43 research outputs found

    Identification of a Novel Self-Sufficient Styrene Monooxygenase from Rhodococcus opacus 1CP.

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    Sequence analysis of a 9-kb genomic fragment of the actinobacterium Rhodococcus opacus 1CP led to identification of an open reading frame encoding a novel fusion protein, StyA2B, with a putative function in styrene metabolism via styrene oxide and phenylacetic acid. Gene cluster analysis indicated that the highly related fusion proteins of Nocardia farcinica IFM10152 and Arthrobacter aurescens TC1 are involved in a similar physiological process. Whereas 413 amino acids of the N terminus of StyA2B are highly similar to those of the oxygenases of two-component styrene monooxygenases (SMOs) from pseudomonads, the residual 160 amino acids of the C terminus show significant homology to the flavin reductases of these systems. Cloning and functional expression of His10-StyA2B revealed for the first time that the fusion protein does in fact catalyze two separate reactions. Strictly NADH-dependent reduction of flavins and highly enantioselective oxygenation of styrene to (S)-styrene oxide were shown. Inhibition studies and photometric analysis of recombinant StyA2B indicated the absence of tightly bound heme and flavin cofactors in this self-sufficient monooxygenase. StyA2B oxygenates a spectrum of aromatic compounds similar to those of two-component SMOs. However, the specific activities of the flavin-reducing and styrene-oxidizing functions of StyA2B are one to two orders of magnitude lower than those of StyA/StyB from Pseudomonas sp. strain VLB120

    The effect of gluconic acid secretion by phosphate-solubilizing Pseudomonas putida bacteria on dissolution of pyromorphite Pb5(PO4)3Cl and Pb remobilization

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of bacterially produced gluconic acid on the dissolution of pyromorphite and Pb remobilization. Pyromorphite Pb5(PO4)3Cl is formed as a product of the phosphate-induced treatment of Pb-contaminated sites. This very stable mineral greatly decreases the bioavailability of Pb. In this study, bacterial and abiotic batch experiments on the dissolution of pyromorphite were carried out. In the microbial experiments, the mineral was dissolved in the presence of the phosphate–solubilizing soil bacterium, Pseudomonas putida. The bacterial growth medium was supplemented with glucose, which under natural condi- tions can be supplied to microbes via symbiosis with plants. P. putida acquired P from pyromorphite and enhanced its dissolution. Elevated Pb concentrations were observed in the suspensions with bacteria. The bacterial secretion of 16.5 mM gluconic acid played a significant role in Pb remobilization; the pH of the solution dropped down from an initial 7.4 to 3.5. In the abiotic experiments, pyromorphite was dissolved at several concentrations of gluconic acid and at an acidic to neutral pH range. Both acidification and formation of stable Pb-gluconate ligands enhanced the dissolution of pyromorphite and caused Pb remobilization

    Identification of a Serine Hydrolase Which Cleaves the Alicyclic Ring of Tetralin

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    A gene designated thnD, which is required for biodegradation of the organic solvent tetralin by Sphingomonas macrogoltabidus strain TFA, has been identified. Sequence comparison analysis indicated that thnD codes for a carbon-carbon bond serine hydrolase showing highest similarity to hydrolases involved in biodegradation of biphenyl. An insertion mutant defective in ThnD accumulates the ring fission product which results from the extradiol cleavage of the aromatic ring of dihydroxytetralin. The gene product has been purified and characterized. ThnD is an octameric thermostable enzyme with an optimum reaction temperature at 65°C. ThnD efficiently hydrolyzes the ring fission intermediate of the tetralin pathway and also 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoic acid, the ring fission product of the biphenyl meta-cleavage pathway. However, it is not active towards the equivalent intermediates of meta-cleavage pathways of monoaromatic compounds which have small substituents in C-6. When ThnD hydrolyzes the intermediate in the tetralin pathway, it cleaves a C-C bond comprised within the alicyclic ring of tetralin instead of cleaving a linear C-C bond, as all other known hydrolases of meta-cleavage pathways do. The significance of this activity of ThnD for the requirement of other activities to mineralize tetralin is discussed

    Microbial degradation of chloroaromatics: use of the meta-cleavage pathway for mineralization of chlorobenzene.

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    Pseudomonas putida GJ31 is able to simultaneously grow on toluene and chlorobenzene. When cultures of this strain were inhibited with 3-fluorocatechol while growing on toluene or chlorobenzene, 3-methylcatechol or 3-chlorocatechol, respectively, accumulated in the medium. To establish the catabolic routes for these catechols, activities of enzymes of the (modified) ortho- and meta-cleavage pathways were measured in crude extracts of cells of P. putida GJ31 grown on various aromatic substrates, including chlorobenzene. The enzymes of the modified ortho-cleavage pathway were never present, while the enzymes of the meta-cleavage pathway were detected in all cultures. This indicated that chloroaromatics and methylaromatics are both converted via the meta-cleavage pathway. Meta cleavage of 3-chlorocatechol usually leads to the formation of a reactive acylchloride, which inactivates the catechol 2,3-dioxygenase and blocks further degradation of catechols. However, partially purified catechol 2,3-dioxygenase of P. putida GJ31 converted 3-chlorocatechol to 2-hydroxy-cis,cis-muconic acid. Apparently, P. putida GJ31 has a meta-cleavage enzyme which is resistant to inactivation by the acylchloride, providing this strain with the exceptional ability to degrade both toluene and chlorobenzene via the meta-cleavage pathway