5 research outputs found

    Study of noise effect on bearing vibration signal based on statistical parameters

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    The signals emanating from the bearings are complex and contribute to various distributions. The effect of the distribution and mathematical operations are responsible for the change in the statistical moments. This paper investigates the effect of noise on statistical moments of the bearing vibration signals. Initially, the distribution function for Healthy, inner race defect (IRD), outer race defect (ORD), and ball defect (BD) are tested using Kolmogorov Smirnov test (K-S test). The resulting distributions obtained from the K-S test are normal and Laplacian distributed patterns and convey the faulty state of the bearings. The change in noise levels and their influence on the statistical moments are verified. It is observed, the kurtosis for IRD and ORD decreases with increase in noise, whereas, the trend increases for healthy and BD faults

    Bearing fault analysis using kurtosis and wavelet based multi-scale PCA

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    The vibration signal monitoring that is being generated by a rotor supported by a rolling element bearing is becoming important to define reliability of rotary machine. It is most prudent and useful method for bearing fault detection. Recently, there has been a lot of research on rolling element bearings fault. The kurtosis is most vital parameter to find inner race fault and outer race fault. It is enhanced by a proper selection of variable frame sizes and decompositions levels using wavelet based multi-scale principal component analysis (WMSPCA). It is observed that the kurtosis changes significantly as compared to the actual kurtosis of the un-decomposed faulty signals by proper selection of frame size and decompositions level