66 research outputs found

    Development of an enviromental decision support system to calculate water quality

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    The main issue addressed in our case study is the evaluation of the drinking water resource. Water quality has an important impact on human health since different diseases can be the result of poor quality. This paper presents several strategies to manage water quality in order to protect human health by building a decision support system to help the authority of water supply stations to find information about water managemen

    Effect of Adding Nitrogen Mixed With The Radon Gas Line and ‎Roasting The Mixture For Production The Final Interactive Positive ‎Results

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    تم تصميم نموذج تصميمي  للتقليل الحاد من تركيز غاز الرادون المشع بالاعتماد على طريقة الخلط النسبي الدقيق لمنظومة من الغازات التفاعلية كغاز الهيدروجين الشديد الانفجار عند الخلط مع الاوكسجين بنسبة 2:1 وغاز النتروجين والاوكسجين وثاني اوكسيد الكاربون مع وجود احد الهيدروكربونات المصنعة من خلال وحدة التوليد الذاتي باستخدام عملية الهاضم اللاهوائي .تم استخدام الصاعق الإلكتروني لغرض الحصول على الانفجار الجزئي الشديد داخل حجرة الاحتراق المصممة لهذا الغرض, تم استخدام الافران الحرارية المزدوجة لغرض الحصول على درجات حرارية تفوق ال (650 م o) للوصول الى مستوى طاقة التأين الاول (1037 كيلو جول/مول), وهذا يساعد على التحول من الحالة الخاملة الى الحالة التفاعلية مع محتويات الأسطوانات الافقية المعبأة بهيدروكسيد البوتاسيوم ودقائق الكاربون النقي. تم استخدام منظومة من المقاييس الدقيقة لقياس الفولتية  والحرارة والتيار اضافة الى اظهار شكل موجة الصدمة الحرارية الناتجة اثناء عملية الانفجار الجزئي. تم استخدام المقاييس الحرارية الإلكترونية الدقيقة في كل مرحله من مراحل الاختبار . نظام التبريد الفعال لتبريد الاجزاء المعرضة للتلف بسبب درجات الحرارة العالية تم استخدامه في كل مرحلة من مراحل الاستخدام كأجراء من اجراءات السلامة المهنية. بعد اجراء المعالجات الحرارية كافه يمرر الخليط الغازي المحمص المكربن من خلال احدى غرف التأين بتسليط جهد كهربائي يفوق ال (1500 فولت) .ان غرفة التأين تتكون من قطبين مصنوعين من مادة الخارصين والمصممة لغرض اجراء عملية التحلل الأيوني الى ايونات موجبة واخرى سالبة , حيث ان غاز الرادون اثناء عملية التأين يتجمع عند القطب الموجب ومن ثم التحول من  غاز مؤين الى غاز تفاعلي لتكوين مركب كاربونيل الرادون وهو مادة را تنجية راسبة وغير مؤثره صحيا. نتائج اختبار فريق الفحص البيئي المتخصص التابع الى شعبة الوقاية من الاشعاع اثبتت ان هناك انخفاضا حادا فى تركيز الغاز بعد عمليات المعالجة المختلفة بنسبة تفوق (52 %) كانحراف معياري كذلك اثبتت التجارب انخفاض تركيز الغاز في المحتوى الهوائي تحت الأرضي بنسبة  تفوق ( 40%)  كانحراف معياري. النتائج اثبتت كفاءة النموذج المصمم والجدوى الاقتصادية الجيدة لهذا البحث بالمقارنة مع كلفة التصميم الكلية للمنظومة, تم استخدام حجرة الصدمة الحرارية بالمراحل الاختبارية  الثلاثة, و استخدام منظومات التبريد والتسخين خلال العمل اضافة الى استخدام اجهزة القياس بمختلف الانواع. النتائج عموما اثبتت انخفاضا فى تركيز غاز الرادون بنسبة (40%) بعد اجراء سلسله من عمليات المعالجة المختلفة. الهدف الرئيسي لهذا البحث هو تقليل تركيز غاز الرادون من خلال المنظومه المصممه للمناطق الملوثه بهذا الغاز.Design this industrial model aim to reduce the radon radioactive gas concentration which depending on the mixing of many reactive gases like, hydrogen  which explosion when mixing with oxygen by ratio of 2: 1,  nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide gases with a single hydrocarbon manufactured through a generation of self-unit using the anaerobic digester process.  Use electronic detonator to obtain the partial explosion inside the combustion chamber which designed for this  purpose, use also dual thermal furnaces for obtaining  higher degrees than (650Co)  to reach the first ionization level energy which equals to (1037 kJ /mol), reaches this level helps radon gas to transfer from inactive status to interactive case with the found of potassium hydroxide and purified carbon materials. Use also many gauges to measure voltage,  heat, and power as well as to show the form of thermal shock which wave produced during the partial explosion processes. Use electronic thermal gauges at each stage of of this model. Effective cooling system used due to high temperatures at each stage as one of occupational safety devices. When doing all thermal processes, roasted the carburetor gas mixture through an ionization chambers with voltage exceeds than (1500 volts),  ionization chamber consists of two electrodes made of zinc for the purpose of conducting the decomposition ions to positive and  negative. Radon congregates at the anode and transfer to another material called carbonyl as a resinous substance, this material is has no any effect on human health. Results proved that there is a sharp decline in concentration after treatment more than 52% in air with standard deviation equal to (5.6), results also proved low concentration of gas in water more than (40%) after treatment with standard deviation equals to (7). This design has high economic feasibility in comparison with the cost of treatment of when exposure to this gas in the absence of treatment. Thermal shock chamber was used in the three test stages, cooling and heating systems were used through the work, in addition use multi measuring devices. Results showed decrease in the concentration of radon gas by (40%) after conducting a series of different treatment processes. The main objective of this research is to reduce the concentration of this gas through our system to treat areas polluted with this gas

