained from Global Youth Tobacco Survey conducted in three cities of Pakistan in year 2004. Study population consisted of students in grades, 8th, 9th, and 10th; aged 13 to 15 years. Secondary analysis using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to estimate the associations between smoking susceptibility and co-variates. Descriptive statistics were reported in proportions, and adjusted odds ratios with 95% confidence interval were used to report logistic regression analyses.<p></p> Results: Approximately 12% of nonsmoking students were found susceptible to smoking. Students, who were females (OR = 1.53, 95% CI [1.24-1.89]); whose parents (OR = 1.64, 95% CI [1.35-1.99]); or close friend smoked (OR = 2.77, 95% CI [2.27- 3.40]) were more susceptible to cigarette smoking. Students who had good knowledge about harmful effects of smoking (OR = 0.54, 95% CI [0.43-0.69]); and had access to anti-smoking media (OR = 0.73, 95% CI [0.59-0.89]) were less likely to be susceptible to smoking.<p></p> Conclusion: Students who were females, had smoking parents, friends or exposure to newspaper/magazines cigarette marketing, were more susceptible to cigarette smoking among Pakistani adolescents. While knowledge of harmful effects of smoking and access to anti-smoking media served as protective factors against susceptibility to smoking.<p></p&gt

    Scarf Pin Inhalation in Young Girls: Atypical Type of Foreign Body Inhalation

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    Background: To study the causes and pattern of scarf pin inhalation in young girls Methods: In this descriptive study patients, with a history of scarf pin inhalation, were included. A detailed history of onset, duration and time between inhalation and presentation to hospital was taken. Comprehensive physical examination was carried out in all patients to recognize any cardio respiratory complications. The precise anatomical location and position of the pin was determined by chest x-ray. All the procedures were performed under general anaesthesia after proper preoperative assessment. Bronchoscope was introduced by classic technique under standard anaesthetic monitoring assisted ventilation. The scarf pin was visualized and retrieved by grasping forceps of appropriate length and design. Repeat rigid bronchoscopy was done, where required. Chest x-ray was repeated in all patients to see any complications. Patients were discharged in stable condition after 24 of surgery. Results: Total 33 female patients were included in study with history of pin inhalation. Mean age (years) in the study was 16.74+2 ranging in age from 12 to 30 years. The most frequent presenting complaints were cough and foreign body sensation in throat. Out of 33 cases, 12(36.36%) were in left main bronchus, 8 (24.24%) were in right main bronchus and 6 (18.18%) scarf pin were impacted in trachea. Conclusion: Scarf pin inhalation is a life threatening condition which is more common in muslim females due to hijab. Scarf pin inhalation in females can be prevented by increasing public awareness, prohibiting them from placing pin in their mout

    The effects of interactive marketing, customer satisfaction and flashes on customer loyalty

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    This study explores impact of interactive marketing impact on consumer satisfaction and loyalty. So for no specific research has been conducted to identify the process of customer loyalty in banking sector in this perspective. Customer loyalty has great importance and agonizes among connoisseur, academician and professionals in ample industries. This study generally focused on following dimensions commitment, trust, familiarity, quality of employees, service quality and service personalization efforts as key predictor of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Data was collected by using pretested questionnaire through personal interviews. A representative sample of one hundred and sixty consumers was selected by using convenience sampling technique. Interactive marketing has positive significant influence on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The customer satisfaction fully mediates the relationship between interactive marketing and customer loyalty.&nbsp

    Factors Affecting job satisfaction of employees in Pakistani banking sector

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    The job satisfaction has got tremendous attention in organizational research. The focus of this study is to determine the impact of various human resource management practices like job autonomy, team work environment and leadership behavior on job satisfaction. It also investigates the major determinants of job satisfaction in Pakistani banking sector. This study further evaluates the level of difference in job satisfaction among male and female employees. The sample of the study consisted of 450 employees working in different banks of Rawalpindi, Islamabad and Lahore through the questionnaire, of which 295 were returned and processed. SPSS was used to analyze the data, using Independent Sample T Test, Correlation and regression analysis. There is a positive and significant link between job satisfaction and human recourse management practices like team work environment, job autonomy and behavior of leadership. From the findings of the study, it is also inferred that male and female workers have significantly different level of job satisfaction.Human resource management practices, job satisfaction, employees, banking sector

    Helicobacter Pylori in Patients with Hepatitis C Virus

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    Abstract Objective: To determine the frequency and association of Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) infection among patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). Methodology: The study was conducted in Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Lahore. A total of 200 cases fulfilling the inclusion/exclusion criteria were enrolled from Medical OPD Services Institute of Medical Science, Lahore. An informed consent of the patients was taken to include their data in the study. Detailed history for hepatitis C virus was taken. Blood samples were collected and sent to the hospital laboratory for evaluation of presence/absence of H. Pylori in the subjects of HCV. Results: In this study, out of 200 subjects, 32%(n=64) aged 30-50 years while 68%(n=136) aged 51-80 years, and the mean S.D was calculated as 53.99+8.67 years. 54%(n=108) males and 46%(n=92) females were included. The frequency of H. Pylori in subjects with HCV was recorded in 37.5%(n=75) whereas 62.5%(n=125) had no findings of the morbidity. Conclusion: The frequency of H. Pylori is higher in patients of Hepatitis C. &nbsp

