617 research outputs found

    Coffee Cultivation in Kerala: Some Economic Aspects

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    Coffee production in India is mostly done in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu. It is one of the important commercial crops of Keralaand is the main source of income and employment to the people of three districts in Kerala. Coffee cultivation is not an easy businessandis adversely affected by various factors at present. Small coffee growers fail to acquiretechnological improvement to compensate labour scarcity and climate change and have limited access to technologies promoted by the Coffee Board of India due to high cost and mode of payment of subsidies.This studyreveals that problems like scarcity of labour, pests and diseases, thehigh cost of production, low price for coffee, marketing difficulties and unusual climate changes often hurt coffee cultivators. However,the schemes and programmes ofthe coffee board benefited the growers. Theanalysis of the profitability of the crop shows that coffee cultivation is profitable in Kerala

    Dynamism in Area, Production and Productivity of Arecanut in Kerala

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    Arecanut is an important commercial crop in Kerala. It finds a place in all religious, social and cultural functions of the people of Kerala. Kerala accounts for 22.47 percentage of the area under arecanut in India contributing to 13.70 percentage of national production. During the past five decades, arecanut cultivation has underwent expansion in the area under cultivation associated with increase in production. The analysis of inter-district performance supports this finding. A comparison of the compound growth rates of arecanut productivity during the five periods reveals slight increase in the growth of arecanut productivity and supporting it. The period since the middle of 1980, with regard to area and production the coefficient of variation was higher as compared to 1960’s and 1970’s. A significant increase in production had occurred consequent to increase in area; however, the productivity of arecanut remains almost stagnant. Nonetheless, for the period since 1985, change in production was mainly due to yield effect. An analysis of the growth of output of arecanut crop in Kerala reveals that the growth is mainly monetary in nature rather than real growth

    Trends and Overall Growth Analysis of Cashewnut Cultivation in Kerala

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    Even in the 21st century, agriculture is the major source of livelihood for majority of Indian population. But agricultural sector is under the big threat of economic reforms like liberalization and modernization of economy. The agrarian economy of Kerala could not exclude from the drastic hitting of the liberalization, privatization and globalization reforms; farmers of the state began to think that there is no other way to sustain their life. Cashewnut is one of the major cash crop became the victim of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) reforms. The export of agricultural produce make it difficult to get a better price for cashewnut and so many diseases are also contributing in the crisis of this cultivation. The area under cashew cultivation has started coming down over the years and the decline in area and yield growth rate was responsible for the negative growth rate in production for cashewnut and the share of real components is negative for the overall growth of output of this crop compared to monetary components and unless there are concerted efforts by the government to create awareness among cashew growers on scientific cultivation methods, there will be a conversion of cashew plantations into rubber plantations

    Growth of Crop-output in Kerala–Is it Real or monetary?

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    The main feature of the development of agriculture in Kerala in the last five decades is the change in cropping pattern and shift in cultivation, that is, shift in the cultivated area under food grain crops to non-food grain crops and shift in the cultivated area under one non-food grain crop to another non-food grain crop. The growth of agricultural crop output and productivity has been affected by many factors. The sources of output growth like area effect, yield effect and cropping pattern effect have relevance in deciding the programmes of agricultural development and priorities of investment in it. The growth of agricultural output in the state like that of other parts of India is influenced by the gross cropped area, productivity and level of prices. The increase in the agricultural crop output is decomposed into real and monetary components. The real component includes area effect, yield effect, cropping pattern effect and interaction effect. The monetary elements consist of the pure price effect, price yield effect, price cropping pattern effect and total interaction effect. From the analysis of thedecomposition of output growth into real and monetary components of Kerala agriculture in the last five decades, the general conclusions arrived at are: price factor is the major element in determining the relative contribution of different elements to the growth of crop output and the overall growth in the Kerala agriculture is monetary growth in nature rather than real growth

    Paddy Cultivation in Kerala – Trends, Determinants and Effects on Food Security

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    The statistical profile of Kerala agriculture since 1960, clearly established the decrease in the area under paddy cultivation in the state. Time series analysis of acreage, production and productivity data of rice in Kerala during the five decades from 1960-61 to 2009-10 revealed the performance of this crop in terms of growth of area, production and productivity. The production of major food crop, rice, reached negative growth rates due to the declining trend of their area. The diversification of crops in terms of variation in acreage allocation has taken place due to price and non-price factors like agro-climatic conditions, labour availability, irrigation facilities, soil fertility, cost of cultivation, price levels, profitability, mechanisation etc. The change has taken place largely in favour of non-food crops and recently it is towards rubber. The real growth of agricultural crop output has declined continuously since 1960-61 compared to monetary growth, i. e, the growth in the value of agricultural crop output. Food security, particularly rice security is the vital issue for Kerala today. The data reveals that during 1960-61 Kerala had a shortage of rice of about 40.12 percent, which increased to 83.45 percent in 2009-10. The study clearly revealed the increasing demand for rice in Kerala in the coming years compared to the existing supply. This will enlarge the supply demand gap of rice in Kerala in the future years indicating a threat to food security bringing out a need for further increase in rice production in a sustainable way

