611 research outputs found

    Dual pathway spindle assembly increases both the speed and the fidelity of mitosis

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    Roughly half of all animal somatic cell spindles assemble by the classical prophase pathway, in which the centrosomes separate ahead of nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD). The remainder assemble by the prometaphase pathway, in which the centrosomes separate following NEBD. Why cells use dual pathway spindle assembly is unclear. Here, by examining the timing of NEBD relative to the onset of Eg5-mEGFP loading to centrosomes, we show that a time window of 9.2 ± 2.9 min is available for Eg5-driven prophase centrosome separation ahead of NEBD, and that those cells that succeed in separating their centrosomes within this window subsequently show .3-fold fewer chromosome segregation errors and a somewhat faster mitosis. A longer time window would allow more cells to complete prophase centrosome separation and further reduce segregation errors, but at the expense of a slower mitosis. Our data reveal dual pathway mitosis in a new light, as a substantive strategy that increases both the speed and the fidelity of mitosis


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    Latar belakang dilakukannya penelitian ini diawali dari adanya kewajiban Dispusip sebagai lembaga pemerintahan di tingkat provinsi untuk melaksanakan pembinaan kearsipan. Kegiatan pembinaan kearsipan diatur dalam Perka ANRI No.22 Tahun 2012 tentang Desain Pembinaan Kearsipan Pada Pemerintahan Daerah yang terdiri dari 1) pembinaan kelembagaan 2) pembinaan sumber daya manusia 3) pembinaan sarana-prasarana 4) pembinaan sistem dan 5) pembinaan anggaran. Fokus penelitian ini terletak pada pembinaan sistem kearsipan, karena mengingat kondisi dari sistem kearsipan yang ada pada kantor kecamatan yang masih perlu mendapatkan banyak perhatian. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan kota Bandung yang beralamat di Jl. Seram No.2, Citarum, Bandung Wetan, kota Bandung. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan oleh Dispusip dalam melaksanakan pembinaan sistem kearsipan dengan mengacu pada Perka ANRI No.22 Tahun 2012. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembinaan kearsipan yang dilakukan oleh Dispusip sudah dilakukan dengan cukup baik, walaupun pada aspek penilaian dan pemeriksaan arsip belum dilakukan dengan optimal, dan pendisposisian staff organisasi untuk mengikuti pembinaan kearsipan hanya kepada kepala subbagian nya saja.;--The background of this research was initiated from the obligation of Dispusip as a government institution at the provincial level to implement the development of archives. One of them to the district office as a government institution at the district/city level. The archival construction activities are organized into ANRI's No. 22 year 2012 on construction design of archives in regional governance consisting of 1) institutional construction 2) human resources development 3) Coaching Sarana-prasarana 4) Construction systems and 5) Budget coaching. The focus of this research lies in the development of archival system, because given the condition of the archives system in the district office that still need to get a lot of attention. This research is conducted in the Department of Libraries and Archives of the city of Bandung which is located at Jl. Seram No. 2, Citarum, Bandung Wetan, City of Bandung. Its made by Dispusip in carrying out the construction of archival system by referring to the ANRI Perka No. 22 year 2012. The research methods used are case studies with a qualitative approach. Sampling is performed using the purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques are conducted with interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Research findings show that construction of archives carried out by Dispusip has been done quite well, although on the aspect of assessment and inspection of the archive has not done optimally, and the dispositing of District unit staff to Follow the construction of archives only to Sub-Division head

    Study of MINOMI (菫子)

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    New York Canals in Railroad Era

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    [Note] The Beginning of Industrial Revolution in America

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    A Study of the Erie Canal

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    American Steamboat Transportation in the Nineteenth Century

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    A History of the Bank for Savings

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