737 research outputs found

    The Diversity of Type Ia Supernovae from Broken Symmetries

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    Type Ia supernovae result when carbon-oxygen white dwarfs in binary systems accrete mass from companion stars, reach a critical mass, and explode. The near uniformity of their light curves makes these supernovae good standard candles for measuring cosmic expansion, but a correction must be applied to account for the fact that the brighter supernovae have broader light curves. One-dimensional modelling, with a certain choice of parameters, can reproduce this general trend in the width-luminosity relation, but the processes of ignition and detonation have recently been shown to be intrinsically asymmetric. Here we report on multi-dimensional modelling of the explosion physics and radiative transfer that reveals that the breaking of spherical symmetry is a critical factor in determining both the width luminosity relation and the observed scatter about it. The deviation from sphericity can also explain the finite polarization detected in the light from some supernovae. The slope and normalization of the width-luminosity relation has a weak dependence on certain properties of the white dwarf progenitor, in particular the trace abundances of elements other than carbon and oxygen. Failing to correct for this effect could lead to systematic overestimates of up to 2% in the distance to remote supernovae.Comment: Accepted to Natur

    On the Origin of the Type Ia Supernova Width-Luminosity Relation

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    Brighter Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) have broader, more slowly declining B-band light curves than dimmer SNe Ia. We study the physical origin of this width-luminosity relation (WLR) using detailed radiative transfer calculations of Chandrasekhar mass SN Ia models. We find that the luminosity dependence of the diffusion time (emphasized in previous studies) is in fact of secondary relevance in understanding the model WLR. Instead, the essential physics involves the luminosity dependence of the spectroscopic/color evolution of SNe Ia. Following maximum-light, the SN colors are increasingly affected by the development of numerous Fe II/Co II lines which blanket the B-band and, at the same time, increase the emissivity at longer wavelengths. Because dimmer SNe Ia are generally cooler, they experience an earlier onset of Fe III to Fe II recombination in the iron-group rich layers of ejecta, resulting in a more rapid evolution of the SN colors to the red. The faster B-band decline rate of dimmer SNe Ia thus reflects their faster ionization evolution.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to Ap

    Monte Carlo Neutrino Transport Through Remnant Disks from Neutron Star Mergers

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    We present Sedonu, a new open source, steady-state, special relativistic Monte Carlo (MC) neutrino transport code, available at bitbucket.org/srichers/sedonu. The code calculates the energy- and angle-dependent neutrino distribution function on fluid backgrounds of any number of spatial dimensions, calculates the rates of change of fluid internal energy and electron fraction, and solves for the equilibrium fluid temperature and electron fraction. We apply this method to snapshots from two-dimensional simulations of accretion disks left behind by binary neutron star mergers, varying the input physics and comparing to the results obtained with a leakage scheme for the case of a central black hole and a central hypermassive neutron star. Neutrinos are guided away from the densest regions of the disk and escape preferentially around 45 degrees from the equatorial plane. Neutrino heating is strengthened by MC transport a few scale heights above the disk midplane near the innermost stable circular orbit, potentially leading to a stronger neutrino-driven wind. Neutrino cooling in the dense midplane of the disk is stronger when using MC transport, leading to a globally higher cooling rate by a factor of a few and a larger leptonization rate by an order of magnitude. We calculate neutrino pair annihilation rates and estimate that an energy of 2.8e46 erg is deposited within 45 degrees of the symmetry axis over 300 ms when a central BH is present. Similarly, 1.9e48 erg is deposited over 3 s when an HMNS sits at the center, but neither estimate is likely to be sufficient to drive a GRB jet.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, Accepted to The Astrophysical Journa

    Modeling the Diversity of Type Ia Supernova Explosions

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    Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are a prime tool in observational cosmology. A relation between their peak luminosities and the shapes of their light curves allows to infer their intrinsic luminosities and to use them as distance indicators. This relation has been established empirically. However, a theoretical understanding is necessary in order to get a handle on the systematics in SN Ia cosmology. Here, a model reproducing the observed diversity of normal SNe Ia is presented. The challenge in the numerical implementation arises from the vast range of scales involved in the physical mechanism. Simulating the supernova on scales of the exploding white dwarf requires specific models of the microphysics involved in the thermonuclear combustion process. Such techniques are discussed and results of simulations are presented.Comment: 6 pages, ASTRONUM-2009 "Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows", Chamonix, France, July 2009, to appear in ASP Conf. Pro