    Environmental Impacts of Sediment Nutrients in Hyper Eutrophic Reservoir in South India

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Роль цифровизации в сельском банковском секторе в Мадурае, Индия

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    The Indian banking sector has reached greater heights in recent days because of adopting and involving in the Digitalisation of banking. Though India is moving forward with digitalisation process, our nation faces several setbacks and opposition, which has to be crossed specifically in the rural banking system. The current research work has attempted to examine these challenges and setbacks which are found commonly in rural banking digitalisation. This paper aims in analysing the impacts and influences of Digitalisation in rural banks of Madurai city, Tamil Nadu. Moreover, the study is surveying multiple influencing factors like literacy rate, education qualification, income quality, gender equality and socio-economic position. Finally, some suggestions and conceptions to increase the maximum reach of knowledge and importance regarding the Digitalisation of banks in rural regions are suggested to the government and banking sectors. Regional based loan schemes and mechanisms and procedures must be encouraged by banks. Income assessment, repayable capacity in the rural areas of Madurai has to be initiated. The study focuses on research-based on quantitative tools. The Study aims in explaining the various positive outcomes of bank digitalisation via digital banking and financial inclusion here in India. The present study provides the awareness of the digital world and the advantages of adopting them in rural India for various banking services. The paper concludes that there is a need for digital establishments and digital banking in most rural areas all over India.В последнее время индийский банковский сектор достиг больших высот, благодаря внедрению и участию в цифровизации банковского дела. Хотя Индия движется вперед в процессе цифровизации, она сталкивается с рядом трудностей и противодействий, которые необходимо преодолеть, в частности, в сельской банковской системе. В рамках проводимых в настоящее время исследований была предпринята попытка проанализировать эти проблемы и проблемы, которые обычно возникают в процессе оцифровывания банковских счетов в сельских районах. Целью исследования является определение проблем, возникающих при внедрении цифровизации в банках сельских регионов - на примере города Мадурай штата Тамилнад. В рамках исследования рассмотрены такие факторы влияния, как уровень грамотности населения, уровень образования, качество доходов, гендерное равенство и социально-экономическое положение. Авторы статьи выдвигают свои предложения и концепции для правительства и банковского сектора, направленные на повышение максимального уровня знаний и важности цифровизации банков в сельских районах. Банки должны поощрять региональные кредитные схемы, механизмы и процедуры. В сельских районах Мадураи должна быть начата оценка доходов и платежеспособности. Исследование проведено с использованием научно-исследовательских и количественных инструментов. Цель исследования заключается в разъяснении положительных результатов цифровизации банковского сектора через цифровой банкинг и финансовые услуги в Индии. Настоящее исследование позволяет узнать о цифровом мире и преимуществах внедрения различных банковских услуг в сельских районах Индии. В статье делается вывод о том, что в большинстве сельских районов Индии существует потребность в цифровых учреждениях и цифровых банках

    Modelling of Flow in an Unsaturated Zone of A Tank Clustered Catchment

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Results of exploratory trawl fishing on the continental slope of the south west coast of India by M.F.V. 'Kalava'

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    So far, extensive deep sea trawling, in waters beyond 100 fathom depths, has not been attempted in Indian waters except for occasional hauls taken by the INVESTIGATOR (Alcock, 1891-1900) and other Expedition vessels (Gunther, 1887, Max Weber, 1913. Norman, 1939). During March-May 1963 M.F.V. 'Kalava' of the Indo-Norwegian Project, carried out 9 exploratory cruises off Alleppey and Ponnani on the South West Coast of India at depths ranging between 150 to 205 fathoms (274-374 m.). Large quantities of bathypelagic fish were taken during these cruises, in areas on the continental slope (Fig. 1). 24 species belonging to 23 genera and 19 families have already been described by Tholasilingam et al. (1964). Nearly 82% of the catch was represented by about 11 bathypelagic species taken at the rate of up to 496 kg. per hour of trawl, in the richest grounds. Since such occurrence has not been recorded so far, a quantitative assessment of these bathypelagic fishes along with deep sea prawns, lobsters and squids, has been given in the following pape

    Adapting the algal microbiome for growth on domestic landfill leachate

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    We aimed to improve algal growth rate on leachate by optimising the algal microbiome. An algal-bacterial consortium was enriched from landfill leachate and subjected to 24 months of adaptive laboratory evolution, increasing the growth rate of the dominant algal strain, Chlorella vulgaris, almost three-fold to 0.2 d^−1. A dramatic reduction in nitrate production suggested a shift in biological utilisation of ammoniacal-N, supported by molecular 16S rRNA taxonomic analyses, where Nitrosomonas numbers were not detected in the adapted consortium. A PICRUSt approach predicted metagenomic functional content and revealed a high number of sequences belonging to bioremediation pathways, including degradation of aromatic compounds, benzoate and naphthalene, as well as pathways known to be involved in algal-bacterial symbiosis. This study enhances our understanding of beneficial mechanisms in algal-bacterial associations in complex effluents, and ultimately enables the bottom-up design of optimised algal microbiomes for exploitation within industry