    Pre- and postconditioning the heart with hydrogen sulfide (H2S) against ischemia/reperfusion injury in vivo: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Conditioning-like infarct limitation by enhanced level of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has been demonstrated in many animal models of myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury (MIRI) in vivo. We sought to evaluate the effect of H2S on myocardial infarction across in vivo pre-clinical studies of MIRI using a comprehensive systematic review followed by meta-analysis. Embase, Pubmed and Web of Science were searched for pre-clinical investigation of the effect of H2S on MIRI in vivo. Retained records (6031) were subjected to our pre-defined inclusion criteria then were objectively critiqued. Thirty-two reports were considered eligible to be included in this study and were grouped, based on the time of H2S application, into preconditioning and postconditioning groups. Data were pooled using random effect meta-analysis. We also investigated the possible impact of different experimental variables and the risk of bias on the observed effect size. Preconditioning with H2S (n = 23) caused a significant infarct limitation of − 20.25% (95% CI − 25.02, − 15.47). Similarly, postconditioning with H2S (n = 40) also limited infarct size by − 21.61% (95% CI − 24.17, − 19.05). This cardioprotection was also robust and consistent following sensitivity analyses where none of the pre-defined experimental variables had a significant effect on the observed infarct limitation. H2S shows a significant infarct limitation across in vivo pre-clinical studies of MIRI which include data from 825 animals. This infarct-sparing effect is robust and consistent when H2S is applied before ischemia or at reperfusion, independently on animal size or sulfide source. Validating this infarct limitation using large animals from standard medical therapy background and with co-morbidities should be the way forward

    Effect of Manganese and Potassium Humate on some Vegetative and Yield Parameters of Tomato Plant Lycopersicon esculentum Mill Grown in Plastic House

