95 research outputs found

    Modélisation du comportement humain réactif et délibératif avec une approche multi-agent pour la gestion énergétique dans le bâtiment

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    Energy consumption in buildings is affected by various factors including its physical characteristics, the appliances inside, and the outdoor environment, etc. However, inhabitants’ behaviour that determines the global energy consumption must not be forgotten. In most of the previous works and simulation tools, human behaviour is modelled as occupancy profiles. In this thesis the focus is more on detailed behaviour representation, particularly the cognitive, reactive, and deliberative mechanisms. The inhabitants’ dynamic behaviour is modelled and co-simulated together with the physical aspects of a building and an energy management system. The analysis of different household appliances has revealed that energy consumption patterns are highly associated with inhabitants’ behaviours. Data analysis of inhabitants’ actions and appliances’ consumptions is used to derive a model of inhabitants’ behaviour that impacts the energy consumption. This model represents the cognitive mechanisms that provide causes that motivate the actions, including the communication with other inhabitants. An approach based on multi-agent systems is developed along with a methodology for parameter tuning in the proposed behaviour model. These tools are used to co-simulate, not only the physical characteristics of the building, the reactive behaviour that is sensitive to physical data, and deliberative behaviour of the inhabitants, but also the building energy management system. The energy management system allows the direct adjustment of the building parameters or simply giving advice to the inhabitants. The impact of different types of inhabitants’ behaviours, with and without the inclusion of an energy management system is analyzed. This work opens new perspectives not only in the building simulation and in the validation of energy management systems but also in the representation of buildings in the smart grid where signals can be sent to end users advising them to modulate their consumption.La consommation énergétique dans le secteur bâtiment dépend de diverses facteurs parmi lesquels ses caractéristiques physique, ses équipements, l’environnement extérieur, etc… mais il ne faut pas oublier le comportement des habitants qui est déterminant pour la consommation énergétique globale. Or, la plupart des travaux et outils représentent les occupants par des profils d’occupation. Cette thèse s’intéresse à la représentation plus détaillée du comportement des occupants, en particulier les mécanismes cognitifs, réactifs et délibératifs. Le comportement dynamique des occupants est modélisé et co-simulé avec les aspects physiques et des éventuels systèmes de gestion énergétique. L’analyse de la consommation de différents équipements électroménagers met en évidence que le consommation énergétique est très dépendante des comportements des occupants. L’analyse des consommations et des actions des habitants permet d’élaborer un modèle du comportement des occupants impactant la consommation énergétique. Le modèle représente des mécanismes cognitifs, qui représente les causes qui motivent les actions, incluant des échange avec d’autres acteurs humains. Une approche à base d’agents logiciels a été développée. Outre les aspects techniques, une méthodologie de réglage des paramètres des modèles de comportement est proposée. Ces outils sont utilisés pour réaliser une co-simulation représentant la physique du bâtiment, le comportement réactif, c’est-à-dire sensible aux données physiques, et délibératif des habitants mais aussi un système de gestion énergétique qui peut ajuster directement la configuration du logement ou simplement conseiller ces occupants. L’impact de différents types de comportements, avec et sans gestionnaire énergétique est analysé. Ces travaux ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives dans la simulation bâtiment, dans la validation de gestionnaires énergétiques mais aussi dans la représentation des bâtiments dans les réseaux d’énergie dits intelligents, dans lesquels des signaux peuvent être envoyés aux utilisateurs finaux pour les inviter à moduler leur consommation

    The Impact of Educational and Gender Inequality on Income Inequality in South Asia

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    This paper examines the impact of educational and gender inequality in education on income inequality in South Asian countries for the time period of 1980 to 2010. Random effect model (REM) and fixed effect model (FEM) are used for estimation. Using the concept of education Gini the study find that there exist a positive relationship between educational and income inequality. The results also indicate that gender inequality in education at primary and tertiary level has positive and significant impact on income inequality but gender inequality at secondary level has negative and significant impact on income inequality. On the other hand, gender inequality at primary and tertiary level of education has negative impact on per capita income, while at secondary level has positive impact. The results also confirm that there exist U shaped Kuznets curve for the relationship between average year of schooling and inequality in education

    Effect of Economic Growth, Trade Openness, Urbanization, and Technology on Environment of Selected Asian Countries

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    The aim of this study is to examine the impact of trade openness, urban population, technology and economic growth on environment of Asian economies i.e. Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. The specific objectives of this study are tend to evaluate the effect of trade openness, technology, urbanization and economic growth on surroundings and environment (CO2 and SO2 emission). This study measures environmental effect through Stochastic Impact by Regression on Population, Affluence, and Technology framework in selected Asian developing countries. Data covers the time period from 1980 to 2014. This study utilize panel unit root, panel cointegration, DOLS estimator and causality tests in order to establish the association between environment and selected macro-economic variables. The results obtain from carbon dioxide emissions model show the significant impact of growth and technology on carbon emissions. While results of sulfur dioxide emissions model indicates the existence of inverted U-shaped EKC hypothesis. The study concluded that there should be research and development programs at public and private level to control pollution through new technologies

    Evaluation of Records of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases Reported at Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical and Dental College, Pakistan

