458 research outputs found

    Adaptive Matrix Completion for the Users and the Items in Tail

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    Recommender systems are widely used to recommend the most appealing items to users. These recommendations can be generated by applying collaborative filtering methods. The low-rank matrix completion method is the state-of-the-art collaborative filtering method. In this work, we show that the skewed distribution of ratings in the user-item rating matrix of real-world datasets affects the accuracy of matrix-completion-based approaches. Also, we show that the number of ratings that an item or a user has positively correlates with the ability of low-rank matrix-completion-based approaches to predict the ratings for the item or the user accurately. Furthermore, we use these insights to develop four matrix completion-based approaches, i.e., Frequency Adaptive Rating Prediction (FARP), Truncated Matrix Factorization (TMF), Truncated Matrix Factorization with Dropout (TMF + Dropout) and Inverse Frequency Weighted Matrix Factorization (IFWMF), that outperforms traditional matrix-completion-based approaches for the users and the items with few ratings in the user-item rating matrix.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, ACM WWW'1

    Text segmentation on multilabel documents: A distant-supervised approach

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    Segmenting text into semantically coherent segments is an important task with applications in information retrieval and text summarization. Developing accurate topical segmentation requires the availability of training data with ground truth information at the segment level. However, generating such labeled datasets, especially for applications in which the meaning of the labels is user-defined, is expensive and time-consuming. In this paper, we develop an approach that instead of using segment-level ground truth information, it instead uses the set of labels that are associated with a document and are easier to obtain as the training data essentially corresponds to a multilabel dataset. Our method, which can be thought of as an instance of distant supervision, improves upon the previous approaches by exploiting the fact that consecutive sentences in a document tend to talk about the same topic, and hence, probably belong to the same class. Experiments on the text segmentation task on a variety of datasets show that the segmentation produced by our method beats the competing approaches on four out of five datasets and performs at par on the fifth dataset. On the multilabel text classification task, our method performs at par with the competing approaches, while requiring significantly less time to estimate than the competing approaches.Comment: Accepted in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM

    Extending Input Contexts of Language Models through Training on Segmented Sequences

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    Effectively training language models on long inputs poses many technical challenges. As a cost consideration, languages models are pretrained on a fixed sequence length before being adapted to longer sequences. We explore various methods for adapting models to longer inputs by training on segmented sequences and an interpolation-based method for extending absolute positional embeddings. We develop a training procedure to extend the input context size of pretrained models with no architectural changes and no additional memory costs than training on the original input lengths. By sub-sampling segments from long inputs while maintaining their original position the model is able to learn new positional interactions. Our method benefits both models trained with absolute positional embeddings, by extending their input contexts, as well as popular relative positional embedding methods showing a reduced perplexity on sequences longer than they were trained on. We demonstrate our method can extend input contexts by a factor of 4x while improving perplexity.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Efficient identification of Tanimoto nearest neighbors; All Pairs Similarity Search Using the Extended Jaccard Coefficient

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    Tanimoto, or extended Jaccard, is an important similarity measure which has seen prominent use in fields such as data mining and chemoinformatics. Many of the existing state-of-the-art methods for market basket analysis, plagiarism and anomaly detection, compound database search, and ligand-based virtual screening rely heavily on identifying Tanimoto nearest neighbors. Given the rapidly increasing size of data that must be analyzed, new algorithms are needed that can speed up nearest neighbor search, while at the same time providing reliable results. While many search algorithms address the complexity of the task by retrieving only some of the nearest neighbors, we propose a method that finds all of the exact nearest neighbors efficiently by leveraging recent advances in similarity search filtering. We provide tighter filtering bounds for the Tanimoto coefficient and show that our method, TAPNN, greatly outperforms existing baselines across a variety of real-world datasets and similarity thresholds

    An efficient algorithm for discovering frequent subgraphs

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    Abstract — Over the years, frequent itemset discovery algorithms have been used to find interesting patterns in various application areas. However, as data mining techniques are being increasingly applied to non-traditional domains, existing frequent pattern discovery approach cannot be used. This is because the transaction framework that is assumed by these algorithms cannot be used to effectively model the datasets in these domains. An alternate way of modeling the objects in these datasets is to represent them using graphs. Within that model, one way of formulating the frequent pattern discovery problem is as that of discovering subgraphs that occur frequently over the entire set of graphs. In this paper we present a computationally efficient algorithm, called FSG, for finding all frequent subgraphs in large graph datasets. We experimentally evaluate the performance of FSG using a variety of real and synthetic datasets. Our results show that despite the underlying complexity associated with frequent subgraph discovery, FSG is effective in finding all frequently occurring subgraphs in datasets containing over 200,000 graph transactions and scales linearly with respect to the size of the dataset. Index Terms — Data mining, scientific datasets, frequent pattern discovery, chemical compound datasets

    Efficient Closed Pattern Mining in the Presence of Tough Block Constraints

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    In recent years, various constrained frequent pattern mining problem formulations and associated algorithms have been developed that enable the user to specify various itemsetbased constraints that better capture the underlying application requirements and characteristics. In this paper we introduce a new class of block constraints that determine the significance of an itemset pattern by considering the dense block that is formed by the pattern's items and its associated set of transactions. Block constraints provide a natural framework by which a number of important problems can be specified and make it possible to solve numerous problems on binary and real-valued datasets. However, developing computationally e#cient algorithms to find these block constraints poses a number of challenges as unlike the di#erent itemset-based constraints studied earlier, these block constraints are tough as they are neither anti-monotone, monotone, nor convertible. To overcome this problem, we introduce a new class of pruning methods that can be used to significantly reduce the overall search space and make it possible to develop computationally e#cient block constraint mining algorithms. We present an algorithm called CBMiner that takes advantage of these pruning methods to develop an algorithm for finding the closed itemsets that satisfy the block constraints. Our extensive performance study shows that CBMiner generates more concise result set and can be order(s) of magnitude faster than the traditional frequent closed itemset mining algorithms
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