    Type II Supernovae: Model Light Curves and Standard Candle Relationships

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    A survey of Type II supernovae explosion models has been carried out to determine how their light curves and spectra vary with their mass, metallicity, and explosion energy. The presupernova models are taken from a recent survey of massive stellar evolution at solar metallicity supplemented by new calculations at subsolar metallicity. Explosions are simulated by the motion of a piston near the edge of the iron core and the resulting light curves and spectra are calculated using full multi-wavelength radiation transport. Formulae are developed that describe approximately how the model observables (light curve luminosity and duration) scale with the progenitor mass, explosion energy, and radioactive nucleosynthesis. Comparison with observational data shows that the explosion energy of typical supernovae (as measured by kinetic energy at infinity) varies by nearly an order of magnitude -- from 0.5 to 4.0 x 10^51 ergs, with a typical value of ~0.9 x 10^51 ergs. Despite the large variation, the models exhibit a tight relationship between luminosity and expansion velocity, similar to that previously employed empirically to make SNe IIP standardized candles. This relation is explained by the simple behavior of hydrogen recombination in the supernova envelope, but we find a sensitivity to progenitor metallicity and mass that could lead to systematic errors. Additional correlations between light curve luminosity, duration, and color might enable the use of SNe IIP to obtain distances accurate to ~20% using only photometric data.Comment: 12 pages, ApJ in pres

    Pair Instability Supernovae: Light Curves, Spectra, and Shock Breakout

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    For the initial mass range (140 < M < 260 Msun) stars die in a thermonuclear runaway triggered by the pair-production instability. The supernovae they make can be remarkably energetic (up to ~10^53 ergs) and synthesize considerable amounts of radioactive isotopes. Here we model the evolution, explosion, and observational signatures of representative pair-instability supernovae (PI SNe) spanning a range of initial masses and envelope structures. The predicted light curves last for hundreds of days and range in luminosity, from very dim to extremely bright, L ~ 10^44 ergs/s. The most massive events are bright enough to be seen at high redshift, but the extended light curve duration (~1 year) -- prolonged by cosmological time-dilation -- may make it difficult to detect them as transients. An alternative approach may be to search for the brief and luminous outbreak occurring when the explosion shock wave reaches the stellar surface. Using a multi-wavelength radiation-hydrodynamics code we calculate that, in the rest-frame, the shock breakout transients of PI SNe reach luminosities of 10^45-10^46 ergs/s, peak at wavelengths ~30-170 Angstroms, and last for several hours. We explore the detectability of PI SNe emission at high redshift, and discuss how observations of the light curves, spectra, and breakout emission can be used to constrain the mass, radius, and metallicity of the progenitor.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Type Ia Supernova Light Curves

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    The diversity of Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) photometry is explored using a grid of 130 one-dimensional models. It is shown that the observable properties of SNe Ia resulting from Chandrasekhar-mass explosions are chiefly determined by their final composition and some measure of ``mixing'' in the explosion. A grid of final compositions is explored including essentially all combinations of 56Ni, stable ``iron'', and intermediate mass elements that result in an unbound white dwarf. Light curves (and in some cases spectra) are calculated for each model using two different approaches to the radiation transport problem. Within the resulting templates are models that provide good photometric matches to essentially the entire range of observed SNe Ia. On the whole, the grid of models spans a wide range in B-band peak magnitudes and decline rates, and does not obey a Phillips relation. In particular, models with the same mass of 56Ni show large variations in their light curve decline rates. We identify the physical parameters responsible for this dispersion, and consider physically motivated ``cuts'' of the models that agree better with the Phillips relation. For example, models that produce a constant total mass of burned material of 1.1 +/- Msun do give a crude Phillips relation, albeit with much scatter. The scatter is further reduced if one restricts that set to models that make 0.1 to 0.3 Msun of stable iron and nickel isotopes, and then mix the ejecta strongly between the center and 0.8 Msun. We conclude that the supernovae that occur most frequently in nature are highly constrained by the Phillips relation and that a large part of the currently observed scatter in the relation is likely a consequence of the intrinsic diversity of these objects
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