10 research outputs found

    Anomaly detection in brain imaging

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    Modern healthcare systems employ a variety of medical imaging technologies, such as X-ray, MRI and CT, to improve patient outcomes, time and cost efficiency, and enable further research. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have shown promise in enhancing medical image analysis systems, leading to a proliferation of research in the field. However, many proposed approaches, such as image classification or segmentation, require large amounts of professional annotations, which are costly and time-consuming to acquire. Anomaly detection is an approach that requires less manual effort and thus can benefit from scaling to datasets of ever-increasing size. In this thesis, we focus on anomaly localisation for pathology detection with models trained on healthy data without dense annotations. We identify two key weaknesses of current image reconstruction-based anomaly detection methods: poor image reconstruction and overdependency on pixel/voxel intensity for identification of anomalies. To address these weaknesses, we develop two novel methods: denoising autoencoder and context-tolocal feature matching, respectively. Finally, we apply both methods to in-hospital data in collaboration with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. We discuss the issues of data collection, filtering, processing, and evaluation arising in applying anomaly detection methods beyond curated datasets. We design and run a clinical evaluation contrasting our proposed methods and revealing difficulties in gauging performance of anomaly detection systems. Our findings suggest that further research is needed to fully realise the potential of anomaly detection for practical medical imaging applications. Specifically, we suggest investigating anomaly detection methods that are able to take advantage of more types of supervision (e.g. weak-labels), more context (e.g. prior scans) and make structured end-to-end predictions (e.g. bounding boxes)

    Compositional Representation Learning for Brain Tumour Segmentation

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    For brain tumour segmentation, deep learning models can achieve human expert-level performance given a large amount of data and pixel-level annotations. However, the expensive exercise of obtaining pixel-level annotations for large amounts of data is not always feasible, and performance is often heavily reduced in a low-annotated data regime. To tackle this challenge, we adapt a mixed supervision framework, vMFNet, to learn robust compositional representations using unsupervised learning and weak supervision alongside non-exhaustive pixel-level pathology labels. In particular, we use the BraTS dataset to simulate a collection of 2-point expert pathology annotations indicating the top and bottom slice of the tumour (or tumour sub-regions: peritumoural edema, GD-enhancing tumour, and the necrotic / non-enhancing tumour) in each MRI volume, from which weak image-level labels that indicate the presence or absence of the tumour (or the tumour sub-regions) in the image are constructed. Then, vMFNet models the encoded image features with von-Mises-Fisher (vMF) distributions, via learnable and compositional vMF kernels which capture information about structures in the images. We show that good tumour segmentation performance can be achieved with a large amount of weakly labelled data but only a small amount of fully-annotated data. Interestingly, emergent learning of anatomical structures occurs in the compositional representation even given only supervision relating to pathology (tumour).Comment: Accepted by DART workshop, MICCAI 202

    Automated clinical coding using off-the-shelf large language models

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    The task of assigning diagnostic ICD codes to patient hospital admissions is typically performed by expert human coders. Efforts towards automated ICD coding are dominated by supervised deep learning models. However, difficulties in learning to predict the large number of rare codes remain a barrier to adoption in clinical practice. In this work, we leverage off-the-shelf pre-trained generative large language models (LLMs) to develop a practical solution that is suitable for zero-shot and few-shot code assignment, with no need for further task-specific training. Unsupervised pre-training alone does not guarantee precise knowledge of the ICD ontology and specialist clinical coding task, therefore we frame the task as information extraction, providing a description of each coded concept and asking the model to retrieve related mentions. For efficiency, rather than iterating over all codes, we leverage the hierarchical nature of the ICD ontology to sparsely search for relevant codes.Comment: Accepted to the NeurIPS 2023 workshop Deep Generative Models For Health (DGM4H). 9 pages, 3 figure

    The role of noise in denoising models for anomaly detection in medical images

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    Pathological brain lesions exhibit diverse appearance in brain images, in terms of intensity, texture, shape, size, and location. Comprehensive sets of data and annotations are difficult to acquire. Therefore, unsupervised anomaly detection approaches have been proposed using only normal data for training, with the aim of detecting outlier anomalous voxels at test time. Denoising methods, for instance classical denoising autoencoders (DAEs) and more recently emerging diffusion models, are a promising approach, however naive application of pixelwise noise leads to poor anomaly detection performance. We show that optimization of the spatial resolution and magnitude of the noise improves the performance of different model training regimes, with similar noise parameter adjustments giving good performance for both DAEs and diffusion models. Visual inspection of the reconstructions suggests that the training noise influences the trade-off between the extent of the detail that is reconstructed and the extent of erasure of anomalies, both of which contribute to better anomaly detection performance. We validate our findings on two real-world datasets (tumor detection in brain MRI and hemorrhage/ischemia/tumor detection in brain CT), showing good detection on diverse anomaly appearances. Overall, we find that a DAE trained with coarse noise is a fast and simple method that gives state-of-the-art accuracy. Diffusion models applied to anomaly detection are as yet in their infancy and provide a promising avenue for further research.Comment: Submitted to Medical Image Analysis special issue for MIDL 202