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    Background: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery department is a diverse field in dentistry. Record maintenance has been established as one of the key factors in the success and integrity of health care institutes.Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the records of oral and maxillofacial surgery casesreported to oral and maxillofacial surgery department, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and oral surgery OPD ofKarachi Medical and Dental College.Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted in at ASH and KMDC from July 2019 to September 2019.The data from January 2017 to July 2019 was retrospectively noted through electronic surgical recordof ASH and records of the Oral Surgery OPD of KMDC. Inclusion criteria was patients records of bothgenders of 5–70 years age, having complaint of any oral or dental pathology or pathologies, trauma andimpactions. Data was calculated manually by calculating frequencies and percentages for the trauma,impaction and pathology cases of patients.Results: In 2017, 239 cases were treated under general anesthesia from which trauma 11. 45% (n=11),followed by 48. 11% (n=115) cases of oral pathologies, total 11.7% (n=28) cases of complicated exodontias. In2018, among 211, 51.1% (n=108) cases were trauma followed by 39.3% (n=83) cases of oral pathologies,whereas, total 9.4% (n=20) complicated exodontias cases were observed. During 2019 (January to July),168 cases 36.2% (n=62) cases were diagnosed as trauma, in oral pathology, overall 36.2% (n=62) caseswere surgically excised. Total 23.2% (n=39) complicated exodontias. In 2017, 25122 cases were reported in Surgery OPD of Karachi Medical and Dental College. Total 36.2% (n=9097) teeth were extracted from which 1.93% (n=486) cases were surgical impaction. On the other hand, 1.65% (n=416) patients were treated through minor oral surgeries. In 2018, 29008 cases were reported in Surgery OPD. Total 42.7% (n=12377) teeth were extracted from which 0.92% (n=268) cases were surgical impaction. On the other hand, 0.71% (n=208) patients were treated through minor surgeries. In 2019, January till July 13028 cases were reported in Surgery OPD. Total42.6% (n=5559) teeth were extracted from which 0.66% (n=87) cases were surgical impaction. On the other hand, 0.68% (n=89) patients were treated through minor surgeries.Conclusion: It has been concluded that evaluation of the records of oral and maxillofacial surgery casesreported to oral and maxillofacial surgery department, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and oral surgery OPD ofKarachi Medical and Dental College were high and appropriate measures should be taken in order tomanage these problems timely and effectively

    The Impact of Educational and Gender Inequality on Income Inequality in South Asia

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    This paper examines the impact of educational and gender inequality in education on income inequality in South Asian countries for the time period of 1980 to 2010. Random effect model (REM) and fixed effect model (FEM) are used for estimation. Using the concept of education Gini the study find that there exist a positive relationship between educational and income inequality. The results also indicate that gender inequality in education at primary and tertiary level has positive and significant impact on income inequality but gender inequality at secondary level has negative and significant impact on income inequality. On the other hand, gender inequality at primary and tertiary level of education has negative impact on per capita income, while at secondary level has positive impact. The results also confirm that there exist U shaped Kuznets curve for the relationship between average year of schooling and inequality in education

    Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Nanobifiller filled Epoxy Anti-Corrosive Nano-Organic coating for High Performance Automotive Applications

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    Nanobifiller filled epoxy, nylon 66 (PA 66) and their blend-based nanocomposites were prepared by solution casting method to produce anti-corrosive and abrasion resistant epoxy nanocoating for aerospace and automotive applications. Nanobifiller was composed of Bentonite clay modified organically with quaternary salt of threonine amino acid and nanodiamonds (ND). Various techniques were implied to investigate anticorrosive properties of polymeric nanocomposites. These techniques include salt spray analysis and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). It was observed that epoxy nanocomposites prepared are much resistant to corrosion as compared to pristine epoxy samples with improved barrier properties

    Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Autoimmune Presentations in A tertiary Care Hospital of Lahore

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    Objective: To determine the frequency of presenting features and complication in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Methodology: This descriptive study was conducted at the Hematology department, King Edward Medical University and affiliated hospitals, from July to December 2017. For every patient, a through clinical and dermatological examination, abdominal ultrasound , bone marrow examination was done. Afresh 3 ml blood sample for CBC, immune profile, and serum testing was collected by a syringe using aseptic technique. A complete blood count was carried out using Automated Haematology Analyzer (Sysmex KX-21) and chemical examination was done on Beckman Coulter Beckman coulter. Reticulocyte count was done and direct antiglobulin test using coomb’s reagent was done. Every patient was evaluated for the creteia of SLE and was categorized accordingly. Results: Out of the 150 patients enrolled in the study, 122(81.3%) were male and 28(18.7%) patients were female. The mean age was 65.8 ± 1.33 years with the majority of patients falling in the group of 71- 80 years. Out of 150 patients, 40 (26.7%) had coombs positive. Most of the patients who had coombs positive were in stage 4. The patients who presented with complications such as paraneoplastic pemphigus were 1 out of 150 patients. Splenomegaly was found in 87.3 % of all CLL patients with 13.33% presented with massive splenomegaly .Angioedema was found in 2 out of 150 patients. No case of SLE, Sjogren s syndrome Churg strauss Syndrome, Vasculitis or Richters Trasnformation was found. Conclusion: Detection of complications in a significant number of CLL patients is related to disease progression and overall survival. The treatment modalities are different in different causes of anaemia and complications due to CLL. It will help the clinicians in modifying the treatment and decreasing the misery of patients due to  co morbidities

    Comparison between purely statistical and multi-agent based approaches for occupant behaviour modeling in buildings

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    National audienceThis paper analyzes two modeling approaches for occupant behaviour in buildings. It compares a purely statistical approach with a multi-agent social simulation based approach. The study concerns the door openings in an office.Ce papier analyse deux approches de modélisation du comportement d'occupants dans le bâtiment. Il compare une approche purement statistique avec une approche basée sur la simulation sociale dans un environnement multi-agent. L'étude concerne les ouvertures de porte dans un bureau
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