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           نفذت تجربة حقلية في احد البيوت البلاستيكية لمنطقة المسيب شمال محافظة بابل وللموسم الزراعي 2016/2017، في تربة رملية مزيجة لدراسة تأثير رش ثلاثة  مستويات من التسميد بعنصر المنغنيز (صفر ، 20 ، 40 ملغم منغنيز.لتر‾¹) بأستعمال كبريتات المنغنيز المتأدرتة  وأربعة مستويات من المادة العضوية (هيومات البوتاسيوم) (صفر ، 10 ، 20 ، 30 مل.لتر‾¹)  وتداخلهما على بعض مؤشرات نمو  الطماطة وحاصلها صنف شهيرة وباربعة  رشات كل 20 يوم، صممت التجربة وفق تصميم القطاعات تامة التعشية RCBD  وقورنت المتوسطات بأختبار اقل فرق معنوي L.S.D وبمستوى معنوية 5%.        اشارت النتائج الى تفوق معاملة رش المنغنيز بمستوى (40 ملغم.لتر‾¹) معنويا في زيادة متوسطات  أطوال  النبات ، اعداد الاوراق والمساحة الورقية للنبات والوزن الجاف للمجموع الخضري ومحتوى الاوراق من الكلوروفيل ونسبة المادة الجافة في الاوراق وعدد النورات الزهرية وعدد الازهار بالنورة وعدد الثمار في النبات ووزن الثمرة وحاصل النبات وحاصل المتر المربع وبأعلى قيم بلغت 212.65 سم ، 42.7 ورقة،  172.6 دسم2 ، 185.9 غم ، 45.03 spad ، 11.8% ، 10.2 نورة، 11.7 زهرة ، 47.6 ثمرة ، 101.8 غم ، 4.880 كغم و 16.252 كغم.م2 22 بالتتابع ، وهو نفس سلوك معاملة الرش بهيومات البوتاسيوم اذ تفوقت المعاملة (30 مل.لتر-1) في جميع الصفات اعلاه واعطت اعلى قيم بلغت 226.4 سم ، 44.4 ورقة ، 180.2 دسم2 ، 196.4 غم، 46.53 spad ، 11.8% ، 10.3 نورة ، 11.7 زهرة ، 51 ثمرة ، 105.5 غم ، 5.394 كغم، و 17.862 كغم.م2 بالتتابع . اما معاملات التداخل فقد اظهرت تفوق معاملة الرش بتوليفة من (40 ملغم Mn.لتر-1 + 30 مل.لتر-1 هيومات البوتاسيوم) واعطائها اعلى القيم لجميع الصفات اعلاه.       Afield experiment was conducted in a plastic house in Al-wattifiyah / Babylon Province during 2016/2017 season , soil texture was Loamy Sand with 3 levels of manganese element (0 , 20 , and  40 mg .L-1) using MnSO4.4H2O, and 4 levels of  potassium humate  (0 , 10 , 20 , and 30 ml.L-1) , and their interaction on some vegetative and yield  parameters of tomato plant Shahira  variety. 4 spraying date among 20 days each, The experiment design was according to RCBD with 3 replicates, means were compared using L.S.D at 0.05 probability level.        The result show, the treatment (40 mg  Mn.L-1) gave significant increases in plant height, total leaf  No. , leaf area , plant dry matter , leaf content from chlorophyll, leaf dry matter percent, inflorescence number per plant , and No. of flowers per  inflorescence, No. of fruit per plant, fruit weight, total yield of plant , and total yield per m2  gave high value was 212.65 cm, 42.7 leaf , 172.6 ds2 , 185.9 gm , 45.03 spad , 11.8 inflorescence , 10.2 flowers , 47.6 fruits , 101.8 g m , 4.880 kg, and 16.252 kg.m2 respectively . While potassium humate  spraying  treatment (30 ml.L-1) gave high value to same parameters above with 226.4 cm , 44.4 leaf , 180.2 ds2 , 196.4 gm , 46.53 spad , 11.8 inflorescence, 10.3 flowers, 51 fruits , 105.5 gm , 5.394 kg , and 17.862 kg.m2respectively . The interaction treatment (40 mgm Mn.L-1  + 30 ml.L-1 potassium humate) gave the highest value of all parameters mentioned  above

    Characterisation and mechanisms of thiol-induced protection against myocardial infarction

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    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is the simplest endogenously produced thiol and has an indispensable role in cardiovascular homeostasis. It has been shown that exogenous H2S supplementation protected the heart against myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury through a mechanism which is yet to be defined. In this thesis, it was hypothesised that controlled application of thiol/H2S donors at reperfusion would mitigate acute myocardial infarction. We sought to characterise the cardioprotection and molecular targets of three H2S donors (mesna, GYY4137 (a slow-releasing, non-mitochondrial targeted H2S donor) and AP39 (a mitochondria-targeting H2S donor). This characterisation was conducted using a broad range of experimental models and techniques including anaesthetised rat model of ischaemia/reperfusion injury, Western blotting and mitochondrial studies using isolated cardiomyocyte mitochondria, namely subsarcolemmal and interfibrillar mitochondria. Mesna did not limit infarct size when it was given pre-ischaemia or at reperfusion. GYY4137 and AP39 significantly limited infarct size when given specifically at the time of reperfusion through different mechanisms. Cardioprotection established by GYY4137 was mediated mainly by triggering of PI3K/Akt/GSK-3β signalling at reperfusion with partial dependency on eNOS activity. Selective mitochondrial delivery of H2S at reperfusion using AP39 had no effect on Akt, eNOS, GSK-3β and ERK1/2. In isolated mitochondria, AP39 inhibited Ca2+-sensitive opening of PTP in subsarcolemmal and interfibrillar mitochondria through attenuation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation. The studies presented in this thesis provided novel mechanistic insights into cardioprotection by H2S. These studies suggest that targeted delivery of H2S represents a novel and effective adjunctive therapy to ameliorate the injurious effects of reperfusion which contribute to acute myocardial infarction

    Pharmacological postconditioning against myocardial infarction with a slow-releasing hydrogen sulfide donor, GYY4137

