27 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Siswa Kelas V SDI Buraen 2 Melalui Media Praktikum Sederhana pada Materi Perpindahan Kalor

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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa kelas 5 SDI Buraen 2 melalui media praktikum sederhana pada materi perpindahan kalor. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, dengan subjek siswa Kelas 5 SDI Buraen 2 sebanyak 20 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu lembar observasi untuk mengumpulkan data hasil aktivitas siswa dan aktivitas guru selama pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan media praktikum yang disiapkan, serta soal tes di setiap akhir siklus untuk mengukur tingkat pemahaman siswa terhadap konsep perpindahan kalor dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. PTK dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus saja karena indikator keberhasilan yang sudah berhasil dicapai, dengan 2 kali pembelajaran dalam setiap siklus. Hasil penelitian pada siklus 1 diperoleh hasil observasi aktifitas siswa yaitu 59,52% atau Cukup mengalami peningkatan menjadi 82% atau Sangat Baik pada siklus 2. Kemudian untuk aktifitas guru meningkat dari 66,67% atau Baik menjadi 95,83% atau Sangat Baik. Sejalan dengan hasil tes pemahaman siswa yang meningkat dari siklus 1 sebesar 50% menjadi 100%. Dengan demikian penggunaan media praktikum matematika mampu meningkatkan pemahaman konsep perpindahan kalor dalam kehidupan sehari-hari pada siswa kelas V SDI Buraen 2

    Saving and loan business management strategy of Satu Hati Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes)

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze saving and loan business management strategy in Satu Hati Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) In Naimana Village, Central Malaka Sub-District, Malaka District. Research methodology: This research used a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. This research used purposive sampling technique. Results: The results of this study found that communication and cooperation are not good enough, there are no binding rules, and recording and bookkeeping are not in accordance with the borrower's deposit. Limitations: This research only analyzes Management Strategies for Savings and Loans at Satu Hati Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in Naimana Village, Central Malaka Sub-District, Malaka Regency. Contribution: This research becomes information for the development of Satu Hati Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) so that this BUMDes can continue to grow. Keywords: Environmental observation, Management strategy, Savings and loans business, Strategy formulation, Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes

    Implementation of building construction permit in So'e city, South Timor Tengah regency (TTS)

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    Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the implementation of the Building Construction Permit policy and to analyze the inhibiting factors for implementing the Building Construction Permit policy based on the Regional Regulation of South Timor Tengah regency Number 7 of 2015 in So'e city, South Timor Tengah regency. Research methodology: This research was qualitative research using a descriptive approach. The data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Results: The inhibiting factor for the implementation of the Building Construction Permit policy in So’e city, South Timor Tengah regency is the limited resources in the form of human resources, financial resources, operational resources, buildings that are not in accordance with spatial planning and many buildings that violate the boundary lines as well as public understanding of building permit regulations. Limitations: This study only analyzed the implementation of the Building Construction Permit policy based on the Regional Regulation of South Timor Tengah regency Number 7 of 2015 in So’e city, South Timor Tengah regency. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information for public administration program

    THE IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM (A Study in Nefonaek Village, Kota Lama Sub-district, Kupang City)

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    The aim of this study is to describe and analyze (1) the implementation of the Community Economic Empowerment Program (Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat or PEM) in Nefonaek Village, Kota Lama Sub-district, Kupang City and (2) the inhibiting factors in the implementation of that program. This study is a case study conducted qualitatively with the post-positivism paradigm as the research approach. It took place in Nefonaek, Kupang City with a consideration that the area is one of the recipients of PEM funds. This study focused on (1) the implementation of PEM funds and (2) the inhibiting factors in the implementation of PEM funds. A purposive sampling technique was used to determine the informants of the study. This study also collected primary data and secondary data as a source of data through observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was done based on the theory of Miles and Huberman (2007). Last but not least, the researchers checked the validity of the findings/conclusions by using a triangulation technique. The results showed that the implementation of PEM in Nefonaek has not been going well; there are various gaps and issues in the environment. It is found that the standards and policy targets in the implementation of PEM were well-formulated but the standards in the use of PEM funds were often misused by the beneficiaries of the program. Keywords: Policy, Implementation, Program, Empowerment, Community DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-1-06 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Analysis of the implementation of policies on the development of Indonesian migrant workers’ families in the field of economic empowerment in Kupang city

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    Purpose: This research aims to analyze the implementation of policies on developing Indonesian migrant workers’ families in the field of economic empowerment in Kupang city. Research methodology: The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Results: The implementation of the family empowerment program for Indonesian workers is going well. This is supported by the existence of good communication, the availability of information and human resources, the influence of the position, and organizational arrangements to run the program in accordance with the SOP. Limitations: This research only analyzes the implementation of policies on the development of Indonesian migrant workers’ families in the field of economic empowerment in Kupang city. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information for public administration science

    Influence of School Operational Assistance Fund (BOS) Management on the Student Grade Advancement in Fatuleu State High School 1, Kupang District