    Evaluation of Records of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases Reported at Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical and Dental College, Pakistan

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    Background: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery department is a diverse field in dentistry. Record maintenance has been established as one of the key factors in the success and integrity of health care institutes.Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the records of oral and maxillofacial surgery casesreported to oral and maxillofacial surgery department, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and oral surgery OPD ofKarachi Medical and Dental College.Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted in at ASH and KMDC from July 2019 to September 2019.The data from January 2017 to July 2019 was retrospectively noted through electronic surgical recordof ASH and records of the Oral Surgery OPD of KMDC. Inclusion criteria was patients records of bothgenders of 5–70 years age, having complaint of any oral or dental pathology or pathologies, trauma andimpactions. Data was calculated manually by calculating frequencies and percentages for the trauma,impaction and pathology cases of patients.Results: In 2017, 239 cases were treated under general anesthesia from which trauma 11. 45% (n=11),followed by 48. 11% (n=115) cases of oral pathologies, total 11.7% (n=28) cases of complicated exodontias. In2018, among 211, 51.1% (n=108) cases were trauma followed by 39.3% (n=83) cases of oral pathologies,whereas, total 9.4% (n=20) complicated exodontias cases were observed. During 2019 (January to July),168 cases 36.2% (n=62) cases were diagnosed as trauma, in oral pathology, overall 36.2% (n=62) caseswere surgically excised. Total 23.2% (n=39) complicated exodontias. In 2017, 25122 cases were reported in Surgery OPD of Karachi Medical and Dental College. Total 36.2% (n=9097) teeth were extracted from which 1.93% (n=486) cases were surgical impaction. On the other hand, 1.65% (n=416) patients were treated through minor oral surgeries. In 2018, 29008 cases were reported in Surgery OPD. Total 42.7% (n=12377) teeth were extracted from which 0.92% (n=268) cases were surgical impaction. On the other hand, 0.71% (n=208) patients were treated through minor surgeries. In 2019, January till July 13028 cases were reported in Surgery OPD. Total42.6% (n=5559) teeth were extracted from which 0.66% (n=87) cases were surgical impaction. On the other hand, 0.68% (n=89) patients were treated through minor surgeries.Conclusion: It has been concluded that evaluation of the records of oral and maxillofacial surgery casesreported to oral and maxillofacial surgery department, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and oral surgery OPD ofKarachi Medical and Dental College were high and appropriate measures should be taken in order tomanage these problems timely and effectively

    Uloga potrošačeva povjerenja, kvalitete usluge i dimenzija vrijednosti pri određivanju zadovoljstva i lojalnosti: empirijsko istraživanje mobilne telekomunikacijske industrije u Pakistanu

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    Purpose – The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the factors which influence customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in telecommunication services. Customer satisfaction and loyalty are considered to be major components ensuring effectiveness and growth in the services industry. Design/Methodology/Approach – The data of 406 respondents was gathered via an adapted questionnaire. The statistical techniques of reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and SEM Path analysis were employed to test the hypotheses. Findings and implications – The findings of the research study show that trust and satisfaction have a significant impact on customer loyalty, with satisfaction holding a strong position. Trust and service quality have a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Also, from the point of view of perceived value, emotional value and monetary value are significantly correlated to customer satisfaction. According to TRA, this shows that positive consumer attitude leads towards a strong intention to fulfil their belief. Limitations – The sample of the study may be one of the limitations. Cross-cultural comparison may be conducted in future to identify the differences among the cultures. Also, comparison between developed and under-developed countries may provide holistic results. Originality – The study focused on an examination of customer satisfaction and loyalty on the basis of perceived value determinants, trust, and service quality.Svrha – Primarna je svrha ovoga istraživanja ispitati i istražiti čimbenike koji utječu na zadovoljstvo i lojalnost potrošača telekomunikacijskim uslugama jer se oni smatraju glavnim komponentama za osiguranje učinkovitosti i rasta u industriji usluga. Metodološki pristup – Prikupljeni su podatci od 406 ispitanika putem prilagođenog upitnika. Statističke tehnike: analiza pouzdanosti, eksploratorna faktorska analiza (EFA), konfirmatorna faktorska analiza (CFA) i SEM Path analiza korištene su radi testiranja hipoteza. Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da povjerenje i zadovoljstvo imaju značajan utjecaj na lojalnost potrošača, a zadovoljstvo snažnu poziciju. Povjerenje i kvaliteta usluge imaju značajan utjecaj na zadovoljstvo potrošača. Isto tako, kad je u pitanju konstrukt percipirane vrijednosti, emocionalna vrijednost i novčana vrijednost značajno su povezane sa zadovoljstvom potrošača. Prema TRA-u, to pokazuje da pozitivan stav potrošača vodi prema snažnoj namjeri ispunjavanja njegova uvjerenja. Ograničenja – Uzorak istraživanja može biti jedno od ograničenja. U budućnosti se može provesti međukulturalna usporedba kako bi se vidjele razlike između kultura. Usporedba razvijenih i nedovoljno razvijenih zemalja isto tako može pružiti holističke rezultate. Doprinos – Istraživanje je usmjereno na razmatranje zadovoljstva i lojalnosti potrošača na temelju percipiranih odrednica vrijednosti, povjerenja i kvalitete usluge
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