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    Exogenous hydrogen sulfide (H2S) protects against myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury but the mechanism of action is unclear. The present study investigated the effect of GYY4137, a slow-releasing H2S donor, on myocardial infarction given specifically at reperfusion and the signalling pathway involved. Thiobutabarbital-anesthetised rats were subjected to 30min of left coronary artery occlusion and 2h reperfusion. Infarct size was assessed by tetrazolium staining. In the first study, animals randomly received either no treatment or GYY4137 (26.6, 133 or 266μmolkg-1) by intravenous injection 10min before reperfusion. In a second series, involvement of PI3K and NO signalling were interrogated by concomitant administration of LY294002 or L-NAME respectively and the effects on the phosphorylation of Akt, eNOS, GSK-3β and ERK1/2 during early reperfusion were assessed by immunoblotting. GYY4137 266μmolkg-1 significantly limited infarct size by 47% compared to control hearts (P<0.01). In GYY4137-treated hearts, phosphorylation of Akt, eNOS and GSK-3β was increased 2.8, 2.2 and 2.2 fold respectively at early reperfusion. Co-administration of L-NAME and GYY4137 attenuated the cardioprotection afforded by GYY4137, associated with attenuated phosphorylation of eNOS. LY294002 totally abrogated the infarct-limiting effect of GYY4137 and inhibited Akt, eNOS and GSK-3β phosphorylation. These data are the first to demonstrate that GYY4137 protects the heart against lethal reperfusion injury through activation of PI3K/Akt signalling, with partial dependency on NO signalling and inhibition of GSK-3β during early reperfusion. H2S-based therapeutic approaches may have value as adjuncts to reperfusion in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction

    Ap39, a mitochondria-targeting hydrogen sulfide (H2 s) donor, protects against myocardial reperfusion injury independently of salvage kinase signalling

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    Background and Purpose H2S protects myocardium against ischaemia-reperfusion injury. This protection may involve the cytosolic reperfusion injury salvage kinase (RISK) pathway, but direct effects on mitochondrial function are possible. Here, we investigated the potential cardioprotective effect of mitochondria-specific H2S donor, AP39, at reperfusion against ischaemia/reperfusion injury. Experimental Approach Anaesthetised rats underwent myocardial (30 min ischaemia/120 min reperfusion) with randomisation to receive interventions prior to reperfusion: vehicle, AP39 (0.01, 0.1, 1 µmol kg-1), or the control compounds AP219 or ADT-OH (1 µmol kg-1). LY294002, L-NAME or ODQ were used to interrogate the involvement of RISK pathway. Myocardial samples harvested 5 minutes after reperfusion were analysed for RISK protein phosphorylation and additional experiments were conducted on isolated cardiac mitochondria to examine the direct mitochondrial effects of AP39. Key Results AP39 exerted dose-dependent infarct size limitation. Inhibition of either PI3K/Akt, eNOS or sGC did not affect the infarct limitation of AP39. Western blot analysis confirmed that AP39 did not induce phosphorylation of Akt, eNOS, GSK-3β or ERK1/2. In isolated subsarcolemmal and interfibrillar mitochondria, AP39 significantly attenuated mitochondrial ROS generation without affecting respiratory complexes I or II. Further, AP39 inhibited mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP) opening and co-incubation of mitochondria with AP39 and cyclosporine A induced an additive inhibition of PTP. Conclusion and Implications AP39 protects against reperfusion injury independently of the cytosolic RISK pathway. Cardioprotection could be mediated by inhibiting PTP via cyclophilin D-independent mechanism. Thus, selective delivery of H2S to mitochondria may be therapeutically applicable for harnessing the cardioprotective utility of H2S. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Influence of Molecular Weight and Degree of Deacetylation of Low Molecular Weight Chitosan on the Bioactivity of Oral Insulin Preparations

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    The objective of the present study was to prepare and characterize low molecular weight chitosan (LMWC) with different molecular weight and degrees of deacetylation (DDA) and to optimize their use in oral insulin nano delivery systems. Water in oil nanosized systems containing LMWC-insulin polyelectrolyte complexes were constructed and their ability to reduce blood glucose was assessed in vivo on diabetic rats. Upon acid depolymerization and testing by viscosity method, three molecular weights of LMWC namely, 1.3, 13 and 18 kDa were obtained. As for the DDA, three LMWCs of 55%, 80% and 100% DDA were prepared and characterized by spectroscopic methods for each molecular weight. The obtained LMWCs showed different morphological and in silico patterns. Following complexation of LMWCs with insulin, different aggregation sizes were obtained. Moreover, the in vivo tested formulations showed different activities of blood glucose reduction. The highest glucose reduction was achieved with 1.3 kDa LMWC of 55% DDA. The current study emphasizes the importance of optimizing the molecular weight along with the DDA of the incorporated LMWC in oral insulin delivery preparations in order to ensure the highest performance of such delivery systems