123 research outputs found

    Investigation of various types of inverse micelles in nonpolar liquids using transient current measurements

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    Transient current measurements are used to characterize a wide variety of charge carriers in nonpolar liquids. The transient current method allows us to obtain both the concentration and mobility of charge carriers and therefore also the hydrodynamic radius using Stokes' law. In this article, five different surfactants in dodecane are investigated: OLOA11K, Solsperse13940, Span80, Span85, and AOT. We show that different types of currents are observed depending on the size of the inverse micelles. For large inverse micelles such as for OLOA11K, Solsperse13940, and Span80, the measurement of the transient current is straightforward because of the low steady-state current level. However, for small inverse micelles such as AOT and Span85, the current from the generation of charges is much larger such that high voltages, a small distance between the electrodes, and dielectric coatings on the electrodes are required to measure the signal related to the initially present charged inverse micelles. The estimated hydrodynamic radii of AOT and Span85, the two smallest inverse micelles, are in good agreement with the values reported in the literature. The comparison of the transient currents with simulations indicates that the dynamics of the charge transport are well-understood

    Charging dynamics of aerosol OT inverse micelles

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    Aerosol OT (AOT) is a commonly used surfactant and charging agent in nonpolar liquids. Properties such as the conductivity of AOT suspensions in nonpolar liquids and the behavior of charged AOT inverse micelles at interfaces have been studied recently, but still little is known about the generation dynamics of charged AOT inverse micelles. In this article, the generation dynamics of charged AOT inverse micelles in dodecane are investigated with transient current measurements. At low applied voltages, the generation rate is sufficiently fast to maintain the equilibrium concentration of charged inverse micelles, such that the current scales proportionally with the applied voltage. However, above a threshold voltage the current becomes limited by the generation of charged inverse micelles. Al2O3‑coated electrodes are used to achieve these high-voltage current measurements while reducing surface generation currents. The dependency of the resulting generation-limited currents with the micelle concentration and the liquid volume is compatible with a bulk disproportionation mechanism. The measured currents are analyzed using a model based on drift, generation, and recombination of charged inverse micelles and the corresponding generation and recombination rates of charged AOT inverse micelles have been determined

    Transport of charged aerosol OT inverse micelles in nonpolar liquids

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    Surfactants such as Aerosol OT (AOT) are commonly used to stabilize and electrically charge nonpolar colloids in devices such as electronic ink displays. The electrical behavior of such devices is strongly influenced by the presence of charged inverse micelles, formed by excess surfactant that does not cover the particles. The presence of charged inverse micelles results in increased conductivity of the solution, affecting both the energy consumption of the device and its switching characteristics. In this work, we use transient current measurements to investigate the electrical properties of suspensions of the surfactant Aerosol OT in dodecane. No particles are added, to isolate the effect of excess surfactant. The measured currents upon application of a voltage step are found to be exponentially decaying, and can be described by an analytical model based on an equivalent electric circuit. This behavior is physically interpreted, first by the high generation rate of charged inverse micelles giving the suspension resistor like properties, and second by the buildup of layers of charged inverse micelles at both electrodes, acting as capacitors. The model explains the measurements over a large range of surfactant concentrations, applied voltages, and device thicknesses

    Pour le Centenaire de 1894 : l’Annuaire de l’Ecole polytechnique

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    Première célébration de l’institution, le centenaire de l’Ecole polytechnique s’est déroulé en 1894 dans un contexte de remise en cause du rôle scientifique et de l’utilité publique de l’Ecole polytechnique. Il a porté la marque des questions vives de l’époque : consolidation des valeurs républicaines, réconciliation de l’Eglise et de l’Etat, expansion coloniale, front devant la crise boulangiste et rivalité franco-allemande. Au cours des cinq longues années de préparation et tout le long des..

    Direct determination of absorption anisotropy in colloidal quantum rods

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    We propose a direct method to determine absorption anisotropy of colloidal quantum rods. In this method, the rods are aligned in solution by using an alternating electric field and we measure simultaneously the resulting average change in absorption. We show that a frequency window for the electric field exists in which the change in absorbance as a function of field strength can be analyzed in terms of the quantum-rod dipole moment and the absorption coefficient for light that is polarized parallel or perpendicular to the long axis of the rod. The approach is verified by measuring the absorbance change of CdSe rods at 400 nm as a function of field strength, where we demonstrate excellent agreement between experiment and theory. This enables us to propose improved values for the CdSe quantum-rod extinction coefficient. Next, we analyze CdSe/CdS dot-in-rods and find that the absorption of the first exciton transition is fully anisotropic, with a vanishing absorption coefficient for light that is polarized perpendicularly to the long axis of the rod

    L’École polytechnique et l’international : un bilan historique

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    Cet article résume l’essentiel des hypothèses que nous avons développées dans une thèse de doctorat soutenue à l’Université Paris VII en décembre 1997 et intitulée « La formation des élites scientifiques et techniques à l’École polytechnique française aux 19e et 20e siècles ». Au cours de cette étude, nous avons tenté de préciser le rôle international de l’École pendant ses deux cents années d’existence, l’objectif étant d’effectuer un inventaire historique du « rayonnement » de l’établisseme..

    L’École polytechnique et l’international : un bilan historique

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    Cet article résume l’essentiel des hypothèses que nous avons développées dans une thèse de doctorat soutenue à l’Université Paris VII en décembre 1997 et intitulée « La formation des élites scientifiques et techniques à l’École polytechnique française aux 19e et 20e siècles ». Au cours de cette étude, nous avons tenté de préciser le rôle international de l’École pendant ses deux cents années d’existence, l’objectif étant d’effectuer un inventaire historique du « rayonnement » de l’établisseme..

    Aerobic Exercise and Scaffolds with Hierarchical Porosity Synergistically Promote Functional Recovery Post Volumetric Muscle Loss

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    Volumetric muscle loss (VML) is a composite loss of skeletal muscle tissue (greater than 20%) that heals with minimal muscle regeneration, substantial fibrosis, and subsequent functional deficits. Standard treatment, involving free functional muscle transfer and physical therapy, cannot restore full muscle function following VML. Tissue engineered scaffolds, 3D structural templates that mimic native extracellular matrix, are promising to enhance functional muscle formation and recovery. Bioprinted 3D scaffolds are engineered using bioinks, created from scaffolding material, cells, and growth factors, to replicate skeletal muscle architecture with precise control over their spatial deposition. METHODS: The present study evaluates a 3D-printed foam-like scaffold for the treatment of VML in a murine model. This colloidal foam-like scaffold was developed to have high porosity to improve tissue ingrowth, in contrast to dense polymeric scaffolds that routinely resulted in very poor tissue ingrowth, and sufficient stiffness to maintain its shape
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