6 research outputs found


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    У статті розглянуто поняття «губристична мотивація», «прагнення до досконалості», «прагнення до переваги», «нарцисизм» у роботах зарубіжних та вітчизняних учених. Сучасні уявлення про нарцисизм як про універсальний та необхідний складник здорової самосвідомості, орієнтований на захист, запов­нення та збереження структурної цілісності власного Я дають можливість розглядати цей феномен у його зв’язку з губристичними прагненнями осо­бистості. Представлено методи дослідження губристичної мотивації та нар­ци­сизму, а також результати дослідження взаємозв’язку між показниками нар­цисизму та формами губристичної мотивації. Показано, що в студентському віці нарцисичні риси особистості виявляються в таких параметрах, як «очіку­вання особливого ставлення» та «маніпулювання в міжособистісних сто­сунках». Для студентів характерні впевненість у тому, що до них повинно бути особливе ставлення з боку оточення; роздратування, коли їх очікування з при­воду особливого ставлення до них оточення не реалізуються; студенти більшою мірою схильні використовувати інших людей для посилення власної соціальної позиції, досягнення цілей. Доведено, що губристичність нарцисичної осо­бистості студента розкривається в прагненні до переваги, що пов’язано з такими нарцисичними рисами, як «потреба в постійній увазі та захопленні», «поглиненість фантазіями», «грандіозне почуття самозначущості», «надмірна зайнятість почуттям заздрощів», «маніпулювання в міжособистісних сто­сунках». Студенти, які виявлять прагнення до досконалості, також характе­ри­зуються такою нарцисичною рисою, як «потреба в постійній увазі та захопленні»

    The Cognitive-Behavioral Model of Clinical Aspiration for Hubristic Superiority

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    The article presents the results the clinical aspiration for superiority, which suggests: the constant aspiration to dominate in competitive struggle and achieve performance results that surpass the performance of other people or groups of people, the dependence of self-esteem on success in moving towards a goal, the implementation of which gives an advantage over competitors; the ignoring the negative consequences of competitive struggle - conflicts, emotional burnout, psychosomatization and the actualization of the feeling of envy. It was shown tat ciclic model of clinical aspiration for hubristic superiority consisits of the 1) dependence of self-esteem on the achievement of superiority over others, 2) choosing a goal to achieve superiority, 3) object selection for comparison / competitiveness, 4) nonflexible standards for achieving superiority - "rules of competitiveness", caused by 5) cognitive distortions and 6) behavior, associated with competitiveness and achievements giving the opportunity to compare themselves with others, 7) achieving or nonachieving superiority or refusal of comparison or competitive struggle, which lead to 8) narcissistic senses. This model considers as the base of cognitive-behavioral therapy of clinical aspiration for hubristic superiority

    Hubristic Motivation as a Self-Regulation Factor in Primary School in the Context of Neuropsychological Research

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    The article highlights the conceptual aspects of personality motivation as an important phenomenon of human well-being achievement. During the analysis of theoretical approaches to the definition of hubristic motivation highlighted the psychological phenomenon of personality self-regulation as a manifestation of neurophysiological processes. The article presents the findings of scientists regarding motivation factors, in particular, the principle of self-regulation formation in the context of pedagogy and neuropsychology. The components of the psychological aspect of self-regulation in the context of self-awareness and determination of personality behavior, which contributes to self-realization and socialization are analyzed. In order to determine the most effective factors of personal motivation for self-development, the neurophysiological characteristics of the individual were determined. The article is based on the results of an experimental study, namely, determining the indicators of motivation to learn among primary school students as a manifestation of self-regulation in achieving success in a particular case. The study of motivation was carried out according to the Milman method. The indicators of the study became the basis for determining the effectiveness of hubristic motivation as a neurophysiological manifestation of personality. The study was conducted on the basis of the integrative method of synthesis and analysis, based on the results of the research, descriptive and scientific method of studying the basics of neuropsychology and neuropedagogy. The method of questioning was used during the research on the method of determining personality motivation. The results of the study became the basis for conclusions about the factors of self-regulation of personality in elementary school as a manifestation of hubristic motivation.</p

    The Psycholinguistic Standpoints in English Speech Activity

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    The correlation between English speech activity and psycholinguistic standpoints of foreign language learning has been shown as well as the empirical analysis of their connection has been conducted. The purpose of the article is to identify the correlation between English speech activity and psycholinguistic standpoints. The theoretical, empirical, statistical methods have been used to reach the purpose. To check the effectiveness of applying psycholinguistic principles to English speech activity the empirical (diagnostic) methods such as testing (oral and written), observation, and discussion were used. The pedagogical experiment with the students of H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University and Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University was also conducted. The pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of developing English speech activity based on the psycholinguistic standpoints. The statistical methods helped to evaluate the results of the pedagogical experiment. Apprehending the correlation between psycholinguistic standpoints and English speech activity (Speaking, Reading, Listening, and Writing) training is really topical since it helps to define the most effective methods of the foreign language teaching and learning. The psycholinguistic components (motivational and cognitive, analytical and technological, reflexive, emotional and evaluation ones) have been described from the standpoint of psycholinguistics. All types of English speech activity have been researched as for their correlation with psycholinguistic components

    What Motivates Ukrainian Women to Choose a Military Service in Warfare?

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    Despite the fact that large-scale active hostilities have been ongoing in Ukraine since 2014, in recent years there has been a tendency to increase the number of women who want to connect their lives with the military profession.Objectives: to identify the characteristics of the professional motivation of female military personnel (N = 477) of the National Guard of Ukraine with different professional status.Methodology: the survey method using three questionnaires: “Questionnaire for determining the effectiveness of the service and combat missions by female military personnel”, “Questionnaire for studying the motivation for the professional choice of a law enforcement profession”, “Questionnaire for the study of the socio-psychological characteristics of women in military service”.Results. The survey revealed the types of motivation that ensure the adaptation and self-realization of women in the military sphere: among female contract service members the pragmatic type prevails, and by female cadets – institutional type. For female cadets who had just begun to study the military profession, the main motives for choosing were self-realization in professional activity, achieving success in a military career and usefulness to society. Female contract service members with experience of military service consider professional self-realization and material support as the main motives when choosing a profession. Currently, these motives contribute to the high-quality performance of official duties by Ukrainian women military personnel and ensure the high efficiency of their service in ordinary and extreme conditions.</em

    Effect of young basketball players’ self-regulation on their psychological indicators

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    One of the most important factors in the success of sports activities is the level of psychological readiness. The most significant indicator of psychological readiness is the ability to qualitatively regulate athlete’s activity, behavior, and mental state by their own psychic means (i.e., the ability to selfregulate). At the same time, there is not enough insightful research in sports science and in this area of knowledge.To determine the nature of the relationship and links between the psychological characteristics of young basketball players and the specific features of their self-regulation. A total of 160 basketball players (15-20 years old) participated in the study. The methods of selfregulation of sports activity, dispositional state of flow, basic beliefs, and dispositive optimism were used. Correlation links between the indicators of self-regulation of sports activities and the indicators of dispositional state of flow, basic beliefs, and dispositive optimism were revealed. The most significant link was defined with self-inductance and identified regulation. The differences between young basketball players with different peculiarities of self-regulation of sports activity were determined by almost all indicators of the dispositional state of flow, basic beliefs, and dispositive optimism. It was confirmed that the specificity of self-regulation of young basketball players is connected with the peculiarities of the dispositional state of flow, dispositional optimism, and basic beliefs. Through comparison, it is determined that young basketball players with autonomous sports self-regulation have the advantage of almost all indicators of the dispositional state of flow and they have more optimistic views on the future