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds management on the Grade Advancement rate of the underprivileged students in SMA I Fatuleu (Fatuleu State High School 1), Fatuleu District, Kupang Regency, NTT Province. This research is a descriptive correlational study, using a quantitative approach. The location of this research was Fatuleu State High School 1, located in Fatuleu District, Kupang Regency. The sampling method used in this study was a probability sampling method with a simple random sampling technique. The collected data were processed using a computer with the following stages of analysis; (1) Univariate Analysis; (2) Bivariate Analysis; (3) Multivariate Analysis.Research result exhibited simultaneously a significant influence between Organizing, Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation on the timeliness of the Grade Advancement Rate of Underprivileged Students in Fatuleu State High School 1; there is a significant influence between planning variables on the timeliness of the Grade Advancement Rate of Underprivileged Students in Fatuleu State High School 1; there is a significant influence between the Organizing variables on the timeliness of the Grade Advancement Rate of Underprivileged Students in Fatuleu State High School 1; there is no significant influence between the monitoring and evaluation variables on the timeliness of the Grade Advancement Rate of Underprivileged Students in Fatuleu State High School 1. Keywords:Management; School Operational Assistance Fund; Grade Advancement; Planning; Organizing; Monitoring. DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-3-13 Publication date:March 31st 201

    The role of traditional institutions in implementing the empowerment policy of Oetulu village, Musi district, Timor Tengah Utara regency

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    Purpose: This study aimed to determine the role of indigenous institutions in implementing the Oetulu village Empowerment Policy of Musi district of North Central Timor regency. Research methodology: The research method in this study was a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. This study used policy implementation theory models from Donald Van Meter and Carl E. Van Horn (1975)). Results: Six variables affect the implementation, namely: First, policy standards in the form of rules related to indigenous institutions in Oetulu village have been flawed at the formulation stage. Second, the human resources of Oetulu village indigenous institutions are not utilized by the Village Government. Third, communication between organizations and strengthening activities is still not effective. Fourth, the implementing agent has an open level of communication both vertically and horizontally, but this communication is constrained at the vertical level. Fifth, economic conditions in the jurisdiction or implementing organization are not enough to support the implementation of the policy and. Sixth, the disposition of the implementer. Limitations: This research only discusses the role of indigenous institutions in implementing the community empowerment policy of Oetulu village, Musi district of North Central Timor regency. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information for public administration science

    Strategies of Increasing Local Taxes in the North Central Timor District

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    This research was conducted to determine the strategy for increasing local taxes implemented by the Regional Revenue Agency of Timor Tengah Utara Regency. The results of this research show that the regional taxes of North Central Timor Regency have not been running optimally because of the 9 (nine) types of taxes not all of them have contributed to the Regional Original Income. A strategy for increasing local taxes through intensification and extensification is needed. Intensification includes 1) aspects of institutional arrangement, 2) aspects of management which include processing regional tax data, determining regional tax data as well as collecting and collecting local taxes. 3) personnel aspects. while the extensification aspect is related to data collection and verification as well as socialization of local taxes. Furthermore, the ratio of the contribution of local taxes to the regional revenue of North Central Timor Regency is still insufficient, the local taxes that contribute the most to local revenue are street lighting taxes while the least contributed taxes are groundwater taxes. In the implementation of regional taxes, there are several supporting factors in the form of the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure, adequate budget and cooperation with State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD), while the inhibiting factor is the low awareness of taxpayers, unscrupulous officials. dishonest and not yet integrated local tax information system with regional income

    Society participation in the village fund program for development in Kletek village, Central Malaka sub-district, Malaka regency

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research was to describe and analyse society participation in the Village Fund for Development Program in Kletek Village, Central Malaka District, Malaka Regency. Research Methodology: This research is qualitative in nature. The informants who were selected purposively were 21 people. Results: The findings in this study are that society does not participate because the village apparatus is less open in capturing society’s aspirations, and there is no publication to the society so that it appears that government officials tend to be closed off about the use of funds. Limitations: The limitation of this research is that the research only focuses on the Kletek Village society’s participation in the Village Fund Program. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information for public administration program. Keywords: Participation, Decision making, Implementation, Use, Evaluatio

    Innovation of Local Governance in Educational Affairs in Kupang City Province East Nusa Tenggara

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    The novelty of this research in: 1) public sector organization as research target; 2) research locus in the city of autonomous region which has the authority to regulate and administer the organization of education; 3) the innovation study in integrated regional government bureaucracy starting at the "executive" policy level, organizational managerial level, and innovation at the operational level. The objectives of the research are: a) process of development of program of the innovations of local government in education, b) kind of innovation program of local government in education, c) capacity of innovation of local government in education, and d) building the empirical model and recommended model of local government innovation in education. Researchers use the theory of innovation in the sector of the public which was developed by Mulgan & Albury (2003) and Muluk (2008). In the study of innovation of public sector known there are five types, namely: a) the innovation of service product, b) innovation of service process, c) innovation of method of service, d) innovation of policy, and e) innovation of system. The results of the research are: 1) the process of the development of program of innovation in education through a process of politic (function of setting) and a process of the arrangement (the managerial) that had already been innovative; 2) the types of innovation program include Program Sanggar Pendidikan Anak/PSPA (Children Education Studio Program), Program Pendidikan Gratis/PPG (Free Education Program), Program Inovasi Metode Pembelajaran/PIMP (Learning Method Innovation Program), and Program Satuan Tugas Pendidikan/PSTP (Educational Task Force Program). The four programs of innovation are the kind of innovation of service process, incremental and top down, adopted through replication (clone) as a result of comparative study; 3) there are four elements of innovation capacity that are studied, namely, the innovative leadership of the mayor, implementing apparatus, budget, government network and program regulation. Keywords: innovation, development, type, capacity, model, education DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-5-02 Publication date: February 29th 202