27 research outputs found

    An Analysis of PubMed Abstracts From 1946 to 2021 to Identify Organizational Affiliations in Epidemiological Criminology: Descriptive Study

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    BACKGROUND: Epidemiological criminology refers to health issues affecting incarcerated and nonincarcerated offender populations, a group recognized as being challenging to conduct research with. Notwithstanding this, an urgent need exists for new knowledge and interventions to improve heath, justice, and social outcomes for this marginalized population. OBJECTIVE: To better understand research outputs in the field of epidemiological criminology, we examined the lead author's affiliation by analyzing peer-reviewed published outputs to determine countries and organizations (eg, universities, governmental and nongovernmental organizations) responsible for peer-reviewed publications. METHODS: We used a semiautomated approach to examine the first-author affiliations of 23,904 PubMed epidemiological studies related to incarcerated and offender populations published in English between 1946 and 2021. We also mapped research outputs to the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index to better understand whether there was a relationship between research outputs and the overall standard of a country's justice system. RESULTS: Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark) had the highest research outputs proportional to their incarcerated population, followed by Australia. University-affiliated first authors comprised 73.3% of published articles, with the Karolinska Institute (Sweden) being the most published, followed by the University of New South Wales (Australia). Government-affiliated first authors were on 8.9% of published outputs, and prison-affiliated groups were on 1%. Countries with the lowest research outputs also had the lowest scores on the Rule of Law Index. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides important information on who is publishing research in the epidemiological criminology field. This has implications for promoting research diversity, independence, funding equity, and partnerships between universities and government departments that control access to incarcerated and offending populations

    Increasing efficiency of preclinical research by group sequential designs.

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    Despite the potential benefits of sequential designs, studies evaluating treatments or experimental manipulations in preclinical experimental biomedicine almost exclusively use classical block designs. Our aim with this article is to bring the existing methodology of group sequential designs to the attention of researchers in the preclinical field and to clearly illustrate its potential utility. Group sequential designs can offer higher efficiency than traditional methods and are increasingly used in clinical trials. Using simulation of data, we demonstrate that group sequential designs have the potential to improve the efficiency of experimental studies, even when sample sizes are very small, as is currently prevalent in preclinical experimental biomedicine. When simulating data with a large effect size of d = 1 and a sample size of n = 18 per group, sequential frequentist analysis consumes in the long run only around 80% of the planned number of experimental units. In larger trials (n = 36 per group), additional stopping rules for futility lead to the saving of resources of up to 30% compared to block designs. We argue that these savings should be invested to increase sample sizes and hence power, since the currently underpowered experiments in preclinical biomedicine are a major threat to the value and predictiveness in this research domain.German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) www.bmbf.de (grant number 01EO1301)

    Mining characteristics of epidemiological studies from Medline : a case study in obesity

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    Background: The health sciences literature incorporates a relatively large subset of epidemiological studies that focus on population-level findings, including various determinants, outcomes and correlations. Extracting structured information about those characteristics would be useful for more complete understanding of diseases and for meta-analyses and systematic reviews. Results: We present an information extraction approach that enables users to identify key characteristics of epidemiological studies from MEDLINE abstracts. It extracts six types of epidemiological characteristic: design of the study, population that has been studied, exposure, outcome, covariates and effect size. We have developed a generic rule-based approach that has been designed according to semantic patterns observed in text, and tested it in the domain of obesity. Identified exposure, outcome and covariate concepts are clustered into health-related groups of interest. On a manually annotated test corpus of 60 epidemiological abstracts, the system achieved precision, recall and F-score between 79-100%, 80-100% and 82-96% respectively. We report the results of applying the method to a large scale epidemiological corpus related to obesity. Conclusions: The experiments suggest that the proposed approach could identify key epidemiological characteristics associated with a complex clinical problem from related abstracts. When integrated over the literature, the extracted data can be used to provide a more complete picture of epidemiological efforts, and thus support understanding via meta-analysis and systematic reviews.11 page(s

    Modelling and extraction of variability in free-text medication prescriptions from an anonymised primary care electronic medical record research database.

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    Background: Free-text medication prescriptions contain detailed instruction information that is key when preparing drug data for analysis. The objective of this study was to develop a novel model and automated text-mining method to extract detailed structured medication information from free-text prescriptions and explore their variability (e.g. optional dosages) in primary care research databases. Methods: We introduce a prescription model that provides minimum and maximum values for dose number, frequency and interval, allowing modelling variability and flexibility within a drug prescription. We developed a text mining system that relies on rules to extract such structured information from prescription free-text dosage instructions. The system was applied to medication prescriptions from an anonymised primary care electronic record database (Clinical Practice Research Datalink, CPRD). Results: We have evaluated our approach on a test set of 220 CPRD prescription free-text directions. The system achieved an overall accuracy of 91 % at the prescription level, with 97 % accuracy across the attribute levels. We then further analysed over 56,000 most common free text prescriptions from CPRD records and found that 1 in 4 has inherent variability, i.e. a choice in taking medication specified by different minimum and maximum doses, duration or frequency. Conclusions: Our approach provides an accurate, automated way of coding prescription free text information, including information about flexibility and variability within a prescription. The method allows the researcher to decide how best to prepare the prescription data for drug efficacy and safety analyses in any given setting, and test various scenarios and their impact.10 page(s

    Using local lexicalized rules to identify heart disease risk factors in clinical notes

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    Heart disease is the leading cause of death globally and a significant part of the human population lives with it. A number of risk factors have been recognized as contributing to the disease, including obesity, coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, smoking, and family history of premature CAD. This paper describes and evaluates a methodology to extract mentions of such risk factors from diabetic clinical notes, which was a task of the i2b2/UTHealth 2014 Challenge in Natural Language Processing for Clinical Data. The methodology is knowledge-driven and the system implements local lexicalized rules (based on syntactical patterns observed in notes) combined with manually constructed dictionaries that characterize the domain. A part of the task was also to detect the time interval in which the risk factors were present in a patient. The system was applied to an evaluation set of 514 unseen notes and achieved a micro-average F-score of 88% (with 86% precision and 90% recall). While the identification of CAD family history, medication and some of the related disease factors (e.g. hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia) showed quite good results, the identification of CAD-specific indicators proved to be more challenging (F-score of 74%). Overall, the results are encouraging and suggested that automated text mining methods can be used to process clinical notes to identify risk factors and monitor progression of heart disease on a large-scale, providing necessary data for clinical and epidemiological studies.6 page(s

    Combining knowledge- and data-driven methods for de-identification of clinical narratives

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    A recent promise to access unstructured clinical data from electronic health records on large-scale has revitalized the interest in automated de-identification of clinical notes, which includes the identification of mentions of Protected Health Information (PHI). We describe the methods developed and evaluated as part of the i2b2/UTHealth 2014 challenge to identify PHI defined by 25 entity types in longitudinal clinical narratives. Our approach combines knowledge-driven (dictionaries and rules) and data-driven (machine learning) methods with a large range of features to address de-identification of specific named entities. In addition, we have devised a two-pass recognition approach that creates a patient-specific run-time dictionary from the PHI entities identified in the first step with high confidence, which is then used in the second pass to identify mentions that lack specific clues. The proposed method achieved the overall micro F1-measures of 91% on strict and 95% on token-level evaluation on the test dataset (514 narratives). Whilst most PHI entities can be reliably identified, particularly challenging were mentions of Organizations and Professions. Still, the overall results suggest that automated text mining methods can be used to reliably process clinical notes to identify personal information and thus providing a crucial step in large-scale de-identification of unstructured data for further clinical and epidemiological studies.7 page(s