    Denoising Autoencoders for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Brain MRI

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    Pathological brain lesions exhibit diverse appearance in brain images, making it difficult to design specialized detection solutions due to the lack of comprehensive data and annotations. Thus, in this work we tackle unsupervised anomaly detection, using only healthy data for training with the aim of detecting unseen anomalies at test time. Many current approaches employ autoencoders with restrictive architectures (i.e. containing information bottlenecks) that tend to give poor reconstructions of not only the anomalous but also the normal parts of the brain. Instead, we investigate classical denoising autoencoder models that do not require bottlenecks and can employ skip connections to give high resolution fidelity. We design a simple noise generation method of upscaling low-resolution noise that enables high-quality reconstructions, reducing false positive noise in reconstruction errors. We find that with appropriate noise generation, denoising autoencoder reconstruction errors generalize to hyperintense lesion segmentation and can reach state of the art performance for unsupervised tumor detection in brain MRI data, beating more complex methods such as variational autoencoders. We believe this provides a strong and easy-to-implement baseline for further research into unsupervised anomaly detection

    Anomaly Detection via Context and Local Feature Matching

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    Unsupervised anomaly detection in medical imaging is an exciting prospect due to the option of training only on healthy data, without the need for expensive segmentation annotations of many possible variations of outliers. Most current methods rely on image reconstruction error to produce anomaly scores, which favors detection of intensity outliers. We instead propose a discriminative method based on a deep learning self-supervised pixel-level classification task. We model context and local image feature information separately and set up a pixel-level classification task to discriminate between positive (matching) and negative (mismatching) context and local feature pairs. Negative matches are created using data transformations and context/local shuffling. At test-time, the model then perceives local regions containing anomalies to be negative matches. We evaluate our method on a surrogate task of tumor segmentation in brain MRI data and show significant performance improvements over baselines

    A Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge

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    Generalized nucleus segmentation techniques can contribute greatly to reducing the time to develop and validate visual biomarkers for new digital pathology datasets. We summarize the results of MoNuSeg 2018 Challenge whose objective was to develop generalizable nuclei segmentation techniques in digital pathology. The challenge was an official satellite event of the MICCAI 2018 conference in which 32 teams with more than 80 participants from geographically diverse institutes participated. Contestants were given a training set with 30 images from seven organs with annotations of 21,623 individual nuclei. A test dataset with 14 images taken from seven organs, including two organs that did not appear in the training set was released without annotations. Entries were evaluated based on average aggregated Jaccard index (AJI) on the test set to prioritize accurate instance segmentation as opposed to mere semantic segmentation. More than half the teams that completed the challenge outperformed a previous baseline. Among the trends observed that contributed to increased accuracy were the use of color normalization as well as heavy data augmentation. Additionally, fully convolutional networks inspired by variants of U-Net, FCN, and Mask-RCNN were popularly used, typically based on ResNet or VGG base architectures. Watershed segmentation on predicted semantic segmentation maps was a popular post-processing strategy. Several of the top techniques compared favorably to an individual human annotator and can be used with confidence for nuclear morphometrics

    A multi-organ nucleus segmentation challenge

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    Generalized nucleus segmentation techniques can contribute greatly to reducing the time to develop and validate visual biomarkers for new digital pathology datasets. We summarize the results of MoNuSeg 2018 Challenge whose objective was to develop generalizable nuclei segmentation techniques in digital pathology. The challenge was an official satellite event of the MICCAI 2018 conference in which 32 teams with more than 80 participants from geographically diverse institutes participated. Contestants were given a training set with 30 images from seven organs with annotations of 21,623 individual nuclei. A test dataset with 14 images taken from seven organs, including two organs that did not appear in the training set was released without annotations. Entries were evaluated based on average aggregated Jaccard index (AJI) on the test set to prioritize accurate instance segmentation as opposed to mere semantic segmentation. More than half the teams that completed the challenge outperformed a previous baseline. Among the trends observed that contributed to increased accuracy were the use of color normalization as well as heavy data augmentation. Additionally, fully convolutional networks inspired by variants of U-Net, FCN, and Mask-RCNN were popularly used, typically based on ResNet or VGG base architectures. Watershed segmentation on predicted semantic segmentation maps was a popular post-processing strategy. Several of the top techniques compared favorably to an individual human annotator and can be used with confidence for nuclear morphometrics